57 research outputs found

    Pragmatic transfer and politeness in interlanguage apologizing

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    Sprachenlernende müssen pragmatische Kompetenzen in ihrer Zweitsprache erwerben, um in der Lage sein zu können in dieser Sprache erfolgreich zu kommunizieren. Die Forschung in der Interlanguage-Pragmatik hat jedoch gezeigt, dass soziolinguistische Kompetenz für die Lernenden problematisch sein kann. Sie können zwar in der Zweitsprache grammatikalisch kompetent sein, aber immer noch mangelnde Kenntnisse der soziolinguistischen Regeln haben, d.h. entsprechend zu kommunizieren und Sprache im Kontext zu verstehen. Da die erste und zweite Sprache der Lernenden in der Realisierungen von Sprechakten unterschiedlich sein kann, kann der Mangel am sprachlichen, sozialen und pragmatischen Wissen der Lernenden zu pragmatischen Fehlern führen. Eine mögliche Ursache für pragmatische Fehler ist der pragmatische Transfer, der bei einer inadäquaten Übertragung der gewohnten sprachlichen Kommunikationsmuster von der Muttersprache in die Zielsprache auftritt. Als Folge kann der Sprecher als ungewollt unhöflich und respektlos erscheinen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den Sprechakt der Entschuldigung im Bezug auf die Phänomene der Höflichkeit und den pragmatischen Transfer. Ihr Zweck ist es zu beschreiben wie serbische Englischlernende sich auf Englisch entschuldigen und zu verstehen in wie fern sich diese Entschuldigungen von jenen englischer Muttersprachler unterscheiden.Language learners need to acquire L2 pragmatic competence in order to be able to communicate successfully in that language. However, research in interlanguage pragmatics has shown that sociolinguistic competence can be problematic for language learners. They may be grammatically competent in L2, but still lack knowledge of sociolinguistic rules to communicate appropriately and to understand language in context. Given that a learner’s first and second languages may differ in realizations of speech acts, the lack of linguistic, social and pragmatic knowledge may cause the learner to make pragmatic failure. One potential cause of pragmatic failure is pragmatic transfer, which occurs when speakers apply rules from the first language and culture to their second language. As a consequence, the speaker may appear as unintentionally rude, disrespectful and impolite. The present thesis investigates the speech act of apologizing with reference to the phenomena of politeness and pragmatic transfer. The empirical study deals with the analysis of the realization of apology strategies by Serbian learners of English. It investigates to what extent language learners transfer socio-cultural rules from first to second language, and tries to discover differences and similarities between native and non-native English speakers’ production of apologies

    Occupational exposures and genetic susceptibility to lung cancer and pleural mesothelioma: a systematic review

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    Background The risk of occupationally related lung cancer, as well as pleural mesothelioma, in association with genetic polymorphisms, has been investigated with contradictory results. This systematic review aims to summarize the current knowledge on the relationship between genetic polymorphisms, occupational exposures, and lung cancer and pleural mesothelioma. Methods We searched MEDLINE, ISI Web of science, and SCOPUS online databases for all articles published in English language up to September 2016. Studies were considered eligible if they had assessed the association between occupational exposures and lung cancer/pleural mesothelioma in relation to genetic polymorphisms. Results Sixteen studies were included, of which eleven on lung cancer and six on mesothelioma, of which one was in common. NAT2 slow acetylator genotype confers an increased risk of pleural mesothelioma in subjects exposed to asbestos (OR=2.10; 95% CI=1.10-4.10), especially in combination with the GSTM1 null genotype (OR=3.60; 95% CI=1.30-9.60). GSTT1 null and CYP1A1 Msp1 T6235C (T/C+C/C) genotype carriers exposed to arsenic, uranium, asbestos and other chemical agents have an increased risk of lung cancer respect to not exposed wild type genotypes (OR=1.33; 95% CI=0.67-2.64, OR=2.20; 95% CI=1.11-4.35, respectively). Conclusion Genetic polymorphisms might modulate individual susceptibility to lung cancer and pleural mesothelioma in occupationally exposed subjects


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    Introduction: Very few scientists have studied the influence of rehabilitation exercises on lowering the risks of muscular-skeletal disorder incidence (MSD). Therefore, it is necessary to study the influence of these exercise programmes on the prevention of and decrease in the risk of MSD development among schoolchildren. A special programme is based on the education of schoolchildren on ergonomic risks and their prevention by means of specific exercises with a Pilates ball for each recognized MSD, with the assumption that its sixteen-week application will significantly influence the risk of MSD incidence. Methods: The overall sample consisted of 55 students whose chronological age was 11, of both sexes, which was divided into two sub-samples: the experimental group (EG) of 28 students and the control group (CG) of 27 students. The Spinal Mouse with the appropriate programme support was used for the evaluation of muscular-skeletal disorders of the spine in the sagittal and frontal parts (kyphosis, lordosis, thoracic scoliosis). Results and Discussion: The results, following the experimental programme, have shown significantly lowered values of the kyphotic and thoracic scoliotic curve in the experimental group (EG), whereas the condition of the control group (CG) deteriorated, however not with the statistical significance. As for lordosis, there were no significant changes in either group during the experimental treatment. A variance analysis showed that exercises with a Pilates ball programme had statistically significant effects on decreasing MSD with kyphotic and thoracic scoliotic curves but with no significant effects on lordosis as compared to the school exercise programme. Conclusion: The conclusion drawn from the analysis of the effects of the specially defined ergonomic programme, in the form of specific exercises with a Pilates ball, is that it leads to the decreased risk of MSD incidence among fourth-grade primary school students. Applied experimental actions had a positive influence on lowering the spine MSD in the case of the experimental group, but that there were no significant changes in the case of the control group

    The Encapsulation of Lycopene in Nanoliposomes Enhances Its Protective Potential in Methotrexate-Induced Kidney Injury Model

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    Methotrexate is an antimetabolic drug with a myriad of serious side effects including nephrotoxicity, which presumably occurs due to oxidative tissue damage. Here, we evaluated the potential protective effect of lycopene, a potent antioxidant carotenoid, given in two different pharmaceutical forms in methotrexate-induced kidney damage in rats. Serum biochemical (urea and creatinine) and tissue oxidative damage markers and histopathological kidney changes were evaluated after systemic administration of both lycopene dissolved in corn oil and lycopene encapsulated in nanoliposomes. Similar to previous studies, single dose of methotrexate induced severe functional and morphological alterations of kidneys with cell desquamation, tubular vacuolation, and focal necrosis, which were followed by serum urea and creatinine increase and disturbances of tissue antioxidant status. Application of both forms of lycopene concomitantly with methotrexate ameliorated changes in serum urea and creatinine and oxidative damage markers and markedly reversed structural changes of kidney tissue. Moreover, animals that received lycopene in nanoliposome-encapsulated form showed higher degree of recovery than those treated with free lycopene form. The findings of this study indicate that treatment with nanoliposome-encapsulated lycopene comparing to lycopene in standard vehicle has an advantage as it more efficiently reduces methotrexate-induced kidney dysfunction

    Implementacija direktive EU 495/2015 u praćenju kvaliteta vode Dunava

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    The Directive of the EU 495/2015 concerning the list of pesticides, the monitoring of which is necessary in the estimation of ecological water quality, includes neonicotinoids, as well. By the LC-MS/MS analysis of the samples from the Danube the residues of thiamethoxam, acetamiprid and imidacloprid were detected. The detection of insecticides from the neonicotinoid group points at the necessity of the implementation of the Directive in the water quality monitoring.Direktiva EU 495/2015 na listu pesticida čije praćnje je neophodno u proceni ekološkog kvalitata voda, uključuje i neonikotinoide. LC-MS/MS analizom uzoraka Dunava, detektovani su ostaci tiametoksama, acetamiprida i imidakloprida. Detektovanjem insekticida iz grupe neonikotinoida, ukazuje se na potrebu implementacije ove direktive pri praćenju kvaliteta vode

    Opis przypadku — występujący rodzinnie wewnątrzczaszkowo germinoma

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    Background. Intracranial germinomas (ICG) are uncommon brain neoplasms with extremely rare familial occurance. Since ICG invades hypothalamus and/or pituitary, the endocrine dysfunction is one of the common determinants of these tumors. We presented two brothers with the history of ICG. Patient 1 is a 25-year-old male who had been suffering from the weakness of the right half of his body at the age of 18. Cranial MRI revealed mass lesion in the left thalamus. He underwent neurosurgery, tumor was removed completely. Histopathological (HP) and immunohistochemical analyses verified the diagnosis of pure germinoma. He experienced complete remission of the tumor after a radiation therapy. At the age of 22 the diagnosis of isolated growth hormone deficiency (IGHD) was established and GH replacement was initiated. Patient 2 is a 20-year old boy who was presented with diabetes insipidus at the age of 12. MRI detected tumor in the third ventricle and pineal region. After the endoscopic tumor biopsy the HP diagnosis was pure germinoma. He received chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy, and treated with GH during childhood. At the age of 18 GH replacement was reintroduced. A six month follow-up during the next two years in both brothers demonstrated the IGF1 normalization with no MRI signs of tumor recurrence. Conclusion. To the best of our knowledge so far, only six reports have been published related to familial ICG. The presented two brothers are the first report of familial ICG case outside of Japan. They are treated successfully with GH therapy in adult period. Wstęp: Rozrodczaki wewnątrzczaszkowe (intracranial germinomas, ICG) to rzadkie nowotwory mózgu, a szczególnie rzadko stwierdza się ich występowanie rodzinne. W związku z tym, że ICG zajmuje podwzgórze i/lub przysadkę mózgową, zaburzenia endokrynologiczne są jednym z najczęstszych wyznaczników obecności tych guzów. W pracy przedstawiono dwóch braci z ICG. Pacjent 1 to 25-letni mężczyzna, u którego w wieku 18 lat wystąpiło osłabienie mięśni po lewej stronie ciała. Badanie metodą rezonansu magnetycznego (MRI) czaszki ujawniło masę w lewym wzgórzu. Chorego poddano zabiegowi neurochirurgicznemu, podczas którego guz został całkowicie usunięty. Badania histopatologiczne i immunohistochemiczne potwierdziły rozpoznanie czystej postaci rozrodczaka. Po radioterapii nastąpiła całkowita remisja guza. W wieku 22 lat u chorego zdia­gnozowano izolowany niedobór hormonu wzrostu (isolated growth hormone deficiency, IGHD) i wdrożono terapię zastępczą hormonem wzrostu (growth hormone, GH). Genetyczna analiza molekularna tkanki guza wykazała mutację w eksonie 2 w genie KRAS. Pacjent 2 to 20-letni mężczyzna, u którego w wieku 12 lat stwierdzono moczówkę prostą. W badaniu MRI wykryto guz w okolicy trzeciej komory i szyszynki. Po ocenie histopatologicznej materiału pobranego za pomocą biopsji endoskopowej postawiono diagnozę czystego rozrod­czaka. U chorego zastosowano chemioterapię, a następnie radioterapię, a także podawano GH w okresie dzieciństwa. W wieku 18 lat u chorego wznowiono terapię GH. Sześciomiesięczna obserwacja obu braci w następnych 2 latach wykazała normalizację IGF1 przy braku objawów nawrotu guza w badaniu MRI. Wnioski: Według najlepszej wiedzy autorów dotychczas opublikowano 6 doniesień na temat rodzinnego występowania ICG. Przed­stawieni w niniejszej pracy bracia są pierwszym opisanym przypadkiem rodzinnego ICG poza Japonią. W okresie dorosłym chorzy są leczeni GH z dobrym skutkiem

    Genetic Aspects of Micronutrients Important for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are complex diseases whose etiology is associated with genetic and environmental risk factors, among which are diet and gut microbiota. To date, IBD is an incurable disease and the main goal of its treatment is to reduce symptoms, prevent complications, and improve nutritional status and the quality of life. Patients with IBD usually suffer from nutritional deficiency with imbalances of specific micronutrient levels that contribute to the further deterioration of the disease. Therefore, along with medications usually used for IBD treatment, therapeutic strategies also include the supplementation of micronutrients such as vitamin D, folic acid, iron, and zinc. Micronutrient supplementation tailored according to individual needs could help patients to maintain overall health, avoid the triggering of symptoms, and support remission. The identification of individuals’ genotypes associated with the absorption, transport and metabolism of micronutrients can modify future clinical practice in IBD and enable individualized treatment. This review discusses the personalized approach with respect to genetics related to micronutrients commonly used in inflammatory bowel disease treatment

    Workplace health promotion for older workers: A systematic literature review

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    Background: Aging of the workforce is a growing problem. As workers age, their physical, physiological and psychosocial capabilities change. Keeping older workers healthy and productive is a key goal of European labor policy and health promotion is a key to achieve this result. Previous studies about workplace health promotion (WHP) programs are usually focused on the entire workforce or to a specific topic. Within the framework of the EU-CHAFEA ProHealth65+ project, this paper aims to systematically review the literature on WHP interventions specifically targeted to older workers (OWs). Methods: This systematic review was conducted by making a comprehensive search of MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, SCOPUS, The Cochrane Library, CINAHL and PsychINFO databases. Search terms included ageing (and synonyms), worker (and synonyms), intervention (and synonyms), and health (and synonyms). The search was limited to papers in English or Italian published between January, 1st 2000 and May, 31st 2015. Relevant references in the selected articles were also analyzed. Results: Of the 299 articles initially identified as relating to the topic, 18 articles met the inclusion criteria. The type, methods and outcome of interventions in the WHP programs retrieved were heterogenous, as was the definition of the age at which a worker is considered to be 'older'. Most of the available studies had been conducted on small samples for a limited period of time. Conclusion: Our review shows that, although this issue is of great importance, studies addressing WHP actions for OWs are few and generally of poor quality. Current evidence fails to show that WHP programs improve the work ability, productivity or job retention of older workers. In addition, there is limited evidence that WHP programs are effective in improving lifestyles and concur to maintain the health and well-being of older workers. There is a need for future WHP programs to be well-designed so that the effectiveness and cost-benefit of workplace interventions can be properly investigated