2,728 research outputs found


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    Sumber daya manusia adalah aset yang paling penting sebagai penentu utama keberhasilan perusahaan dalam jangka waktu panjang. Maka dari itu, upaya untuk meningkatkan efektifitas dan Kinerja karyawan pada sebuah perusahaan atau Organisasi juga merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam peningkatan kemampuan perusahaan dari sisi Intelectual Capital yang ada. Di samping itu, lingkungan pembelajaran memegang penting terhadap peningkatan performa organisasi dalam sebuah perusahaan, khususnya bila dikaitkan dengan knowledge management yang mampu dijadikan sebagai enabler terhadap pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh para karyawannya. Paper ini membahas hubungan antara lingkungan pembelajaran dengan peningkatan performa organisasi yang dikaitkan dengan knowledge management yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan

    A new mixed multiplicative-additive model for seasonal adjusment

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    Usually, seasonal adjustment is based on time series models which decompose an unadjusted series into the sum or the product of four unobservable components (trendcycle, seasonal, working-day and irregular components). In the case of clearly weatherdependent output in the west German construction industry, traditional considerations lead to an additive model. However, this results in an over-adjustment of calendar effects. An alternative is a multiplicative-additive mixed model, the estimation of which is illustrated using X-12-ARIMA. Finally, the relevance of the new model is shown by analysing selected time series for different countries. --Seasonal adjustment,calendar adjustment,over-adjustment,multiplicative-additive model,X-12-ARIMA

    Pendidikan agama Kristen dan budi pekerti SMA/MA dan SMK/MK kelas XI

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    Pendidikan Agama Kristen sejak awal sesungguhnya sudah memiliki tempat yang penting dalam dinamika perkembangan komunitas Kristen. Melalui Pendidikan Agama Kristen Tuhan berkenan untuk mengajar, memelihara, serta mengembangkan komunitas Kristen. Dalam buku PAK kelas XI ini secara khusus para siswa akan dipandu untuk menjadi pribadi yang dewasa dan menghayati peran Allah dalam kehidupan keluarga. Para pemuda juga disiapkan untuk memahami makna suatu penikahan dan keluarga Kristen. Di tengah perubahan sosial yang seringkali mengancam eksistensi keluarga Kristen, para pemuda Kristen dipanggil untuk berpegang teguh pada imannya dalam menghadapi gaya hidup modern, sekaligus dapat memanfaatkan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, budaya, seni, dan teknologi. Buku Pendidikan Agama Kristen dan Budi Pekerti Kelas XI ini ditulis dengan mendasarkan pembelajaran pada rumusan kompetensi yang mencakup ranah sikap, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut ditegaskan, ranah pengetahuan digunakan untuk mengembangkan sikap spiritual agar menjadi remaja yang beriman, dan sikap sosial agar menjadi remaja dengan akhlak mulia. Kompetensi Dasar yang digunakan sebagai acuan dalam pengembangan/revisi buku PAK ini sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulum 2013, di mana siswa didorong untuk mencari sumber belajar lain yang lebih variatif dan kaya yang tersedia secara luas disekitarnya. Hasil secara maksimal pelaksanaan kurikulum 2013 ini sesungguhnya sangat ter gantung dari kerja sama berbagai pihak. Dalam konteks ini, guru PAK yang kreatif memiliki peran sentral untuk meningkatkan dan menyesuaikan daya serap siswa dengan ketersediaan kegiatan-kegiatan yang didesain secara relevan pada buku ini. Meskipun demikian, dukungan nyata dari para stakeholder (pemangku kepentingan) yaitu kepala sekolah dan para pengawas PAK sangat dibutuhkan. Orang tua juga perlu terlibat dalam pemakaian buku ini, karena banyak waktu siswa dialokasikan di rumah. Dalam perspektif Alkitab, orang tua menjadi pendidik yang pertama dan utama bagi anak-anaknya

    Emergent Theory and Technology in E-Learning

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    E-learning should be approached via a new paradigm, one where instruction and information are involved in a recursive process, an approach which counters the concept of linearity. New ways of thinking about how people learn and new technologies favour the emergence of principles of e-learning that deliver both business and individual opportunities

    Pendidikan agama Kristen dan budi pekerti untuk SMA/SMK Kelas XI

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    Buku ini memaparkan mengenai Tuhan pedoman kehidupan keluargaku; keluarga pusat utama pendidikan; relasi bermakna antara keluarga dan sekolahku; bertumbuh sebagai keluarga Allah; keluarga yang kuat, melahirkan pribadi yang kuat; tanggung jawabku terhadap keluarga; keluarga sebagai gereja mini; keluargaku dalam gaya hidup modern; dampak modernisasi bagi keluargaku; keadilan dan perdamaian dalam keluarga; home sweet home; keluarga Kristen menjadi berkat bagi lingkungan; mensyukuri anugerah Allah lewat perkembangan iptek; berjalan ke masa depan bersama Tuhan

    Penerapan Algoritma Kriptografi Asimetris RSA Pada Pesan Video

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    The rise of the use of internet communication services, it allows digital data that is sent may be intercepted and modified by other parties. So we need a way to secure digital data, one of which implement cryptographic algorithms to encrypt the digital data such as text, pictures, video, and audio. The purpose of this research is to produce an application that can be used to encrypt and decrypt a video file with the RSA algorithm so that the video file can be safe from acts of piracy. RSA is an asymmetric cryptographic algorithm. As a public key algorithm, RSA has two keys namely public key and a private key. Public key may be known to anyone, and is used for encryption. While the private key is only certain people are allowed to know and be used for the decryption process. During the factoring of large numbers into prime factors unaccounted algorithm, then during the same security RSA algorithm is secure. RSA algorithm to be applicable in both the encryption and decryption of files encrypted video because video results displayed in the form of a black screen (BlackScreen). But the weakness of the RSA algorithm is capable of encrypted video files perfectly only a maximum capacity of 1 MB

    Effect of Non-Performing Loans (NPL), Operational Efficiency Ratio (BOPO) on Return on Assets at Conventional Banks

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    This study aims to find the effect of non-performing loans (NPL), operational efficiency ratio (BOPO) on return on assets (ROA) at banks in Indonesia for the period 2020. The banking sector is very important because it is conventionally expected to support the government to increase economic growth, but during the pandemic which began in the 2nd quarter of 2020, all sectors have decreased in performance, one of which was banking, due to the inability of customers to pay their credit bills. The object of this research is the financial statements of conventional banks in 2020 with the research method used is explanatory. The population in this study is conventional bank sector in 2020, with a population of 95 banks, and the data analysis used is multiple linear regression . The results show that Non-Performing Loans (NPL) do not significantly affect Return on Assets (ROA) whereas Operational Efficiency Ratio (BOPO) affects Return on Assets (ROA)

    Mangupa Lahiron Daganak sebagai Representasi Penghayatan Iman Kristiani Umat Suku Batak Toba

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    In this article, the author would like to express his appreciation for the faith of the Toba Batak Catholics in the parish of St. John the Baptist, Perawang Riau, Padang Diocese, related to the Mangupa Lahiron Daganak tradition carried out in the Toba Batak tribal community. The Mangupa Lahiron Daganak tradition is one of the ceremonies to welcome and give thanks for the birth of a child in the Toba Batak family. This tradition is no longer carried out completely by Toba Batak Catholics in the parish of Saint John the Baptist Perawang Riau. Several instruments are used in the ritual of the Mangupa Lahiron Daganak ceremony. The function of this instrument is to make the ceremony run smoothly, wisely, and meaningfully. The instruments used in the ceremony contain symbols that are meaningful in people\u27s lives. The purpose of this paper is to find and interpret the symbols in the Mangupa Lahiron Daganak ceremony, not only from a social point of view but more on theological meanings that can strengthen the appreciation of the faith of Catholics, especially the Toba Batak people. The results showed that the Toba Batak Catholics in the St. John the Baptist Perawang Riau parish were able to find social meaning, which was then transformed into an appreciation of the Christian faith, even though the Toba Batak people in the St. John the Baptist Perawang Riau parish no longer held the full Mangupa Lahiron Daganak ceremony

    The Nuance of Affirmation: The Epistemological Foundation of Sundanese Wisdom

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    One who learns and reads Western Philosophy is familiar with theDecartes' proposition 'cogito ergo sum'. This proposition becomesontological and epistemological reason of our existence.Nevertheless, one can also explore another reason of existence, notonly this Cartesian proposition considered the universal. A nuanceof affirmation implied within a local tradition of wisdom can be theother ontological and epistemological reason. Therefore, anexploration the nuance of affirmation in Asian tradition of wisdomis necessarily discovered this alternative reason of existence (1).One can discover such alternative reason from a local worldviewand philosophical narration in a local tradition of wisdom (2). Thisarticle observes the worldview and philosophical narration ofSundanese people. The observation offers a further interpretationto the Sundanese worldview and philosophical narration. Thepurpose of this interpretation is to formulate the nuance ofaffirmation as it is implied in the local system of knowledge. Aprinciple of affirmation is derived from the interpretation of thesystem of knowledge (3). The interpretation also becomes a furtherinvitation to explore and to find out an intercultural understandingand dialogues of various systems of knowledge (4)


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    This study was designed to investigate the possibility that there might be a significant improvement on the students' reading comprehension achievement following the treatment through Cohesive Device Recognition Skill-Building Exercises. It was conducted under the principles of the one group pretest-posttest (repeated-measures) design. 4 J students of Economics Education of FKIP-Unila attending English as a general subject were chosen as the subjects. These students were introduced and trained with the skill and encouraged to firstly recognize the cohesive devices employed in the texts, then classify their types and functions across the sentences and paragraphs, and finally to check their comprehension about the texts on hand. As the design suggests, this research administered pretest and posttest as the main instruments in collecting the data. The data were analyzed using Repeated Measures-Matched T-test. The result shows that t-observe (6./79) is higher than Hable (2.704) which means that there is a significant improvement on the students' reading comprehension achievement following the treatment. This seems to suggest that this technique worked well and was found effective in this stud)~ Since the study was conducted to an intact class and even though the test allows us to generalize, the design of the study precludes such generalization. Therefore, further study involving randomly selected and randomly assigned subjects would certainly provide more interesting findings
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