292 research outputs found

    Decomposition of Bayer process organics: Phenolates, polyalcohols, and additional carboxylates

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    The degradation of nineteen low-molecular-weight phenolates, polyalcohols and selected aliphatic and aromatic carboxylates of relevance to the Bayer process has been studied in 6 mol kg-1 NaOH(aq) at 90 °C for up to 36 days, and (for some species) at 180 °C for up to 12 days, using HPLC and 13C NMR spectroscopy. Aliphatic polyalcohols degraded readily at 90 °C to lactate, oxalate, acetate, and formate. As observed previously, aliphatic carboxylates with hydroxyl groups also degraded readily at 90 °C but there is evidence that the position of the hydroxyl group may be important. The observed degradation products for most, but not all, of these species can be explained in terms of well-known organic reaction mechanisms. Phenolate and 5-hydroxyisophthalate were stable at 180 °C but other phenolic species degraded partially at 90 °C. However, the reaction products could not be identified and no trends in reactivity were discernible. Consistent with previous studies both aliphatic and aromatic carboxylates without hydroxyl groups were generally stable in NaOH(aq) even at 180 °C

    Single-cell delineation of lineage and genetic identity in the mouse brain

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    During neurogenesis, mitotic progenitor cells lining the ventricles ofthe embryonic mouse brain undergo their final rounds of cell division, giving rise to a wide spectrum of postmitotic neurons and glia(1,2). The link between developmental lineage and cell-type diversity remains an open question. Here we used massively parallel tagging of progenitors to track clonal relationships and transcriptomic signatures during mouse forebrain development. We quantified clonal divergence and convergence across all major cell classes postnatally, and found diverse types of GABAergic neuron that share a common lineage. Divergence of GABAergic clones occurred during embryogenesis upon cell-cycle exit, suggesting that differentiation into subtypes is initiated as a lineage-dependent process at the progenitor cell level

    Prox1 Regulates the Subtype-Specific Development of Caudal Ganglionic Eminence-Derived GABAergic Cortical Interneurons

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    Neurogliaform (RELN+) and bipolar (VIP+) GABAergic interneurons of the mammalian cerebral cortex provide critical inhibition locally within the superficial layers. While these subtypes are known to originate from the embryonic caudal ganglionic eminence (CGE), the specific genetic programs that direct their positioning, maturation, and integration into the cortical network have not been elucidated. Here, we report that in mice expression of the transcription factor Prox1 is selectively maintained in postmitotic CGE-derived cortical interneuron precursors and that loss of Prox1 impairs the integration of these cells into superficial layers. Moreover, Prox1 differentially regulates the postnatal maturation of each specific subtype originating from the CGE (RELN, Calb2/VIP, and VIP). Interestingly, Prox1 promotes the maturation of CGE-derived interneuron subtypes through intrinsic differentiation programs that operate in tandem with extrinsically driven neuronal activity-dependent pathways. Thus Prox1 represents the first identified transcription factor specifically required for the embryonic and postnatal acquisition of CGE-derived cortical interneuron properties. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Despite the recognition that 30% of GABAergic cortical interneurons originate from the caudal ganglionic eminence (CGE), to date, a specific transcriptional program that selectively regulates the development of these populations has not yet been identified. Moreover, while CGE-derived interneurons display unique patterns of tangential and radial migration and preferentially populate the superficial layers of the cortex, identification of a molecular program that controls these events is lacking.Here, we demonstrate that the homeodomain transcription factor Prox1 is expressed in postmitotic CGE-derived cortical interneuron precursors and is maintained into adulthood. We found that Prox1 function is differentially required during both embryonic and postnatal stages of development to direct the migration, differentiation, circuit integration, and maintenance programs within distinct subtypes of CGE-derived interneurons

    Auxetic foam for snowsport safety devices

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    Skiing and snowboarding are popular snow-sports with inherent risk of injury. There is potential to reduce the prevalence of injuries by improving and implementing snow-sport safety devices with the application of advanced materials. This paper investigates the application of auxetic foam to snow-sport safety devices. Composite pads - consisting of foam covered with a semi-rigid shell - were investigated as a simple model of body armour and a large 70 x 355 x 355 mm auxetic foam sample was fabricated as an example crash barrier. The thermo-mechanical conversion process was applied to convert open-cell polyurethane foam to auxetic foam. The composite pad with auxetic foam absorbed around three times more energy than the conventional equivalent under quasi-static compression with a concentrated load, indicating potential for body armour applications. An adapted thermo-mechanical process - utilising through-thickness rods to control in-plane compression - was applied to fabricate the large sample with relatively consistent properties throughout, indicating further potential for fabrication of a full size auxetic crash barrier. Further work will create full size prototypes of snow-sport safety devices with comparative testing against current products

    Leflunomide in the treatment of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis—results of a prospective non-interventional study

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    Leflunomide is effective and well tolerated in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), however, data on its use in early RA are scarce. This study seeks to evaluate effectiveness and safety of leflunomide in the treatment of early RA in daily practice. This prospective, open-label, non-interventional, multi-center study was carried out over 24 weeks including adults with early RA (≤1 year since diagnosis). Leflunomide treatment was according to label instructions. Three hundred thirty-four patients were included. Disease activity score in 28 joints (DAS28) response (reduction in DAS28 of >1.2 or reduction of >0.6 and a DAS28 of ≤5.1) was 71.9% at week 12 and 84.6% at week 24. 25.0% of patients achieved clinical remission (DAS28 ≤ 2.6). Most frequently reported adverse drug reactions (ADR) were diarrhea (3.0%), nausea (2.4%), hypertension (1.8%), and headache (1.5%). Serious ADR were reported in four patients (1.2%). Leflunomide showed the effectiveness which was to be expected from controlled studies without revealing any new or hitherto unknown side effects. Onset of action was quick and significant improvement of disease was seen after 12 weeks of therapy and at even higher rates after 24 weeks irrespective of the use of a loading dose. Interestingly, the DAS28-remission rate achieved was similar to the rate seen with methotrexate or biologic therapy in other studies

    A Balance of BMP and Notch Activity Regulates Neurogenesis and Olfactory Nerve Formation

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    Although the function of the adult olfactory system has been thoroughly studied, the molecular mechanisms regulating the initial formation of the olfactory nerve, the first cranial nerve, remain poorly defined. Here, we provide evidence that both modulated Notch and bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling affect the generation of neurons in the olfactory epithelium and reduce the number of migratory neurons, so called epithelioid cells. We show that this reduction of epithelial and migratory neurons is followed by a subsequent failure or complete absence of olfactory nerve formation. These data provide new insights into the early generation of neurons in the olfactory epithelium and the initial formation of the olfactory nerve tract. Our results present a novel mechanism in which BMP signals negatively affect Notch activity in a dominant manner in the olfactory epithelium, thereby regulating neurogenesis and explain why a balance of BMP and Notch activity is critical for the generation of neurons and proper development of the olfactory nerve

    Biosynthesis of HLA-C heavy chains in melanoma cells with multiple defects in the expression of HLA-A, -B, -C molecules

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    Recent investigations have shown that malignant transformation may down-regulate the expression of class I HLA molecules, beta(2)-microglobulin (beta(2)m) and members of the antigen-processing machinery. In the present study, we HLA-genotyped and identified at a biochemical level the three (HLA-A25, -B8, -Cw7) class I alleles expressed by the previously described [D'Urso CM et al (1992) J Clin Invest 87: 284-292] beta(2)m-defective human melanoma FO-1 cell line and tested their ability to interact with calnexin, calreticulin and the TAP (transporter associated with antigen processing) complex. Ail these alleles were found to bind calnexin, but not calreticulin or the poorly expressed TAP complex, both in parental and beta(2)m-transfected FO-1 cells, demonstrating a complex defect of class I expression in FO-1 cells. In these conditions, Cw7 heavy chains interacted with calnexin more strongly than A25 and B8, and preferentially accumulated in the endoplasmic reticulum, in both a calnexin-associated and a calnexin-free form. In addition, they could be transported to the cell surface at low levels even in the absence of beta(2)m, without undergoing terminal glycosylation. These results establish a parallel between HLA-C and the murine D-b and L-d molecules which have been found to be surface expressed and functional in beta(2)m-defective cells. They also demonstrate distinctive features of HLA-C molecules. We propose that the accumulation of several assembly intermediates of HLA-C might favour the binding of peptide antigens not readily bound by HLA-A and -B molecules in neoplastic cells with suboptimal class I expression

    Wnt/β-catenin Signalling Is Active in a Highly Dynamic Pattern during Development of the Mouse Cerebellum

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    The adult cerebellum is composed of several distinct cell types with well defined developmental origins. However, the molecular mechanisms that govern the generation of these cell types are only partially resolved. Wnt/β-catenin signalling has a wide variety of roles in generation of the central nervous system, though the specific activity of this pathway during cerebellum development is not well understood. Here, we present data that delineate the spatio-temporal specific pattern of Wnt/β-catenin signaling during mouse cerebellum development between E12.5 and P21. Using the BAT-gal Wnt/β-catenin reporter mouse, we found that Wnt/β-catenin activity is present transiently at the embryonic rhombic lip but not at later stages during the expansion of cell populations that arise from there. At late embryonic and early postnatal stages, Wnt/β-catenin activity shifts to the cerebellar ventricular zone and to cells arising from this germinal centre. Subsequently, the expression pattern becomes progressively restricted to Bergmann glial cells, which show expression of the reporter at P21. These results indicate a variety of potential functions for Wnt/β-catenin activity during cerebellum development
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