1,238 research outputs found

    Reviving Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation: An Agenda for Action

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    In this article, we examine in detail the reasons related to the declining operating and financial performance of Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation (GSRTC). The contribution of various environmental and governance issues related to the decline of GSRTC are identified. Based on the diagnosis, a detailed revival plan consisting of a set of actions to be undertaken by the management is proposed. The responsibilities of the government, the management, and the employees in implementing the revival plan are briefly discussed. This article concludes with set of strategic priorities that need to be examined by government in reviving GSTRC and other similar state-owned public utilities.


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    Public Relations see that competition as positive thing can be used to make PT. Nyonya Meneer better. The current competition is not something to be feared / avoid, instead of PT. Nyonya Meneer have to look at the positive and the competition was a sure thing that happened. Competition also can not be denied as the influence of the rapid advancement of science and technology development makes information flow and human needs have also increased. In an effort to face competition with other herbal industry Public Relations PT. Nyonya Meneer activities in cooperation with relevant institutions or agencies in the conduct of these activities. The purpose of this study aims to describe what acivities are undertaken PR (Public Relations) PT. Nyonya Meneer in the face of competition with other herbal medicine industry. In this study, the type that is used is descriptive research using a qualitaive in depth interviewes were Ms. Emi as Public Relations, Mrs. Dini as Public Relations Staff. From the survey results revealed that PT. Nyonya Meneer has a lot of Public Relations activities in order to face competition with other herbal medicine industry. Activities – these activities include visits of Students Receiving, School children, Nor Foreign Guests of Social Organizations and Researhers; Media Relations established with the various mass media such as the Kompas newspaper, Bernas Jogja, Indonesia and the Media; Event or Exhibition Products such as by Healthy Gymnastics held activities Nyonya Meneer, Nyonya Meneer Agent Gathering Event, participation in Hotel Ciputra enlive anniversary by opening a booth/stand

    Integrated force method versus displacement method for finite element analysis

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    A novel formulation termed the integrated force method (IFM) has been developed in recent years for analyzing structures. In this method all the internal forces are taken as independent variables, and the system equilibrium equations (EE's) are integrated with the global compatibility conditions (CC's) to form the governing set of equations. In IFM the CC's are obtained from the strain formulation of St. Venant, and no choices of redundant load systems have to be made, in constrast to the standard force method (SFM). This property of IFM allows the generation of the governing equation to be automated straightforwardly, as it is in the popular stiffness method (SM). In this report IFM and SM are compared relative to the structure of their respective equations, their conditioning, required solution methods, overall computational requirements, and convergence properties as these factors influence the accuracy of the results. Overall, this new version of the force method produces more accurate results than the stiffness method for comparable computational cost

    Compatibility conditions of structural mechanics for finite element analysis

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    The equilibrium equations and the compatibility conditions are fundamental to the analyses of structures. However, anyone who undertakes even a cursory generic study of the compatibility conditions can discover, with little effort, that historically this facet of structural mechanics had not been adequately researched by the profession. Now the compatibility conditions (CC's) have been researched and are understood to a great extent. For finite element discretizations, the CC's are banded and can be divided into three distinct categories: (1) the interface CC's; (2) the cluster or field CC's; and (3) the external CC's. The generation of CC's requires the separating of a local region, then writing the deformation displacement relation (ddr) for the region, and finally, the eliminating of the displacements from the ddr. The procedure to generate all three types of CC's is presented and illustrated through examples of finite element models. The uniqueness of the CC's thus generated is shown

    Translating and Assessing Indonesian Folktales to Students from Japan, China, South Korea and Translating Brochure and Website Contents in the Union Institute of Language in Brisbane, Australia

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    This final report is written based on the internship program at Union Institute of Language in Brisbane, Australia. It started from August 26 to September 18, 2018. The objective of this final report is to describe the activities during the internship at Union Institute of Language in Brisbane, Australia. The writer did two kinds of internship activities, those were main activities and secondary activities. The main activities were translating and assessing Indonesian folktales and presenting them to students from Japan, China, and South Korea as well as translating procedural documents such as the official brochure and website contents of Union Institute of Language from English to Bahasa Indonesia. The secondary activities were classes provided by UIL about how to do a presentation, write a resume, curriculum vitae and report, and prepare for a job interview. The writer also visited a variety of Australian business and education providers. There were some problems the writer faced during the process of this internship including bad internet connections, difficulties in managing assignments due to deadlines, the lack of photo editing ability, and finding equivalent words in translating documents from English to Indonesian. The strategies the writer applied to solve those difficulties were buying an Australian SIM card in order to have my own hotspot, continuing the task at home or on weekends, operating the easiest photo editing software, using online and offline dictionaries, searching explanations on journals or specific websites, and discussing the translation with internship partners and supervisor

    Social Opportunity on Coffee Shop

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    Opportunities open a coffee shop in the mall and office buildings are still very open because for the city, drink coffee together has become a necessity. Everyone loved the coffee and coffee atmosphere relaxed, loose and information enjoyed while chatting, chat/browsing internet, small meeting or discussion. More than that the coffee shop has become a strategic place to make a deal and business negotiation or a place to spend time waiting for hours jammed in the capital. Café Republic (KKR) is the concept of specialty coffee bar espresso coffee made from ingredients of real coffee from various parts of Indonesia elected and diverse. KKR offer experience (experience) coffee with coffee bar atmosphere to enjoy a coffee ritual into something fun. This concept is made different from the coffee shop that currently exists in Indonesia

    Synthesis and functionalization of virus-mimicking cationic block copolymers with pathogen-associated carbohydrates as potential vaccine adjuvants

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    We report the synthesis of a family of amphiphilic pentablock polymers with different cationic blocks and with controlled architectures as potential vaccine carriers for subunit vaccines. The temperature and pH-dependent micellization and gelation of these pentablock copolymers can provide a depot for sustained protein and gene delivery. The amphiphilic central triblock promotes cellular endocytosis, good gene delivery and has been used effectively as a vaccine adjuvant. The pentablock copolymer outer blocks condense DNA spontaneously as a result of electrostatic interactions for sustained combinational therapy. This family of polymers with different cationic groups was evaluated based on DNA complexation-ability and cytotoxicity to select promising candidates as DNA-based subunit vaccine adjuvants. Modification of other polymer systems with carbohydrates like mannose has been shown to enhance immunogenicity by activating pattern recognition receptors on antigen presenting cells and increasing uptake in these cells. Here, we report the synthesis of a virus-mimicking pentablock copolymer vaccine platform by successful functionalization of these polymers with mannose through an azide–alkyne Huisgen cycloaddition. The synthesis of a mannoside with the alkyne linker was achieved by a recently reported bismuth(V)-mediated activation of a thioglycoside that proved to leave the alkyne intact. The carbohydrate modification was shown not to interfere with the ability of these virus-mimicking block copolymers to complex DNA, thereby making this family of modified materials promising candidates for DNA-based vaccine delivery