50 research outputs found


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    Herein, several new salt-inclusion solids (SISs) featuring electronically reduced Keggin polyoxometalate (POM) clusters were isolated for the first time using molten-salt high temperature (\u3e 500 oC) synthetic method. These POM-based SISs are novel all-inorganic materials featuring an integrated lattice of ionic halide salt and covalent metal oxide clusters. Due to the weak interactions at the interface between these two chemically dissimilar lattices, these POM SISs are soluble in aqueous and polar solvents. While POM compounds are well-studied and are routinely synthesized in solution, the synthetic method presented in this dissertation yielded several POM solids with interesting structures and infrequently observed, reduced oxidation states of the transition metal cations. This dissertation focuses on describing the high temperature (\u3e 500 oC), salt-inclusion synthesis of several all-inorganic, reduced polyoxometalate clusters. Four chapters with different chemical systems are presented. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 feature related Keggin-based POM compounds: namely the one electron reduced, Cs6I3Na(PMo12O40), POM compound in Chapter 3; the two electron reduced family of compounds, Cs6X2Na(PMo12O40) where X2 = Cl2, ICl, Br2, and I2 in Chapter 4; and the highly reduced family of compounds, Cs6X2M(PMo12O40) where M3+ = Ti, V, Mn, Fe and X2 = Cl2, Br2 and I2 in Chapter 5. In addition, a series of hybrid inorganic-organic compounds based on reduced polyoxovanadates (POVs) are presented in Chapter 6 where a novel method using pre-synthesized soluble POVs was used. These results demonstrate the utility of salt-inclusion chemistry in regards to water-soluble POM salts that can be used for various transformative studies of biomedical and catalytic relevance. Antibacterial tests in aqueous solution of the two electron reduced POMs (Chapter 4) show that the Staph. A. bacterial strains (SA1199, SA1199B, MRSA) are more susceptible to inhibition by the reduced POMs, presented herein, compared to their fully oxidized counterparts (e.g. Na3PMoVI12O40•2H2O). Replacing the Na+ cation in the two electron reduced POM with transition metals (Ti, V, Mn and Fe) resulted in the isostructural highly reduced family of compounds in Chapter 5. These novel POM SISs feature infinite one-dimensional (1D) transition metal-oxide chains with interlinked Keggin clusters, {-M-(PMo12O40)-}∞. These chains feature unusual square antiprismatic eight-coordinate environments of the transition metals chelated by the Keggin clusters and forming chains along the tetragonal (P4/ncc), c crystallographic direction. The unusual eight-coordination of the first-row transition metals is the first such example in an all-inorganic compound with oxo-based ligand environment. The compounds presented in this dissertation were characterized by several solid-state and solution-based characterization techniques including: single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction, biomedical properties of soluble POMs, magnetic susceptibility, spectroscopy (UV-vis and IR), electrochemical properties, and thermogravimetric analysis. The work presented in this dissertation is significant for several reasons: 1) this opens up a new method for synthesis of POM solids; 2) isolation of electronically reduced POMs is favored using the high-temperature, molten-salt method; 3) this method produced novel POM-based SISs that are otherwise unattainable using conventional methods; 4) unusual structures and local geometry (e.g. metal-oxide connectivity along c and eight-coordination of transition metals) could give rise to interesting properties, including water-soluble clusters, to be studied in the near future; 5) in regards to the solids synthesized in Chapter 6, a new understanding of the interaction between anionic POV clusters and organic ligands with respect to the nature of bonding is learned; 6) finally, the synthesis of POM SISs illustrated, once more, the versatility and utility of the salt-inclusion synthetic method

    Crystal Growth and Study of Unusual Magnetic Anomalies of a Low-Dimensional Iron(III) Oxy-Arsenates:

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    Our most recent studies have been directed towards the synthesis of low-dimensional magnetic materials as these have drawn continued attention in condensed matter chemistry and physics, owing to their diverse electronic and magnetic properties. One example of such a family is A2Fe2O(AsO4)2 where A = K, Rb. Further, the A2Fe2O(AsO4)2 series show interesting magnetic anomalies regarding stepped magnetization. Also intriguing are the negative magnetizations observed below the ordering temperature in the field cooling (FC) and zero field cooling (ZFC) susceptibility measurements. We have performed the neutron powder diffraction (NPD) measurements using HB-2A in Oakridge National Lab and BT-1 in NIST. Neutron powder diffraction for A2Fe2O(AsO4)2 were collected at various temperatures ranging from 3.3 K to 35 K. The 35 K data has been adequately described with a nuclear model, previously determined using single crystal X-ray diffraction, indicating a lack of long-range magnetic order. The NPD measurements were also conducted in horizontal fields up to 5 T at 2 K. The field dependence of the spin arrangement was used to explain the negative magnetization observed in A2Fe2O(AsO4)2. The neutron scattering measurements of K2Fe2O(AsO4)2 were also carried out using SEQUOIA—Fine-Resolution Fermi Chopper Spectrometer in ORNL

    Cost Benefit Analysis of Idaho’s Fit and Fall Proof Program

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    Falls are common among the elderly population. Almost 30% of Idahoans aged 65+ fall at least one time per year (Bergen, Stevens, & Burns, 2016). Falls are a significant source of morbidity, mortality, and healthcare expense. Fall-related injuries often result in expensive hospitalizations with progression into costly long-term care facilities (CDC, 2015). In Idaho, estimated fall-related medical costs are estimated at $253 million annually (CDC, 2016; Mirel & Carper, 2014). Fit and Fall ProofTM (FFP), is a fall prevention program serving approximately 2500 community dwelling seniors throughout the state of Idaho. It is an exercise program led by peer volunteer instructors incorporating evidence-based methods of reducing the risk of falls. In addition to fall prevention, exercise programs such as FFP have well-established positive benefits on mental health, obesity rates, diabetes, and cardio-vascular health. All of these health benefits translate to savings in healthcare expense. This cost benefit analysis (CBA) of FFP estimates savings in total direct medical costs of participants, and also calculates the portion of savings due to averted falls and averted cases of major depressive disorder (MDD). The CBA adopts a societal perspective, incorporating all sources of funding, both federal and state. In a similar way, all savings in direct medical costs are included in the analysis whether these cost-savings accrue to Medicare, Medicaid, private insurers, or FFP participants themselves. Due to the community-based nature of the intervention and privacy considerations, there is no information available on falls and related medical costs among FFP participants. Therefore, this CBA relies on modeled data obtained from other studies; however, conservative estimates of program efficacy and base fall incidence rates were employed. All costs were adjusted for medical inflation to 2016 dollars

    Growing and Eating Food during the COVID-19 Pandemic:Farmers’ Perspectives on Local Food System Resilience to Shocks in Southern Africa and Indonesia

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    The COVID-19 outbreak forced governments to make decisions that had adverse effects on local food systems and supply chains. As a result, many small-scale food producers faced difficulties growing, harvesting, and selling their goods. This participatory research examines local small-scale farmers’ challenges as farmers but also as consumers and their coping strategies during the month of April and one week in June 2020. The study was initiated and conceptualized in collaboration with small-scale farmer members of an existing research network in selected urban and rural areas in South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Indonesia. Participants co-designed the research, collected and uploaded data through digital survey tools, and contributed to data analysis and interpretation. A common observation across regions is that the measures imposed in response to COVID-19 highlighted and partly exacerbated existing socio-economic inequalities among food system actors. Strict lockdowns in Cape Town, South Africa, and Masvingo, Zimbabwe, significantly restricted the production capacity of small-scale farmers in the informal economy and created more foodinsecurityforthem. InMaputo,Mozambique,andTorajaandJava,Indonesia,localfoodsystems continued to operate and were even strengthened by higher social capital and adaptive capacities

    Rusya Kosova anlaşmazlığı: 1998-2008

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    This thesis aims to study Russian foreign policy towards Kosovo during the period between 1998 and 2008 in light of the school of thought that claims that Russia's foreign policy toward Kosovo resembles the Cold War confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. This thesis argues that Russia’s role in the Kosovo war and its aftermath is motivated by Russia’s interest in being seen as a great power in international system rather than using Kosovo in order to confront the United States. Besides an introduction and conclusion, the thesis consists of four main chapters. The second chapter presents historical background and discusses Russian foreign policy during the wars of secession in Yugoslavia. The third chapter focuses on Russian foreign policy and the 1998 1999 war in Kosovo, while the fourth chapter covers the Russian role in the post-conflict settlement in Kosovo. Finally, the fifth chapter deals with Russian foreign policy as it relates to the resolved Kosovo situation.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Oceanum - an exhibition and science center in Triest

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    Abweichender Titel nach Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersDer alte Hafen von Triest – Porto Vecchio ist ein brachliegendes und zum größten Teil gesperrtes Areal. An diesem Ort, wo sich die Weltmeere begegnen, entsteht ein Ausstellungs- und Forschungszentrum, das die Sensibilisierung gegenüber der Problematik des Klimawandels fördert und die Gefährdung unseres Ökosysteme veranschaulicht. Klimawandel und Umweltverschmutzung sind die Themen, die uns momentan überall hinbegleiten. Unsere Beziehung zur Natur und zu den Meeren heute, wird ein Spiegelbild dessen sein, was uns in den kommenden Jahren erwartet. Es wird unser Vermächtnis für zukünftige Generationen. Die vorliegende Masterarbeit umfasst die Planung und Errichtung eines Ausstellungs- und Forschungszentrums auf der Mole IV. Hier setzt sich der monumentale Baukörper, der sich stufenweise aus dem Meer entfaltet. Im Inneren entstehen Forschungs-, Bildungs- und Ausstellungsflächen, die Aufmerksamkeit auf den anhaltenden Klimawandel und seine Auswirkungen auf die Weltmeere lenken. Auf diesen Grundaussagen basierend, beginnt der Besucher beim Betreten des Gebäudes eine unterhaltsame und informative Reise durch Ausstellungsräumlichkeiten. Durch unterschiedlich didaktisch konzipierte Mittel werden alle Sinnesorgane angesprochen und mit einbezogen.The old port of Trieste - Porto Vecchio - is located in close vicinity to the city’s main square and the promenade. Despite many devel-opment concepts for the unused area, none have been realised to date. In the course of reshaping the urban character of the waterfront, new premises are to be set on the Mole III – combining research, exhibition and learning centre. Through its spatial arrangement and tangible connections with the sea on the outside, the building unfolds as a new landmark and sets its focus on one of the main issues on the planet today – ongoing climate change and its impact on World’s Ocean waters. As water is crucial for our survival so are the oceans the source of our existence. This is the starting point of an exploring, educational and entertaining journey, shaped into various installation and exhibition venues in the centre. Visitors are introduced to the issues and topics regarding human impact on its environment, global warming and choices we make in order to help save the ocean. The aim of the journey is to awake the senses of the visitors combining elements of architecture, nature and science, animating them in order to raise the awareness of environmental and climate issues in the world’s ocean.19

    Handgjordasaker.se - User Centered Adaptation

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    Hemsidan handgjordasaker.se är en Internetmarknadsplats som tillhandahåller tjänsten för försäljning av handgjorda produkter. Detta projekt syftar till att ge förslag på hur anpassningar av hemsidans funktionalitet kan göras för att skapa en mer användarcentrerad hemsida. Genom att använda personifieringsprocesser har sidansgränssnitt presenterats på ett sätt som sätter användaren i fokus och med hjälp av utökade funktionaliteter erbjuder användaren möjlighet till att själv påverka och anpassa innehållet på hemsidan. Resultatet presenterades i form av ett ramverk för interaktiondär fokus låg på avdelningar med produkter och användarprofiler.The webpage handgjordasaker.se is an online marketplace providing service for the saleof handmade products. This project aims to provide suggestions on how adaptations ofthe site's functionality can be done to create a more user-centered webpage. By usingpersonalization processes, sites interfaces is presented in a way that puts the user infocus and with the help of expanded functionality offers the user the opportunity toself-influence and adapt the content on the website. The results were presented in theform of a framework for the interaction where the focus was on products user profiles

    Corporate Social Responsibility inom finansbranschen

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    Bakgrund och problem: Miljö- och socialt ansvar är frågor som allmänheten allt mer ställer som krav på företagen. Enligt undersökningar så visar det sig att finansbranschens ointresse för etik- och miljöfrågor skadar allmänhetens förtroende till finansbranschen. Samtidigt så visar det sig att finansbranschen har ökat publiceringen av Corporate Social Responsibility.                                                                                Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en fördjupad förståelse för hur finansbranschen tar ett socialt ansvar. Vi vill även undersöka hur aktörer inom finansbranschen går tillväga för att agera ansvarsfullt. Metod: För att samla in information har vi använt oss av kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer. Vi undersökte hållbarhetsredovisningar för att sedan följa upp det med intervjuer med en CSR ansvarig på respektive institut. Slutsats: Genom undersökningen kom vi fram till att finansinstituten följer de krav som ställs på företagen för att uppfylla ett socialt ansvarstagande, vare sig om det är genom lagstadgade regelverk eller etiska normer och värderingar. Det man dock själv kan välja att följa och till vilken grad, är de etiska normerna och värderingarna som definieras genom olika internationella riktlinjer. Undersökningen visade även att de undersökta finansinstituten konceptualiserar CSR genom att sträva efter att uppnå en hållbar finansiering. Finansinstituten har ett identiskt tankesätt vad gäller hållbar finansiering, att de störst kan påverka genom sin utlåningsverksamhet är en utgångspunkt som enar instituten. De anser att det leder till ett större ansvarstagande samt att verksamheten följer en hållbar utveckling.  Background and problem: Environmental- and social responsibilities are the issues that the public increasingly demands on businesses. According to studies, it turns out that the financial sectors disinterest in ethical and environmental questions damages public confidence in the financial industry. Meanwhile, it turns out that the financial sector has increased publication of Corporate Social Responsibility. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to gain a deeper understanding of how the financial sector fulfills a social responsibility. We also want to examine how actors in the financial industry go about to act responsibly. Method: To collect the information, we have used interviews. We investigated the sustainability reports and then followed it up with interviews with a CSR manager at the respective institutions. Conclusion: Through the investigation, we concluded that financial institutions comply with the requirements imposed on companies to fulfill a social responsibility, whether it is through statutory regulations or ethical standards and values. It, however, can choose to follow and to what degree, is the ethical norms and values ​​as defined by various international guidelines. The survey also showed that the surveyed financial institutions conceptualize CSR by striving to achieve sustainable funding. Financial institutions have an identical mindset of sustainable funding, the largest can influence through its lending activities is a starting point that unites institutes. They believe that this leads to greater accountability and that the business complies with sustainable development

    Removal of Benzaldehyde from Methanol Using Alkoxyamine Functionalized Silica Gel

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    Alkoxyamines (RONH2) react readily with aldehydes and ketones to form stable oxime ethers, and, thus are expected to be excellent scavengers of these compounds. We installed alkoxyamines on silica gel surface to remove benzaldehyde from methanol. Silica gel was immersed in H2O2/H2SO4 solution to activate the surface. Activated silica gel was then reacted with 3-chloropropyltrichlorosilane. Displacement of the chloride with N-hydroxyphthalimide and subsequent treatment with hydrazine provided alkoxyamines on the surface of silica gel. The resulting silica gel surface with alkoxyamine functional groups was immersed in a 100 ppm benzaldehyde solution in methanol. After 24 h, the results showed 86.5 + 7.2 % removal of benzaldehyde from methanol