11 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan kulit kecambah kacang hijau dalam ransum terhadap produksi karkas kelinci keturunan Vlaams Reus jantan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 2 bulan mulai dari tanggal 23 Agustus 2009 sampai 1 November 2009 di Dukuh Sandelan, Ngawen, Kabupaten Klaten. Penelitian menggunakan 20 ekor kelinci keturunan Vlaams Reus jantan umur 8 minggu dengan rataan bobot badan 693,5 + 11,05 g yang terbagi empat perlakuan dan lima ulangan, tiap ulangan terdiri dari satu ekor kelinci, setiap perlaluan diambil 3 ekor kelinci secara acak sebagai sampel untuk mengetahui produksi karkasnya. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analisis variansi Rancangan Acak Lengkap ( RAL ) pola searah. Pakan yang diberikan berupa rendeng, konsentrat BR2 produksi PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia dan kulit kecambah kacang hijau. Perlakuan pakan yang diberikan adalah P0 (rendeng 60% + konsentrat 40%) sebagai kontrol, P1 (rendeng60% + konsentrat 35% + kulit kecambah kacang hijau 5% ), P2 (rendeng 60% + konsentrat 30% + kulit kecambah kacang hijau 10% ), P3 (rendeng 60% + konsentrat 25% + kulit kecambah kacang hijau 15% ). Peubah yang diamati selama penelitian adalah bobot potong, bobot karkas, persentase karkas, bobot non karkas,dan persentase non karkas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata – rata bobot potong (P0, P1, P2, P3) yaitu 1997,67 ; 1938,00 ; 1911,67 dan 1861,33 g/ekor, berat karkas 901,33 ; 866,33 ; 865,67 dan 821,33 g/ekor, persentase karkas 45,14 ; 44,69 ; 45,26 dan 44,03 %, berat non karkas 1096,33 ; 1071,67 ; 1046,00 dan 1040,00 g/ekor,persentase non karkas 54,86 ; 55,31 ; 54,73 dan 55,96 %. Hasil analisis variansi menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan kulit kecambah kacang hijau dalam ransum berbeda tidak nyata (P>0,05) terhadap bobot potong, bobot karkas, persentase karkas, bobot non karkas, dan persentase non karkas. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penggunaan kulit kecambah kacang hijau sampai level 15 % dari total ransum belum mampu meningkatkan produksi karkas kelinci keturunan Vlaams Reus jantan. Kata kunci : kelinci keturunan Vlaams Reus jantan, kulit kecambah kacang hijau, produksi karka

    Tank Model to See The Effect of Land Use Changes on Runoff, Infiltration and Groundwater in Sub

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    Water supply is closely related to geographical and climatic factors on the watershed area. Tank model is one of the hydrological models used to analyze the characteristics of river flow using the data of rainfall and climate. This study was aimed  to analyze the flow rate by using a tank model, which can describe the magnitude of hydrological processes, namely runoff rate, infiltration capacity, and ground water content in the sub-watershed of Konaweha. The study site was on the catchment area of ??the Wawotobi dam of Konawe Regency, South East Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The study results showed that the conservation activity on the catchment area of the Wawotobi dam have a role in increasing the river flow rate and water infiltration into the soil. The pattern of land management that involves the conservation aspects resulted in a lower runoff or discharge rate, a greater value of infiltration and ground water content that can fill into a greater depth. In this case, the land use that takes into account the conservation aspects is very important in keeping the interval between maximum and minimum discharges or river flows, that is, not too big flow. This model of tank can also be used to predict the river flow at various watershed land uses on the sub-watershed area of Konaweha. Keywords: tank model, infiltration, watershed, conservation, rainfal


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    Air tanah sebagai sumber air bersih masih menjadi pilihan utama oleh Sebagian besar masyarakat karena alasan murah dan bisa langsung dimanfaatkan. Namun, kondisi air tanah saat ini semakin banyak yang tidak memenuhi kualitas air bersih seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah penduduk, Salah satu masalah air bersih yang sering dijumpai adalah kontaminasi logam terutama Fe dan Mn. Elektrokoagulasi adalah salah satu metode pengolahan air yang ekonomis, praktis, dan mudah dioperasikan sebagai solusi permasalahan tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menguji kinerja metode elektrokoagulasi untuk mendapatkan efisiensi penyisihan optimum serta konsumsi energi optimum untuk penyisihan logam Fe dan Mn dalam air bersih. Data efisiensi penyisihan optimum dan konsumsi energi optimum diperoleh dari elektrokoagulasi dengan memberikan variasi waktu 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 menit. Dari hasil penelitian ini efesiensi penyisihan optimum dihasilkan sebesar 66,28 % pada t = 30 menit untuk Fe dan Mn sebesar 61,88 % pada t = 30 menit. Konsumsi energi Optimum penyisihan logam Fe diperoleh 2,42 kWh/m3 pada t = 30 menit dan logam Mn sebesar 2,14 kWh/m3 pada t = 30 menit

    The Effect of Training Methods and Leg Muscle Power Explosion Toward Kicking Skills in Pencak Silat

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the difference in effect between the Plyometric training method, the Maxex training method and the Circuit training method, with leg muscle power explosion toward kicking skills in the Pencak Silat. This research was conducted on students of the Physical Education Program in STKIP Setiabudhi Rangkasbitung, Banten Province. This research uses a 3x2 Level Design Treatment by factorial. The sample consisted of 60 students. Data analysis techniques used the two-way variance (ANOVA) and then used the Tuckey test at the significance level α = 0:05. The results of this study show that: 1) The plyometric training method has better influence on the circuit training method on the Pencak Silat kicking skills in the student group. 2) the plyometric training method is better in influence than the maxex training method on the Pencak Silat kicking skill on the student group, 3 ) The circuit training method has no significant effect compared to the maxex training method on the Pencak Silat kicking skills in the student group, 4) There is an interaction between the training method, the leg muscle power explosion and the Pencak kicking skills

    Management Waste in The Public Service Area of The Southern Konawe Hospital

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    Waste from such hospital activity is likely to result in pathogenic microorganisms and toxic chemicals that cause infection and may spread to hospital environments due to inadequate health care techniques, errors in the treatment of contaminated materials and equipment, and the provision and maintenance of sanitary facilities still not good, can cause the occurrence of transmission of diseases originating from waste and declining aesthetic value. Therefore, to improve the quality of hospital services, the need for proper waste management and in accordance with established procedures. This study aims to analyze the waste management in the Regional Public Service Agency of South Konawe District Hospital.The type of this research is quantitative descriptive research. population in this research is all officer in charge of managing waste from start of room until to final disposal which amounted to 25 people. In this study using population research because the subject amounted to 25 people. The analysis used in this study uses descriptive analysis.The results show that the problem that exists on the input aspect is the head of the sanitation installation is not a minimal Diploma Kesling. But the Nutrition Diploma. Officers sent for training are only ambulance coordinator and IPRS Coordinator while management staff never participate in specific training. In the input aspect, the budget for limba management is carried out efficiency so that there is still need from the unfulfilled waste management. In the process aspect, the problem related to the waste management process itself starts from the transportation process where the officers rarely use personal protective equipment, there is no special lane, the garbage is collected for several days to be burned, also the burning that is accommodated to wait for the third party to carry the transportation.Expected To the South Konawe Hospital, it is necessary to consider following the Decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1204 / MENKES / SK / X / 2004 on the head of the sanitation installation is a minimum of Diploma 3 Environmental Health Keywords : Hospital Waste Management, Input, Output; Proces

    Analysis sustainability status of laeya river management for raw water supply in South Konawe Regency Southeast Sulawesi Province

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    South Konawe Regency experienced a decrease in water supply and an increase in water demand, due the changes in land use caused by ongoing land exploitation, which increases runoff and decreases infiltration capacity. As a result, more water is lost to the ocean, threatening the water supply from Laeya River. Laeya River raw water is not only utilized for PDAM raw water sources, but also used to meet the domestic needs of the community, agricultural irrigation and plantations, so it is important to know the its sustainability status. This research aims to carrying out activities that control the water quality of the Laeya River, as well as to serve an information regarding the status model for the sustainability of raw water management, and to raise environmental awareness. This study was carried out in the Laeya River, South Konawe Regency. Sampling was conducted at three stations representing the upstream area of the Laeya River, the middle area and the downstream area. The Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) analysis method was used to conduct an analysis of the status of sustainable natural resource management for sustainable raw water supply. Based on the results can be concluded that Analysis of the 41 attributes derived from five dimensions resulted in 12 attributes acting as leverage factors in each dimension partially. To improve the sustainability status of raw water management in the research area, it is necessary to intervene the 12 attributes, namely 11 attributes that need to increase the intensity of their activities, and one attribute needs to be controlled and planned for its development properly. The results of the assessment of 41 attributes from five dimensionsin the management of the Laeya River for raw water supply in South Konawe Regency, currently is at less Sustainability status(Sustainability Index value of 36.63). Keywords Sustainability Raw Water MDS Monte Carlo RAPS-Laeya South Konawe Regenc

    Model Multimedia Interaktif Materi Pembelajaran Passing Atas Bola Voli Tingkat Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    In general, in schools the learning method uses lecture and command methods, due to the conditions and lack of adequate learning media. This study aims to develop volleyball learning applications to produce new products that will be used for junior high school volleyball learning. This study used the research method (R&D) with the Borg and Gall development model. This study used 7 stages in accordance with the abilities of the researchers, which included needs analysis, planning, initial product development by making volleyball learning applications, small-scale trials, small-scale revisions, testing try large scale, large scale revision. The test subjects were students of SMP Negeri 5 OKU. Data was obtained through the administration of a questionnaire consisting of cognitive, psychomotor and affective aspects. The results of this research are validation by media experts with a total percentage of 85% and material experts with a total percentage of 87% with a very valid category. Then it was tested on a small scale with a total of 12 students. Based on the results of a small scale trial with the volleyball learning application, the total percentage of all aspects was 62% in the good category. Then it was tested again on a large scale with a total of 32 students. Based on the results of a large-scale trial with the volleyball learning application, the total percentage of all aspects was 86% in the very good category. Based on the results of the study, it was shown that the interactive multimedia product model of learning material for passing over volleyball at the junior high school level was feasible to use in the learning process at schoolPada umumnya di sekolah metode pembelajaran menggunakan metode ceramah dan komando, dikarenakan kondisi dan kurangnya media pembelajaran yang memadai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi permbelajaran bola voli untuk menghasilkan produk yang baru yang akan digunakan untuk pembelajaran bola voli tingkat sekolah menengah pertama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian (R&D) dengan model pengembangan Borg and Gall penelitian ini menggunakan 7 tahapan sesuai dengan kemampuan peneliti yang diantaranya analisis kebutuhan, perencanaan, pengembangan produk awal dengan membuat aplikasi pembelajaran bola voli, uji coba skala kecil, revisi skala kecil, uji coba skala besar, revisi skala besar. Subjek uji coba adalah siswa SMP Negeri 5 OKU. Data didapat melalui pemberian angket yang terdiri dari aspek kognitif, psikomotorik dan afektif. Hasil penelitan ini adalah validasi oleh ahli media dengan jumlah persentase 85% dan ahli materi dengan jumlah persentase 87% dengan kategori sangat valid. Kemudian diuji cobakan skala kecil dengan jumlah 12 siswa, berdasarkan hasil penelitian uji coba skala kecil dengan aplikasi pembelajaran bola voli mendapatkan jumlah persentase keseluruhan aspek 62% kategori baik. Kemudian diuji cobakan lagi keskala besar dengan jumlah 32 siswa berdasarkan hasil penelitian uji coba skala besar dengan aplikasi pembelajaran bola voli mendapatkan jumlah persentase keseluruhan aspek 86% kategori sangat baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk model multimedia interaktif materi pembelajaran passing atas bola voli tingkat sekolah menengah pertama layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran disekolah

    Perbaikan Lingkungan dengan Penanaman Mangrove Berbasis Masyarakat untuk Mendukung Wisata Pesisir Desa Tapulaga

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    Perbaikan lingkungan dengan penanaman mangrove berbasis masyarakat untuk mendukung wisata pesisir dilatar belakangi oleh garis pantai mengalami kemunduran dengan tingginya erosi pantai, kurangnya sentuhan iptek dalam pengelolaan mangrove, masyarakat tidak memiliki mata pencaharian alternatif dan kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat untuk menjaga dan memelihara lingkungan. Tujuan program ini adalah terbentuknya unit pemberdayaan masyarakat terhadap ekosistem mangrove, menjadikan ekosistem mangrove sebagai wisata pesisir untuk meningkatkan pendapatan daerah, kesejahteraan masyarakat dan kelestarian alam. Metode yang digunakan meliputi: 1) metode perencanaan: survei lokasi, perijinan, wawancara, pemberian kuesioner, 2) metode pelaksanaan: penyuluhan, pembentukan unit lembaga, pembibitan, persemaian, penanaman dan kerja bakti bersih pantai dan 3) metode evaluasi: meminimalisir kelemahan dan hambatan selama kegiatan berlangsung. Program dilaksanakan pada Juli 2019 di desa Tapulaga kecamatan Soropia kabupaten Konawe. Hasil program yang dicapai: persepsi masyarakat banyak yang setuju desa Tapulaga menjadi daerah ekowisata mangrove, terbentuknya Sahabat Mangrove Desa Tapulaga sebagai lembaga pengelola mangrove dan lembaga pendukung lainya seperti kelompok Pengawas Pesisir Wahana Lestari dan kelompok Nelayan Lestari, bertambahnya 1 unit bedeng persemaian mangrove yang baru yang dapat dijadikan lahan bisnis untuk dijual, penambahan jumlah area kawasan hutan mangrove desa Tapulaga dengan melalui 1000 bibit pohon mangrove yang ditanam dan berkurangnya sampah plastik melalui kerja bakti bersih pantai desa Tapulaga.Kata Kunci: Desa Tapulaga; mangrove; pesisir; wisata Environmental Improvement with Community-Based Mangrove Planting to Support Coastal Tourism in Tapulaga Village ABSTRACT Improvement of the environment by planting community-based mangroves to support coastal tourism due to the shoreline has deteriorated with high coastal erosion, lack of science and technology touches in mangrove management, the community lacks alternative livelihoods and lack of community awareness to protect and preserve the environment. The purpose of this program is the formation of a community empowerment unit for mangrove ecosystems, making mangrove ecosystems as coastal tourism to increase regional income, community welfare and nature conservation. The methods used include: 1) planning methods: location surveys, permits, interviews, questionnaires, 2) implementation methods: counseling, the establishment of institutional units, nurseries, nurseries, planting and beach clean service work and 3) evaluation methods: minimizing weaknesses and obstacles during the activity. The program was carried out in July 2019 in Tapulaga village, Soropia sub-district, Konawe regency. Program results achieved: many community perceptions agree that Tapulaga village becomes a mangrove ecotourism area, the formation of Friends of Mangrove Tapulaga Village as a mangrove management institution and other supporting institutions such as the Wahana Lestari Coastal Supervisor group and the Sustainable Fishermen group, an increase in 1 new mangrove nursery unit can be used as a business land for sale, increasing the number of mangrove forest areas in Tapulaga village by going through 1000 mangrove tree seedlings planted and reducing plastic waste through the clean beach service work of Tapulaga village.Keywords: coastal; mangrove; Tapulaga Village; touris


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    The rapid pace of development in Kendari has had an inevitable negative impact on environmental quality, including water quality degradation in Wanggu River. River water quality degradation is influenced by anthropogenic activities such as felling trees for land clearing, agricultural waste, and disposal of organic and inorganic waste into river bodies. These activities certainly affect the decline in the water quality of the Wanggu River. This study aims to determine the water quality status of Wanggu River based on the pollution index method. This study was conducted in September - October 2019. To find out the water sampling points, the stations were determined, namely station I, station II, and station III using the observation method. Water samples at the three stations were tested for water quality at Laboratory of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Halu Oleo University, to analyze physical parameters (temperature, TDS, and TSS), chemical parameters (pH, DO, BOD, COD, Nitrate, Nitrite, Oil and Fat, Detergent), and Microbiological Parameters (Total Coliform). Determination of the water quality of the Wanggu River was carried out using the Pollution Index Method. Based on the results of the Analysis of Pollution Index Method, the water samples from Wanggu River at stations I, II, and III obtained pollution index values of 1.62, 1.79, and 1.73 respectively. Therefore, the pollution index of the Wanggu River at the three stations was at a lightly polluted quality status. Besides, some parameters that did not meet quality standards included chemical parameters, namely Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Dissolved Oxygen (DO), so that the water quality status of Wanggu River was classified as lightly polluted based on class 3 (three) water quality standards set by Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001

    The Antibacterial Activity of Tembelekan Leaf (Lantana camara L.) and Kopasanda Leaf (Chromolaena odorata L.) Extracts against Staphylococcus aureus

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    Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a round-shaped Gram-positive bacteria that caused infection in the human body. S. aureus infection can be inhibited by the use of antibiotics. However, these bacteria displayed resistance to some antibiotics. The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of Tembelekan (Lantana camara L.) and Kopasanda (Chromolaena odorata L.) leaf extracts against S. aureus. The method used in this study is the disc method to determine the inhibition zone. The test results showed there was no significant difference in the sensitivity of Tembelekan leaf extract (L. camara L.) and Kopasanda leaf extract (C. odorata L.) against S. aureus (P0.8>α0.05). However, based on the average value of the inhibition zone, Kopasanda leaf extract was showed higher inhibition zone compared to Tembelekan leaf extract. In conclusion, Tembelekan leaf and Kopasanda leaf at a concentration of 100% were produced inhibition zones of 0.6 cm and 0.8 cm respectively against S. aureus