218 research outputs found

    Konsep Pluralisme dan Konflik Dalam Bingkai Kearifan Hukum dan Ekonomi Islam

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    The development of pluralist thinking need to be wary, because in the contemporary development has been the emergence of thinking turns the intention to destroy the Muslims through his aqidah of Muslim intellectuals themselves. This fact shows that religion acts as a development frame a theology that explores the intersection of religion in creating live together in harmony, among people of different faiths both international, regional and national scale, there are always two forms of the attitude, among others: First, mutual respect and respect that goes consciously. This means that one respects people of other faiths it is only because of political interests. Secondly, respect for the people who embrace other religions arise not only because of political interests but more than that ofan awareness that the religious affiliation of people in this world have a meeting point that is very fundamental. Islam also contains signs and limits of tolerance as His word in Surah al-An’am: 108. The fraternity as a human being and compatriots (ukhuwah Basyariah and ukhuwah wathaniyah) between a Muslim and non-Muslims at all prohibited by Muslims. The Word of God in Surat Al-Mumtahanah: 8. Religious harmony in the concept of Islam is also explained by the prophetic traditions of the Prophet Muhammad, narrated by Muslims and Bukhari. The verses and hadiths above explains that believers should not be angry when dealing with people of different religions, and must be able to resist the temptation to carry out violence, such as imposing the faith of others, social pressure of political and economic, to persuade by treasure or position, or take advantage in other artificial ways. Forced faith is not faith, they should work with the spiritual way and let God give him guidance. Hopefully, this article may provide insight for us to be aware of the movements of thought plural

    Productive Zakat Viewed From The Perspective of Modern Fiqh

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    Zakat in Islamic teaching has two perspectives,'worship of mahdah and social empowerment. According to some ulemas, zakat has upgraded the standard of the people's life. In the 'Umar ibn Abd al-'Aziz era, zakat was formatted as a capital for the poorman. The case of empowering the ummah became the important issue let alone many of them live in unlucky conditions. What 'Umar ibn Abd al-'Aziz has done is considered as productive zakat. Nowadays, zakat is usually distributed for consumer importance. If the end model cannot upgrade the condition of the ummah, then productive zakat is considered a solution to solve the problem

    Proses Produksi Gurita Legs Beku Sesuai Standar Mutu Ekspor

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    Gurita merupakan komoditi perikanan yang mudah sekali mengalami kemunduran mutu. Oleh karena itu, penanganan yang baik disertai dengan penerapan rantai dingin dan pengawasan kebersihan yang ketat sangat diperlukan agar dapat mengurangi terjadinya proses pembusukan. Salah satu usaha memperpanjang atau mempertahankan kesegaran gurita adalah dengan cara pembekuan. Pembekuan dilakukan dengan tujuan mengawetkan bahan pangan dengan cara membekukan bahan pada suhu di bawah titik beku. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguraikan proses pembekuan gurita bentuk Legs untuk tujuan ekspor. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah observasi langsung, wawancara, dan literatur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pembekuan gurita legs dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap yaitu;  penerimaan bahan baku, penyortiran dan penimbangan I, pencucian I, pembersihan, pengadukan (tumbling), pencucian II, pemotongan dan penimbangan II, pembungkusan dan penghampaan udara (vakum), pembekuan (freezing), pendeteksian logam, penimbangan akhir, pengepakan dan pelabelan, penyimpanan beku, dan pemuatan ke kontainer untuk proses pengiriman ke negara tujuan ekspor. Persyaratan utama bahan baku yang diolah di PT. Biru Laut Nusantara, Makassar adalah harus dalam kondisi segar untuk menjamin produk akhir yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan. Mulai dari proses penerimaan bahan baku hingga proses pengemasan produk gurita leg beku suhu produk harus dipertahankan melalui penerapan rantai dingin dengan cara pemberian es kristal pada wadah produk. Proses pembekuan gurita legs, dilakukan menggunakan mesin ABF dengan suhu dipertahankan sekitar -35 sampai -45°C. Produk gurita leg beku yang sudah dikemas dalam master cartoon disimpan pada cold storage dengan suhu yang digunakan adalah kurang dari -25°C


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    This research is talking about the study of Teungku Chiek Dirundeng which discussed about his life history and his influence in the education world. Teungku Chiek Dirundeng is one of the theologians or ulama who has been developed human civilization and human education by using dayah. This study used qualitative methods This research used qualitative method, it told about his history, his birth and his influence toward educaton. The data collected through interviews, observation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The findings of this study were Teungku Chiek Dirundeng was a theologian who had appellation name “Teungku” and he was an aristocrat who had appellation name “Teuku”. On the other hand, Teungku Chiek Dirundeng was also known he was very generous figure. The generosity meant that he had donated and granted his treasures for communities or umat needs. Furthermore, his influence in education world, he had built many boarding schools or dayah in Aceh. Particularly in Meukek, Labuhan Haji and Rundeng

    Kredit Usaha Rakyat dan Perkembangan UMKM di Kabupaten Simeulue Pasca Covid-19

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    Abstract : People's Business Credit (KUR) is a form of government program in increasing access to financing for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) with low-interest rates, this program is channeled through financial institutions with guarantee patterns. KUR funds are given to people who have productive businesses with varying amounts to the business conditions involved, but during the covid-19 pandemic, the MSME sector also experienced the difficulty of installment returns, so this study was conducted to answer two fundamental questions, are: how KUR funds in the review of sharia economic law and how the fate of MSMEs during the covid-19 pandemic in Simeulue Regency. This research is qualitative research and data collection techniques using observation, interview, and documentation, while data analysis uses descriptive techniques. Based on the results of research it can be concluded that in the incarnation of Sharia economic law regarding KUR there are two opinions, first declaring the law haram because it includes riba, while the second opinion asserts that the legal KUR can and does not include riba. The difference lies in whether or not the interest of the KUR. Then the influence of covid-19 on MSMEs in Simeulue Regency is bad for the development of community businesses due to the lack of buyer interest so that the weakening of their income and the effect on delayed installment payments beyond the due date

    Uji Layar Rc-model Kapal Bersayap Konfigurasi Sayap Dan Step Berbeda

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    The remote control (RC) model testing of several configurations of Wing In Surface Effect craft had been beginning from design analysis, technical drawing, aerodynamics wind tunnel, hydrodynamic and RC model test. The mathematical model of Wing In Surface craft is introduced to solve the dynamics problem during takeoff, cruise and landing maneuvres. The theoretical background of hydrodynamic on hull during ground roll calculated by Savitsky method. And the aerodynamic parameters are calculated by Vortex Lattice Method (VLM)5 and DATCOM6 software. The WiSE-craft model flown from lower altitude on the sea level within the speed, V at lower altitude. The wing configurations and step positions of RC models are tested in Jatiluhur to known the dynamic characteristics. One of them is the zig zag manuvre data that recorded by GPS


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    xi,141 hlm. ;tab,;30 c

    Perception of Language Learning Strategies Used by Indonesian Secondary School Learners According to Gender and Field of Study and Their Relationships With English Language Achievement

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    This study aims to examine the kinds of strategies used by Indonesian secondary school students in learning English as a foreign language, and to determine how their use varies according to gender and field of study. It also aims to study the relationships between the use of language learning strategies and English language achievement and to determine which category of strategies is more predictive of English language achievement. Three hundred students were selected as sample using proportional stratified random sampling. Data were gathered using a questionnaire to collect data on the use of language learning strategies, and achievement test to collect data on English language achievement. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and Chi-square to determine the variation in the use of language learning strategies. Pearson coefficient correlation was used to study the relationships between the use of language learning strategies and English language achievement, and a stepwise multiple-regression model was used to determine which category of strategies is more predictive of English language achievement. This study found that the use of language learning strategies by Indonesian secondary school students can be categorized or considered as a moderate use, indicated with overall mean score (3.0), the range of the mean scores of the six categories of strategies (from 2.8 to 3.4), and the percentage of individual strategies that were used at middle level of use (62%). Another finding of this study was that the use of language learning strategies significantly varied by gender and field of study. Female students used language learning strategies significantly more often than males students, and students who majored in exact science used language learning strategies significantly more often than those who majored in social science. It was also found that the use of overall strategies and the six categories of strategies except affective strategies and English language achievement were correlated significantly. Of the six categories of strategies, only compensation, affective and cognitive strategies provide a positive and significant contribution for the total variation in English language achievement. These three categories of strategies jointly accounted for 28 percent of the grade variability in English language achievemen