695 research outputs found


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    Cumulative evidences show that Runt-related transcription factor 3 (RUNX3) has a tumor suppressive role in various cancers. In particular, RUNX3 appears to be an important component of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-ß)-induced tumor suppression pathway. Contrary to reports on this tumor suppressive role of RUNX3, RUNX3 can also function as an oncogene when overexpressed. Recently, we found that RUNX3 overexpression was frequently observed and was well correlated with malignant behaviors in head and neck cancer, which is one of the most common types of human cancer. Moreover, it has been revealed that RUNX3 overexpression promoted cell growth and inhibited apoptosis in head and neck cancer cells. This review introduces the oncogenic role of RUNX3 in certain types of cancer including head and neck cancer

    Asteroseismic measurement of surface-to-core rotation in a main-sequence star

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    We have discovered rotationally split core g-mode triplets and surface p-mode triplets and quintuplets in a terminal age main-sequence A star, KIC 11145123, that shows both δ Sct p-mode pulsations and γ Dor g-mode pulsations. This gives the first robust determination of the rotation of the deep core and surface of a main-sequence star, essentially model-independently. We find its rotation to be nearly uniform with a period near 100 d, but we show with high confidence that the surface rotates slightly faster than the core. A strong angular momentum transfer mechanism must be operating to produce the nearly rigid rotation, and a mechanism other than viscosity must be operating to produce a more rapidly rotating surface than core. Our asteroseismic result, along with previous asteroseismic constraints on internal rotation in some B stars, and measurements of internal rotation in some subgiant, giant and white dwarf stars, has made angular momentum transport in stars throughout their lifetimes an observational science

    Singular behavior of the macroscopic quantities in the free molecular gas

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    Steady behavior of the free molecular gas is studied with a special interest in the behavior around a convex body. Two types of singular behavior are shown to occur at the level of the macroscopic quantities. Their occurrence and the strength of singularity are discussed in detail both numerically and analytically. A universal law behind them is revealed by the consideration of the local geometry of the boundary

    Spectroscopic and asteroseismic analysis of the remarkable main-sequence A star KIC 11145123

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    A spectroscopic analysis was carried out to clarify the properties of KIC 11145123 -- the first main-sequence star with a determination of core-to-surface rotation -- based on spectra observed with the High Dispersion Spectrograph (HDS) of the Subaru telescope. The atmospheric parameters (Teff=7600T_{\rm eff} = 7600 K, logg=4.2\log g = 4.2, ξ=3.1\xi = 3.1 km s1^{-1} and [Fe/H]=0.71 {\rm [Fe/H]} = -0.71 dex), the radial and rotation velocities, and elemental abundances were obtained by analysing line strengths and fitting line profiles, which were calculated with a 1D LTE model atmosphere. The main properties of KIC 11145123 are: (1) A low [Fe/H]=0.71±0.11 {\rm [Fe/H]} = -0.71\pm0.11 dex and a high radial velocity of 135.4±0.2-135.4 \pm 0.2 km s1^{-1}. These are remarkable among late-A stars. Our best asteroseismic models with this low [Fe/H] have slightly high helium abundance and low masses of 1.4 M_\odot. All of these results strongly suggest that KIC 11145123 is a Population II blue straggler; (2) The projected rotation velocity confirms the asteroseismically predicted slow rotation of the star; (3) Comparisons of abundance patterns between KIC 11145123 and Am, Ap, and blue stragglers show that KIC 11145123 is neither an Am star nor an Ap star, but has abundances consistent with a blue straggler. We conclude that the remarkably long 100-d rotation period of this star is a consequence of it being a blue straggler, but both pathways for the formation of blue stragglers -- merger and mass loss in a binary system -- pose difficulties for our understanding of the exceedingly slow rotation. In particular, we show that there is no evidence of any secondary companion star, and we put stringent limits on the possible mass of any such purported companion through the phase modulation (PM) technique.Comment: 19 pages, of which the final 7 are appendixed data tables. Ten figures, some of which do require colour. Accepted for publication in MNRA


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    Clinical effects of spa therapy were examined in 150 patients with asthma in relation tobronchial hyperresponsiveness and patient age. 1. The efficacy rate of spa therapy was larger as the patient age was higher: the rate was 73.3% in patients under age 49, 81.8% in those between the ages of 50 and 59, 86.4% in those between the ages of 60 and 69, and 90.6% in those over age 70. The mean of efficacy rates was 83.3% in all subjects. 2. The bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BH) was lower as patient age was higher: the BH in patients between the ages of 60 and 69 and in those over age 70 was significantly lower compared to the BH in those under age 49 (p < O.OOl). 3. Clinical effects of spa therapy tended to be lower in patients with increased bronchial hyperresponsiveness. The bronchial hyperresponsiveness showed a tendency to decrease after spa therapy in whom the therapy was effective, however, the BH did not change in patients with slight or no efficacy during spa therapy.1.温泉療法では,年齢が高くなるほどその有効率も高くなると言う傾向が見られ、49才以下の症例では73.3% ,50-59才の症例では81.8% , 60-69才の症例では86.4% ,70才以上では90.6% であり,全症例の平均有効率は73.3% であった。  2.気道過敏性は,年齢が高くなるほど低下する傾向が見られ,60-69才および70才以上の症例の気道過敏性は,49才以下の症例と比べ有 意に低い値を示した(P < 0.001)。  3.温泉療法の臨床効果は,気道過敏性が強くなるにつれて低下する傾向が見られた。また,温泉療法の著効例や有効例では,治療により 気道過敏性が低下してくるが、やや有効例や無効例では,気道過敏性はほとんど変化しないことが示された

    Periostin and cancer

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    Periostin is a secreted protein that shares a structural homology to the axon guidance protein fasciclin I (FAS1) in insects and was originally named as osteoblast-specific factor-2 (Osf2). Periostin is particularly highly homologus to ßig-h3, which promotes cell adhesion and spreading of fibroblasts. It has recently been reported that Periostin was frequently overexpressed in various types of human cancers. Although the detailed function of Periostin is still unclear, Periostin-integrin interaction through FAS1 domain is thought to be involved in tumor development. In addition, Periostin stimulates metastatic growth by promoting cancer cell survival, invasion and angiogenesis. Therefore, Periostin can be a useful marker to predict the behavior of cancer. This review summarizes the recent understanding of Periostin roles in tumor development and speculates on the usefulness of Periostin as a therapeutic and diagnostic target for cancer

    サーモグラフィーによる体表面温度の測定 3.体表面温度の回復率と末消血流量との相関

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    The body surface peripheral circulation in 12 cases, including 9 patients with diabetes mellitus who were suffering coldness, numbness or pain in their feet, and 3 healthy volunteers was examined using Laser-Doppler blood flowmetry. At the same time, the body surface temperature was estimated by thermography. Thermographic results were analyzed quantitatively by calculating a recovery ratio as : Recovery ratio = [Total counts of thermography(Pixels) over temperature (T) after cold loading] ÷ [Initial counts over T before cold loading] x 100(%). The recovery ratio and the blood flow were correlated, r=0.68, p<O.01. The peripheral circulation of 16 patients with diabetes mellitus was observed at three different conditions including, l)placed at room temperature at 20℃for 15 min, 2) submerged and warmed for 5 min in a hot bath at 36℃(i.e. hot loading), and 3) submerged and cooled for 5 min in a water bath at 20℃ (i.e. cold loading). Three different baseline temperatures, 26℃, 27℃ and 28 ℃, were used in processing the thermographic results into pictures. The highest correlation (r=0.59, p=0.0002) was obtained under the condition of cold loading using a baseline temperature limitation of27℃.The difference ratio (%) of blood flow was calculated as the blood flow at cold loading divided by the blood flow at hot loading in these 16 patients. The difference ratio of the blood flow and the recovery ratio of thermography were correlated, r=0.46, p<O.OOO1. We found a strong correlation between the results of Laser-Doppler blood flowmetry and one of thermographic methods used to monitor peripheral circulation in patients with diabetes mellitus. Cold loading using a baseline temperature limitation of 27℃ were recommended for further examinations. Patients with low blood flow as well as with large differences in their peripheral circulation between cold loading and hot loading had severe coldness in their body surface temperature. We showed the usefulness of the results of thermography, when quantified by picture processing using computer software, in relation with the results of Laser-Doppler blood flowmetry.末梢神経障害を有する糖尿病患者の末梢循環障害の程度を数量的に検討する目的で、下肢に冷感ならびにしびれ感または疼痛を訴える糖尿病患者9症例と健常ボランティア3例の計12例(平均年齢59歳)についてサーモグラフィーを用いて体表面温度を測定した。更に,サーモグラフィーで得られた結果と末梢皮膚血流量をレーザードプラー血流計を用いて測定して得られた結果と比較した。サーモグラフィーによる測定で得られた結果は回復率として数量化して表示された。回復率の算出方法は回復率= [冷水負荷後の特定温度27℃以 上の体表面温度のサーモグラフィーのPixelの総数]÷ [冷水負荷前の特定温度27℃以上の体表面温度のサーモグラフィーのPixelの総数]×100%で求めた。レーザードプラ-血流計を用いて測定して得られた末梢血流量は左右それぞれ5カ所,計10カ所の測定値の平均で表示した。その結果,末梢皮膚温度の回復率と末梢皮膚の血流量との問には正の相関関係(r=0.68,p<0.01)が認められた。次に,末梢皮膚血流量について,室温20℃安静15分後,温水36℃浸水負荷10分後,冷水20℃浸水負荷30分後の異なる3条件について、またサーモグラフィーで得られた結果を,画像処理の過程で用いられた,26℃,27℃,28℃の3つの異なる特定温度との関連について検討を行なった。対象は,下肢に冷感ならびにしびれ感または疼痛を訴える糖尿病患者16症例(平均年齢69歳,平均HbAIC9.6%)について測定した。その結果,末梢皮膚 血流量は冷水20℃浸水負荷30分後に測定して得られた結果と,回復率は特定温度27℃で画像処理して得られた結果とが最も相関が高い(r=0.59,p=0.0002)ことが示された。`次に,相関が高い条件は,室温20℃安静15分後に血流量を測定した場合(r=0.483,p=0.0002)であった。そして温 水36℃浸水負荷10分後に測定して得られた結果とが最も相関関係が低い結果となった。更に,冷水20℃浸水負荷30分後に測定して得られた結果を温水36℃浸水負荷10分後に測定して得られた結果で割った比を%で表示したところ回復率とこの比との間には正の相関関係(r=0.46,p<0.0001)が認められた。このことから,温水36℃負荷時と,冷水20℃負荷時との差が大きい患者 において末梢皮膚温度の低下が著しいことが示された。これまで悲観血的に測定されてきたサーモグラフィーによる末梢循環の数量的評価の試みは,レーザー血流計による結果と組み合わせることで,両者の間に正の相関関係が示されたことにより,今後,数量化された客観的評価を可能にした

    Detecting active latitudes of Sun-like stars using asteroseismic a-coefficients

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    We introduce a framework to measure the asphericity of Sun-like stars using a1a_1, a2a_2 and a4a_4 coefficients, and constrain their latitudes of magnetic activity. Systematic errors on the inferred coefficients are evaluated in function of key physical and seismic parameters (inclination of rotation axis, average rotation, height-to-noise ratio of peaks in power spectrum). The measured a-coefficients account for rotational oblateness and the effect of surface magnetic activity. We use a simple model that assumes a single latitudinal band of activity. Using solar SOHO/VIRGO/SPM data, we demonstrate the capability of the method to detect the mean active latitude and its intensity changes between 1999-2002 (maximum of activity) and 2006-2009 (minimum of activity). We further apply the method to study the solar-analogue stars 16 Cyg A and B using Kepler observations. An equatorial band of activity, exhibiting intensity that could be comparable to that of the Sun, is detected in 16 Cyg A. However, 16 Cyg B exhibits a bi-modality in a4a_4 that is challenging to explain. We suggest that this could be a manifestation of the transition between a quiet and an active phase of activity. Validating or invalidating this hypothesis may require new observations.Comment: Accepted to A&

    Asteroseismic measurement of surface-to-core rotation in a main-sequence A star, KIC 11145123

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    We have discovered rotationally split core g-mode triplets and surface p-mode triplets and quintuplets in a terminal age main-sequence A star, KIC 11145123, that shows both δ Sct p-mode pulsations and γ Dor g-mode pulsations. This gives the first robust determination of the rotation of the deep core and surface of a main-sequence star, essentially model independently. We find its rotation to be nearly uniform with a period near 100 d, but we show with high confidence that the surface rotates slightly faster than the core. A strong angular momentum transfer mechanism must be operating to produce the nearly rigid rotation, and a mechanism other than viscosity must be operating toproduce a more rapidly rotating surface than core. Our asteroseismic result, along with previous asteroseismic constraints on internal rotation in some B stars, and measurements of internal rotation in some subgiant, giant and white dwarf stars,has made angular momentum transport in stars throughout their lifetimes an observational science