75 research outputs found

    The Role of Subject Teachers as Counselors in the Teaching Learning Process

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    Teachers have three roles in carrying out their duties, namely the role of educators, instructors and mentors. The role as an educator is always required to be a role model in his steps both in the school environment and in the community, then the role as a teacher always provides knowledge in accordance with his field in a humanistic manner, while the role as a supervisor is to deliver students to be able to overcome their own problems with encouragement and attention to his personality. Misperception about the task of implementing guidance and counseling services in schools is only done by guidance and counseling teachers, it seems that there needs to be an improvement in the perception of subject teachers. Therefore, to change this, universities as prospective subject teacher printers must provide guidance and counseling courses with explanatory content leading to the role of subject teachers as supervisors

    Subject teachers’ perceptions of academic mentoring and counseling services

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    In developing students’ potential requires, among others, psycho-education services. This effort can be provided not only by counselor but also by subject teachers at school. This research is aimed at investigating subject teachers’ perceptions of academic guidance and counseling services provided by the teachers to students who had learning difficulties. Employing descriptive method, this research involved fifty counseling and guidance teachers to participate as research participants. To collect data, paper- and online-based questionnaires were used. The data gathered were then categorized and analyzed. The results indicated that the majority of the subject teachers have sufficient understanding on their roles in substantially providing academic guidance and counseling related to the students’ academic problems. In addition, it was found that the counseling teachers always give the students referral to their respective teachers whenever the students get learning difficulties.  


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    Students who tend to only follow directions from the teacher cause learning to be meaningless. This meaningless learning causes students to be unable to master mathematical concepts and principles, so that when given a problem students are unable to work on the problem independently. Therefore, this study aims to describe the mathematical understanding ability of MTs students on algebraic material using descriptive qualitative. The research subjects used were 6 students who were taken using purposive sampling technique. The test instrument is in the form of a description of algebraic material consisting of 7 questions that are adjusted to the indicators of mathematical understanding ability according to the Ministry of National Education and non-test in the form of interviews. The data analysis technique used in this research is data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the student's instrument will be analyzed based on indicators of mathematical understanding ability by converting the score into percentage form. The results obtained from 7 indicators of mathematical understanding, 5 of which are already above 50% and 2 others are still below 50%. These results indicate that students' mathematical understanding abilities are still not optimal because students still have difficulty applying their understanding in solving algebraic questions, especially on indicators of building necessary conditions and applying concepts or algorithms in problem solving

    The Importance of Understanding Ability, Skills and Attitudes of Students in the Practice of Guidance and Counseling Services

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    The objective study is to know students' level of ability, understanding, skills, and attitudes in practice service guidance and counseling in schools. The approach research used is a study survey of guidance and counseling teachers who become tutors in accompaniment student practice guidance and counseling. Instruments in questionnaires closed as many as 25 items with indicator understanding, skills and attitudes students in implementation activity practice guidance and counseling. While processing techniques results survey uses percentages from many answer respondents compared amount whole respondents multiplied by 100%, the results percentage categorized as very good, good, well enough, less well, and very less. Research results conclude that students' level of ability in understanding, skills, and attitudes in implementation service guidance and counseling. The research results are concluded (1) the level of ability to understand guidance and counseling for students who carry out practices in schools is included in the sufficient category (very good 29.17% and good 56.25% ), (2) the level of students' skills in providing guidance and counseling services to students in the aspects of attending, responding, personalizing, and initiating is included in the sufficient category (very good 33.16% and good 56.88%), and (3) the level of ability of students' attitudes in carrying out guidance and counseling services in schools is categorized as sufficient (for very good 51.49% and good 41.96%). &nbsp


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis dan mendeskripsikan kemampuan koneksi matematis peserta didik di salah satu SMP Negeri 3 Cikarang Timur dalam menyelesaikan soal pada materi SPLDV. Metode dalam penelitian yakni metode kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian ini dengan cara teknik purposive sampling pada kelas VIII tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan tingkat koneksi matematis dari 31 peserta didik di kelas VIII, diperoleh 6 peserta didik dengan kategori tinggi memperoleh persentase 19,4%, 19 peserta didik dengan kategori sedang memperoleh persentase 61,3%, dan 6 peserta didik dengan kategori rendah memperoleh persentase 19,4%

    Analisis Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis Siswa SMPN 2 Majalaya Pada Materi Persamaan Garis Lurus

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    Artikel ini memperlihatkan hasil penelitian yang mendeskripsikan kemampuan pemahaman matematis pada materi persamaan garis lurus. Subjek penelitian yang diambil berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Nugroho, 2023 yaitu 3 siswa VIII-A SMP Negeri 2 Majalaya Karawang tahun ajaran 2022/2023 yang telah diketahui memiliki kemampuan pemahaman matematis dengan kategori tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Pengambilan data diawali dengan memberikan soal kemampuan pemahaman matematis ke 44 siswa. Kemudian, dipilih masing-masing 1 subjek dengan kategori tinggi, 1 subjek dengan kategori sedang, dan 1 subjek dengan kategori rendah. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa dengan kategori kemampuan pemahaman matematis tinggi sebanyak 5 siswa (11,3%) sudah mampu memenuhi tiga indikator kemampuan pemahaman matematis. Siswa dengan kategori kemampuan pemahaman matematis sedang sebanyak 33 siswa (75%) sudah mampu memenuhi 2 indikator kemampuan pemahaman matematis. Dan, Siswa dengan kategori kemampuan pemahaman matematis rendah sebanyak 6 siswa (13,7%) hanya mampu memenuhi satu indikator kemampuan pemahaman matematis. Artikel ini menunjukkan kesimpulan dari penelitian yang menyatakan bahwa kurangnya memahami matematika oleh siswa pada materi Persamaan Garis Lurus, khususnya pada pengoperasiannya mengerjakan soal Persamaan Garis Lurus

    Analisis Kemampuan Generalisasi Siswa SMP Negeri 08 Karawang Pada Materi Segitiga

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    Pada penelitian ini terdapat tujuan yaitu untuk menganalisis kemampuan generalisasi yang dimiliki siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal matematika pada materi segitiga. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 35 siswa kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 08 Karawang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes tertulis yang terdiri dari tiga soal dan wawancara. Selanjutnya akan dianalisis jawaban siswa perindikator pada kemampuan generalisasi. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kemampuan generalisasi yang dimiliki siswa kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 08 Karawang tergolong sangat rendah. Hal ini dibuktikan bahwa sebesar 17.14% siswa berkategori tinggi memiliki skor nilai 15 dan 54.29% siswa berkategori rendah dengan perolehan skor 0


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    Students often answer the question given by the teacher in a trial manner, in which when answering the question of students not understanding the question first, on the reason that the problem given is different from the problem studied so that the student assumes that math lessons are hard to understand and make the head dizzy, because it causes the obtained results to be wrong. Therefore, the study aims to describe the potential mathematical solution of class VIII MTs students in assembly material at one of the schools in the khanebic district. The research method used is qualitative descriptive. The data analysis technique used was an interactive model of miles and hubermans. The subject used in the study is an eighth grader of 15 students taken under temptive sampling. The test instrument used is to describe the problem-solving and non-tes ability by conducting an interview. Results from the study indicate that the ability to solve a student's mathematical problem falls into three categories, with 26.7% of the student is high, 133% are moderate and 60% are low. The results suggest that students' capacity for mathematical problem solving is relatively low, which means there are several indicators of an optimum problem solving capability.Ă‚


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    This research is motivated by one of the objectives of learning mathematics is so that students have the ability to understand mathematical concepts. However, the reality on the ground shows that students' ability to understand concepts is still low, so it requires a teacher's understanding of the factors that influence it, namely learning styles. This study aims to describe the ability to understand mathematical concepts in terms of learning styles. The approach used is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects were 3 students from 21 grade VII-A students of SMPN 3 Cikampek. Data was collected through learning style questionnaires, written tests, and interviews. This study's results indicate that students with different learning styles have different results in understanding concepts. Visual learning style students in general are quite capable of meeting indicator of ability to understand mathematical concepts that can meet 3 indicators, students of auditory learning style are generally said to be good or almost meet every indicator of ability to understand concepts that can meet 5 indicators, while kinesthetic learning style in general not good at fulfilling each indicator, which is only able to meet 2 indicators of the ability to understand mathematical concepts


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    In this article, we want to discuss one of the higher-order thinking skills, namely students' mathematical critical thinking on trigonometric material, related to the achievement of class X MIPA high school students. Descriptively reviewing students 'answers to questions containing indicators of mathematical critical thinking ability with a total of 35 students, was taken based on the considerations made by the researcher through purposive sampling and the students' critical thinking levels were categorized into high, medium, and low. The data collection technique uses tests of mathematical critical thinking skills and research results based on analysis by obtaining the results of achieving critical thinking skills in students seen from high category students if they meet all indicators of mathematical critical thinking skills, students in the moderate category meet 2 indicators of mathematical critical thinking skills, and Students in the low critical thinking category meet 1 indicator of mathematical critical thinking skills
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