9 research outputs found

    Critical success factors of Accounting Information Systems (AIS): Empirical evidence from Malaysian organizations / Sharina Tajul Urus … [et al.]

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    The role of Information System (IS) has changed and progressed rigorously over the last decade because of its ability to speed up the decision-making process. Effective and efficient management of an organization is usually reflected through the quality of decision made through financial systems like Accounting Information Systems (AIS). AIS is often viewed as medium to enhance the capability and efficiency of business operations. However, previous studies have suggested that the success of AIS often relies on critical success factors. This study aims to examine the critical success factors on the net benefits of AIS. The purpose of this paper is to determine the influence of system quality, service quality, system use and user satisfaction and the interaction of these factors on the AIS net benefits. Based upon the lens of DeLone and McLean’s Information System Success Model (2003), this study adopted a quantitative method through an online survey of 150 AIS users at various Malaysian organizations. Data was analysed by using the multiple regression method. The result suggests that system quality and service quality influence system use and user satisfaction which also affect net benefits of AIS. This study extends the existing IS literature especially in identifying the critical success factors on net benefits of AIS. Ultimately, the use of the critical success factors of AIS can raise the level of users’ belief in it. From the practitioners’ perspective, this study can be useful for organizations when selecting and implementing a system


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    Background and Purpose: The Covid-19 pandemic has sparked global challenges, economic disruption, and an increase in related crimes, such as scams, fraud, and cybercrime. It has also changed the routines of individuals, businesses, and governments in combating financial crimes, especially professional accountants. As front-liners in the anti-money laundering (AML) regime, professional accountants play a vital role in combating financial crime, including money laundering activities that have risen during the pandemic. However, limited study has investigated the money laundering reporting framework for the professional accountants. Hence, this study aims to investigate the money laundering framework for professional accountants that suits the post-pandemic period.   Methodology: This study conducted a content analysis, focussing on the current red flags for money laundering activities specifically for the professional accountants mentioned in prior literature and publicly available reports such as Financial Action Task Force (FATF), ICAEW and ACCA Global. Since this study focuses on the money laundering framework for the professional accountants, this study also referred to the MIA Competency Framework that highlights the importance of professional scepticism and professional judgement.   Findings: Findings showed that professional accountants must exercise high professional scepticism and judgement when dealing with money laundering risk indicators related to related party transactions, beneficial ownership and e-commerce activities. This is to provide quality reporting to the authorities and to proceed with money laundering investigations.   Contributions: This study will contribute to the regulators and professional accountant by proposing a money laundering framework for the professional accountants that would assist them in fulfilling their role as money laundering reporting entity.   Keywords: Money laundering, professional accountants, professional scepticism, professional judgment, Covid-19 endemic.   Cite as: Zolkaflil, S., Syed Mustapha Nazri, S. N. F., Mohd Razali, F., Ahmad Tarmizi, M., & Masum, M. H. (2023). Money laundering framework for professional accountants: Post Covid-19. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(TI), 235-256. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8issTIpp235-25

    Auditor change in Malaysia: the influence of ethnicity, audit, client firm and auditor characteristics

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    Auditing has an important role to play in the corporate governance process and is essential in ensuring confidence in the reliability of financial information. Given the costs involved, it is important to understand the reasons why companies change their auditor and choose a particular level of audit assurance. To date, however, only a limited number of studies on auditor change and the nature of change issues have been conducted, none of these in a Malaysian setting. Further, since the demise of Arthur Andersen, the audit market environment has changed significantly, creating a new research domain. In light of these recent developments, the objectives of this study are to address both auditor change and the nature of change issues. This study investigates two aspects of the Malaysian listed company auditor changes, namely the factors which influence auditor change and the nature of change. The first part deals with factors which influence auditor change, notably audit and client firms’ characteristics for the Malaysian listed company. Logistic regression analysis was used to explain the factors impacting on audit change and to examine the sensitivity of results to alternative period measurement and proxies of the basic model specification. Subsequently, the nature of change, in particular are address: changes of audit firm from a Big-4 audit firm to another Big-4 audit firm; from a non Big-4 audit firm to a Big-–4 audit firm; from a Big-4 audit firm to a non Big-4 audit firm; and from a non Big-4 audit firm to another non Big-4 audit firm. Two auditor characteristics are adopted: auditor ethnicity and auditor quality and three proxies of audit quality are adopted: brand name, specialist auditor and audit firm size. Logistic regression analysis and multinomial regression analysis were used to evaluate alternative models of the change process

    Порівняльне дослідження впровадження фінтех-послуг серед молодих фахівців малайзії та індонезії: через призму теорії UTAUT

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    The Covid-19 pandemic had changed the business model in various industries. Companies have switched to digital business processes in order to survive in this challenging situation. Financial Technology (Fintech), especially digital payment services, has become the most preferred solution for handling financial transactions in conditions of limited mobility and interaction. The phenomenal emergence of Fintech has captured the attention of the world and the Asian region, including Malaysia and Indonesia. Despite various benefits offered by Fintech, the adoption rate is still relatively low, especially for IT-savvy groups of fresh graduates in both countries. This comparative study aims to analyze the adoption of Fintech payment services in Malaysia and Indonesia using the UTAUT theory approach. The research measures the relationships between performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, consumers’ trust, and national culture with the adoption of Fintech. Each indicator of national culture, such as individualism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity and long-term orientation, was measured to see its relationship with the adoption rate. The quantitative method was employed, and the data were collected via an online survey of a total of 486 respondents. Using multivariate regression analysis, 57.9 % behavioral adoption of Fintech payment services both in Malaysia and Indonesia was explained through performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, customer trust and national culture. The study revealed that performance expectancy and the cultural factor individualism had the highest effect on the decision to adopt digital payment services. This study contributes to the Fintech ecosystem in both countries by providing some recommendations to Fintech providers, financial institutions, and governments in policy making. It is also expected that the research will support the government’s goal to become a cashless society as a strategy to increase financial inclusion.Пандемія Covid-19 змінила модель ділової діяльності у різних галузях. Щоб вистояти у цій непростій ситуації, компанії перейшли на цифрові бізнес-процеси. В умовах обмеженої мобільності та взаємодії, фінансові технології (фінтех), особливо послуги цифрових платежів, стали найкращим рішенням для обробки фінансових операцій. Феноменальна поява фінтеху привернула увагу всього світу та азіатського регіону, включаючи Малайзію та Індонезію. Незважаючи на різні переваги фінтеху, рівень впровадження залишається відносно низьким, особливо серед підкованих в ІТ молодих фахівців в обох країнах. Це порівняльне дослідження спрямоване на аналіз впровадження фінтех-послуг у Малайзії та Індонезії з використанням теорії UTAUT. Дослідження вимірює взаємозв'язок між очікуваними результатами, очікуваними витратами зусиль, соціальним впливом, довірою клієнтів та національною культурою та впровадженням фінтеху. Виміряне співвідношення кожного показника національної культури, включаючи індивідуалізм, дистанцію влади, неприйняття невизначеності, маскулінність та довгострокову орієнтацію, з рівнем впровадження. Був використаний кількісний метод, дані були зібрані за допомогою онлайн-опитування 486 респондентів. Використовуючи багатовимірний регресійний аналіз, 57,9 % випадків впровадження фінтех-послуг як у Малайзії, так і в Індонезії пояснювалися очікуваними результатами, очікуваними витратами зусиль, соціальним впливом, довірою клієнтів та національною культурою. Дослідження показало, що очікувані результати та культурний фактор індивідуалізму найбільше впливають на прийняття рішення про впровадження цифрових платіжних послуг. Дане дослідження сприяє розвитку екосистеми фінтеху в обох країнах, надаючи деякі рекомендації постачальникам фінтеху, фінансовим установам та урядам при розробці політики. Також очікується, що дослідження підтримає мету уряду стати безготівковим суспільством в якості стратегії підвищення фінансової інклюзивності