77 research outputs found

    POLÍTICA SOCIAL E DESENVOLVIMENTO DA PRIMEIRA INFÂNCIA: mapeando condições no Espírito Santo, 2012 a 2017

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    O artigo aborda a primeira infância no estado do Espírito Santo, identificando, entre 2012 e 2017, avanços e retrocessos nas políticas de educação, assistência e saúde dessa área. Para tanto, criou um banco de dados municipal a partir demicrodados majoritariamente censitários dos Ministérios da Saúde e da Educação, assim como da Secretaria Especial do Desenvolvimento Social. A partir desses dados, ligados a crianças de 0 a 6 anos, faz uma análise das variáveis como taxa de cobertura escolar, cobertura do Programa Bolsa Família, indicadores de mortalidade infantil e materna, fecundidade e atenção à gestante. A base compilada disponível permite a elaboração de estudos regionais desagregados e no tempo. Por serem dados completos da população, a análise panorâmica pode ser baseada em uma análise de estatística descritiva.Comprova, assim, avanço no atendimento à primeira infância, em paralelo à vigência continuada de disparidades regionais importantes.Palavras-chave: Política social. Primeira infância. Espírito Santo, Brasil.SOCIAL POLICY AND EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT: Mapping conditions in Espírito Santo, Brazil from 2012 to 2017AbstractThe paper carries out a mapping of the public conditions of early childhood care in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, for the period between 2012 and 2017. To this end, it created a municipal database using mostly census microdata from the Ministries of Health and Education, as well as the Special Secretariat for Social Development. Based on these data, linked to children from 0 to 6 years old, it makes an analysis of variables such as school coverage rate, coverage of the Bolsa Família Program, indicators of infant and maternal mortality, fertility and attention to pregnant women. The available compiled base allows for the development of regional, disaggregated and time studies. As they are complete population data, the panoramic analysis can be based on a descriptive statistical analysis. Thus, it proves progress in early childhood care, in parallel withthe continued existence of important regional disparities.Keywords: Social Policy. Early Childhood Development. Brazil. Espírito Santo

    Acompanhamento Terapêutico Escolar: uma atuação caracterizada pelo “entre”

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    O presente artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar a atuação do Acompanhamento Terapêutico Escolar (ATE), sendo esta uma prática crescente, no contexto brasileiro, a qual encontra-se associada ao processo de efetivação da inclusão escolar. Mas o que caracteriza essa atuação? A partir da noção da inclusão como ato terapêutico, considera-se que a atuação é marcada por uma posição do estar “entre” (entre o estudante e o(s) outro(s)), elemento intrínseco à prática. Mas também revela certa indefinição, incertezas e instabilidades inerentes a esta posição. Diante disso, a intenção é refletir sobre tais questões e suas relações com um possível enquadre profissional.El presente artículo tiene el objetivo de presentar la actuación del Acompañamiento TerapéuticoEscolar (ATE), siendo esta una práctica creciente, en el contexto brasileño, la cual se encuentra asociada al proceso de efectivización de la inclusión escolar. Pero ¿qué caracteriza esta actuación? A partir de la noción de la inclusión como acto terapéutico, se considera que la actuación es marcada por una posición de estar "entre" (entre el estudiante(s) y el otro(s)), elemento intrínseco a la práctica. Pero también revela cierta indefinición, incertidumbres e inestabilidades inherentes a esta posición. Ante ello, la intención es reflexionar sobre tales cuestiones y sus relaciones con un posible encuadre profesional.The purpose of this article is to present the performance of the School Therapeutic Accompaniment (STA), which is a growing practice in the Brazilian context, being associated with the process of inclusive education. But what characterizes this performance? From the notion of inclusion as a therapeutic act, it is considered that the performance is marked by a position of being "between" (between the student and the others), an intrinsic element to the practice. But it also reveals a certain lack of definition, uncertainties and instabilities inherent in this position. Given this, the intention is to reflect on such issues and their relationships with a possible professional setting

    Percutaneous Endoscopic Retrieval of Gizzard Foreign Body in a Goose Using an Operative Telescope

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    Background: Foreign bodies are most commonly diagnosed in stomach (proventriculus and gizzard) of galliformes birds and waterfowl. Endoscopyis routinely used to assess birds’ respiratory, gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. Endosurgeryis also used for sex determination and intra-coelomaticorgan biopsy. Benefits of endoscopic approaches are widely reported in birds. Conventional surgical approaches are far more invasive and risky for those patients. Thus, the purpose of this study was to describe a successful case of gizzard foreign body removal in a greylag goose (Anseranser), using a rigid endoscopic approach through a minimally invasive percutaneous access. Case: A 2-year-old female greylag goose, weighting 3,116 g, was referred to a Veterinary Teaching Hospital presenting apathy and anorexia for at least 24 h. The results on hematologic assessment were within normal range for the species. Radiographic examination indicated presence of radiopaque content, resembling gizzard sediment. Thus, the patient undergone to endoscopy for examination and aspiration of the content. The goose was fasted for 6 h. Anesthesia was induced by face mask and maintained by endotracheal tube, using isoflurane vaporized in 100% oxygen. The patient was positionedin the lateral recumbence. The patient’s neck was longer than the working length of the rigid endoscope. Thus, the telescope was inserted into the esophagus following a small distal esophagotomy, carried out on the caudal third of the neck. A 0º 10-mm operative rigid telescope, with a 6-mm working channel, and a 5-mm diameter and 42-cm in length laparoscopic Babcock forceps were used. The endoscope was inserted through the esophagotomy up to the ventricle level. Sand sediments and stones were viewed. The stones were grasped and retrieved, and the sediments were rinsed with normal saline solution and aspirated with a suction cannula through the working channel of the telescope. Inspection following sediment and foreign body retrieval revealed moderate inflammation of the gizzard mucosa. Total procedure time was 24 min. The patient recovered uneventfully and was discharged following 72 h. Discussion: Rigid endoscopy provided accurate visualization of the thoracic esophagus, proventriculus and gizzard. In general, endosurgery is usually employed for sex determination in birds. It is also useful to access digestive tract using rigid endoscopy, in order to remove foreign body. Such minimally approach reduces postoperative morbidity, which is usually seen following conventional surgical approaches. This technique has been used for removal of foreign body in the digestive tract of several species. Foreign bodies found within crop should require ingluviotomy. However, could be easily removed by endoscopy. If the foreign body is within the proventriculus or gizzard, rigid endoscopy may be useful, as celiotomy could cause morbidity. The small esophagotomy access at the base of the neck was essential for the procedure. In short-necked birds, a 30º Trendelenburg positioning provides more caudal access to the digestive tract. In this case, such positioning was unnecessary. In conclusion, the use of an operative telescope provided accurate retrieval of foreign bodies and drainage of sediments within the digestive tract. Moreover, it can be used as a minimally invasive approach to foreign bodies in the esophagus, crop or stomach (esophagus and gizzard) of geese

    Clonidine-stimulated growth hormone concentrations (cut-off values) measured by immunochemiluminescent assay (ICMA) in children and adolescents with short stature

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    OBJECTIVES: To establish cut-off values for growth hormone concentrations using clonidine as a secretagogue and an immunochemiluminescent assay as the method of measurement and to analyze the response time as well as the influence of gender, nutritional status and pubertal stage. METHODS: A total of 225 tests were performed in 3 patient groups, categorized as group 1 (normal), group 2 (idiopathic short stature) and group 3 (growth hormone deficiency). Among the 199 disease-free individuals, 138 were prepubertal, and 61 were pubertal. Clonidine (0.1 mg/m2) was orally administered, and the growth hormone level was measured by immunochemiluminescent assay. The growth hormone peak and the difference between the growth hormone peak and the baseline level were then analyzed. Statistical analyses were performed using Student’s t-test or the Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s post hoc test. Cut-off values were determined using a receiver operating characteristic curve. RESULTS: Group 1 and group 2 had no difference in growth hormone peak, gender, body mass index standard deviation score, or pubertal stage. Group 3 exhibited a significantly lower growth hormone peak than the other groups did. The receiver operating characteristic curve demonstrated that growth hormone concentrations ≥ 3.0 ng/mL defined responsiveness to clonidine. In total, 3.02% of individuals in group 1 and group 2 were considered false positive, i.e., these children lacked growth hormone deficiency and had a peak below 3.0 ng/mL. CONCLUSION: Clonidine-stimulated growth hormone concentrations ≥3 ng/mL, as measured by immunochemiluminescent assay, suggest responsiveness to the stimulus regardless of gender, body mass index standard deviation score or pubertal stage


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    O acesso à nova tecnologia influenciou a forma de viver. Hoje já é possível nos conectarmos com qualquer pessoa, a qualquer momento, a qualquer hora, onde quer que estejamos. Basta estarmos conectados à internet! Essa nova forma de estar no mundo, traz novas perspectivas para todos que dela se deixam envolver.Nas últimas décadas, a contínua criação de tecnologias de uso pessoal tem modificado a natureza dos processos comunicativos e o acesso a todo tipo de informação. Conectadas às redes, as pessoas trocam mensagens, dialogam, envolvem-se em relacionamentos profissionais, apaixonam-se, praticam ações ilícitas, participam de projetos de toda natureza (BAIER, BICUDO, 2013, p. 421).A educação também aderiu a essa nova forma de estar no mundo. Vemos agora a possibilidade de uma aula sem a presença física do professor! Quem poderia pensar, há algumas décadas atrás que aulas poderiam ser ministradas sem um professor. Que insulto! Diriam os mais tradicionalistas; seria uma maravilha! Diriam os mais modernos. O fato é que com o advento da internet a educação também passou por uma revolução e o ser professor também se modificou. Uma nova linguagem, novas metodologias, novas formas de interação professor-aluno.Desse modo, o uso de recursos digitais como estratégia de ensino propiciou ao aluno ingressante da Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará (UNIFESSPA) oportunidades de revisão e aprendizagem de conteúdos da matemática básica, nas áreas de aritmética básica, álgebra básica, funções, limite e derivada, que permeiam as disciplinas dos primeiros anos dos cursos que possuem disciplinas da área de ciências exatas, como matemática, física, química, engenharias, geologia e afins, possibilitando aos discentes ingressantes e reprovados dos cursos que possuem disciplinas da área de ciências exatas da UNIFESSPA, oportunidades de revisão e aprendizagem de conteúdos da matemática básica, intercaladas com uso de tecnologias digitais

    Educação patrimonial em espaços formais e informais no município de Santa Vitória do Palmar, RS, Brasil

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    O artigo se propõe a apresentar as experiências educativas relacionadas às atividades do Programa de Educação Patrimonial e Ambiental em espaços formais e informais de educação, vinculado ao projeto de implantação de um complexo eólico de energia, no município de Santa Vitória do Palmar, RS, Brasil. O projeto contemplou o desenvolvimento de atividades no espaço da sala de aula propiciando a interação entre educandos, educadores, comunidade e pesquisadores. Neste ambiente foi trabalhado um embasamento teórico sobre o conceito de Educação Patrimonial, assim como Patrimônio Cultural e Ambiental regional. Os debates acadêmicos sobre os temas demonstraram que a iniciativa é válida, profícua e tem o respaldo e o respeito das instituições oficiais que se dedicam a preservar, conservar e democratizar o uso, desfrute e conhecimento daquilo que é de toda a sociedade, sua identidade patrimonial

    Nanostructured lipid carriers as a novel tool to deliver sclareol: physicochemical characterisation and evaluation in human cancer cell lines

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    Sclareol (SC) is arousing great interest due to its cytostatic and cytotoxic activities in several cancer cell lines. However, its hydrophobicity is a limiting factor for its in vivo administration. One way to solve this problem is through nanoencapsulation. Therefore, solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN-SC) and nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC-SC) loaded with SC were produced and compared regarding their physicochemical properties. NLC-SC showed better SC encapsulation than SLN-SC and was chosen to be compared with free SC in human cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231 and HCT-116). Free SC had slightly higher cytotoxicity than NLC-SC and produced subdiploid DNA content in both cell lines. On the other hand, NLC-SC led to subdiploid content in MDA-MB-231 cells and G2/M checkpoint arrest in HCT-116 cells. These findings suggest that SC encapsulation in NLC is a way to allow the in vivo administration of SC and might alter its biological properties