23 research outputs found

    Conceptual structural design strategies for reducing energy consumption in buildings

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    Raising the level of sustainability in construction refers to reduction of negative environmental impact and resource consumption throughout the life-cycle of built facilities, with a simultaneous increase in life quality. The aim is to optimize the performances of buildings, in accordance with the indicators of ecological quality. The load-bearing structure, together with other elements of architectural space, determines the performances of the building. The load-bearing structure should be designed and evaluated as a sub-system of the building, whose behaviour is directed towards the aim of system-building ā€“ ecological quality. This paper analyses the conceptual structural design according to the criteria of environmental protection, with the aim of reducing the requirement for total primary energy. The subject of analysis is design interventions at the level of structural form and applied structural materials, which reduce total energy consumption, including embodied and operational energy, throughout the lifecycle of the building. The present analysis pointed to the necessity of applying a complex and systemic approach to the structural design, in function of achieving the ecological quality of buildings

    Sustainability benefits of ferrocement Š°pplication in composite building structures

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    Raising the level of sustainability in construction refers to reduction of negative environmental impact and resource consumption throughout the life cycle of built facilities, with a simultaneous increase in life quality. Ferrocement is a material that is nowadays increasingly used worldwide precisely because of the possibility to meet the numerous requirements which concern the ecological quality of buildings. Having in mind functional and design possibilitieswhich ferrocement offers as a constructive material, it is used for making of a wide range of structural elements, as well as for the strengthening of the existing structures. In addition to the above, ferrocement finds its application within the composite building structures. This paper analyzes the forms of application of ferrocement within composite building structures, as well as the benefits of its application in such systems in the context of sustainability. The analyzed systems are based on the composite action of ferrocement and conventional reinforced concrete, the composite action of ferrocement and steel load bearing elements, as well as on the composite action of ferrocement, steel load bearing elements and conventional reinforced concrete. The present analysis pointed to the key sustainability benefits of ferrocement application in composite building structures, as well as to the need for further research on possible use forms of this material within such systems, in function of raising the sustainability of the built environment

    Structural design according to the criteria of environmental protection ā€“ materials and waste

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    This paper analyzes the structural design according to the criteria of environmental protection, with the aim of increasing the efficiency of material resource use, and in order to reduce the intensity of their use. Building structures are analyzed as a subsystem of the building, whose behavior is directed towards the aim of system ā€“ building - ecological quality. The present analysis pointed to the necessity of applying a complex and systemic approach to the structural design, in function of achieving the ecological quality of buildings

    Nail metal connector plate - experimental determination of load-bearing capacity of timber member connections

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    This paper demonstrates the results of experimental determination of load-bearing capacity of structural timber member connections realized by nail metal connector plates which represent a new type of mechanical fasteners in load-bearing timber structures. The application of this type of metal connector should eliminate weakness of the standard metal connector plates produced by sheet perforating and pulling the teeth perpendicular to a sheet plane. The aim of the conducted experimental study was to determine the load-bearing capacity of connections realized by nail metal connector plates, in accordance with the provisions of Eurocode 5. Experimental testing was conducted by loading of multiple samples up to the limit bearing capacity of connection realized by nail metal connector plate. Discussion of the test results included the analysis of the limit bearing capacity of connection for different values of connection displacements, comparison of the obtained results with characteristic load-bearing capacity of standard type of metal connectors and with load-bearing capacity of nails calculated in accordance with limit state theory. Review of the determined limit bearing capacities of realized connections was given in the conclusion, together with the comment on test results, for the purpose of improving the application of metal connectors in modern systems of timber structures

    Environmentally-based structural design criteria for buildings

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    Activities related to buildings contribute to a large degree to environmental degradation. It is necessary to reduce the negative environmental impact and resource consumption throughout the life cycle of the building. The aim is to optimize building performances in accordance with the integrated design objectives. The building structure, along with other elements of architectural space, determines the performances of the building. The building structure should be designed and evaluated as a sub-system of the building, whose behaviour is directed towards the aim of system-building ecological quality. This paper deals with the analysis of structural design in accordance with integrated design objectives, which are derived from quantitative and qualitative indicators of ecological quality of building, within the criteria of environmental protection throughout the life cycle of the building. The overall objective is to reduce harmful emissions to the air, water and soil, as well as to increase the efficiency of resource use, that is, to reduce the intensity of their use. Based on subject analysis, the environmentally-based criteria for the design and evaluation of building structures are derived, in the function of creating the environmentally acceptable building solutions. The present analysis points to the necessity of applying a complex and systemic approach to structural design, in function of achieving the ecological quality of buildings

    Drvena konstrukcija krova crkve u Å vedskoj

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    U radu je prikazano reÅ”enje drvene konstrukcije krova crkve u gradu Malmeu u Å vedskoj. Centralni deo krova čini kupola kao najviÅ”i deo krova, dok je niži deo krova formiran od četiri poluobličasta svoda. S obzirom na zakrivljenu formu krova, projektom konstrukcije je predviđeno lepljeno lamelirano drvo za elemente konstrukcije krova. Nosači su izvedeni od lamela debljine 10 mm, Å”to je uslovljeno malim radijusom zakrivljenja lamela. Konstrukcija ja napravljena iz segmenata u proizvodnom pogonu u Beogradu, i kao takva transportovana na gradiliÅ”te. U sklopu rada je dato i nekoliko fotografija nastalih u fazi sklapanja i montaže drvene konstrukcije

    Repair of wooden roof structure elements

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    This paper presents the technical solution for repair of elements of classical wooden roof structure. Due to the age of structure, action of long-term load, failure of connections, etc. originally designed and realized system was compromised. This resulted in the visible deformations of roof structure elements, which jeopardized the load-bearing capacity, stability and usability of structure. Repair was carried out by steel trusses, placed right next to the existing wooden structural elements, which allowed adequate acceptance and transfer of load, and thus prevented further deformations of the elements of roof structure

    Četvorovodni krov u sistemu LKV sa različitim nagibima krovnih ravni

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    U radu je prikazano reÅ”enje konstrukcije četvorovodnog krova primenom drvenih reÅ”etkastih nosača u Sistemu LKV. Osnovni principi konstruisanja i oblikovanja četvorovodnih krovova sa istim nagibima krovnih ravni, važe i za krovove sa različitim nagibima krovnih ravni, uz određene modifikacije, Å”to je u ovom slučaju i prikazano na realizovanoj drvenoj krovnoj strukturi. Projektom konstrukcije je definisan koncept i geometrija konstrukcije krova, kao i geometrija svih LKV nosača koji formiraju krovnu strukturu

    Gable roof structure in LKV system

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    This paper presents the technical solution of gable roof structure, formed from timber truss members in LKV system. The basic element of roof structure is simply supported gabled trapezoidal beam member, with span of 19.30 m. Due to the conditions of transport, structural member was formed from several parts, which are joined together at the construction site. The spatial stability of the structure is achieved by braces against the wind and by braces for stiffening

    Drvena konstrukcija krova vinarije u Topoli

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    U radu je prikazano reÅ”enje konstrukcije jednovodnog krova, primenom drvenih reÅ”etkastih nosača u Sistemu LKV. Osnovni oblik LKV elementa je nosač sa paralelnim pojasnim Å”tapovima, obostrano prepuÅ”ten, u cilju formiranja strehe na podužnim stranama objekta. Na bočnim stranama objekta streha je formirana izvođenjem konzolnih LKV nosača, oslonjenih na armiranoā€betonski venac. Veza nosača na tom sektoru objekta je izvedena pomoću posebno oblikovanog metalnog okova. Projektom konstrukcije je definisan koncept i geometrija konstrukcije krova, kao i geometrija svih LKV nosača koji formiraju krovnu strukturu