22 research outputs found

    Estimation procedures for categorical survey data with nonignorable nonresponse

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    Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods304643-663CSTM

    The use of surrogate variables in binary regression models

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    Increased Communication Reliability for Delay-Sensitive Platooning Applications on top of IEEE 802.11p

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    Abstract. Cooperative driving in platooning applications has received much attention lately due to its potential to lower fuel consumption and improve safety and efficiency on our roads. However, the recently adopted standard for vehicular communication, IEEE 802.11p, fails to support the level of reliability and real-time properties required by highly safety-critical applications. In this paper, we propose a communication and real-time analysis framework over a dedicated frequency channel for platoon applications and show that our retransmission scheme is able to decrease the message error rate of control data exchange within a platoon of moderate size by several orders of magnitude while still guaranteeing that all delay bounds are met. Even for long platoons with up to seventeen members the message error rate is significantly reduced by retransmitting erroneous packets without jeopardizing the timely delivery of regular data traffic

    Intestinal epigenotype of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) associates with tenacibaculosis and gut microbiota composition.

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    It remains a challenge to obtain the desired phenotypic traits in aquacultural production of Atlantic salmon, and part of the challenge might come from the effect that host-associated microorganisms have on the fish phenotype. To manipulate the microbiota towards the desired host traits, it is critical to understand the factors that shape it. The bacterial gut microbiota composition can vary greatly among fish, even when reared in the same closed system. While such microbiota differences can be linked to diseases, the molecular effect of disease on host-microbiota interactions and the potential involvement of epigenetic factors remain largely unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the DNA methylation differences associated with a tenacibaculosis outbreak and microbiota displacement in the gut of Atlantic salmon. Using Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing (WGBS) of distal gut tissue from 20 salmon, we compared the genome-wide DNA methylation levels between uninfected individuals and sick fish suffering from tenacibaculosis and microbiota displacement. We discovered >19,000 differentially methylated cytosine sites, often located in differentially methylated regions, and aggregated around genes. The 68 genes connected to the most significant regions had functions related to the ulcerous disease such as epor and slc48a1a but also included prkcda and LOC106590732 whose orthologs are linked to microbiota changes in other species. Although the expression level was not analysed, our epigenetic analysis suggests specific genes potentially involved in host-microbiota interactions and more broadly it highlights the value of considering epigenetic factors in efforts to manipulate the microbiota of farmed fish