
Materials and Methods REFUGIA project working paper


The organic farming structure has been analysed for all farms in Denmark 2005-2010. In 2005, the average farm size for organic farms was 50 ha, compared to 40 ha for conventional farms. For organic farms the largest average farm size in on sandy soils and for cattle farms, whereas the for conventional farms, the largest farms are on loamy soils, and cash crop, and pig farms. The farms has been classified into farm types accoring to the EUROSTAT methods. Hobby farms are defined with a number of standard working hours under 1871 timer/år (typically under 10-25 ha). These farms normally are not included in national statistics, but are important to include in the REFUGIA studies, because these farms are important for biodiversity and have a relatively higher number among organic farms. The other farm types are full time farms. If more than 2/3 of the standard gross margin comes from catlle it is a cattle farm, and the same for cash crops. The rest is pig farms and other types of farms (for example poultry and fur animals). Standard rotations are defined for each of these farm types

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