25 research outputs found

    Korelasi Antara Dukungan Sosial Orang Tua Dan Self‐Directed Learning Pada Siswa SMA

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    The purpose of this research was to examine the relationship between parental social support and self direction in learning on highschool students. The population of this research was the students of SMA Negeri 1 Medan, and a sample of 195 students was recruited from the 10 th grade, the 11 th grade, and the 12 th grade. The researcher used a set of two Likert scales, including Self Directed Learning Scale, which was designed according to the components of self direction in learning by Candy (1991), and Parental Social Support Scale, which was designed based on the dimensions of social support by Sarafino (2002). The Parental Social Support Scale consists of 50 items, and the reliability of the scale is r=0.960. The Self Directed Learning Scale consists of 50 items, and the reliability of the scale is r=0.940. To analyze the result, the researcher used Pearson Product Moment Coefficient Correlation. Outcome of data analysis shows there is significant correlation between parental social support and self direction in learning. The results showed a positive correlation between parental social support and self direction in learning on highschool students (r = 0.477; ρ <0,05). It indicated that the higher the parental social support, the higher the self direction in learning and conversely the lower the social support of parents the lower the self direction in learning

    Gambaran Resiliensi Siswa SMA Yang Beresiko Putus Sekolah Di Masyarakat Pesisir

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji resiliensi siswa SMA yang beresiko putus sekolah di masyarakat pesisir. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa resiliensi siswa SMA yang beresiko putus sekolah di masyarakat pesisir secara umum tergolong sedang sampai tinggi. Penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif ini mendeskripsikan nilai mean, standar deviasi, skor minimum dan skor maksimum dari tujuh aspek yang membentuk resiliensi yaitu: Emotion regulation, Impuls control, Optimism, Causal analysis, Emphaty, Self-efficacy dan Reaching out pada siswa SMA yang beresiko putus sekolah di masyarakat pesisir


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    Krisis moneter yang melanda Indonesia sejak awal Juli 1997, sementara ini telah berlangsung hampir dua tahun dan telah berubah menjadi krisis ekonomi, yakni lumpuhnya kegiatan ekonomi karena semakin banyak perusahaan yang tutup dan meningkatnya jumlah pekerja yang menganggur. Memang krisis ini tidak seluruhnya disebabkan karena terjadinya krisis moneter saja, karena sebagian diperberat oleh berbagai musibah nasional yang datang secara bertubi-tubi di tengah kesulitan ekonomi seperti kegagalan panen padi di banyak tempat karena musim kering yang panjang dan terparah selama 50 tahun terakhir, hama, kebakaran hutan secara besar-besaran di Kalimantan dan peristiwa kerusuhan yang melanda banyak kota pada pertengahan Mei 1998 lalu dan kelanjutannya

    Analysis of Intrapersonal Skills and Interpersonal Skills on the Welfare of Micro Entrepreneurs in the COVID-19 Era

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    Micro business actors in the era of the covid-19 pandemic are required to rack their brains in order to maintain the continuity of their business. To be able to overcome the problem of the COVID-19 pandemic, superior human resources are needed, namely those who not only have hard skills but are also good at soft skills. The abilities or skills that must be possessed by micro entrepreneurs, such as being able to read market opportunities, not getting bored quickly, being able to work in teamwork, the ability to communicate verbally and write reports well. We can see this ability in Interpersonal Skills and Intrapersonal Skills, it can be an evaluation material, for researchers to help micro entrepreneurs survive in this pandemic. Interpersonal skills are a person's skills in dealing with others while intrapersonal skills are skills in self-regulation that are able to develop maximum performance. The purpose of this study is to be able to see the interpersonal skills and interpersonal skills possessed by micro business actors in the East Bandung area, in order to be able to overcome the economic problems faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, so that based on these skills they can increase the income and welfare of micro entrepreneurs. The results of this study indicate that the Intrapersonal Skills of micro business actors in the East Bandung area can be categorized very well for change management sub-indicators, personal characteristics and have positive reference goals. However, there are still some micro business actors who have not been able to manage time management in terms of having a regular schedule for training and in the field of stress management there are some who have not been able to share if there is a problem with those closest to them. East Bandung area can be categorized as good, such as the ability to motivate, presentation skills, communication skills, the ability to make relationships, and the ability to speak in public. While that must be a concern is the ability to lead / team work

    Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia

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    China‟s increasing integration with the world economy is met with much anticipation and much anxiety in the Southeast Asian region. In Indonesia, there is intense interest in Chinese foreign direct investment (FDI), not only among academics but also among policy makers, industrialists and the general public. So much more surprising is the fact that no systematic study of Chinese FDI in Indonesia has been undertaken to date. The current paper contributes to filling this gap and analyses the current composition as well as the historical evolution of Chinese FDI in Indonesia. Relying on a survey conducted in 2008 among Chinese invested enterprises supplemented with available official statistics and secondary data, the study finds that Chinese FDI in Indonesia is performed by mixed entities: some are owned by central government, some by regional government and some are private firms. In the case of joint ventures, their local partners are mostly local Chinese, except in the infrastructure, mining and energy sector where their local partners are Indonesian state-owned enterprises. Where the local developmental effects are concerned, a picture emerges where Chinese investments, at this early period of their internationalization, are likely to give rise to a more modest extent of positive spillovers than investor from more economically advanced countries. This stems from the sectors, investment motives and operational strategies of Chinese investors, the heritage of ethnic tension and segmentation of the economic system along ethnic lines in Indonesia, and the likelihood that Chinese MNCs as latecomers are more vertically integrated than their developed-country counterparts. Finally, considering the evolution of Chinese investments in Indonesia over time, investments have evolved from being individual and isolated projects to acquiring more systemic properties. Chinese companies have acquired a broader sectoral presence in Indonesia and Chinese invested companies in e.g. extractive or manufacturing activities can increasingly rely on complementary Chinese investments in logistics, travel, finance etc

    Fermentabilitas Ransum Sapi Perah Berbasis Jerami Padi Yang Mengandung Konsentrat Yang Difermentasi Oleh Saccharomyces Creviseae Dan Em-4

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    Musim kemarau menyebabkan banyak peternak sapi perah memanfaatkan jerami padi sebagai pakan sumberserat, namun bahan pakan ini memiliki kualitas dan kecernaan nutrien yang rendah. Pengunaan konsentratfermentasi diharapkan dapat menutupi kekurangan limbah tersebut dalam ransum. Penelitian menggunakanRancangan Acak Lengkap dan data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan Uji Kontras Orthogonal. Ransum percobaanterdiri atas 1) 50% jerami padi+50% konsentrat 2) 50% jerami padi+25% konsentrat+25% konsentrat terfermentasi.3) 50% jerami padi+50% konsentrat terfermentasi. Konsentrat terfermentasi yang digunakan diperoleh darihasil fermentasi oleh Saccharomyces cerevisiae dan Effective Microorganisms-4 (EM-4) selama 3 hari. Hasilmenunjukkan bahwa penggunaan konsentrat terfermentasi sebanyak 50% dalam ransum dapat menurunkan(P&lt;0,05) produksi asam lemak terbang dan N-NH3 dalam cairan rumen dengan rataan konsentrasi yang diperolehuntuk masing-masing sebesar 114 dan 4,27 mM, namun konsentrasi ini masih dalam kisaran yang dibutuhkanoleh mikroba rumen. Kesimpulan, konsentrat termentasi dapat digunakan sampai 50% dalam ransum sapi perahberbasis jerami padi. Kata Kunci: Microorganisms-4, fermentabilitas, jerami padi, konsentrat, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, sapipera

    Konsentrasi Amonia dan Asam Lemak Terbang Rumput Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) Schweick pada Berbagai Interval Pemotongan (In Vitro)

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    Keberadaan gulma secara nyata menurunkan produksi dan kualitas hijauan. Pengendalian gulma secara fisik diharapkan dapat mempertahnakan kualitas dan produksi hijauan, dan mampu mengendalikan penyebaran gulma. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh interval pemotongan dari rumput B. humidicola yang diinvasi oleh C. odorata  dan pengaruhnya terhapa konsentrasi ammonia dan VFA hijauan (in vitro).  Penelitian telah dilakuak  di laboratorium agrostology, Fakultas Peternakan Institut Pertanian Bogor. Analisis kecernaan in vitro dilakukan di Laboratorium Nutrisi Ternak Ruminansia dan Kimia Makanan Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Padjadjaran. Rancangan split plot dalam waktu telah digunakan pada penelitian ini. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah sembilan metode penanaman yang berbeda dan interval pemotongan yang berbeda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi amonia dan asam lemak terbang dari hijauan yang dipotong dengan interval pemotongan 60 hari lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pomotongan lainnnya.  Kehadiran  dan pengendalian C. odorata tidak berpengaruh pada konsentrasi amonia dan asam lemak terbang dari hijauan B. Humidicola.Kata kunci: ammonia, asam lemak terbang, interval pemotongan, in vitr

    Pengaruh Interval Pemotongan Rumput Brachiaria Humidicola (Rendle) Schweick terhadap Konsentrasi Amonia dan Asam Lemak Terbang (In Vitro)

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    The existence of weeds significantly depressed productivity and quality of herbage. Physically weed controlled by defoliation could be expected to sustain quality and production of herbage, and able to control weeds expansion. The aims of study were to find the effect of interval defoliations of B. humidicola that invited by C. odorata and its effect on concentration of ammonia and volatile fatty acid of B. humidicola herbage (in vitro). The experiment was carried out at Laboratory of Agrostology, Faculty of Animal Science Bogor Agricultural University. In vitro digestibility of herbage was analyzed at Ruminant Nutrition and Feed Chemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Padjadjaran University. Split plot design in time was used in the field experiment. The treatments were nine different planting methods and different defoliation intervals. Defoliation times are divided on the first defoliation and the last defoliation. The results showed that concentration of both ammonia and volatile fatty acid of herbage, which defoliated every 60 days were found significantly higher than those defoliated every 30 days and 90 days. Present and defoliation of C. odorata didn\u27t give significant effect on the concentration of ammonia and volatile fatty acid of B. humidicola herbage

    Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN) Ransum Domba yang Mengandung Kulit Buah Melinjo

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    Kulit buah melinjo memiliki potensi sebagai pakan sumber energi untuk ruminansia, namun saat ini belum banyak yang memanfaatkannya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengukur total digestible nutrient (TDN) ransum yang mengandung kulit buah melinjo. Dua puluh ekor domba betina dialokasikan ke dalam 5 macam ransum perlakuan yang mengandung 0% (R1), 5% (R2), 10% (R3), 15% (R4), dan 20% (R5) tepung kulit buah melinjo. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap, data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan uji Duncan. Peubah yang diukur adalah kecernaan protein kasar, kecernaan lemak kasar, kecernaan serat kasar, kecernaan bahan ekstrak tanpa nitrogen (BETN), dan TDN. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kecernaan lemak kasar, kecernaan BETN dan TDN dan tidak terhadap kecernaan protein kasar dan kecernaan serat kasar. Ransum yang menggunakan kulit buah melinjo sebanyak 20% (R5) menghasilkan kecernaan BETN yang paling tinggi (P<0,05) sama dengan perlakuan R3 dan R4. Sementara itu, lemak kasar dan TDN memiliki nilai yang paling rendah (P<0,05) diantara perlakuan, akan tetapi nilai TDN (70,17%) tersebut masih dalam kisaran kebutuhan domba. Kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa tepung kulit buah melinjo sebanyak 20% dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan pakan dalam ransum domba dan menghasilkan nilai TDN yang optimal.