99 research outputs found

    With Phenotypic Signs of Connective Tissue Dysplasia: Cross-Sectional Clinical Study

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    Background. The dental health is an integral part of a person's well-being. Students of higher educational institutions comprise a health risk group, since they experience extensive physiological changes and personal socialization. The impact of connective tissue dysplasia on dental health is a relevant research task.Objective. To analyze the correlation between dental pathology and phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia in first-year students.Methods. A cross-sectional clinical study of the dental health and phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia was conducted as part of routine dental examination of 263 first-year students of KubSMU, aged 18–23. All participants were divided into 2 groups: group 1 – participants with 0-2 signs of connective tissue dysplasia (n = 108); group 2 – participants with 3 or more signs of dysplasia (n = 155). Statistical analysis of the results was carried out using Microsoft Excel 2010 and Statistica 6.0.Results. Unsatisfactory and poor oral hygiene levels in the group of participants with connective tissue dysplasia outnumber these levels in the control group by 30% and 22%, with very poor level in the second group 2.3 times higher (p ≤ 0.05). The incidence of noncarious tooth pathology in individuals with dysplasia is 26% higher than in the control group. The caries intensity index in group 2 is almost 20% bigger than in the control group. As expected, the group of participants with no signs of dysplasia revealed better periodontal health, namely 51.85% versus 45.81% (p ≤ 0.05). In terms of mucosal pathology, a statistical significant difference between groups 1 and 2 was noted for traumatic injuries (16.35% and 19.35%, respectively). Dentofacial abnormalities were observed more often in individuals with 3 or more phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia.Conclusion. Higher morbidity rate of caries and noncarious pathology in the group of first-year students with 3 or more phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia, compared to the group with 0–2 phenotypic manifestations of dysplasia, indicated the need to create a database of the dentofacial profiles of students, develop an algorithm for regular medical check-up of students, as well as provide differentiated preventive and therapeutic measures for students with dysplasia

    Эффективность различных методов компьютерной периметрии в диагностике первичной открытоугольной глаукомы. Часть 1

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    PURPOSE: To compare the diagnostic efficiency of 6 different computerized perimetric methods in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) in an open comparative clinical research. METHODS: The study involved 52 patients (96 eyes) aged from 41 to 76 years old (average age 63 years) with POAG. Patients were divided into three groups depending on the stage of POAG: Group 1 included patients with mild (41 eyes), Group 2 - with moderate (36 eyes)and Group 3 -with advanced stages (19 eyes) of POAG. The control group consisted of 20 healthy persons (40 eyes) aged from 44 to 67 years old (average age 59 years). The patient examination included a standard ophthalmic assessment as well as computerized perimetry (CP) on Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer II (HFA II) 745i (Germany-USA), automated perimeters AP1000 («Tomey», Germany) and Pericom (Russian Federation), Micro-Perimeter MP-1 («Nidek Technologies», Japan), our modifications of Frequency Doubling Technology (FDT) perimetry and investigation of the multifocal Visual Evoked Potentials (mf VEP) as well as optical coherence tomography ОСТ RTVue-100 («Optovue», USA). RESULTS: FDT perimetry data demonstrated the same sensitivity (84%) as the HFA II ones (81%) and the greatest specificity (96%), the lowest variability of repeated results and the minimum testing time of one eye (1.5+0.04 min). Perimeters AP1000 and Pericom had lower levels of sensitivity (76/74%) and specificity (71/88%); the testing was longer (9.1+0.4 and 9.3+0.3 min). Data of MP-1 showed the high sensitivity (88%) and the lowest specificity (54%), the testing took place even longer (13.5+7.1 min.). The results of mf VEP had a quite high sensitivity (78%) and specificity (81%) and the maximum testing time of one eye (20.2+0.7 min.). CONCLUSION: To diagnose glaucoma, determine its stage and progression several methods of CP should be used. If it is impossible, it is necessary to repeat the same perimeter test a few times comparing perimetry data with the condition of the optic nerve head.ЦЕЛЬ. Сравнить диагностическую эффективность 6 методов компьютерной периметрии (КП) у пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой (ПОУГ) в рамках открытого сравнительного клинического исследования. МЕТОДЫ. В исследовании участвовали 52 больных (96 глаз) в возрасте от 41 года до 76 лет (средний возраст 63 года) с ПОУГ. В зависимости от стадии глаукомы пациентов разделили на 3 группы: 1-я - с начальной (41 глаз), 2-я - развитой (36 глаз) и 3-я - далекозашедшей (19 глаз) ПОУГ. В контрольную группу вошли 20 здоровых человек (40 глаз) в возрасте от 44 до 67 лет (средний возраст 59 лет). Наряду со стандартным офтальмологическим обследованием всем испытуемым проводили КП на анализаторе поля зрения Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer II (HFA II) 745i (Германия-США), автоматическом периметре AP1000 («Tomey», Германия), автоматическом статическом пери-графе Периком (Российская Федерация), микропериметре MP-1 («Nidek Technologies», Япония), а также наши модификации периметрии с технологией удвоения пространственной частоты - Frequency Doubling Technology (FDT) perimetry и исследования мультифокальных зрительных вызванных потенциалов (мфЗВП). Всем пациентам с ПОУГ выполняли оптическую когерентную томографию (ОСТ) на RTVue-100 («Optovue», США). РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Данные FDT-периметрии, не уступая по уровню чувствительности HFA II (84/81%), показали самый высокий уровень специфичности (96%), наименьшую вариабельность повторных результатов и минимальное время тестирования одного глаза (1,5±0,04 мин.). AP-1000 и Периком имели более низкие уровни чувствительности (76/74%) и специфичности (71/88%) результатов, а тестирование было длительным (9,1±0,4 и 9,3±0,3 мин.). Данные МР-1 показали высокую чувствительность (88%) и самую низкую специфичность (54%), тестирование было еще более длительным (13,5±7,1 мин.). Результаты мфЗВП имели достаточно высокую чувствительность (78%) и специфичность (81%), длительность исследования одного глаза оказалась максимальной (20,2±0,7 мин.). ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Для уточнения диагноза «глаукома», ее стадии, мониторинга заболевания следует при возможности использовать несколько методов КП, а при невозможности - неоднократно повторять имеющийся в наличии периметрический тест, сопоставляя данные периметрии с состоянием диска зрительного нерва

    Эффективность различных методов компьютерной периметрии в диагностике первичной открытоугольной глаукомы. Часть 2

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    PURPOSE: To compare the diagnostic efficiency of 6 different computerized perimetric methods in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) in an open comparative clinical research. METHODS: The study involved 52 patients (96 eyes) aged from 41 to 76 years old (average age 63 years) with POAG. Patients were divided into three groups depending on the stage of POAG: Group 1 included patients with mild (41 eyes), Group 2 - with moderate (36 eyes) and Group 3 - with advanced stages (19 eyes) of POAG. The control group consisted of 20 healthy persons (40 eyes) aged from 44 to 67 years old (average age 59 years). The patient examination included a standard ophthalmic assessment as well as computerized perimetry (CP) on Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer II (HFA II) 745i (Germany-USA), automated perimeters AP1000 («Tomey», Germany) and Pericom (Russian Federation), Micro-Perimeter MP-1 («Nidek Technologies», Japan), our modifications of Frequency Doubling Technology (FDT) perimetry and investigation of the multifocal Visual Evoked Potentials (mf VEP) as well as optical coherence tomography ОСТ RTVue-100 («Optovue», USA). RESULTS: FDT perimetry data demonstrated the same sensitivity (84%) as the HFA II ones (81%) and the greatest specificity (96%), the lowest variability of repeated results and the minimum testing time of one eye (1.5±0.04 min). Perimeters AP1000 and Pericom had lower levels of sensitivity (76/74%) and specificity (71/88%); the testing was longer (9.1±0.4 and 9.3±0.3 min). Data of MP-1 showed the high sensitivity (88%) and the lowest specificity (54%), the testing took place even longer (13.5±7.1 min.). The results of mf VEP had a quite high sensitivity (78%) and specificity (81%) and the maximum testing time of one eye (20.2±0.7 min.). CONCLUSION: To diagnose glaucoma, determine its stage and progression several methods of CP should be used. If it is impossible, it is necessary to repeat the same perimeter test a few times comparing perimetry data with the condition of the optic nerve head.ЦЕЛЬ. Сравнить диагностическую эффективность 6 методов компьютерной периметрии (КП) у пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой (ПОУГ) в рамках открытого сравнительного клинического исследования. МЕТОДЫ. В исследовании участвовали 52 больных (96 глаз) в возрасте от 41 года до 76 лет (средний возраст 63 года) с ПОУГ. В зависимости от стадии глаукомы пациентов разделили на 3 группы: 1-я - с начальной (41 глаз), 2-я - развитой (36 глаз) и 3-я - далекозашедшей (19 глаз) ПОУГ. В контрольную группу вошли 20 здоровых человек (40 глаз) в возрасте от 44 до 67 лет (средний возраст 59 лет). Наряду со стандартным офтальмологическим обследованием всем испытуемым проводили КП на анализаторе поля зрения Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer II (HFA II) 745i (Германия-США), автоматическом периметре AP1000 («Tomey», Германия), автоматическом статическом периграфе Периком (Российская Федерация), микропериметре MP-1 («Nidek Technologies», Япония), а также наши модификации периметрии с технологией удвоения пространственной частоты - Frequency Doubling Technology (FDT) perimetry и исследования мультифокальных зрительных вызванных потенциалов (мфЗВП). Всем пациентам с ПОУГ выполняли оптическую когерентную томографию (ОСТ) на RTVue-100 («Optovue», США). РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Данные FDT-периметрии, не уступая по уровню чувствительности HFA II (84/81%), показали самый высокий уровень специфичности (96%), наименьшую вариабельность повторных результатов и минимальное время тестирования одного глаза (1,5±0,04 мин.). AP-1000 и Периком имели более низкие уровни чувствительности (76/74%) и специфичности (71/88%) результатов, а тестирование было длительным (9,1±0,4 и 9,3±0,3 мин.). Данные МР-1 показали высокую чувствительность (88%) и самую низкую специфичность (54%), тестирование было еще более длительным (13,5±7,1 мин.). Результаты мфЗВП имели достаточно высокую чувствительность (78%) и специфичность (81%), длительность исследования одного глаза оказалась максимальной (20,2±0,7 мин.). ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Для уточнения диагноза «глаукома», ее стадии, мониторинга заболевания следует при возможности использовать несколько методов КП, а при невозможности - неоднократно повторять имеющийся в наличии периметрический тест, сопоставляя данные периметрии с состоянием диска зрительного нерва

    The role of historical fire disturbance in the carbon dynamics of the pan-boreal region : a process-based analysis

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 112 (2007): G02029, doi:10.1029/2006JG000380.Wildfire is a common occurrence in ecosystems of northern high latitudes, and changes in the fire regime of this region have consequences for carbon feedbacks to the climate system. To improve our understanding of how wildfire influences carbon dynamics of this region, we used the process-based Terrestrial Ecosystem Model to simulate fire emissions and changes in carbon storage north of 45°N from the start of spatially explicit historically recorded fire records in the twentieth century through 2002, and evaluated the role of fire in the carbon dynamics of the region within the context of ecosystem responses to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate. Our analysis indicates that fire plays an important role in interannual and decadal scale variation of source/sink relationships of northern terrestrial ecosystems and also suggests that atmospheric CO2 may be important to consider in addition to changes in climate and fire disturbance. There are substantial uncertainties in the effects of fire on carbon storage in our simulations. These uncertainties are associated with sparse fire data for northern Eurasia, uncertainty in estimating carbon consumption, and difficulty in verifying assumptions about the representation of fires that occurred prior to the start of the historical fire record. To improve the ability to better predict how fire will influence carbon storage of this region in the future, new analyses of the retrospective role of fire in the carbon dynamics of northern high latitudes should address these uncertainties.Funding for this study was provided by grants from the National Science Foundation Biocomplexity Program (ATM-0120468) and Office of Polar Programs (OPP-0531047 and OPP- 0327664); the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Land Cover Land Use Change Program (NAF-11142) and North America Carbon Program (NNG05GD25G); the Bonanza Creek LTER (Long-Term Ecological Research) Program (funded jointly by NSF grant DEB-0423442 and USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station grant PNW01- JV11261952-231); and the U.S. Geological Survey

    Is the northern high-latitude land-based CO2 sink weakening?

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Global Biogeochemical Cycles 25 (2011): GB3018, doi:10.1029/2010GB003813.Studies indicate that, historically, terrestrial ecosystems of the northern high-latitude region may have been responsible for up to 60% of the global net land-based sink for atmospheric CO2. However, these regions have recently experienced remarkable modification of the major driving forces of the carbon cycle, including surface air temperature warming that is significantly greater than the global average and associated increases in the frequency and severity of disturbances. Whether Arctic tundra and boreal forest ecosystems will continue to sequester atmospheric CO2 in the face of these dramatic changes is unknown. Here we show the results of model simulations that estimate a 41 Tg C yr−1 sink in the boreal land regions from 1997 to 2006, which represents a 73% reduction in the strength of the sink estimated for previous decades in the late 20th century. Our results suggest that CO2 uptake by the region in previous decades may not be as strong as previously estimated. The recent decline in sink strength is the combined result of (1) weakening sinks due to warming-induced increases in soil organic matter decomposition and (2) strengthening sources from pyrogenic CO2 emissions as a result of the substantial area of boreal forest burned in wildfires across the region in recent years. Such changes create positive feedbacks to the climate system that accelerate global warming, putting further pressure on emission reductions to achieve atmospheric stabilization targets.This study was supported through grants provided as part of the Arctic System Science Program (NSF OPP‐ 0531047), the North American Carbon Program (NASA NNG05GD25G), and the Bonanza Creek Long‐Term Ecological Program (funded jointly by NSF grant DEB‐0423442 and USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station grant PNW01‐JV11261952‐231)

    Evolution of the spatial structure of the urban system of settlement in the coastal zones of European Russia

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    The study of the development of settlement systems has traditionally been included in sphere of public geography and regional economics. Based on statistical material, the author characterizes the urban system of settlement in coastal zones of European part of Russia. The author analyzes the structural differences between the Northern and Southern coastal macrozones, the features of cities location and their functional specialization. Is emphasized the role of “sea factor” in the history of origin and development, the dynamics of population of coastal cities. The author shows the dominant influence of demographic, socio-economic and administrative factors on evolution of spatial structure on the urban settlement system in the coastal zones of European Russia in recent decades. Conclusions are drawn about polarization of the urban settlement system in direction of population concentration in urban agglomerations and strengthening of their role in social and economic development