2,806 research outputs found

    Ecology of Water Relations in Plants

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    Water is an important resource for plant growth. Availability of water in the soil determines the niche, distribution and competitive interaction of plants in the environment

    Surplus thermal energy model of greenhouses and coefficient analysis for effective utilization

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    Osmotically driven pipe flows and their relation to sugar transport in plants

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    In plants, osmotically driven flows are believed to be responsible for translocation of sugar in the pipe-like phloem cell network, spanning the entire length of the plant. In this paper, we present an experimental and theoretical study of transient osmotically driven flows through pipes with semipermeable walls. We extend the experimental work of Eschrich, Evert and Young \cite[]{Eschrich:1972} by providing a more accurate version of their experiment allowing for better comparison with theory. In the experiments we measure the dynamics and structure of a "sugar front", i.e. the transport and decay of a sudden loading of sugar in a pipe which is closed in both ends. We include measurements of pressure inside the membrane tube allowing us to compare the experiments directly with theory and, in particular, to confirm quantitatively the exponential decay of the front in a closed tube.In a novel setup we are able to measure the entire concentration profile as the sugar front moves. In contrast to previous studies we find very good agreement between experiment and theory. In the limit of low axial resistance (valid in our experiments as well as in many cases in plants) we show that the equations can be solved exactly by the method of characteristics yielding, in general, an implicit solution. Further we show that under more general conditions the equations of motion can be rewritten as a single integro-differential equation, which can be readily solved numerically. The applicability of our results to plants is discussed and it is shown that it is probable that the pressure-flow hypothesis can account for short distance transport of sugar in plants.Comment: 34 pages, Submitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanics on May 28, 200

    The H+ ATPase regulatory subunit of Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus: Amplification of an 800 bp fragment by polymerase chain reaction

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    AbstractAn 800 bp fragment of Methanococcus thermolithotrophicus genomic DNA was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction method using primers designed from conserved regions of the V-type H+ ATPase regulatory subunits from the archaebacterium Sulfolobus, and several eukaryotes. Although more than one product was obtained, only one of them had the expected size and was exclusively amplified in the presence of the left and right primers. The DNA and the deduced protein sequences of the putative Methanococcus H+ ATPase subunit revealed homology to the corresponding sequences in Sulfolobus and eukaryotes (about 60% identical residues) and a less evident homology to the eubacterial F1 -ATPase α-subunit (22% identical residues with E. coli)

    Characterisation of spatial network-like patterns from junctions' geometry

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    We propose a new method for quantitative characterization of spatial network-like patterns with loops, such as surface fracture patterns, leaf vein networks and patterns of urban streets. Such patterns are not well characterized by purely topological estimators: also patterns that both look different and result from different morphogenetic processes can have similar topology. A local geometric cue -the angles formed by the different branches at junctions- can complement topological information and allow to quantify the large scale spatial coherence of the pattern. For patterns that grow over time, such as fracture lines on the surface of ceramics, the rank assigned by our method to each individual segment of the pattern approximates the order of appearance of that segment. We apply the method to various network-like patterns and we find a continuous but sharp dichotomy between two classes of spatial networks: hierarchical and homogeneous. The first class results from a sequential growth process and presents large scale organization, the latter presents local, but not global organization.Comment: version 2, 14 page

    As Tocantinas na construção da identidade do tocantinense na literatura.

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    This monography presents a literary analysis of poet Célio Pedreira’s book As Tocantinas, published by EDUFT in 2014, and that collects part of his poetic production up to that point. The presented analysis aims to trace, within this work, the construction of the literary identity of Tocantins. In As Tocantinas it is possible to perceive the strong presence and the persistence of the regional culture in the poems. We have used, as a theoretical and critical base the works of Alfredo Bosi, Antonio Candido and Décio Pignatari, focusing in the study of poetic language. This work proposes a debate that connects two reading moments: one is a memorialist account that exalts the importance of regionalism and the first-hand experience of living in Tocantins and the other one, critical and more technical reveals a close reading of the selected poems.Esta monografia analisa a obra literária As Tocantinas, do poeta Célio Pedreira, publicada pela EDUFT em 2014, e que reúne parte de sua produção poética até então. A análise literária apresentada busca traçar, nesta obra, a construção da identidade literária tocantinense. Em As Tocantinas é possível perceber a forte presença e a persistência da cultura regional nos poemas. Como aporte teórico utilizamos a obra crítica de Alfredo Bosi, Antonio Candido e Décio Pignatari, focando em estudos de linguagem poética. O trabalho propõe uma discussão que une dois momentos de leitura: um memorialístico e outro, técnico e crítico. O primeiro destaca a importância da vivência tocantinense e do regionalismo, e o segundo destaca momentos de leitura atenta

    Salt Tolerance of Six Switchgrass Cultivars

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    Panicum virgatum L. (switchgrass) cultivars (‘Alamo’, ‘Cimarron’, ‘Kanlow’, ‘NL 94C2-3’, ‘NSL 2009-1’, and ‘NSL 2009-2’) were evaluated for salt tolerance in two separate greenhouse experiments. In experiment (Expt.) 1, switchgrass seedlings were irrigated with a nutrient solution at an electrical conductivity (EC) of 1.2 dS·m−1 (control) or a saline solution (spiked with salts) at an EC of 5.0 dS·m−1 (EC 5) or 10.0 dS·m−1 (EC 10) for four weeks, once a week. Treatment EC 10 reduced the tiller number by 32% to 37% for all switchgrass cultivars except ‘Kanlow’. All switchgrass cultivars under EC 10 had a significant reduction of 50% to 63% in dry weight. In Expt. 2, switchgrass was seeded in substrates moistened with either a nutrient solution of EC 1.2 dS·m−1 (control) or a saline solution of EC of 5.0, 10.0, or 20.0 dS·m−1 (EC 5, EC 10, or EC 20). Treatment EC 5 did not affect the seedling emergence, regardless of cultivar. Compared to the control, EC 10 reduced the seedling emergence of switchgrass ‘Alamo’, ‘Cimarron’, and ‘NL 94C2-3’ by 44%, 33%, and 82%, respectively. All switchgrass cultivars under EC 10 had a 46% to 88% reduction in the seedling emergence index except ‘NSL 2009-2’. No switchgrass seedlings emerged under EC 20. In summary, high salinity negatively affected switchgrass seedling emergence and growth. Dendrogram and cluster of six switchgrass cultivars indicated that ‘Alamo’ was the most tolerant cultivar, while ‘NSL 2009-2’ was the least tolerant cultivar at both seedling emergence and growth stages. A growth-stage dependent response to salinity was observed for the remaining switchgrass cultivars. ‘NSL 2009-1’ and ‘NL 94C2-3’ were more tolerant to salinity than ‘Cimarron’ and ‘Kanlow’ at the seedling emergence stage; however, ‘Kanlow’ and ‘Cimarron’ were more tolerant to salinity than ‘NSL 2009-1’ and ‘NL 94C2-3’ at the seedling growth stag

    Planejamento estratégico: uma ferramenta de gestão proposta para uma empresa do Vale do Araranguá

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel, no Curso de Ciências Contábeis da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.Este trabalho tem por objetivo a proposta de elaboração de um planejamento estratégico para uma microempresa do Vale do Araranguá, visto que o mercado se encontra cada vez mais competitivo e faz-se necessário a busca de alternativas por meio de ferramentas gerenciais que auxiliem na formulação de estratégias, a fim de apresentar o melhor caminho a ser seguido. Para atingir o objetivo, foi necessário apresentar as etapas do planejamento estratégico, para que assim pudesse ser analisado o ambiente empresarial e apresentado os objetivos e estratégias essenciais para o alcance da visão e o sucesso do negócio. A metodologia da pesquisa foi elaborada de forma descritiva com abordagem qualitativa e para explorar os conhecimentos adquiridos foi aplicado um estudo de caso. O estudo foi elaborado em uma Microempresa, onde foi realizado um diagnóstico e uma análise das forças e fraquezas, como também oportunidades e ameaças encontradas no ambiente empresarial, para que pudesse ser elaborado estratégias a fim de alcançar os objetivos propostos. Diante disso, foi possível atingir os objetivos propostos e verificar a importância de ferramentas gerenciais para a perpetuidade do negócio

    A vivência da gestante em planejamento reprodutivo na atenção primária à saúde

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    Orientadora: Prof. Dra. Marilene Loewen WallDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem. Defesa : Curitiba, 13/09/2022Inclui referências: p. 86-94Área de concentração: Prática profissional de EnfermagemResumo: Introdução: O planejamento reprodutivo se insere como requisito primordial para a assistência de saúde integral à mulher, e tem como objetivo oferecer maior liberdade e autonomia à sua trajetória reprodutiva. Esse serviço, no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), é assegurado pela Constituição Federal, e na Lei no 9.263. Preferencialmente deve ser oferecido na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), e a oferta dos serviços de planejamento reprodutivo contribui para a redução da morbimortalidade materna e infantil, na medida em que reduz o número de gestações não desejadas e de abortos induzidos. Além disso, os profissionais de saúde promovem nas mulheres a possibilidade de planejar a sua gestação, contribuindo para que vivenciem uma maternidade mais segura. Objetivo: Descrever a vivência da gestante em planejamento reprodutivo na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa e descritiva. O estudo foi conduzido em um município da região metropolitana de Curitiba/PR, no período de março a junho de 2022. Os critérios de inclusão foram: gestantes com idade mínima de 18 anos, e que utilizavam os serviços das unidades de saúde da família (USFs) do município, no mínimo havia 1 ano. A coleta de dados foi por meio de entrevistas com 22 gestantes; a análise se deu com base nos passos sugeridos por Creswell e com o apoio do software Iramuteq para organização dos dados. Resultados: Identificaram-se três categorias: 1 - "O planejamento da gestação a partir da vivência das gestantes", que mostrou que as gestações aconteceram de forma planejada e não planejada; 2 - "A vivência do planejamento reprodutivo antes e após a gestação", onde foi abordado como as gestantes vivenciaram o planejamento reprodutivo, fosse diante de uma gravidez planejada ou não planejada, e qual era o planejamento reprodutivo que elas pretendiam vivenciar no futuro; 3 - "A percepção do planejamento reprodutivo para as gestantes", que permitiu identificar o conhecimento das gestantes sobre os métodos contraceptivos e onde buscou-se compreender o significado do conceito de planejamento reprodutivo para as participantes. Considerações finais: Ao conhecer a vivência do planejamento reprodutivo das gestantes na APS, foi possível observar que, apesar de estes serviços serem ofertados, apresentam fragilidades nas ações de concepção e contracepção. Ficou evidente que as gestantes não tinham o hábito de buscar esse serviço, e demostraram um baixo conhecimento sobre o conceito de planejamento reprodutivo. Isto posto, são necessárias ações de melhoria na capacitação dos profissionais de saúde, a fim de que estejam preparados para fornecer um cuidado de qualidade, condizente com as necessidades de saúde reprodutiva das mulheres. Ações educativas do setor da saúde em conjunto com as escolas, bem como as famílias, por meio da inserção de ações educativas nas mídias sociais, são estratégias que podem ser implementadas a fim de melhorar o conhecimento das pessoas sobre a importância de planejar a sua vida reprodutiva, e que lhes permitam realizar escolhas livres e informadas.Abstract: Introduction: Reproductive planning is a primary requirement for comprehensive health care for women and aims to offer greater freedom and autonomy in their reproductive trajectory. This service, in the Unified Health System (SUS) is guaranteed by the Federal Constitution and Law n°. 9.263. It should preferably be offered in Primary Health Care (APS), and the availability of reproductive planning services contributes to reducing maternal and child morbidity and mortality by reducing the number of unintended pregnancies and induced abortions. In addition, health professionals promote the ability of women to plan their pregnancy, contributing to a safer motherhood. Objective: To describe the experience of pregnant women in reproductive planning in Primary Health Care. Method: This is a qualitative and descriptive research. The study was conducted in a municipality in the metropolitan region of Curitiba/PR, from March to June 2022. The inclusion criteria were: pregnant women with a minimum age of 18 years and who used the health services of the family health units (USFs) of the municipality for at least 1 year. Data collection was through interviews with 22 pregnant women; and the analysis was based on the steps suggested by Creswell and with the support of the Iramuteq software for data organization. Results: Three categories were identified: 1 - "The planning of pregnancy from the experience of pregnant women," which showed that the pregnancies occurred in a planned and unplanned manner; 2 - "The experience of reproductive planning before and after pregnancy", where it was addressed how pregnant women experienced reproductive planning, whether in front of a planned or unplanned pregnancy, and what was the reproductive planning they intend to experience in the future; 3 - "The perception of reproductive planning for pregnant women" which allowed us to identify the knowledge of pregnant women about contraceptive methods and where we sought to understand the meaning of the concept of reproductive planning for the participants. Final considerations: By knowing the experience of reproductive planning for pregnant women in APS, it was possible to observe that, despite these services being offered, they present weaknesses in conception and contraception actions. it was evident that pregnant women did not have the habit of seeking this service, and they demonstrated a low knowledge about the concept of reproductive planning. Therefore, improvement actions are necessary in the training of health professionals so that they are prepared to provide quality care in line with women's reproductive health needs. Educational actions by the health sector in conjunction with schools, as well as families, through the insertion of educational actions in social media, are strategies that can be implemented to improve people's knowledge about the importance of planning their reproductive life, and to allow them to make free and informed choices