25 research outputs found


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    Abstract Accidents are not desirable. It makes someone lose their time, their wealth, and it can cause injury, cripple and even death. It can happens anywhere, at anytime, on anyone. Accident can happen on student when the sport lesson held. Sport lesson compared with other lessons, considering the characteristic, are accidentprone. Taking into account the level of physical and technique of junior and senior high school pupils, the likelihood of the accident increased. To prevent those accident and the effects afterward, the teacher must identify the sources. Accident in sport lesson can be caused by internal factor (intrinsic), e.g. exhausted, harumscarum, lack of skill and not having adequate pre-game warm-up and stretching. Other possibilities are came from outside factors (extrinsic), e.g. poor equipment and facilities, bad weather, terrible location, inadequate referee. Keyword: accident, sport lesson, Junior and senior high school. PENDAHULUAN Mata pelajaran pendidikan jasmani (penjas) mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda dengan mata pelajaran lainnya dan ini membawa konsekuensi pada perbedaan dalam proses pembelajarannya. Aktivitas fisik yang menjadi media utama proses pembelajaran penjas, alat, fasilitas, dan arena tempat berlangsungnya proses pembelajaran penjas mengandung risiko terjadinya kecelakaan yang tinggi. Bermain, olahraga, dan bentukbentuk aktivitas fisik lainnya yang dilakukan di lapangan terbuka atau tertutup potensial sekali mendatangkan kecelakaan. Kemungkinan terjadinya kecelakaan makin ter- buka lebar ketika proses pembelajaran itu berlangsung di sekolah menengah pertama (SMP) dan sekolah menengah atas (SMA). Dalam uraian selanjut- nya digunakan istilah sekolah menengah (SM) untuk menyebut keduanya. 72 JPJI, Volume 5, Nomor 1, April 2006 -- Petunjuk Praktis Pencegahan Kece/akaan da/am Proses Pembe/ajaran Pendidikan Jasmani d~Seko/ah Menengah Pertama dan Atas 8iswa-siswa 8M masih tergolong muda dengan usia berkisar antara 13-18 tahun. Kemampuan fisik dan tekniknya masih sangat terbatas, karena mereka sedang dalam masa pertumbuhan. Pada masa ini hormon laki-Iaki belum cukup untuk menimbulkan hipertrofi otot secara nyata dan pusat per- tumbuhan tulang (epiphyseal growth centre) masih lemah. Karena tulang, otot, tendo, dan ligamen mereka sedang berkembang, mereka menjadi lebih rentan terhadap cedera (Congeni, 2002: 4). Muller (2004: 4) dalam penelitiannya melaporkan sebanyak 22 orang siswa sekolah menengah mengalami cedera ka~astropik langsung selama mengikuti football musim gugur tahun 2002. Dari 22 orang yang mengalami cedera katast~opik langsung, 3 orang meninggal dunia, 6 orang mengalami ketidakmampuan fungsional permanen, dan 11 orang lainnya mengalami cedera yang amat serius. Kecelakaan dalam proses pembelajaran penjas dapat mengakibatkan siswa mengalami kerugian materi, kehilangan waktu, cedera, cacat, atau bahkan kematian. Kerugian materiel akibat kecelakaan yang harus dialami oleh siswa sangat besar jumlahnya. Jumlah itu, bahkan menjadi tidak ter- hitung besamya kalau cacat fisik dan mental yang bersifat permanen, seperti: kehilangan tangan, kehilangan kaki, dan kehilangan ingatan diper- hitungkan sebagai bagian dari biaya kecelakaan. Kendatipun banyak keuntungan yang dapat dipetik dari program penjas di sekolah, tetapi tidak sedikit orang tua yang mengajukan somasi agar program kegiatan tersebut dikurangi atau dihilangkan sama sekali (Moeslim, 1974: 35). Pendapat mereka tentu bukan tanpa alasan, namun terasa emosional dan tidak rasional. Berbagai kasus kecelakaan yang terjadi di dalam praktik pembelajaran penjas beserta akibatnya menjadi pendorong mereka membuat pemyataan seperti itu. Dari hasil survai Gunanto (1998: 9) diperoleh informasi bahwa angka kecelakaan dalam proses pembelajaran penjas cukup tinggi dan ini dapat memperkuat tuntutan mereka. Memberikan jaminan keselamatan dengan eara membatasi atau bahkan meniadakan program penjas bukan merupakan tindakan yang bijaksana dan jelas tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah. Yang lebih utama adalah mencari akar permasalahannya, yaitu penyebab terjadinya kecelaka-an dalam proses pembelajaran penjas dan memberikan solusinya. KECELAKAAN DALAM PENJAS Penjas merupakan proses pendidikan yang bertujuan untuk memper- baiki kinerja dan meningkatkan perkembangan manusia dengan mengguna- kan media aktivitas jasmani yang terpilih untuk merealisasikannya (Wuest dan Bucher, 1995: 6). Banyak macam dan bentuk aktivitas jasmani yang dapat digunakan sebagai media bagi proses pembelajaran penjas di sekolah, seperti: bermain, berbagai cabang olahraga, dan aktivitas jasmani lainnya. 8emua cabang olahraga yang dijadikan sebagai media pembelajaran penjas di sekolah mempunyai potensi menimbulkan kecelakaan yang tinggi. Besar-kecilnya risiko cedera yang ditimbulkan oleh kecelakaan bergantung pada jenis olahraga yang dilakukan dan pihakpihak yang terlibat dalam kegiatan tersebut, yakni guru dan murid (Healey, 1996: 98). JPJI, Volume 5, Nomor 1,Apr1l200


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    This research discusses the fulfillment of safety needs of the students’ activity unit in the area of full body contact sports in Yogyakarta State University. This research study is aimed at investigating the efforts in the fulfillment of safety needs conducted by the students’ activity unit of full body contact sports in order to prevent accidents which can end in injury, physical defect, or even death during the training sessions. This is a descriptive research study involving the safety needs as the only variable. The population involved in this research was the students of Yogyakarta State University who were the members of the students’ activity unit in the area of full body contact sports. The researcher took 100 samples out of 465 members using proportionate stratified random sampling. The instrument to collect the data was in the form of questionnaires. The researcher analyzed the data using the descriptive quantitative method with percentage. The results of this study show that the efforts in fulfilling the safety needs conducted by the students’ activity unit in the area of full body contact sports in Yogyakarta State University were generally good (66%). In details, it can be described that: (1) the efforts in fulfilling the safety needs from the inside of the students’ activity unit were good (64%), (2) the efforts in fulfilling the safety needs from the inside of the students’ activity unit were good (71%), (3) the efforts in fulfilling the safety needs in terms of the health of the students’ activity unit were poor (40%), (4) the efforts in fulfilling the safety needs in terms of the equipment of the students’ activity unit were good (67%), (5) the efforts in fulfilling the safety needs in terms of the foods were good (70%), (6) the efforts in fulfilling the safety needs in terms of the training processes were good (79%), (7) the efforts in fulfilling the safety needs in terms of tools and facilities were fair (52%), (8) the efforts in fulfilling the safety needs in terms of the regulation were good (75%), (9) the efforts in fulfilling the safety needs in terms of the coaches were very good (86%), and (10) the efforts in fulfilling the safety needs in terms of the weather were good (71%)


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    The objective of this research is to determine the types of injury occur caused by accidents happen during the instruction process of physical education in elementary school. In addition, this research is aimed at determining the causes of accidents occur during the physical education process in elementary school. The populations involved in this research were the teachers of state elementary schools in Bantul Regency. The researcher took 50 of 287 physical education teachers as the samples randomly. This is a descriptive research study with one variable, which was accidents. The instruments used to collect the data were questionnaires. To analyze the data, the researcher used descriptive qualitative technique with percentage. The results of this research show that the injuries experienced by the students of state elementary schools in Bantul Regency during the process of physical education instruction were in the forms of: blister and bleeding on leg. Further, the factors which caused the injuries were human factors related to social elements which were: pupils who were not paying attention to the teachers while the teachers explained the materials, and environment factors related to the condition of equipment and facilities, e.g. the condition of the field was not good


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    Accidents are not desirable. It makes someone lose their time, their wealth, and it can cause injury, cripple and even death. It can happens anywhere, at anytime, on anyone. Accident can happen on student when the sport lesson held. Sport lesson compared with other lessons, considering the characteristic, are accident- prone. Taking into account the level of physical and technique of junior and senior high school pupils, the likelihood of the accident increased. To prevent those accident and the effects afterward, the teacher must identify the sources. Accident in sport lesson can be caused by internal factor (intrinsic), e.g. exhausted, harum- scarum, lack of skill and not having adequate pre-game warm-up and stretching. Other possibilities are came from outside factors (extrinsic), e.g. poor equipment and facilities, bad weather, terrible location, inadequate referee


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    This research study discusses the accident prevention which is conducted at Sekolah Laboratori Olahraga/Selabora (the School of Sport Laboratory) of Faculty of Sport Science. The objective of this study research is to determine the efforts of accident prevention already undertaken by Selabora of Faculty of Sports Science during the training process. This is a descriptive research study using a single variable, i.e. the efforts of accident prevention. The population of this study involved the students of Selabora accompanied by triangulation from the coaches of Selabora. The researcher selected 60 students out of 140 students as samples of this research study using proportionate stratified random sampling. There were 15 coaches taken from three sport branches used as the samples of this research. The instruments used this research study were questionnaires and the technique of data analysis was the quantitative descriptive technique using percentages. The results of this research study showed that in general the management and coaches of Selabora had committed efforts in the preventing the students of Selabora from accident in training time very well (85%). These efforts included attempts made before the process of training (preparation), which is very good (84%), efforts made during training (core exercises), which is very good (91%), and the efforts done after the process of exercise (closing), which is very good (81%)

    Persiapan Fisik Bagi Pendaki Gunung: sebuah Alternatif Pencegahan Kecelakaan

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    Mendaki gunung merupakan lIkegiatan menantangmautll yang banyak diminati oleh kaum muda, terutama langberjiwa petualangan. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai berbeda.-bcda,satu dengan lainnya. Ada yang melakukan untuk sekedar menikmatikeindahan alam, tetapi ada juga yang meJakukanuntuk l1menyatull dengan alamoSudah banyak korban berjatuhan: eedera, cacat,meninggal, dan bahkan ada yang tidak diketahui rimbanyasampai kini. Disinyalir, salah satu penyebabnya adalah lemahoyakondisi fisik pendaki. Untuk menghindari terjadinyakecelakaan sekaligus meneapai sukses, ada empat syarat yangdianjurkan bagi mereka yang akan melakukan pendakian,yaUu: memiliki kondisi fisik dan mental yang baik, mempunyaipengetahuan dan keterampilan yang tinggi, ada pereneanaanyang rnatang, dan didukung perlengkapan yang memadai.Latihan fisik yang diseyogyakan bagi para pendakigunung adalah latihan aerobik, yaitu latihan yang dapatmengembangkan daya tahan kardiorespirasi, dan latihankekuatan

    Aktualisasi Nilai-nilai Olahraga sebagai Upaya Membangun Karakter Bangsa

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    Actualization of Sports Values as an Attempt to Build Nation Character. Honesty, caring, politeness, loyalty, discipline, and responsibility are some good values that should be the foundations the nation\u27s life. At present, however, they are rarely found in daily life. Deceit, carelessness, rudeness, hypocrisy, and negligence are more dominant in the country. In sports, some good values, such as devotion, fairness, discipline, cooperation, and hard work can be actualized as an attempt to rebuild the nation character. They must be actualized in various aspects of life through leaders\u27 exemplary deeds in the family, school, society, and country

    Identifikasi Kesalahan Penyusunan Skripsi Mini dalam Mata Kuliah·penulisan Karya Ilmiah Mahasiswa Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan

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    This research discusses. the mini thesis development process which wasconducted by. Sports Science Faculty students· in the Scientific Paper Writingcourse. The. aimof this research is to· identify the·mistakes made by the students inthe mini thesis development..This research was· a descriptive study on mistakes.The. population consistedof 237 mini theses written by students of the. Faculty ofSports.. Science in the Scientific Paper Writing course in the academic year of2006/2007. The sample consisted of100 mini theses selected by using theproportional sampling technique. The data collection instruments were a check-listand a table developed from Pedoman Tugas Akhir UNY 2003 (Thesis GuidelinesYogyakarta State University2003). The data were analyzed by using the descriptivequantitative technique involving percentage. The results of this research showedthat in the mini thesis writing, technically, students made mistakes mostly ingrammar, spelling and punctuation, .writing rules,and content. In the writingorganization,the most common mistakes were made in the middle part, while themistakesin the introductory part and those in the closing were evenly balanced

    Learning media development physical education sport and health that number athletic material based on Android application

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    This study aims to (1) produce development products for physical education sport and health learning media based on android applications on the athletic material of throwing numbers for high school students, (2) to find out the feasibility of developing learning media products for physical education sport and health learning media based on android applications on throwing number athletic materials for high school students and (3) determine the level of effectiveness of the development of learning media products for physical education sport and health based on android applications on athletics throwing numbers for high school students.This research and development are carried out in ten stages which refer to the steps developed by Borg & Gall, which include: (1) Research and information gathering, (2) Planning, (3) Initial product development, (4) Improvement of the initial design, (5) Formation of trial products, (6) Small group trials, (7) Revision of small group trial products, (8) Field trials, (9) Revision of field trial products, (10) Dissemination or dissemination. The subjects of the small group trial were 21 students of class XI SMA N 5 Yogyakarta, the subjects of the field trials were 112 students of class XI SMA N 8 Yogyakarta, the product trials included material expert trials, media experts, and small group trials and field trials. by students. Data obtained through observation, questionnaires, interviews, and learning outcomes tests. Data analysis used a t-test with a significance level of 0.05. Based on the results of the pretest and posttest that have been obtained, then the effectiveness test was carried out using the paired sample t-test using the SPSS program. 16 For Windows.The results of the research of the pretest and posttest data on the field test showed that the learning media had a significant effect on improving student or respondent achievement. The effectiveness of learning media can be seen in the descriptions of the results of the pretest and posttest on respondents or students of SMA N 8 Yogyakarta as follows. At the pretest the lowest score got a score of 33.00, then the highest score got a score of 100.00. The average number of values on the pretest reached 79.91, and if all the respondents' scores on the pretest were added up to reach a value of 8951.00. After being treated with the application of learning media, the lowest score in the posttest increased to 37.00 and the highest score reached a maximum score of 100.00. The average overall score on the posttest increased to 86.62, and the total score at the posttest reached a score of 9702.00.Thus, it can be concluded that the instructional media products of physical education sport and health, athletic number throwing materials based on android applications can be used by students and teachers as a medium in the teaching and learning process.Keywords: learning media, athletics throwing numbers, android application

    Pengaruh Circulo MassageTerhadap Penurunan Perasaan Kelelahan KerjPada Guru Wanita Sekolah Dasar NegeriDi Kelurahan Bener, Tegalrejo, Yogyakartaa

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    ABSTRACT The research was conducted to find out the significant influence of circulo massage on decreasing the work tiredness feeling of female teachers at the State Elementary School in Bener, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta. The research was a pra-experiment research which was using circulo massage as object of treatment. The collecting data technique was done by questioneire. The population in this research were the female teachers at The State Elementary School in Bener, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta. The sample used in this reseach were 15 people who were randomly selected. Data analysis method was the t-test. The result of this research shows the significant influence on decreasing the work tiredness feeling of female teachers at The State Elementary School in Bener, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta.(t=4,985p= 0,000 50.05). Keywords: circulo massage, work tiredness feeling, female teachers at The State Elementary School