5 research outputs found

    The role of menaquinones (vitamin K2) in human health

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    Recent reports have attributed the potential health benefits of vitamin K beyond its function to activate hepatic coagulation factors. Moreover, several studies have suggested that menaquinones, also known as vitamin K2, may be more effective in activating extra-hepatic vitamin K-dependent proteins than phylloquinone, also known as vitamin K1. Nevertheless, present dietary reference values (DRV) for vitamin K are exclusively based on phylloquinone, and its function in coagulation. The present review describes the current knowledge on menaquinones based on the following criteria for setting DRV: optimal dietary intake; nutrient amount required to prevent deficiency, maintain optimal body stores and/or prevent chronic disease; factors influencing requirements such as absorption, metabolism, age and sex. Dietary intake of menaquinones accounts for up to 25% of total vitamin K intake and contributes to the biological functions of vitamin K. However, menaquinones are different from phylloquinone with respect to their chemical structure and pharmacokinetics, which affects bioavailability, metabolism and perhaps impact on health outcomes. There are significant gaps in the current knowledge on menaquinones based on the criteria for setting DRV. Therefore, we conclude that further investigations are needed to establish how differences among the vitamin K forms may influence tissue specificities and their role in human health. However, there is merit for considering both menaquinones and phylloquinone when developing future recommendations for vitamin K intak

    Pharmacokinetics of oral vitamin D3 and calcifediol

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    Aim: Long-term pharmacokinetics after supplementation with vitamin D3 or calcifediol (the 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 metabolite) is notwell studied. Additionally, it is unclearwhether bolus doses of vitamin D3 or calcifediol lead to 25(OH)D3 plasma concentrations considered desirable for fracture prevention (30 ng/mL). We therefore investigated plasma pharmacokinetics of 25(OH)D3 during different vitamin D3 and calcifediol supplementation regimens. Methods: In this seven-arm, randomized, double-blind, controlled parallel-group study, 35 healthy females aged 50–70years (5 per group) received 20μg calcifediol or vitaminD3 daily, 140μg calcifediol or vitaminD3 weekly, for 15 weeks, or a single bolus of either 140 μg calcifediol, or vitaminD3, or both. 25(OH)D3 plasma concentrations were quantified using LC–MS/MS in 14 clinical visits among all participants. Results: For daily (weekly) dosing, the area under the concentration–timecurve (AUC0–24h),which is themeasure for exposure, was 28% (67%) higher after the first dose of calcifediol than after the first dose of vitamin D3. After 15 weeks, this difference was 123% (178%). All women in the daily and weekly calcifediol groups achieved 25(OH)D3 concentrations N30 ng/mL (mean, 16.8 days), but only 70% in the vitamin D3 daily or weekly groups reached this concentration (mean, 68.4 days). A single dose of 140 μg calcifediol led to 117% higher 25(OH)D3 AUC0–96h values than 140μg vitamin D3,while the simultaneous intake of both did not further increase exposure. Conclusions: Calcifediol given daily, weekly, or as a single bolus is about 2–3 times more potent in increasing plasma 25(OH)D3 concentrations than vitamin D3. Plasma 25(OH)D3 concentrations of 30 ng/mL were reached more rapidly and reliably with calcifediol