30 research outputs found

    Population genetic structure of 2 species from Caspian Sea (Rutilus frissi kutum and Rutilus rutilus) and 2 species from Persian Gulf and Oman Sea (Rachycentron canadum and Eleutheronema tetradactylum) using Molecular Marker

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    Population structure of 2 species in the Caspian Sea (Rutilus frissi kutum and Rutilus rutilus) and 2 species in the Persian Gulf and Oman sea (Rachycentron canadum and Polynemus Plebeius) were studid by using Microsatellite and RAPD. For this 210 specimens of kutum (Khoshkrud, Tonekabon, Gorganrud, Anzali Lagoon and Kura River mouth), 90 (Gorgan Bay, Anzali Lagoon and Volga), 184 of cobia (Bushehr, daier, Bandarabass, bazm, lengeh) and 235 of (Khozestan, Bushehr, Bandarabass and chabahar) were sampled. Genomic DNA was extracted of fin using the phenol-chloroform .The quantity and quality of DNA from samples were assessed by spectrophptometer and 1% agarose gel electro-phoresis. PCR was carried out using microsatellite and RAPD primers. PCR products were separated on 8% polyacrylamide gels that were stained using silver nitrate. Result showed that in kutum the average of expected and observed heterozygosity was 0.54 and 0.49 respectively. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations were observed almost in all of location (P≤0.01, (P≤0.05). Using Fst and Rst there was significant difference between locations (P≤0.01). In study of Rutilus rutiluscaspicu the average of expected and observed heterozygosity was 0.5 and 0.7 respectively. Fst didn t show significant difference between iranian locations (P≥ 0.01) but it was Significant between Iranian populations and Russian populations (P≤ 0.05). In cobia the average of expected and observed heterozygosity was 0.655 and 0.874 respectively. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations were observed almost in all of location (P ≤0.01, (P≤ 0.05)). Significant differences (P<0.01) weren't observed between Rst recorded in the same region specimens studied but were observed between Rst recorded in the different region specimens studied. In Polynemus Plebeius, the observed heterozygosity in the Bushehr and Bandar abbas (0.22±0.13) was the highest and in Chabahar the lowest (0.171±0.175).Key word: Population Genetic, Rutilus frissi kutum ,Rutilus rutilus, Caspian Sea, Rachycentron canadum , Polynemus Plebeius, Persian Gulf and Oman sea

    Health risk assessment of heavy metal intake due to fish consumption in the Sistan region, Iran

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    The heavy metal (Pb, Cd, Cr, and Ni) content of a fish species consumed by the Sistan population and its associated health risk factors were investigated. The mean concentrations of Pb, Cd, and Cr were slightly higher than the standard levels. The Ni content of fish was below the maximum guideline proposed by the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). The average estimated weekly intake was significantly below the provisional tolerable intake based on the FAO and WHO standards for all studied metals. The target hazard quotients (THQ) of all metals were below 1, showing an absence of health hazard for the population of Sistan. The combined target hazard quotient for the considered metals was 26.94 × 10â��3. The cancer risk factor for Pb (1.57 × 10â��7) was below the acceptable lifetime carcinogenic risk (10â��5). The results of this study reveal an almost safe level of Pb, Cd, Cr, and Ni contents in the fish consumed by the Sistan population

    Patency rate and factors affecting the clinical outcome of patients with aortoiliac artery occlusion undergoing intra-arterial stenting

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    Background Occluding plaques are commonly found inthe infrarenal aorta and the iliac artery in patients with peripheralarterial disease (PAD). Aortoiliacocclusive disease(AIOD) occurs commonly in patients with PAD.Methods: This is a prospective study was carried out between2015 and 2017 in Sina hospital. Patients with occlusionin aortoiliac artery and its branches were included.Stent was placed for patients, if they had any obstructionor stenosis in aortoiliac artery in angiography. Patientswere examined in terms of clinical status and ABI calculationand underwent Color Doppler ultrasound of aortoiliacartery to determine patency rate at 1, 3, 12, and 24months after stent placement.Results: The mean age of patients was 64.60 (&plusmn;10.41).The main symptoms of the patients were claudication(41.8%), ulcer (27.3%), pain at rest (20%), and gangrene(20%). The lesion was bilateral in 21 patients (38.2%).According to TASC stratification, lesions were of type A in26 patients (47.3%), type B in 4 patients (7.3%), type Cin 5 patients (9.1%), and type D in 20 patients (36.4%).The six-month, one-year, and two-year patency rates were89.1%, 83.6%, and 72.7%, respectively. The mean annualABI of patients was 0.79 (&plusmn;0.11) and two year ABIwas 0.68 (&plusmn;0.1).Conclusion: It seems that stenting and angioplasty areeffective in improving patients&rsquo; conditions and result in agood short and medium-term patency

    Molecular genetics study on population of Salmo trutta caspius spring and autumn forms in Southern Caspian Sea using microsatellite marker method basin and establish an alive gene bank

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    Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius) is an important from the point of economy. In this study genetic diversity of (Salmo trutta caspius) was investigated using microsatellite markers from two regions of the Iranian coastline of Southern Caspian Sea (Cheshmeh Kileh River in Mazandaran Province and Karganrud River in Gilan Province). The purpose of this research was the study of Salmo trutta caspius possible populations related to genetic diversity and population structure in the Caspian Sea and introducing the useful genetic markers. For this purpose the number 225 fishes from two Rivers were collected. DNA was extracted and amplified with 16 pairs of microsatellite primers using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The amplified products were loaded on polyacrylamide gels and bands were analyzed using Gene Alex and Pop Gene soft wares. Observed and expected heterozygosity averages were 0.46 ± 0.09 and 0.60 ± 0.10, respectively. According to the results from this study, Genetic polymorphism has been seen in this population

    Sociological Approach to War Novel (An Image of Minority Discourse): Case Study of Four War Novels

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    The novel has been considered by various researchers as a social work (influenced by and affecting the community). Based on this preliminary assumption, this study engages in a case study of four war novels in order to show the difference between formal narrative of war in different media, including literature, and what is narrated in these works. The research method is based on a combination of theoretical foundations existing in sociology criticism, specifically the Lukach-Goldman model, Leventhal social criticism, and Pierre Bourdieu's viewpoint on institutions of power. The four selected novels include The Scorched Earth, Pilgrimage Customs, Winter 62, and Crystal Garden. These works were all written during the wartime period and are all considered outstanding and popular works. To achieve the research purpose, each novel was interpreted based on the sociological criticism model, and attempting to avoid any bias. The characteristics of each of the four novels were then highlighted in contrast to the formal war narrative, and how features such as personality, narrative style, tone, point of view, and even the content of the work served to reflect the minority discourse. Minority discourse is a multiplied voice that is completely distinct from the formal war narrative, and its manifestation is evident in the war novel as opposed to poetry and other literary forms related to war literature (such as memoir writing and oral narratives). Extended Abstract 1- Introduction The eight-year Iran-Iraq war is undoubtedly one of the salient events in Iran's contemporary history. Even though more than three decades have passed since this event, society is still plagued by the social, political and even economic consequences of the war. Just as this event is important in its own right, so are its "narratives. For a variety of reasons, research on Iran-Iraq War and its surrounding narratives from the perspective of sociology and literature has received little attention (especially not in an unbiased manner without any interpretation and assumptions of the dominant discourse). Thus, the "dominant discourse" with its cultural and propaganda apparatus has exercised a kind of discursive control (under various propagandistic, media, literary, psychological and sociological aspects) over the war in the last three decades, convincing people that the truth of the war is the one proclaimed in this official narrative. 2. Theoretical Framework (social criticism as a method) In general, it should be noted that until the 20th century, critics mainly focused on the content of works rather than their form in the sociological analysis of literature. In other words, their main interest was how social and cultural issues were reflected in literary works and to what extent literary works addressed these issues. This is also the main concern of the critics themselves in the works of the early Marxists. It was not until the 20th century and the publication of the seminal works of critics such as Lukács, Goldman, Bakhtin, Lewenthal, Escarpit, and others that the connection of form, literary type, and esthetic considerations with social structures received special attention. To indicate the views of influential researchers and scholars specializing in the sociological criticism of the novel, we must begin with the Marxists and move on to Lucien Goldman as one of the most notable figures: Lucien Goldman: Developmental Approach in Sociology of Literature The main contribution of Lucien Goldman (1917-1970) to the field of sociology of literature is the introduction of dialectical materialism, that is, a complex method linking art and society to this field. Goldman's innovative technique for exploring literary works is called developmental structuralism. According to this method, a literary work is one of the fundamental elements of social consciousness and does not depend on the consciousness of an individual, but is formed on the levels of supra-individual consciousness (Goldman, 1978: 493-495). 3. Research Background Persian research in this field includes Sociology of Literature (Salim, 1998), Sociology in Persian Literature (Sotoudeh, 1999), Sociology of Persian Literature from the Beginnings to 1978 (Parsansab, 2008); Social Criticism of Persian Novels focusing on 10 selected novels (Asgari, 2008) and Sociology in Persian Literature (Vahida, 2009). These studies chiefly seek to reflect "social issues" in Persian literature, both classical and contemporary. For this reason, they first examine the content of literary works before exploring the association between form, genre, and social relations, they delve into the"content" of literary works. For this reason, the work of Mesbahipour still enjoys an exceptional and distinctive status some four decades later. 4. Research Method To analyze the novels from a sociological criticism approach, this paper adopts a combination of different perspectives presented in the theoretical foundations. The steps taken to obtain a sociological reading of each novel are as follows: First, an interpretive reading is presented that is unaffected by the presuppositions and dominant discourse structures. Next, the relationship between the elements of each story and the dominant discourse (official narrative) and the unofficial narrative is exhibited. 5. Analysis of the plot and interpretive reading of four novels based on social criticism Scorched Land (Mahmoud, 1982). This work is classified under the subgenre of historical novels and depicts events in Ahvaz in the fall of 1980. Winter 1983 (Fasih, 1983). This novel, narrated in the context of romantic events, is an attempt to showcase the realities of Khuzestan and Ahvaz in particular in the midst of the eight-year war. Crystal Garden (Makhmelbaf, 1986). Layah, Mansour's wife, who was martyred during the war, finally gives birth to her third child with the help of neighbors, in the absence of a father to look after her children. The husband of Suri, Layah's neighbor, has also been killed in War. Suri talks about the days of the Islamic Revolution with Layah and how she used to chant slogans and carry the bodies of the martyrs. Rituals of Pilgrimage deals more explicitly than the other three novels with social criticism of the war. Both the course of events and the illustration of the characters reflect the confusion and atonement that different character of the story is dealing with in the wake of the War. In this work, Iraq rather than an invading and hostile country, is depicted as an ancient land where the only combatant in the story (Mehrdad) voluntarily travels as a soldier to discover its ancient secrets. 6. Summary and Conclusion After the 1978 revolution, the new dominant discourse went to great lengths to present a reading of the War bereft of its ugliness (due to censorship) and adverse consequences. A discourse that portrays the death of young people as ideal martyrdom and proclaims that the path to heaven is the main and inevitable path for people from all walks of life. At least four novels were written under such an atmosphere and discourse during the War, which offers a distinct reading and picture of the war while seeking to reflect the voice of others against the propaganda of the dominant discourse, which we have called the minority discourse. The Scorched Land is a narrative of the lost middle class, Winter 1983 is a narrative of the secular but patriotic educated class from the war, Crystal Garden is a female narrative of the underprivileged class that is more or less in tune with the dominant discourse, and Pilgrimage Rituals is the narrative of the archaistic intellectual class from the war, all of which constitute a puzzle that makes up the minority discourse of the war. This is a discourse that survives and thrives against hundreds and thousands of hours of movies and documentaries on the war fronts, and dozens of other novels, short stories, and poetry collections which engages the audience and propagate its voice and perspective. The minority discourse takes a painful glance at the Iranian society during and after the War and seeks to offer a balm to the wounds of this society; a balm that may be attained by sacrifice or calls for a miracle, but is nevertheless absent in the slogans of the official war discourse. The discourse of the minority is the story of the war in the past and in the present, the consequences of its social damage are still evident in the decisions and cultural and social events of Iran

    Synthesis of cobalt oxides modified with palmitic acid and acetic acid and their application as a hydrophobic and self-cleaning coating

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    In the present research work, at first, the preparation of cobalt oxide nanoparticles was done by sol–gel auto-combustion method. The characteristic properties of the powder were done by techniques of XRD, FT-IR, AFM and FESEM techniques, which revealed the structural, functional groups and particle size and morphology of the sample, respectively. X-ray diffraction show formation of the Co3O4 nanoparticleswith spinel structure. The average crystallite size of the sample was obtained 5-10 nm by using the Scherrer formula, respectively. FT-IR spectrumconfirm the formation of cobalt oxide bonds. FESEM images show that the shape andsize of nanoparticles produced by a sol – gel were 20-50 nm with a cuboid particle shape. After preparation of cobalt oxide nanoparticles, we used them to produce super-hydrophobic surface. The produced cobaltite nanoparticles were coated on the glass substrate and then put in the furnace. In the end,Palmitic acid and Acetic acid as samples of organic acids were applied for modification of coating.. Different ratio of the acides were used to prepare the coating. The best super hydrophobic coating was resulted for the coating modified with the 1:1 ration of palmetic acid and acetic acid. The value of contact angle (CA) for the water droplet on the surface of best coating was 158.2, indicating that the coating exhibit the super-hydrophobicity property. The self-cleaning property of the coating was tested by dispersing of mud on it for 48 h and after that no mud adhesive on the coating, indicating the self-cleaning properties of the modified cobaltite coating

    Health risk assessment of heavy metal intake due to fish consumption in the Sistan region, Iran

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    The heavy metal (Pb, Cd, Cr, and Ni) content of a fish species consumed by the Sistan population and its associated health risk factors were investigated. The mean concentrations of Pb, Cd, and Cr were slightly higher than the standard levels. The Ni content of fish was below the maximum guideline proposed by the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). The average estimated weekly intake was significantly below the provisional tolerable intake based on the FAO and WHO standards for all studied metals. The target hazard quotients (THQ) of all metals were below 1, showing an absence of health hazard for the population of Sistan. The combined target hazard quotient for the considered metals was 26.94 × 10â��3. The cancer risk factor for Pb (1.57 × 10â��7) was below the acceptable lifetime carcinogenic risk (10â��5). The results of this study reveal an almost safe level of Pb, Cd, Cr, and Ni contents in the fish consumed by the Sistan population

    Venoplasty and Venous Stenting in Patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency in the Lower Extremities

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    Background: Venoplasty and stenting is a minimally invasive therapy that can be used for patients with deep venous insufficiency in the lower extremities. This study aimed at investigating the effect of venoplasty and venous stenting in patients with chronic venous insufficiency in the lower limbs. Methods: This prospective case-series study recruited patients with chronic deep venous insufficiency in the lower limbs candidated for venoplasty in the Vascular Clinic of Sina Hospital in Tehran, Iran. Venoplasty and stenting was done if the deep venous system in the lower extremities had stenosis or obstruction on venography. The patients were visited 1, 3, and 6 months after venoplasty to assess their symptoms, venous clinical severity, and venous disability. Primary and secondary patency was evaluated with Doppler ultrasound. Results: Seventy-three patients were included in the study. The follow-up of the patients’ clinical symptoms showed significant improvement rates of about 90%, 88.7%, 92.5%, and 100% in claudication, edema, pain, and ulcers-respectively- only 1 month after the procedure. The stent patency rates were 93.2, 91.5, and 92.4 in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th postprocedural months, correspondingly. The venous clinical severity score and the venous disability score before the procedure were 14.2 and 2.73, respectively, which were decreased to 5 and 1.1, correspondingly, at 6 months’ follow-up (p value < 0.001). Conclusion: Venoplasty and stenting in our patients with chronic deep venous insufficiency in the lower extremities conferred a significant improvement in clinical symptoms and a high percentage of patency