1,288 research outputs found

    Potentially harmful advantage to athletes: a putative connection between UGT2B17 gene deletion polymorphism and renal disorders with prolonged use of anabolic androgenic steroids

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: With prolonged use of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS), occasional incidents of renal disorders have been observed. Independently, it has also been established that there are considerable inter-individual and inter-ethnic differences, in particular with reference to the uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase 2B17 (UGT2B17) gene, in metabolising these compounds. This report postulates the association of deletion polymorphism in the UGT2B17 gene with the occurrence of renal disorders on chronic exposure to AAS. PRESENTATION OF THE HYPOTHESIS: The major deactivation and elimination pathway of AASs is through glucuronide conjugation, chiefly catalyzed by the UGT2B17 enzyme, followed by excretion in urine. Excretion of steroids is affected in individuals with a deletion mutation in the UGT2B17 gene. We hypothesize that UGT2B17 deficient individuals are more vulnerable to developing renal disorders with prolonged use of AAS owing to increases in body mass index and possible direct toxic effects of steroids on the kidneys. Elevated serum levels of biologically active steroids due to inadequate elimination can lead to prolonged muscle build up. An increase in body mass index may cause renal injuries due to sustained elevated glomerular pressure and flow rate. TESTING THE HYPOTHESIS: In the absence of controlled clinical trials in humans, observational studies can be carried out. Real time PCR with allelic discrimination should be employed to examine the prevalence of different UGT2B17 genotypes in patients with impaired renal function and AAS abuse. In individuals with the UGT2B17 deletion polymorphism, blood tests, biofluid analyses, urinalysis, and hair analyses following the administration of an anabolic steroid can be used to determine the fate of the substance once in the body. IMPLICATIONS OF THE HYPOTHESIS: If the hypothesis is upheld, anabolic steroid users with a deletion mutation in the UGT2B17 gene may be exposed to an increased risk of developing renal disorders. In the current detecting - sanctioning anti-doping system, athletes motivated by the potential to evade detection owing to their unique genetic make-up could subject themselves to a serious health consequence. More research on AAS metabolism in the presence of UGT2B17 gene deletion is required. Benefit - harm evaluations in therapeutic use of anabolic steroids should also consider this potential link between UGT2B17 gene deletion polymorphism and renal disorders

    Translational contributions to tissue specificity in rhythmic and constitutive gene expression.

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    The daily gene expression oscillations that underlie mammalian circadian rhythms show striking differences between tissues and involve post-transcriptional regulation. Both aspects remain poorly understood. We have used ribosome profiling to explore the contribution of translation efficiency to temporal gene expression in kidney and contrasted our findings with liver data available from the same mice. Rhythmic translation of constantly abundant messenger RNAs (mRNAs) affects largely non-overlapping transcript sets with distinct phase clustering in the two organs. Moreover, tissue differences in translation efficiency modulate the timing and amount of protein biosynthesis from rhythmic mRNAs, consistent with organ specificity in clock output gene repertoires and rhythmicity parameters. Our comprehensive datasets provided insights into translational control beyond temporal regulation. Between tissues, many transcripts show differences in translation efficiency, which are, however, of markedly smaller scale than mRNA abundance differences. Tissue-specific changes in translation efficiency are associated with specific transcript features and, intriguingly, globally counteracted and compensated transcript abundance variations, leading to higher similarity at the level of protein biosynthesis between both tissues. We show that tissue specificity in rhythmic gene expression extends to the translatome and contributes to define the identities, the phases and the expression levels of rhythmic protein biosynthesis. Moreover, translational compensation of transcript abundance divergence leads to overall higher similarity at the level of protein production across organs. The unique resources provided through our study will serve to address fundamental questions of post-transcriptional control and differential gene expression in vivo

    A Test of Independence in Two-Way Contingency Tables Based on Maximal Correlation

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Maximal correlation has several desirable properties as a measure of dependence, including the fact that it vanishes if and only if the variables are independent. Except for a few special cases, it is hard to evaluate maximal correlation explicitly. We focus on two-dimensional contingency tables and discuss a procedure for estimating maximal correlation, which we use for constructing a test of independence. We compare the maximal correlation test with other tests of independence by Monte Carlo simulations. When the underlying continuous variables are dependent but uncorrelated, we point out some cases for which the new test is more powerful

    Intensity-based elastic registration incorporating anisotropic landmark errors and rotational information

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    Purpose: Thin-plate splines (TPS) represent an effective tool for estimating the deformation that warps one set of landmarks to another based on the physical equivalent of thin metal sheets. In the original formulation, data used to estimate the deformation field are restricted to landmark locations only and thus does not allow to incorporate information about the rotation of the image around the landmark. It furthermore assumes that landmark positions are known exactly which is not the case in real world applications. These localization inaccuracies are propagated to the entire deformation field as each landmark has a global influence. We propose to use a TPS approximation method that incorporates anisotropic landmark errors and rotational information and integrate it into a hierarchical elastic registration framework (HERA). The improvement of the registration performance has been evaluated. Methods: The proposed TPS approximation scheme integrates anisotropic landmark errors with rotational information of the landmarks. The anisotropic landmark errors are represented by their covariance matrices estimated directly from the image data as a minimal stochastic localization error, i.e. the Cramér-Rao bound. The rotational attribute of each landmark is characterized by an additional angular landmark, thus doubling the number of landmarks in the TPS model. This allows the TPS approximation to better cope up with local deformations. Results: We integrated the proposed TPS approach into the HERA registration framework and applied it to register 161 image pairs from a digital mammogram database. Experiments showed that the mean squared error using the proposed TPS approximation was superior to pure TPS interpolation. On artificially deformed breast images HERA, with the proposed TPS approximation, performed significantly better than the state-of-the-art registration method presented by Rueckert. Conclusion: The TPS approximation approach proposed in this publication allows to incorporate anisotropic landmark errors as well as rotational information. The integration of the method into an intensity-based hierarchical non-rigid registration framework is straightforward and improved the registration quality significantl

    Ribosome profiling reveals the rhythmic liver translatome and circadian clock regulation by upstream open reading frames.

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    Mammalian gene expression displays widespread circadian oscillations. Rhythmic transcription underlies the core clock mechanism, but it cannot explain numerous observations made at the level of protein rhythmicity. We have used ribosome profiling in mouse liver to measure the translation of mRNAs into protein around the clock and at high temporal and nucleotide resolution. We discovered, transcriptome-wide, extensive rhythms in ribosome occupancy and identified a core set of approximately 150 mRNAs subject to particularly robust daily changes in translation efficiency. Cycling proteins produced from nonoscillating transcripts revealed thus-far-unknown rhythmic regulation associated with specific pathways (notably in iron metabolism, through the rhythmic translation of transcripts containing iron responsive elements), and indicated feedback to the rhythmic transcriptome through novel rhythmic transcription factors. Moreover, estimates of relative levels of core clock protein biosynthesis that we deduced from the data explained known features of the circadian clock better than did mRNA expression alone. Finally, we identified uORF translation as a novel regulatory mechanism within the clock circuitry. Consistent with the occurrence of translated uORFs in several core clock transcripts, loss-of-function of Denr, a known regulator of reinitiation after uORF usage and of ribosome recycling, led to circadian period shortening in cells. In summary, our data offer a framework for understanding the dynamics of translational regulation, circadian gene expression, and metabolic control in a solid mammalian organ

    A Coarse Pointing Assembly for Optical Communication

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    In the framework of a contract with the European Space Agency, RUAG Space are developing a Coarse Pointing Assembly for an Optical Communication Terminal with the goal to enable high-bandwidth data exchange between GEO and/or LEO satellites as well as to earth-bound ground stations. This paper describes some development and testing aspects of such a high precision opto-mechanical device, with emphasis on the influence of requirements on the final design, the usage of a Bearing Active Preload System, some of the lessons learned on the BAPS implementation, the selection of a flex print design as rotary harness and some aspects of functional and environmental testing

    Genome-Wide Occupancy of SREBP1 and Its Partners NFY and SP1 Reveals Novel Functional Roles and Combinatorial Regulation of Distinct Classes of Genes

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    The sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP) family member SREBP1 is a critical transcriptional regulator of cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism and has been implicated in insulin resistance, diabetes, and other diet-related diseases. We globally identified the promoters occupied by SREBP1 and its binding partners NFY and SP1 in a human hepatocyte cell line using chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with genome tiling arrays (ChIP-chip). We find that SREBP1 occupies the promoters of 1,141 target genes involved in diverse biological pathways, including novel targets with roles in lipid metabolism and insulin signaling. We also identify a conserved SREBP1 DNA-binding motif in SREBP1 target promoters, and we demonstrate that many SREBP1 target genes are transcriptionally activated by treatment with insulin and glucose using gene expression microarrays. Finally, we show that SREBP1 cooperates extensively with NFY and SP1 throughout the genome and that unique combinations of these factors target distinct functional pathways. Our results provide insight into the regulatory circuitry in which SREBP1 and its network partners coordinate a complex transcriptional response in the liver with cues from the diet

    In silico evolution of diauxic growth

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    The glucose effect is a well known phenomenon whereby cells, when presented with two different nutrients, show a diauxic growth pattern, i.e. an episode of exponential growth followed by a lag phase of reduced growth followed by a second phase of exponential growth. Diauxic growth is usually thought of as a an adaptation to maximise biomass production in an environment offering two or more carbon sources. While diauxic growth has been studied widely both experimentally and theoretically, the hypothesis that diauxic growth is a strategy to increase overall growth has remained an unconfirmed conjecture. Here, we present a minimal mathematical model of a bacterial nutrient uptake system and metabolism. We subject this model to artificial evolution to test under which conditions diauxic growth evolves. As a result, we find that, indeed, sequential uptake of nutrients emerges if there is competition for nutrients and the metabolism/uptake system is capacity limited. However, we also find that diauxic growth is a secondary effect of this system and that the speed-up of nutrient uptake is a much larger effect. Notably, this speed-up of nutrient uptake coincides with an overall reduction of efficiency. Our two main conclusions are: (i) Cells competing for the same nutrients evolve rapid but inefficient growth dynamics. (ii) In the deterministic models we use here no substantial lag-phase evolves. This suggests that the lag-phase is a consequence of stochastic gene expression