80 research outputs found

    Caractéristiques et origine fonctionnelle des propriétés fréquentielles du noeud auriculoventriculaire

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    Le nœud auriculoventriculaire (AV) joue un rôle vital dans le cœur normal et pathologique. Il connecte les oreillettes aux ventricules et, grâce à sa conduction lente, génère un délai entre les contractions auriculaire et ventriculaire permettant d’optimiser le pompage sanguin. Sa conduction lente et sa longue période réfractaire font du nœud AV un filtre d’impulsions auriculaires lors de tachyarythmies assurant ainsi une fréquence ventriculaire plus lente favorable au débit cardiaque. L’optimisation de ce filtrage est une cible dans le traitement de ces arythmies. Malgré ce rôle vital et de nombreuses études, le nœud AV demeure l’objet de plusieurs controverses qui en rendent la compréhension laborieuse. Nos études expérimentales sur des préparations isolées de cœurs de lapin visent à apporter des solutions à certains des problèmes qui limitent la compréhension des propriétés fréquentielles du nœud AV. Le premier problème concerne la définition de la propriété de récupération nodale. On s’accorde généralement sur la dépendance du temps de conduction nodale (intervalle auriculo-Hissien, AH) du temps de récupération qui le précède mais un débat presque centenaire persiste sur la façon de mesurer ce temps de récupération. Selon que l’on utilise à cette fin la longueur du cycle auriculaire (AA) ou l’intervalle His-auriculaire précédent (HA), la même réponse nodale montre des caractéristiques différentes, un paradoxe à ce jour inexpliqué. Le temps de conduction nodale augmente aussi avec le degré et la durée d'une fréquence rapide, un phénomène appelé fatigue. Or, les caractéristiques de la fatigue mesurée varient avec l’indice de récupération utilisé (AA vs. HA). De plus, une troisième propriété appelée facilitation qui entraîne un raccourcissement du temps de conduction diffère aussi avec l’indice de récupération utilisé. Pour établir l’origine de ce problème, nous avons déterminé les différences entre les courbes de récupération (AH compilé en fonction du AA ou HA) pour 30 états fonctionnels nodaux différents. Ces conditions étaient obtenues à l’aide de protocoles permettant la variation du cycle de base (BCL) et du cycle prétest (PTCL), deux paramètres connus pour altérer la fonction nodale. Nous avons pu établir que pour chaque état fonctionnel, la forme de la courbe de récupération et le niveau de fatigue étaient les mêmes pour les deux indices de récupération. Ceci s’applique aussi aux données obtenues à des BCL et PTCL égaux comme dans les protocoles de stimulation prématurée conventionnels couramment utilisés. Nos résultats ont établi pour la première fois que les propriétés nodales de récupération et de fatigue sont indépendantes de l’indice de récupération utilisé. Nos données montrent aussi que les différences entre les courbes de récupération en fonction de l’indice utilisé proviennent d’effets associés aux variations du PTCL. Notre deuxième étude établit à partir des mêmes données pourquoi les variations du PTCL altèrent différemment les courbes de récupération selon l’indice utilisé. Nous avons démontré que ces différences augmentaient en proportion directe avec l’augmentation du temps de conduction au battement prétest. Cette augmentation cause un déplacement systématique de la courbe construite avec l’intervalle AA vers la droite et de celle construite avec l’intervalle HA vers la gauche. Ce résultat met en évidence l’importance de tenir compte des changements du temps de conduction prétest dans l’évaluation de la fonction nodale, un paramètre négligé dans la plupart des études. Ce résultat montre aussi que chacun des deux indices a des limites dans sa capacité d’évaluer le temps de récupération nodale réel lorsque le temps de conduction prétest varie. Lorsque ces limites sont ignorées, comme c’est habituellement le cas, elles entraînent un biais dans l’évaluation des effets de fatigue et de facilitation. Une autre grande difficulté dans l’évaluation des propriétés fréquentielles du nœud AV concerne son état réfractaire. Deux indices sont utilisés pour évaluer la durée de la période réfractaire nodale. Le premier est la période réfractaire efficace (ERPN) définie comme l’intervalle AA le plus long qui n’est pas conduit par le nœud. Le deuxième est la période réfractaire fonctionnelle (FRPN) qui correspond à l’intervalle minimum entre deux activations mesurées à la sortie du nœud. Paradoxalement et pour des raisons obscures, l’ERPN augmente alors que la FRPN diminue avec l’augmentation de la fréquence cardiaque. De plus, ces effets varient grandement avec les sujets, les espèces et l’âge. À partir des mêmes données que pour les deux autres études, nous avons cherché dans la troisième étude l’origine des variations fréquentielles de l’ERPN et de la FRPN. Le raccourcissement du BCL prolonge l’ERPN mais n’affecte pas la FRPN. L’allongement de l’ERPN provient principalement d’un allongement du temps de conduction prétest. Un PTCL court en comparaison avec un BCL court allonge encore plus substantiellement le temps de conduction prétest mais raccourcit en même temps l’intervalle His-auriculaire, ces deux effets opposés s’additionnent pour produire un allongement net de l’ERPN. Le raccourcissement de l’intervalle His-auriculaire par le PTCL court est aussi entièrement responsable pour le raccourcissement de la FRPN. Nous avons aussi établi que, lorsque la composante du temps de conduction prétest est retirée de l’ERPN, un lien linéaire existe entre la FRPN et l’ERPN à cause de leur dépendance commune de l’intervalle His-auriculaire. Le raccourcissement combiné du BCL et du PTCL produit des effets nets prévisibles à partir de leurs effets individuels. Ces effets reproduisent ceux obtenus lors de protocoles prématurés conventionnels. Ces observations supportent un nouveau schème fonctionnel des variations fréquentielles de l’ERPN et de la FRPN à partir des effets distincts du BCL et du PTCL. Elles établissent aussi un nouveau lien entre les variations fréquentielles de l’ERPN et de la FRPN. En conclusion, la modulation fréquentielle de la fonction du nœud AV provient de la combinaison d’effets concurrents cumulatifs liés au cycle de base et non-cumulatifs liés au cycle prétest. Ces effets peuvent être interprétés de façon consistante indépendamment de l’indice de récupération en tenant compte des changements du temps de conduction au battement prétest. Les effets fréquentiels disparates sur l’ERPN et la FRPN sont aussi grandement liés aux changements du temps de conduction prétest. Lorsque l’analyse tient compte de ce facteur, l’ERPN et la FRPN montrent des variations parallèles fortement liées à celles de l’intervalle His-auriculaire. Le nouveau schème fonctionnel des propriétés fréquentielles du nœud AV supporté par nos données aidera à mieux cibler les études sur les mécanismes cellulaires contrôlant la modulation fréquentielle nodale. Nos données pourraient aider à l’interprétation et au contrôle des réponses nodales diverses associées aux tachyarythmies supraventriculaires et à leur traitement pharmacologique. En bref, nos travaux supportent une compréhension factuelle améliorée du comportement fréquentiel du nœud AV, un domaine aux applications multiples en rythmologie cardiaque.The atrioventricular (AV) node is the sole electrical connection between atria and ventricles, and is of utmost importance in both normal and perturbed cardiac function. Through slow conduction, it generates a delay between atrial and ventricular systoles, thereby optimising cardiac output. The AV node also has a long refractory period which confers it a filtering role during supraventricular tachyarrhythmias. Because of this ventricular rate watchdog role, the AV node has become a primary therapeutic target in atrial fibrillation, a frequent arrhythmia with major clinical burden. Not withstanding intense research, understanding of AV nodal function remains restrained by many controversies, some of which have persisted for almost a century. Major obstacles concern the definition of nodal recovery time and nodal refractoriness. The objective of our studies is to untangle some of these controversies regarding rate-dependent AV nodal function in an experimental model of superfused rabbit heart preparations. Our first study concerns the definition of AV nodal recovery time used to assess rate-dependent nodal function. The dependence of conduction time through the node (atrio-His interval; AH) on time elapsed since last activation i.e., recovery time (RT), is a well accepted fact but its assessment is controversial for nearly a century. This problem arises from the fact that the nodal recovery function shows different characteristics depending upon whether RT is assessed from the preceding atrial cycle length (AA) or His-atrial (HA) interval. Moreover, the rate- and time-dependent increase in AH, known as fatigue, also shows different characteristics depending on RT index used. Furthermore, the third rate-dependent AV nodal property known as facilitation and that tends to shorten AH with penultimate cycle length, is obviously present or virtually absent when studying it with HA or AA index, respectively. Our first study sought to identify the source of this paradoxical apparent dependence of nodal rate-dependent properties on selected RT index. For this purpose, we varied two known independent modulators of AV nodal function, the basic (BCL) and pretest cycle length (PTCL), in 30 different combinations and assessed how the resulting 30 nodal functional states alter the recovery and the fatigue property as assessed with both recovery indexes. We found that, for each functional state, the shape of the nodal recovery curve and the level of fatigue was identical regardless of selected recovery index. We thus documented for the first time that recovery and fatigue properties are consistent whether assessed with HA or AA. However, we also found that PTCL effects appeared different on the two recovery curve formats. In a second study, using the same data, we investigated the origin of PTCL related variations of nodal recovery curves constructed with different recovery indexes. We found that PTCL shortening induced rightward AA curve shifts and leftward HA curve shifts proportional to the increase in pretest conduction time. Moreover, these curve shifts affected all data points equally. This finding suggests that both AA and HA indexes are biased by increases in pretest conduction time. These increases appeared to delay nodal recovery for an identical AA, and to hasten nodal recovery for an identical HA. Uncontrolled changes in pretest conduction time during fast rates thus produce apparent different effects depending on nodal recovery index. Taking into account changes in pretest conduction time results in unified rate-dependent nodal conduction properties regardless of chosen recovery index. Another major problem in AV nodal physiology relates to rate-dependent changes in nodal refractoriness. Two indexes of nodal refractoriness, effective (ERPN) and functional (FRPN) refractory periods, are commonly determined. ERPN and FRPN correspond to the longest AA resulting in nodal block and shortest interval between successive His bundle activations, respectively. For unclear reasons, increasing rate typically results in ERPN prolongation but FRPN shortening, and these effects vary greatly with individuals, ages and species. In a third study, we assessed the functional origin of rate-induced changes in ERPN and FRPN. BCL shortening prolonged ERPN but did not significantly affect FRPN. This ERPN prolongation mainly arose from an increase in pretest conduction time. PTCL shortening also prolonged the pretest conduction time and hence ERPN, but this prolongation was partly counterbalanced by a decrease in the His-atrial subinterval at ERPN. Similar PTCL-induced His-atrial shortening also fully accounted for FRPN shortening. Notably, we found that when ERPN is corrected for the increase in pretest conduction time, ERPN and FRPN vary in parallel according to their respective His-atrial subintervals. Combined BCL and PTCL shortening, including those corresponding to standard commonly used protocols, result in net changes in refractory measures predictable from the sum of their individual effects. These observations not only support a new functional scheme for rate-dependent AV nodal refractoriness but also establish a relationship between ERPN and FRPN which, for a long time, were thought to reflect different nodal properties. In conclusion, rate-dependent AV nodal function reflect the net sum of concurrent yet independent cumulative and non-cumulative effects arising from BCL and PTCL changes, respectively. Nodal recovery and fatigue properties are independent of recovery index. Rate-induced non-cumulative variations in nodal recovery curves originate from changes in pretest conduction time and reflect current limitations of recovery indexes to precisely measure exact nodal recovery time. Changes in pretest conduction time also explain opposite rate-induced changes in ERPN and FRPN. When these changes are taken into account, FRPN and ERPN vary in parallel with heart rate and largely depend on His-atrial interval. These data support a new functional model of rate-dependent nodal conduction and refractoriness, which may help guide studies on underlying cellular and ionic mechanisms as well as on nodal behaviour during supraventricular tachyarrhythmias

    Exploring the Relationship Between Schizophrenia and Cardiovascular Disease:A Genetic Correlation and Multivariable Mendelian Randomization Study

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    Individuals with schizophrenia have a reduced life-expectancy compared to the general population, largely due to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Clinical and epidemiological studies have been unable to unravel the nature of this relationship. We obtained summary-data of genome-wide-association studies of schizophrenia (N = 130 644), heart failure (N = 977 323), coronary artery disease (N = 332 477), systolic and diastolic blood pressure (N = 757 601), heart rate variability (N = 46 952), QT interval (N = 103 331), early repolarization and dilated cardiomyopathy ECG patterns (N = 63 700). We computed genetic correlations and conducted bi-directional Mendelian randomization (MR) to assess causality. With multivariable MR, we investigated whether causal effects were mediated by smoking, body mass index, physical activity, lipid levels, or type 2 diabetes. Genetic correlations between schizophrenia and CVD were close to zero (−0.02–0.04). There was evidence that liability to schizophrenia causally increases heart failure risk. This effect remained consistent with multivariable MR. There was also evidence that liability to schizophrenia increases early repolarization pattern, largely mediated by BMI and lipids. Finally, there was evidence that liability to schizophrenia increases heart rate variability, a direction of effect contrasting clinical studies. There was weak evidence that higher systolic blood pressure increases schizophrenia risk. Our finding that liability to schizophrenia increases heart failure is consistent with the notion that schizophrenia involves a systemic dysregulation of the body with detrimental effects on the heart. To decrease cardiovascular mortality among individuals with schizophrenia, priority should lie with optimal treatment in early stages of psychosis

    SCN5A mutation type and topology are associated with the risk of ventricular arrhythmia by sodium channel blockers

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    Background: Ventricular fibrillation in patients with Brugada syndrome (BrS) is often initiated by premature ventricular contractions (PVCs). Presence of SCN5A mutation increases the risk of PVCs upon exposure to sodium channel blockers (SCB) in patients with baseline type-1 ECG. In patients without baseline type-1 ECG, however, the effect of SCN5A mutation on the risk of SCB-induced arrhythmia is unknown. We aimed to establish whether presence/absence, type, and topology of SCN5A mutation correlates with PVC occurrence during ajmaline infusion. Methods and results: We investigated 416 patients without baseline type-1 ECG who underwent ajmaline testing and SCN5A mutation analysis. A SCN5A mutation was identified in 88 patients (S+). Ajmaline-induced PVCs occurred more often in patients with non-missense mutations (Snon-missense) or missense mutations in transmembrane or pore regions of SCN5A-encoded channel protein (Smissense-TP) than patients with missense mutations in intra-/extracellular channel regions (Smissense-IE) and patients without SCN5A mutation (S−) (29%, 24%, 9%, and 3%, respectively; P < 0.001). The proportion of patients with ajmaline-induced BrS was similar in different mutation groups but lower in S− (71% Snon-missense, 63% Smissense-TP, 70% Smissense-IE, and 34% S−; P < 0.001). Logistic regression indicated Snon-missense and Smissense-TP as predictors of ajmaline-induced PVCs. Conclusions: SCN5A mutation is associated with an increased risk of drug-induced ventricular arrhythmia in patients without baseline type-1 ECG. In particular, Snon-missense and Smissense-TP are at high risk

    Predicting cardiac electrical response to sodium-channel blockade and Brugada syndrome using polygenic risk scores

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    AIMS: Sodium-channel blockers (SCBs) are associated with arrhythmia, but variability of cardiac electrical response remains unexplained. We sought to identify predictors of ajmaline-induced PR and QRS changes and Type I Brugada syndrome (BrS) electrocardiogram (ECG). METHODS AND RESULTS: In 1368 patients that underwent ajmaline infusion for suspected BrS, we performed measurements of 26 721 ECGs, dose-response mixed modelling and genotyping. We calculated polygenic risk scores (PRS) for PR interval (PRSPR), QRS duration (PRSQRS), and Brugada syndrome (PRSBrS) derived from published genome-wide association studies and used regression analysis to identify predictors of ajmaline dose related PR change (slope) and QRS slope. We derived and validated using bootstrapping a predictive model for ajmaline-induced Type I BrS ECG. Higher PRSPR, baseline PR, and female sex are associated with more pronounced PR slope, while PRSQRS and age are positively associated with QRS slope (P < 0.01 for all). PRSBrS, baseline QRS duration, presence of Type II or III BrS ECG at baseline, and family history of BrS are independently associated with the occurrence of a Type I BrS ECG, with good predictive accuracy (optimism-corrected C-statistic 0.74). CONCLUSION: We show for the first time that genetic factors underlie the variability of cardiac electrical response to SCB. PRSBrS, family history, and a baseline ECG can predict the development of

    Beyond gene-disease validity: capturing structured data on inheritance, allelic requirement, disease-relevant variant classes, and disease mechanism for inherited cardiac conditions

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    Background: As the availability of genomic testing grows, variant interpretation will increasingly be performed by genomic generalists, rather than domain-specific experts. Demand is rising for laboratories to accurately classify variants in inherited cardiac condition (ICC) genes, including secondary findings. // Methods: We analyse evidence for inheritance patterns, allelic requirement, disease mechanism and disease-relevant variant classes for 65 ClinGen-curated ICC gene-disease pairs. We present this information for the first time in a structured dataset, CardiacG2P, and assess application in genomic variant filtering. // Results: For 36/65 gene-disease pairs, loss of function is not an established disease mechanism, and protein truncating variants are not known to be pathogenic. Using the CardiacG2P dataset as an initial variant filter allows for efficient variant prioritisation whilst maintaining a high sensitivity for retaining pathogenic variants compared with two other variant filtering approaches. // Conclusions: Access to evidence-based structured data representing disease mechanism and allelic requirement aids variant filtering and analysis and is a pre-requisite for scalable genomic testing

    Common Genetic Variants Contribute to Risk of Transposition of the Great Arteries

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    Rationale: Dextro-transposition of the great arteries (D-TGA) is a severe congenital heart defect which affects approximately 1 in 4,000 live births. While there are several reports of D-TGA patients with rare variants in individual genes, the majority of D-TGA cases remain genetically elusive. Familial recurrence patterns and the observation that most cases with D-TGA are sporadic suggest a polygenic inheritance for the disorder, yet this remains unexplored. Objective: We sought to study the role of common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in risk for D-TGA. Methods and Results: We conducted a genome-wide association study in an international set of 1,237 patients with D-TGA and identified a genome-wide significant susceptibility locus on chromosome 3p14.3, which was subsequently replicated in an independent case-control set (rs56219800, meta-analysis P=8.6x10-10, OR=0.69 per C allele). SNP-based heritability analysis showed that 25% of variance in susceptibility to D-TGA may be explained by common variants. A genome-wide polygenic risk score derived from the discovery set was significantly associated to D-TGA in the replication set (P=4x10-5). The genome-wide significant locus (3p14.3) co-localizes with a putative regulatory element that interacts with the promoter of WNT5A, which encodes the Wnt Family Member 5A protein known for its role in cardiac development in mice. We show that this element drives reporter gene activity in the developing heart of mice and zebrafish and is bound by the developmental transcription factor TBX20. We further demonstrate that TBX20 attenuates Wnt5a expression levels in the developing mouse heart. Conclusions: This work provides support for a polygenic architecture in D-TGA and identifies a susceptibility locus on chromosome 3p14.3 near WNT5A. Genomic and functional data support a causal role of WNT5A at the locus

    Arrhythmic risk prediction in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy: external validation of the arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy risk calculator

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    Aims Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) causes ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) and sudden cardiac death (SCD). In 2019, a risk prediction model that estimates the 5-year risk of incident VAs in ARVC was developed (ARVCrisk.com). This study aimed to externally validate this prediction model in a large international multicentre cohort and to compare its performance with the risk factor approach recommended for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) use by published guidelines and expert consensus.Methods and results In a retrospective cohort of 429 individuals from 29 centres in North America and Europe, 103 (24%) experienced sustained VA during a median follow-up of 5.02 (2.05-7.90) years following diagnosis of ARVC. External validation yielded good discrimination [C-index of 0.70 (95% confidence interval-CI 0.65-0.75)] and calibration slope of 1.01 (95% CI 0.99-1.03). Compared with the three published consensus-based decision algorithms for ICD use in ARVC (Heart Rhythm Society consensus on arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, International Task Force consensus statement on the treatment of ARVC, and American Heart Association guidelines for VA and SCD), the risk calculator performed better with a superior net clinical benefit below risk threshold of 35%.Conclusion Using a large independent cohort of patients, this study shows that the ARVC risk model provides good prognostic information and outperforms other published decision algorithms for ICD use. These findings support the use of the model to facilitate shared decision making regarding ICD implantation in the primary prevention of SCD in ARVC

    A new prediction model for ventricular arrhythmias in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

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    Aims Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is characterized by ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) and sudden cardiac death (SCD). We aimed to develop a model for individualized prediction of incident VA/SCD in ARVC patients.Methods and results Five hundred and twenty-eight patients with a definite diagnosis and no history of sustained VAs/SCD at baseline, aged 38.2 +/- 15.5 years, 44.7% male, were enrolled from five registries in North America and Europe. Over 4.83 (interquartile range 2.44-9.33) years of follow-up, 146 (27.7%) experienced sustained VA, defined as SCD, aborted SCD, sustained ventricular tachycardia, or appropriate implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) therapy. A prediction model estimating annual VA risk was developed using Cox regression with internal validation. Eight potential predictors were pre-specified: age, sex, cardiac syncope in the prior 6 months, non-sustained ventricular tachycardia, number of premature ventricular complexes in 24 h, number of leads with T-wave inversion, and right and left ventricular ejection fractions (LVEFs). All except LVEF were retained in the final model. The model accurately distinguished patients with and without events, with an optimism-corrected C-index of 0.77 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.73-0.81] and minimal over-optimism [calibration slope of 0.93 (95% CI 0.92-0.95)]. By decision curve analysis, the clinical benefit of the model was superior to a current consensus-based ICD placement algorithm with a 20.6% reduction of ICD placements with the same proportion of protected patients (P &lt;0.001).Conclusion Using the largest cohort of patients with ARVC and no prior VA, a prediction model using readily available clinical parameters was devised to estimate VA risk and guide decisions regarding primary prevention ICDs (www.arvcrisk.com).</p

    Utility of Post-Mortem Genetic Testing in Cases of Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome.

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    BACKGROUND: Sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS) describes a sudden death with negative autopsy and toxicological analysis. Cardiac genetic disease is a likely etiology. OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the clinical utility and combined yield of post-mortem genetic testing (molecular autopsy) in cases of SADS and comprehensive clinical evaluation of surviving relatives. METHODS: We evaluated 302 expertly validated SADS cases with suitable DNA (median age: 24 years; 65% males) who underwent next-generation sequencing using an extended panel of 77 primary electrical disorder and cardiomyopathy genes. Pathogenic and likely pathogenic variants were classified using American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) consensus guidelines. The yield of combined molecular autopsy and clinical evaluation in 82 surviving families was evaluated. A gene-level rare variant association analysis was conducted in SADS cases versus controls. RESULTS: A clinically actionable pathogenic or likely pathogenic variant was identified in 40 of 302 cases (13%). The main etiologies established were catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and long QT syndrome (17 [6%] and 11 [4%], respectively). Gene-based rare variants association analysis showed enrichment of rare predicted deleterious variants in RYR2 (p = 5 × 10(-5)). Combining molecular autopsy with clinical evaluation in surviving families increased diagnostic yield from 26% to 39%. CONCLUSIONS: Molecular autopsy for electrical disorder and cardiomyopathy genes, using ACMG guidelines for variant classification, identified a modest but realistic yield in SADS. Our data highlighted the predominant role of catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and long QT syndrome, especially the RYR2 gene, as well as the minimal yield from other genes. Furthermore, we showed the enhanced utility of combined clinical and genetic evaluation