Implementacija direktive EU 495/2015 u praćenju kvaliteta vode Dunava


The Directive of the EU 495/2015 concerning the list of pesticides, the monitoring of which is necessary in the estimation of ecological water quality, includes neonicotinoids, as well. By the LC-MS/MS analysis of the samples from the Danube the residues of thiamethoxam, acetamiprid and imidacloprid were detected. The detection of insecticides from the neonicotinoid group points at the necessity of the implementation of the Directive in the water quality monitoring.Direktiva EU 495/2015 na listu pesticida čije praćnje je neophodno u proceni ekološkog kvalitata voda, uključuje i neonikotinoide. LC-MS/MS analizom uzoraka Dunava, detektovani su ostaci tiametoksama, acetamiprida i imidakloprida. Detektovanjem insekticida iz grupe neonikotinoida, ukazuje se na potrebu implementacije ove direktive pri praćenju kvaliteta vode

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