17,503 research outputs found


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    Huffman encoding is a compression algorithm that uses symbol encoding using a simpler bit substitution based on the frequency of the symbol. A symbol will be represented with much fewer bits if it has a large frequency. Conversely, symbols with less frequency will be encoded with bits of greater length. The bit code for symbols with lower frequencies often has a very long size which sometimes causes the compressed file size to be larger than the original file. This study develops the implementation of two separate Huffman trees by dividing the symbol list into two lists, each of which will form a bit code in parallel. This implementation is able to minimize the length of the symbol bit code, especially in symbols with low frequencies so as to increase the compression ratio for several types of content which is become the weakness of the original Huffman

    Air Activities of Texas: A Small Town\u27s Contribution to the Big War

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    Extrinsic CPT Violation in Neutrino Oscillations

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    In this talk, we investigate extrinsic CPT violation in neutrino oscillations in matter with three flavors. Note that extrinsic CPT violation is different from intrinsic CPT violation. Extrinsic CPT violation is one way of quantifying matter effects, whereas intrinsic CPT violation would mean that the CPT invariance theorem is not valid. We present analytical formulas for the extrinsic CPT probability differences and discuss their implications for long-baseline experiments and neutrino factory setups.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, aipproc LaTeX. Talk presented at the 5th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories & Superbeams (NuFact'03), Columbia University, New York, USA, June 5-11, 2003. To be published in the Proceedings of NuFact'03 (AIP Conference Proceedings

    Landscape Agroecology: managing interactions between agriculture, nature and socio-economy

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    State of the art GIS and database technologies for landscape scale analysis and the modelling of land use and environmental impacts are presented. These methods have been developed at University of Aarhus in multidisciplinary collaboration with other research institutions throughout Europe; for example during the EU research projects www.mea-scope.org and www.sensor-ip.eu. In the years to come, these landscape scale research methods are further developed and integrated with similar frameworks in other EU countries, and used for scenario studies (see for example the landscape components of http://www.nitroeurope.eu/, http://www.darcof.dk/research/darcofiii/refugia.html or http://www.darcof.dk/research/darcofiii/bioconcens.html). Scenario studies, visualised in geographical information systems, are useful to evaluate possible future landscape developments, and to identify potentials and limitations in combining multiple landscape functions. Here we focus on scenario systems that focus on exploring interactions between landscape functions – e.g. the interactions between farm management, economy, nutrient losses, fauna population dynamics, plant community development etc. Among others, scenarios for drinking water protection via increased set-aside grassland or afforestation are presented. It shows that benefits from subsidies targeted to areas with special interests in protection of drinking waters from nitrogen pollution differ from non-targeted subsidies. Experience has shown that working with scenarios and involving potential users at an early stage in development are important ways of focussing the work effort and ensuring that relevant tools are developed. Developments in data collection and collation at the EU level will allow similar systems to be developed elsewhere


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    Materials and Methods REFUGIA project working paper

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    The organic farming structure has been analysed for all farms in Denmark 2005-2010. In 2005, the average farm size for organic farms was 50 ha, compared to 40 ha for conventional farms. For organic farms the largest average farm size in on sandy soils and for cattle farms, whereas the for conventional farms, the largest farms are on loamy soils, and cash crop, and pig farms. The farms has been classified into farm types accoring to the EUROSTAT methods. Hobby farms are defined with a number of standard working hours under 1871 timer/Ã¥r (typically under 10-25 ha). These farms normally are not included in national statistics, but are important to include in the REFUGIA studies, because these farms are important for biodiversity and have a relatively higher number among organic farms. The other farm types are full time farms. If more than 2/3 of the standard gross margin comes from catlle it is a cattle farm, and the same for cash crops. The rest is pig farms and other types of farms (for example poultry and fur animals). Standard rotations are defined for each of these farm types

    Uji Efek Renoprotektif Fraksi N-heksan Daun Kesum (Polygonum Minus Huds.) Sebagai Ko-kemoterapi Pada Tikus Putih Jantan Galur Wistar Pasca Induksi Cisdiamminedichloridoplatinum(ii)

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    Cis-diamminedichloridoplatinum(II) (CDDP) merupakan obat kemoterapi yang mengandung unsur platinum yang biasanya digunakan untuk terapi bermacam-macam kanker. Pengobatan kemoterapi dengan CDDP sering tidak efektif dan menimbulkan efek berupa kerusakan ginjal (nephrotoxicity). Daun kesum (Polygonum minus Huds.) merupakan tanaman endemik khas Kalimantan Barat yang memiliki kandungan antioksidan kuat yang diduga dapat mengurangi efek samping nefrotoksik agen kemoterapi CDDP. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui informasi kandungan senyawa metabolit sekunder pada fraksi n-heksan daun kesum, mengetahui informasi efek penurunan kerusakan ginjal dan kadar ureum serta kreatinin dengan pemberian ekstrak n-heksan pasca induksi CDDP. Simplisia di maserasi menggunakan pelarut metanol teknis kemudian difraksi menggunakan n-heksan p.a. Skrining fitokimia dilakukan dengan metode uji tabung dimana ekstrak diuji kandungan alkaloid, polifenol, tanin, flavonoid, steroid-triterpenoid dan saponin. Aktivitas renoprotektif diukur berdasarkan kadar ureum dan kreatinin darah serta gambaran histopatologi kerusakan sel tubulus proksimal ginjal yang berupa penjumlahan sel nekrosis, cast, dilatasi, vakuolisasi dan hilangnya brush border. Tikus (Rattus norvegicus) yang digunakan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok yaitu kontrol CDDP, kontrol CMC, perlakuan dosis 1(1,308mg/200grBB), 2(2,616mg/200grBB), dan 3(5,233mg/200grBB) dengan masing masing kelompok terdiri dari 3 ekor tikus. Teknik analisis data menggunakan One way ANOVA dan Post Hoc Multiple Comparisons (Tukey HD). Hasil skrining fitokimia menunjukkan fraksi n-heksan mengandung polifenol dan triterpenoid. Hasil analisis menunjukan ekstrak n-heksan daun kesum dosis 1 memiliki efek menurunkan persen kerusakan ginjal serta mampu menurunkan kadar ureum dan kreatinin sehingga berpotensi untuk mencegah efek samping kemoterapi dengan agen kemoterapi CDDP
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