87 research outputs found

    Instituto da Segurança Social, I.P. promotor de direitos sociais: respostas na área da infância, família e sociedade

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    O presente relatório de estágio culmina a conclusão do Mestrado em Ciências da Educação, no domínio Infância, Família e Sociedade, tendo sido produzido após a realização de um estágio curricular no Centro Distrital do Instituto da Segurança Social, I.P. do Porto, especificamente numa equipa que monitoriza as respostas sociais do setor cooperativo e estabelecimentos lucrativos do ISS, I.P. do distrito do Porto. O Estado português tem como objetivo proporcionar o bem-estar de todos/as os/as cidadãos/ãs, promovendo direitos sociais através das chamadas respostas sociais protagonizadas por instituições com quem mantém uma relação jurídica e técnica intensa. Neste relatório, os direitos sociais direcionados para a infância, família e sociedade e as respetivas respostas sociais ganham ênfase, nomeadamente a Creche. É dever do Estado providenciar às famílias, e consequentemente às crianças, estabelecimentos sociais, com o intuito de as famílias conciliarem a vida privada com a profissional, ao mesmo tempo que o Estado ajuda na promoção da educação do(s)/a(s) filho(s)/a(s), colaborando no desenvolvimento pessoal e social de cada criança. Então, para que estes equipamentos sociais cumpram determinados requisitos e critérios há equipas formadas por técnicos/as dos centros distritais do ISS, I.P. com o intuito de monitorizar as respostas sociais que possuem acordo de cooperação com o ISS, I.P.. O estágio curricular consistiu na integração em uma dessas equipas no centro distrital do Porto e decorreu entre final de outubro de 2020 até fim de fevereiro de 2021, acompanhando as dinâmicas e atividades realizadas por uma das técnicas pertencente a uma equipa de acompanhamento das respostas sociais. Durante este período em consequência do plano de contingência do próprio centro distrital e das medidas tomadas pelo Governo português, o estágio ocorreu de forma presencial, apenas alguns dias da semana, e em formato online, realizando tarefas de leitura e/ou atividades em que era solicitada a minha colaboração

    Hyperspectral Reflectance as a Basis to Discriminate Olive Varieties—A Tool for Sustainable Crop Management

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    Worldwide sustainable development is threatened by current agricultural land change trends, particularly by the increasing rural farmland abandonment and agricultural intensification phenomena. In Mediterranean countries, these processes are affecting especially traditional olive groves with enormous socio-economic costs to rural areas, endangering environmental sustainability and biodiversity. Traditional olive groves abandonment and intensification are clearly related to the reduction of olive oil production income, leading to reduced economic viability. Most promising strategies to boost traditional groves competitiveness—such as olive oil differentiation through adoption of protected denomination of origin labels and development of value-added olive products—rely on knowledge of the olive varieties and its specific properties that confer their uniqueness and authenticity. Given the lack of information about olive varieties on traditional groves, a feasible and inexpensive method of variety identification is required. We analyzed leaf spectral information of ten Portuguese olive varieties with a powerful data-mining approach in order to verify the ability of satellite’s hyperspectral sensors to provide an accurate olive variety identification. Our results show that these olive varieties are distinguishable by leaf reflectance information and suggest that even satellite open-source data could be used to map them. Additional advantages of olive varieties mapping were further discussed

    Hyperspectral refrectace as a basis to discriminate olive varieties - a tool for sustainable crop management

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    Worldwide sustainable development is threatened by current agricultural land change trends, particularly by the increasing rural farmland abandonment and agricultural intensification phenomena. In Mediterranean countries, these processes are a ecting especially traditional olive groves with enormous socio-economic costs to rural areas, endangering environmental sustainability and biodiversity. Traditional olive groves abandonment and intensification are clearly related to the reduction of olive oil production income, leading to reduced economic viability. Most promising strategies to boost traditional groves competitiveness—such as olive oil di erentiation through adoption of protected denomination of origin labels and development of value-added olive products—rely on knowledge of the olive varieties and its specific properties that confer their uniqueness and authenticity. Given the lack of information about olive varieties on traditional groves, a feasible and inexpensive method of variety identification is required. We analyzed leaf spectral information of ten Portuguese olive varieties with a powerful data-mining approach in order to verify the ability of satellite’s hyperspectral sensors to provide an accurate olive variety identification. Our results show that these olive varieties are distinguishable by leaf reflectance information and suggest that even satellite open-source data could be“Integrated protection of the Alentejo olive grove. Contributions to its innovation and improvement against its key enemies” with the reference ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000029. co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. under the ALENTEJO 2020 (Regional Operational Program of the Alentejo).PTDC/ASP-PLA/30650/2017 (“Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia”. FCT Portugal).National Funds through FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology under the Project UIDB/05183/202

    Physical health of food consumers during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The present research aims to analyze the habits observed in the perception of the general physical health condition of Portuguese food consumers in the COVID-19 pandemic. The investigation is focused on indicators such as weight, physical activity, and consumption habits through the adoption of healthy and not healthy food. Centered on a quantitative approach, the research is based on the application of a questionnaire to a sample of 741 Portuguese consumers, between November 2020 and February 2021, a period during which the most severe measures of social isolation were imposed by the Portuguese government, since the beginning of the pandemic. Moreover, the questionnaire was applied to consumers over 18 years old. According to this population, and considering a 95% confidence level and a margin of error of 4%, the sample has a minimum of 601 responses. Being so, the results of this research are representative for the Portuguese food consumers. The theoretical model was estimated using Partial Least Squares (PLS) in the Smart PLS 3.0 software. The obtained results allowed us to conclude that the Portuguese perception of their weight did not change in the pandemic, despite showing that in general, the pandemic had a negative impact on their physical condition. On the other hand, the results show that the Portuguese associate the practice of physical exercise with physical well-being. Respondents also confirm a positive relationship between “positive eating behaviors (such as consumption of fruits and vegetables, low saturated foods and rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats” and water consumption) and “the perception of physical health in general”. On the contrary, respondents’ perception of the choice of negative eating behaviors (measured by the consumption of products with a high content of salt and sugar, snacks, and processed frozen and pre-cooked foods) have a negative impact on the “assessment of physical health, in the COVID-19 pandemic”. Hence, it was concluded that the Portuguese consider that an eventual increase in weight does not necessarily correspond to a perception of worse physical health; the practice of physical exercise and good eating habits corresponds to a perception of better physical health; the adoption of bad eating habits corresponds to the perception of bad physical health.This work is supported by national funds, through the FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the project UIDB/04630/2020

    Opening the “Black Box” of university entrepreneurial intention in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    This research aims to study the determinants of entrepreneurial intention in academia and compare the outcomes from two different moments, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, a quantitative methodology was used, whereby a questionnaire was given to higher education students in these two chronological moments. From the obtained results, it was possible to ascertain that, given the motivational dimension, the attitude towards behavior and perceived behavioral control are having a positive impact on entrepreneurial intentions during the pandemic and that subjective norms have a negative impact on entrepreneurial intentions. This relationship of influences is unchanged, either before or during the pandemic. Regarding the environmental dimension, both of the variables under analysis are having a negative impact on entrepreneurial intention during the pandemic period, which corresponds to an aggravation or loss of positive influences when compared to the context before the pandemic, and the next assessment had a positive impact on entrepreneurial intentions. On the theoretical contributions, the findings are very important, as they strengthen the literature on entrepreneurial intentions, and in specific contexts of social and economic instability. As for practical contributions, this research suggests actions to agents with an important intervention role in the community, one of these agents is Higher Education Institutions, which play a determining role by creating a positive environment to support their students’ entrepreneurial intent. This research is original, as far as we are informed, and it is the first to study entrepreneurial intention in academia during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Portuguese context. Moreover, we suggest that the obtained results should be succeeded by further studies to confirm the evolutionary trends now identified on the subject under analysis.This work was supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology “UIDB/04630/2020


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    O presente artigo aborda a política e as experiências de educação integral em tempo integral no Brasil, tendo como recorte as experiências acontecidas na rede estadual de ensino no município de Santarém – Pará e discorre a partir da caraterização da escola e dos participantes da pesquisa sobre estas experiências na perspectiva dos professores relacionando sua prática pedagógica em sala de aula. Realizamos pesquisa empírica cujo instrumento foi o questionário e os itens foram organizados e sistematizados em gráficos e tabelas; a análise foi referendada em fontes bibliográficas e documentais (leis, decretos) que delineiam discussões sobre as políticas educacionais de educação integral. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que é necessário conhecer a realidade das escolas que por sua diversidade, enfrenta desafios na efetivação da política educacional de educação integral em tempo integral como por exemplo: adequação de tempo, espaço, metodologias, formação e a práticapedagógica desenvolvida no cotidiano da escola

    Determinants of the Entrepreneurial Influence on Academic Entrepreneurship - Lessons Learned from Higher Education Students in Portugal

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    Academic entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly important to the field of research as well as to policy makers due to its ability to contribute to the economic, technological, and social development of regions and countries. This research aims to evaluate the determinants that influence the interest of Portuguese higher education students (HEI’s) to become entrepreneurs. The methodology used is quantitative and uses structural model equations. The results obtained demonstrate that the student’s perception of business skills, business growth skills, strategy, and successful business are key factors that students take into account in their entrepreneurial orientation. The research contributes to this theory by adding new knowledge to the literature on the perception of the HEI’s students to become entrepreneurs, specifically the students of Portuguese universities. In practical terms, the contributions offered within this research are based on suggestions for the third mission of universities, explicitly knowledge transfer to the community, business groups, and policy makers, as well as the creation of the essentials within university boundaries to promote entrepreneurship amongst its students. The research is original and innovative, as no research on this field with all the aggregated elements under study has been previously performed in Portugal. Furthermore, the obtained results can translate into ideas that potentially create jobsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Genome-wide identification of genes involved in the positive and negative regulation of acetic acid-induced programmed cell death in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Background: Acetic acid is mostly known as a toxic by-product of alcoholic fermentation carried out by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which it frequently impairs. The more recent finding that acetic acid triggers apoptotic programmed cell death (PCD) in yeast sparked an interest to develop strategies to modulate this process, to improve several biotechnological applications, but also for biomedical research. Indeed, acetate can trigger apoptosis in cancer cells, suggesting its exploitation as an anticancer compound. Therefore, we aimed to identify genes involved in the positive and negative regulation of acetic acid-induced PCD by optimizing a functional analysis of a yeast Euroscarf knock-out mutant collection. Results: The screen consisted of exposing the mutant strains to acetic acid in YPD medium, pH 3.0, in 96-well plates, and subsequently evaluating the presence of culturable cells at different time points. Several functional categories emerged as greatly relevant for modulation of acetic acid-induced PCD (e.g.: mitochondrial function, transcription of glucose-repressed genes, protein synthesis and modifications, and vesicular traffic for protection, or amino acid transport and biosynthesis, oxidative stress response, cell growth and differentiation, protein phosphorylation and histone deacetylation for its execution). Known pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic genes were found, validating the approach developed. Metabolism stood out as a main regulator of this process, since impairment of major carbohydrate metabolic pathways conferred resistance to acetic acid-induced PCD. Among these, lipid catabolism arose as one of the most significant new functions identified. The results also showed that many of the cellular and metabolic features that constitute hallmarks of tumour cells (such as higher glycolytic energetic dependence, lower mitochondrial functionality, increased cell division and metabolite synthesis) confer sensitivity to acetic acid-induced PCD, potentially explaining why tumour cells are more susceptible to acetate than untransformed cells and reinforcing the interest in exploiting this acid in cancer therapy. Furthermore, our results clearly establish a connection between cell proliferation and cell death regulation, evidencing a conserved developmental role of programmed cell death in unicellular eukaryotes. Conclusions: This work advanced the characterization of acetic acid-induced PCD, providing a wealth of new information on putative molecular targets for its control with impact both in biotechnology and biomedicine.This work was supported by FEDER through POFC-COMPETE and national funds from FCT PEst-C/BIA/UI4050/2011 and PTDC/AGR-ALI/102608/2008. A. Pacheco was the recipient of a FCT fellowship (SFRH/BPD/65003)

    Occupational stressors and work accidents among health workers

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    OBJECTIVE To test the association between occupational stressors and work accidents due to exposure to biological material (ATbio) in health workers, considering the isolated and combined analysis of the dimensions of two models, the demand-control model (DCM) and the effort-reward imbalance model (ERI). METHODS Cross-sectional study in a representative sample of workers with higher, technical and secondary education, including health agents from primary and medium-complexity care units in five cities in Bahia. Random sampling was selected, stratified by geographic area, level of service complexity and occupation. The outcome variable was ATbio; The main exposure was occupational stressors, assessed by the DCM and ERI. Incidences and relative risks were estimated as a function of the acute, short-term nature of the outcome of interest. Associations between ATbio and isolated and combined DCM and ERI dimensions were tested. RESULTS A total of 3,084 workers participated in the study. The global incidence of ATbio was 3.4% and was associated with high psychological demand, high effort and high commitment to work, adjusted for sex, age, education and work shift. High-strain work and a situation of imbalance between efforts and rewards were associated with ATbio. With the combination of the models, an increase in the measure of association with the outcome was observed. Significant associations of greater magnitude were observed in the complete combined models. ATbio’s risk was 5.23 times higher among those exposed in both complete models compared to the absence of exposure in both models. CONCLUSIONS Occupational stressors were associated with ATbio. Advantages in using the combined models were observed. The approach of different psychosocial dimensions has expanded the ability to identify exposed groups, offering a solid basis for interventions for ATbio’s prevention in health.OBJETIVO Testar associação entre estressores ocupacionais e acidentes de trabalho por exposição a material biológico (ATbio) em trabalhadores da saúde, considerando a análise isolada e combinada das dimensões de dois modelos, o modelo demanda-controle (MDC) e o modelo de desequilíbrio esforço-recompensa (ERI). MÉTODOS Estudo de corte transversal em amostra representativa de trabalhadores de nível superior, técnico, médio, incluindo agentes de saúde de unidades da atenção básica e média complexidade em cinco cidades da Bahia. Selecionou-se amostragem aleatória, estratificada por área geográfica, nível de complexidade do serviço e ocupação. A variável desfecho foi ATbio; a exposição principal foram os estressores ocupacionais, avaliados pelo MDC e ERI. As incidências e os riscos relativos foram estimados em função do caráter agudo, de curta duração, do desfecho de interesse. Testaram-se associações entre ATbio e as dimensões do MDC e ERI isolados e combinados. RESULTADOS Participaram do estudo 3.084 trabalhadores. A incidência global de ATbio foi de 3,4% e mostrou-se associada a alta demanda psicológica, alto esforço e alto comprometimento com o trabalho, com ajuste por sexo, idade, escolaridade e turno de trabalho. Trabalho de alta exigência e situação de desequilíbrio entre esforços e recompensas estavam associados aos ATbio. Com a combinação dos modelos, observou-se incremento da medida de associação com o desfecho. As associações significantes e de maior magnitude foram observadas nos modelos combinados completos. O risco de ATbio foi 5,23 vezes maior entre os expostos em ambos os modelos completos em comparação com a ausência de exposição nos dois modelos. CONCLUSÕES Estressores ocupacionais mostraram-se associados aos ATbio. Observaram-se vantagens no uso dos modelos combinados. A abordagem de diferentes dimensões psicossociais ampliou a capacidade de identificação de grupos expostos, oferecendo base sólida para intervenções de prevenção dos ATbio em saúde

    Self-Care in Heart Failure Inpatients: What Is the Role of Gender and Pathophysiological Characteristics? A Cross-Sectional Multicentre Study

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    Heart failure is often characterised by low exercise capacity and a great impairment of performance in the activities of daily living. The correct management of the disease can prevent the worsening of symptoms and promote a better quality of life. The aims of this study are to understand the relationship of gender and pathophysiological characteristics with self-care behaviour and to evaluate the self-care behaviour in a sample of Portuguese heart failure inpatients, using the Self-Care of Heart Failure Index (SCHFI). A cross-sectional multicentre study enrolling 225 heart failure inpatients from eight hospitals from Portugal was performed. At admission, each patient’s functional capacity was evaluated as well as their self-care behaviour, using the SCHFI Portuguese v6.2. A comparison between self-care behaviour with gender was performed. The patients’ mean age was 68.4 ± 10.7 years old, 68% were male and 82.3% had reduced ejection fraction. A mean value of 47.9, 35.6 and 38.8 points was found in the SCHFI score of the sections self-care maintenance, self-care management and self-care confidence, respectively. Heart failure inpatients present inadequate levels of self-care behaviour. The results do not suggest a relationship between gender and pathophysiological characteristics with self-care behaviour.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio