83 research outputs found

    Pakovanje šljiva u modifikovanoj atmosferi: MAP

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    Serbia is the grate producer of plums which are mostly processed and exported in frozen state. Freezing implicate certain problems with buying, freezing and storage, along with grate energy consumption that makes difficulty to built in export price of frozen plums. Packaging of fresh plums in properly gas permeate packaging in modified atmosphere will extend storage time and make site of plums easier in export. MAP packaging for fresh fruit is still not applied in our country, although it is very important in EU although in EU market. In these paper technology of packaging of fresh plums in semipermeabile films is describe and optimal composition of modified atmosphere in package in order to maximal preserve of quality microbiological safety and extending of shelf life.Srbija je veliki proizvođač šljive koje se uglavnom prerađuju i izvoze u smrznutom stanju. Konzervisanje šljiva smrzavanjem podrazumeva određene probleme uz utrošak velike količine energije koja se sve teže uklapa u cenu smrznute šljive pri izvozu. Pakovanjem svežih šljiva u odgovarajuću gasno izolovanu ambalažu, u modifikovanoj atmosferi, omogućilo bi produženje vremena čuvanja u svežem stanju i lakši plasman šljiva u izvozu. MAP pakovanje za sveže voće kod nas se još uvek ne primenjuje iako poprima sve veći značaj na tržištu EU. Tržište Amerike i Japana ne prihvata sveže voće ukoliko nije pakovano u modifikovanoj atmosferi, jer se time garantuje da je voće konzervisano bez hemijskih sredstava, da je bezbedno za potrošača i da je u skladu sa aktuelnim standardima kvaliteta, ISO 2001, QMS, odnosno HACCP. U radu je obrađena tehnologija pakovanja svežih šljiva u semipermeabilne filmove i dat optimalan sastav modifikovane atmosfere u pakovanju radi maksimalnog očuvanja kvaliteta, mikrobiološke bezbednosti i produženja vremena čuvanja

    Tržište i asortiman proizvoda od maline u svetu i Republici Srbiji

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    This paper analyses raspberry market dynamics in the world; importance and possibilities for getting raspberry products, such as juices, concentrates, syrups, pastes and raspberry juice powder, in the higher processing stages. Considerably higher economic effects (market prices even higher than 60 EUR per kg) could be reached if these products are offered in the internal market, and especially if these products are exported. This is the reason why the overall supply of these products, aimed at winning the adequate place in the internal market as well as in the external market, despite the ever increasing competition with regard to the quantity and quality, should be derived from the production/objects which are working in accordance with HACCP standards, and it should have a recognizable trade mark and an original packaging, as a symbol of its origin and quality. .Poslednjih desetak godina u svetu je zabeležen dinamičan rast proizvodnje maline. U ukupnom svetskom prometu maline, sveža malina učestvuje sa oko 8,5%. U strukturi izvoza maline iz Republike Srbije dominira smrznuta malina sa preko 90%. Pored nje u izvozu se još pojavljuje sveža malina i koncentrisani sok od maline. Na svetskom tržištu je širi asortiman proizvoda od maline. U visoko razvijenim zemljama, velikim konzumentima ovog proizvoda, u ponudi se javlja u različitim oblicima: smrznuta, koncentrovana, sušena, želirana ili sokovi od maline. Pored toga, velike količine maline u svetu se na tradicionalan način koriste za proizvodnju džemova, kompota, slatka, alkoholnih pića i drugih specijaliteta sa nacionalnim obeležjima. U radu je analizirano svetsko tržište i asortiman proizvoda od maline i njihova izvozna/uvozna cena u periodu 1995-2004. godina. Posebno su obrađene regionalne destinacije izvoza maline i prerađevina od maline iz Republike Srbije. Imajući u vidu navedeno, u radu se razmatraju značaj dobijanja i promet proizvoda od maline viših faza prerade, kao što su sokovi, koncentrati, sirupi, želirani proizvodi i dr. Ponudom ovih proizvoda na domaćem tržištu, a naročito izvozom, mogu se postići znatno viši ekonomski efekti (cene i preko 60 eura/kg). Zato ukupna ponuda ovih proizvoda, u borbi za odgovarajuće mesto na domaćem i u sve oštrijoj konkurenciji obima i kvaliteta na svetskom tržištu, treba da potiče iz proizvodnje/objekata koji ispunjavaju standarde HACCP, da bude prepoznatljive robne marke i originalnog pakovanja, kao simbola porekla i kvaliteta.


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    Football and futsal belong to the group of polystructural activities of a complex character. From the motor aspect, both games are defined by a complex structure, comprised of various movements of the cyclic and acyclic type. Football and futsal are characterized by specific movements of the lower limbs, which are used to regulate possession of the ball (leading, passing) as well as the movement of the torso and hitting the ball with the head. The movement structure is comprised of various activities: running, jumping, turning, reception and shooting the ball. The aim of this research is to establish whether there are statistically significant differences in the explosive strength of the legs in football and futsal players. The analysis involved a sample of 37 participants, divided into two subsamples, the first being senior football players (first lineup) of FC "Radnički" from Niš – 23, and the second being senior futsal players (first lineup) of Futsal Club "Kopernikus" from Niš – 14 participants. The explosive strength of the lower limbs was estimated through the following tests: Squat Jump (SJ), Counter Movement Jump without arms swing (CMJ) and Counter Movement Jump with arms swing (CMJS). The Multivariate Analysis of Variance method(МАNOVA) was used to determine the differences between the groups, while the Analysis of Variance method (ANOVA) was used for the differences between the groups in terms of separate measuringt instruments. It has been determined that there are differences in the explosive strength of the legs between football players and futsal players


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    Abstract. Basketball belongs to the type of sports where the skill of using one’s arms is of the greatest significance for game success. Basketball technique elements which involve the use of the ball are realized solely with the use of the arms, and this is where the name “ball manipulation” stems from. Modern basketball requires top basketball players to display the greatest level of the mentioned ability, irrespective of the playing positions within the team. The aim of this research has been to determine the situational-motor skill of a basketball player’s ball manipulation efficiency with regard to the basketball competition rank. A sample of 30 participants was analyzed, and split into two subsamples (the first subsample consisted of basketball players from the Super League, i.e. the players from the Konstantin basketball team from Nis – 15 participants, and other basketball players from the First Regional League for Men, the Junior Youth Basketball Club from Nis – 15 participants). The ball manipulation efficiency was estimated through the following tests: ball stopping, starting dribbling, ball dribbling around the body, ball dribbling through the legs and leading the ball with variants. In order to determine the inter-group differences, the Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) was applied, while the differences between the groups were determined with the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for every measuring instrument separately. It was determined that the basketball players of the Super League display significantly greater values in almost all the variables, except one – ball stopping.Keywords: basketball players, ball manipulation, competition rank, differences.es

    The Effect of Processing Parameters on Characteristics of Plla Microspheres

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    Poster presented at the 8th Conference of Yugoslav Materials Research Society – YUCOMAT 2006, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 4-8, 2006

    Synthesis of PLGA /nano-ZnO composite particles for biomedical applications

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    Copolymer poly (DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), due of its biodegradable and biocompatible nature, is widely used in various medical applications; controlled release of delivering drugs, carriers in the tissue engineering, etc. On the other hand, zinc oxide (ZnO) is extensively used in medicine and pharmacy for personal care products, as well as in biomedical materials like dental composites, as a material for treatment of a variety of skin irritations, to enhance the antibacterial activity of different medicaments, etc. In this research we have dealt with a procedure to prepare particles of poly (lactide-co-glycolide) and nano zinc oxide (PLGA/nano-ZnO). Nano-ZnO has been synthesized using a microwave synthesis method and additionally immobilized within PLGA by physicochemical solvent/non-solvent method. Firstly, ZnO has been dispersed in acetone and then additionally added dropwise in the PLGA/ethyl acetate (PLGA/nano-ZnO(EtAc) or PLGA/acetone (PLGA/nano-ZnO(Ac)) solutions, respectively. The as-prepared dispersions were dried in air atmosphere for 24 h. The characterization of the prepared samples was performed using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) method for the structure properties, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE SEM) for the investigation of particles morphology, as well as Malvern’s Mastersizer instrument for particle size distribution. DTA-TG measurements were performed in order to investigate the samples thermal stability and mass loss percentage. The antimicrobial behavior of the synthesized PLGA/nano-ZnO particles was tested against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria cultures and also against Candida Albicans, diploid fungus

    Development and evaluation of 45S5 bioglass scaffolds coated with selenium nanoparticles or with poly(lactide-co-glycolide)/selenium nanoparticles

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    In the bone tissue engineering field, there is growing interest in the application of bioglass scaffolds due to their bone bonding ability and osteoconductivity. However such scaffolds still lack some of the required functionalities to enable the successful formation of new bone, e.g. enhanced bioactivity by incorporation of bioactive molecules or growth factors and effective antibacterial properties. A large number of epidemiological, preclinical, and clinical trials suggest that selenium (Se) has significant role in antioxidant protection, enhanced immune surveillance and modulation of cell proliferation. Selenium nanoparticles (SeNp) have also been reported to possess antibacterial as well as antiviral activities. Studies also provide evidence that Se intake may be necessary for bone health. Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) micro and nanoparticles are used for the controlled delivery of several classes of medicaments such as growth factors, antibiotics, antimicrobial agents etc. Uniform, stable, amorphous SeNps have been synthesized and additionally encapsulated within spherical PLGA particles (PLGA/SeNps). Bioglass scaffolds have been synthesized by foam replica method and additionally coated by SeNp or by PLGA with encapsulated SeNp. Samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). SeNp, Bioglass®/SeNp and Bioglass®/PLGA/SeNp showed a considerable antibacterial activity against Gram positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis, one of the main causative agents of orthopedic infections

    Effects of various nitric oxide synthase inhibitors on AlCl3-induced neuronal injury in rats

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    The present study was aimed at determining the effectiveness of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitors: N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, 7-nitroindazole and aminoguanidine in modulating the toxicity of AlCl3 on superoxide production and the malondialdehyde concentration of Wistar rats. The animals were sacrificed 10 min and 3 days after the treatment and the forebrain cortex was removed. The results show that AlCl3 exposure promotes oxidative stress in different neural areas. The biochemical changes observed in the neuronal tissues show that aluminum acts as pro-oxidant, while NOS inhibitors exert an anti-oxidant action in AlCl3-treated animals.U eksperimentu je određivana efikasnost inhibitora azot-oksid-sintaze (NOS): metil-estra N-nitro-L-arginina, 7-nitroindazola i aminogvanidina u modulaciji toksičnosti AlCl3 na stvaranje superoksidnog anjona i koncentraciju malondialdehida kod Wistar pacova. Životinje su žrtvovane 10 min i 3 dana nakon tretmana i izolovana je kora velikog mozga. Rezultati pokazuju da izlaganje AlCl3 pokreće oksidativni stres u različitim moždanim regionima. Biohemijske promene opisane u neuronskom tkivu pokazuju da aluminijum deluje kao pro-oksidant, dok inhibitori NOS imaju antioksidativno dejstvo kod životinja tretiranih AlCl3.nul

    Relationship between genetic distance, specific combining abilities and heterosis in maize (zea mays l.)

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    Six maize inbred lines for which we assumed that have a similar genetic BACKGROUND: were selected for the study. Inbred lines were crossed according to incomplete diallel design and fifteen hybrid combinations were obtained. Hybrid combinations and their parental lines were used in our study. The objective of the study was to examine genetic polymorphism of parental lines, as well as to determine relationships between SSR genetic distance and values of high parent heterosis and specific combining abilities for grain yield. By using 19 SSR primers we classified inbred lines in two groups. First cluster consists of inbred lines L1, L2, L3, L4 and L5, while inbred line L6 formed second cluster, indicating different heterotic BACKGROUND: in comparison to the other five inbred lines. The Spearman's correlation coefficients between SSR based genetic distance and specific combining abilities for grain yield had a value of (r=0,53*), while positive correlation were also found between genetic distance and high parent heterosis (r=0,57*)

    Afforestation to mitigate climate change

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    Ambitious climate targets, such as the 2 °C target, are likely to require the removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Afforestation is one such mitigation option but could, through the competition for land, also lead to food prices hikes. In addition, afforestation often decreases land-surface albedo and the amount of short-wave radiation reflected back to space, which results in a warming effect. In particular in the boreal zone, such biophysical warming effects following from afforestation are estimated to offset the cooling effect from carbon sequestration. We assessed the food price response of afforestation, and considered the albedo effect with scenarios in which afforestation was restricted to certain latitudinal zones. In our study, afforestation was incentivized by a globally uniform reward for carbon uptake in the terrestrial biosphere. This resulted in large-scale afforestation (2580 Mha globally) and substantial carbon sequestration (860 GtCO2) up to the end of the century. However, it was also associated with an increase in food prices of about 80% by 2050 and a more than fourfold increase by 2100. When afforestation was restricted to the tropics the food price response was substantially reduced, while still almost 60% cumulative carbon sequestration was achieved. In the medium term, the increase in prices was then lower than the increase in income underlying our scenario projections. Moreover, our results indicate that more liberalised trade in agricultural commodities could buffer the food price increases following from afforestation in tropical regions.Seventh Framework Programme http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100004963Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659Open Access Fund of the Leibniz AssociationPeer Reviewe