44 research outputs found

    CIRS-lite, a Fourier Transform Spectrometer for Low-Cost Planetary Missions

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    Passive spectroscopic remote sensing of planetary atmospheres and surfaces in the thermal infrared is a powerful tool for obtaining information about surface and atmospheric temperatures, composition, and dynamics (via the thermal wind equation). Due to its broad spectral coverage, the Fourier transform spectrometer (FTS) is particularly suited to the exploration and discovery of molecular species. NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) developed the CIRS (Composite Infrared Spectrometer) FTS for the NASA/ESA Cassini mission to the Saturnian system. CIRS observes Saturn, Titan, icy moons such as Enceladus, and the rings in thermal self-emission over the spectral range of 7 to 1000 ell11. CIRS has given us important new insights into stratospheric composition and jets on Jupiter and Saturn, the cryo-geyser and thermal stripes on Enceladus, and the winter polar vortex on Titan. CIRS has a mass of 43 kg, contrasted with the earlier GSFC FTS, pre-Voyager IRIS (14 kg). Future low-cost planetary missions will have very tight constraints on science payload mass, thus we must endeavor to return to IRIS-level mass while maintaining CIRS-level science capabilities ("do more with less"). CIRS-lite achieves this by pursuing: a) more sensitive infrared detectors (high Tc superconductor) to enable smaller optics. b) changed long wavelength limit from 1000 to 300 microns to reduce diffraction by smaller optics. c) CVD (chemical vapor deposition) diamond beam-splitter for broad spectral coverage. d) single FTS architecture instead of a dual FTS architecture. e) novel materials, such as single crystal silicon for the input telescope primary

    Effect of spark plasma sintering and high-pressure torsion on the microstructural and mechanical properties of a Cu–SiC composite

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    This investigation examines the problem of homogenization in metal matrix composites (MMCs) and the methods of increasing their strength using severe plastic deformation (SPD). In this research MMCs of pure copper and silicon carbide were synthesized by spark plasma sintering (SPS) and then further processed via highpressure torsion (HPT). The microstructures in the sintered and in the deformed materials were investigated using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM). The mechanical properties were evaluated in microhardness tests and in tensile testing. The thermal conductivity of the composites was measured with the use of a laser pulse technique. Microstructural analysis revealed that HPT processing leads to an improved densification of the SPS-produced composites with significant grain refinement in the copper matrix and with fragmentation of the SiC particles and their homogeneous distribution in the copper matrix. The HPT processing of Cu and the Cu-SiC samples enhanced their mechanical properties at the expense of limiting their plasticity. Processing by HPT also had a major influence on the thermal conductivity of materials. It is demonstrated that the deformed samples exhibit higher thermal conductivity than the initial coarse-grained samples

    Analiza fuzji pomiędzy komórkami glejaka szczurzego i liposomami biomimicznymi z enkapsulowanymi nanocząstkami diamentu lub kurkuminą

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    Analysis of a fusion between rat glioma cells and biomimetic liposomes with encapsulated diamond nanoparticles or curcumin. Liposomes are used as carriers for different bioactive agents, both hydrophilic, which are encapsulated in water core of the liposome, and hydrophobic, which are entrapped within liposome walls. The walls are built from phospholipid bilayer, therefore their structure resembles cell membrane. It was hypothesized that if the wall is made of set of lipids typical for a cell, the liposome will be eagerly consumed by the cell. We performed the experiments using C6 rat glioma cells as an example, since central nervous system cells are extremely rich in lipids, including the unique ones. Since all cancer cells have high proliferation potential, they need to absorb precursors to build cell membrane around new cells, therefore such biomimetic liposomes may be one of the most effective way to deliver anticancer agents into the cell. Analysis of physicochemical properties of obtained liposomes, as well as in vitro tests, showed that obtaining such liposomes is possible and that the liposomes are biocompatible, stable carrier both for hydrophilic and hydrophobic agents. Encapsulation of diamond nanoparticles did not affect the liposomes, whereas entrapping of curcumin, which is a spice known in traditional Asian medicine for its anticancer properties, significantly increased its activity. Obtained results showed that biomimetic liposomes can be effective, individually-tailored carriers for bioactive agents.Analiza fuzji pomiędzy komórkami glejaka szczurzego i liposomami biomimicznymi z enkapsulowanymi nanocząstkami diamentu lub kurkuminą.Liposomy są wykorzystywane jako nośniki dla biologicznie aktywnych związków, zarówno hydrofilowych, które są enkapsulowane w wodnym rdzeniu liposomy, jak również hydrofobowych, które mogą być zamykane w jego ścianie. Ściany liposomów zbudowane są z dwuwarstwy fosfolipidowej, przez co strukturalnie przypominają błonę komórkową. Założono, że jeżeli taka ściana zostanie stworzona z zestawu lipidów charakterystycznych dla danej komórki, liposomy będą chętnie pobierane przez taką komórkę. Wykonano doświadczenie, w którym jako przykład użyto komórek glejaka szczurzego linii C6, ponieważ wiadomo, że komórki centralnego systemu nerwowego są wyjątkowo bogate w lipidy, włączając w to także te nietypowe. Ze względu na to, że wszystkie komórki nowotworowe charakteryzuje wysoki potencjał proliferacyjny, muszą one pobierać prekursory niezbędne do budowania błony komórkowej wokół nowopowstających komórek. Dlatego też liposomy biomimiczne mogą być jednym z najbardziej skutecznych sposobów na dostarczenie związków przeciwnowotworowych do takich komórek. Analiza właściwości fizykochemicznych, jak również testy in vitro, pokazały, że otrzymanie takich liposomów jest możliwe i że liposomy te są biozgodnym, stabilnym nośnikiem zarówno dla związków hydrofilowych, jak i hydrofobowych. Enkapsulacja nanocząstek diamentu nie wpłynęła na wytworzone liposomy, podczas gdy zamknięcie w ścianie kurkuminy, która jest znana w tradycyjnej medycynie azjatyckiej ze względu na woje właściwości przeciwnowotworowe, istotnie podniosło jej aktywność. Otrzymane wyniki pokazały, że liposomy biomimiczne mogą być efektywnym, indywidualnie dopasowanymi nośnikami dla związków biologicznie czynnych

    Diagnostic and Therapeutic Challenges of Oligosymptomatic Vesicovaginal Fistula in the Complex Case of Endometriosis

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    Endometriosis is a complex condition causing surgical challenges, sometimes leading to urogynecological complications, the diagnosis and treatment of which are not always obvious. We present a case of a 46-year-old woman with a history of severe endometriosis and adenomyosis who developed an oligosymptomatic vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) as a complication of surgery. The patient’s medical history included multiple surgeries for endometriosis, a cesarean section, and a laparoscopic hysterectomy. After the excision of the full-thickness infiltration of the urinary bladder, she experienced postoperative bowel obstruction treated by laparotomy. Subsequent urinary complications of bladder healing were eventually recognized as oligosymptomatic VVF. Symptoms of VVFs may vary, making a diagnosis challenging, especially when the lesion is narrow. Imaging techniques such as cystoscopy and cystography are helpful for diagnosis. The treatment options for VVFs range from surgical repair to conservative methods, like bladder catheterization, hormonal therapy, and platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, depending on the lesions’ size and location. In this case, the patient’s VVF was treated with PRP injections, a low-invasive method in urogynecology. PRP, known for its pleiotropic role, is increasingly used in medicine, including gynecology. The patient’s fistula closed after 6 weeks from the PRP session, highlighting the potential of this conservative treatment modality