Pengaruh Circulo MassageTerhadap Penurunan Perasaan Kelelahan KerjPada Guru Wanita Sekolah Dasar NegeriDi Kelurahan Bener, Tegalrejo, Yogyakartaa


ABSTRACT The research was conducted to find out the significant influence of circulo massage on decreasing the work tiredness feeling of female teachers at the State Elementary School in Bener, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta. The research was a pra-experiment research which was using circulo massage as object of treatment. The collecting data technique was done by questioneire. The population in this research were the female teachers at The State Elementary School in Bener, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta. The sample used in this reseach were 15 people who were randomly selected. Data analysis method was the t-test. The result of this research shows the significant influence on decreasing the work tiredness feeling of female teachers at The State Elementary School in Bener, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta.(t=4,985p= 0,000 50.05). Keywords: circulo massage, work tiredness feeling, female teachers at The State Elementary School

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