41 research outputs found

    Origin and geochemical evolution of the Madeira-Tore Rise (eastern North Atlantic)

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    The Madeira-Tore Rise, located ∼700 km off the NW African coast, forms a prominent ridge in the east Atlantic. The age and origin of the rise are controversial. This study presents major and trace element, Sr, Nd, Pb, Hf isotope and 40Ar/39Ar age determinations from volcanic rocks dredged from different sites along the rise. In addition, isotopic compositions of rock samples from Great Meteor Seamount in the central Atlantic are presented. The new radiometric and paleontologically constrained ages identify two major episodes of volcanism: The first is the base of the rise (circa 80 to >95 Ma) and the second is seamounts on the rise (0.5–16 Ma). It is proposed that interaction of the Canary hot spot with the Mid-Atlantic spreading center formed the deep basement of the Madeira-Tore Rise and the J-Anomaly Ridge west of the Atlantic spreading center in the Mid-Cretaceous. Age and geochemical data and plate tectonic reconstructions suggest, however, that the recovered Late Cretaceous volcanic rocks represent late stage volcanism from the time when the Madeira-Tore Rise was still close to the Canary hot spot. Long after moving away from the influence of the Canary hot spot, the Madeira-Tore Rise was overprinted by late Cenozoic volcanism. Miocene to Pleistocene volcanism at the northern end of the rise can be best explained by decompression mantle melting beneath extensional sectors of the Azores-Gibraltar Fracture Zone (African-Eurasian plate boundary). The geochemical compositions of these volcanic rocks suggest that the magmas were variably contaminated by enriched material within or derived by melting of enriched material underplated at the base of the lithosphere, possibly originating from the Cretaceous Canary plume. Alternatively, these late Cenozoic volcanic rocks may have derived from decompression melting of enriched pyroxenitic/eclogitic material in the upper mantle. Isotopically more depleted Pliocene to Pleistocene volcanism at the southern end of the Madeira-Tore Rise may be related to the nearby Madeira hot spot

    Feasibility study of the AAP Project

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    De projectopdracht houdt in het ontwikkelen van een informatiesysteem voor het vervullen van de informatiebehoeften die voortvloeien uit de invoering van de wet op de dierproeven. Daarbij zijn expliciet de volgende aspecten vermeld: a) wettelijke registratieverplichting, b) microbiologische kwaliteit van proefdieren, c) afstemming van vraag en aanbod en d) financiele aspecten van dierproeven. Uit deze definitiestudie blijkt dat het wel mogelijk is om het gevraagde systeem te ontwikkelen. Belangrijkste voorwaarde daarvoor is dat er voldoende duidelijkheid wordt geschapen op het gebied van de administratieve organisatie. Het systeem is ingedeeld in 7 subsystemen. Aanbevolen wordt om te beginnen met het ontwikkelen van subsystemen 1 en 2 en voor subsysteem 3 een voorbereidende fase in te lassen om een aantal onduidelijkheden weg te nemen. Aan het einde van de voorbereidende fase kan dan een beslissing genomen worden over subsystemen 3 t/m 7.Abstract not availableRIV

    Understanding China’s past and future energy demand: an exergy efficiency and decomposition analysis

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    There are very few useful work and exergy analysis studies for China, and fewer still that consider how the results inform drivers of past and future energy consumption. This is surprising: China is the world’s largest energy consumer, whilst exergy analysis provides a robust thermodynamic framework for analysing the technical efficiency of energy use. In response, we develop three novel sub-analyses. First we perform a long-term whole economy time-series exergy analysis for China (1971-2010). We find a 10-fold growth in China’s useful work since 1971, which is supplied by a 4-fold increase in primary energy coupled to a 2.5-fold gain in aggregate exergy conversion efficiency to useful work: from 5% to 12%. Second, using index decomposition we expose the key driver of efficiency growth as not ‘technological leapfrogging’ but structural change: i.e. increasing reliance on thermodynamically efficient (but very energy intensive) heavy industrial activities. Third, we extend our useful work analysis to estimate China’s future primary energy demand, and find values for 2030 that are significantly above mainstream projections

    Divergence of Trends in US and UK Aggregate Exergy Efficiencies 1960–2010

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    National exergy efficiency analysis relates the quality of primary energy inputs to an economy with end useful work in sectoral energy uses such as transport, heat and electrical devices. This approach has been used by a range of authors to explore insights to macroscale energy systems and linkages with economic growth. However, these analyses use a variety of calculation methods with sometimes coarse assumptions, inhibiting comparisons. Therefore, building on previous studies, this paper first contributes toward a common useful work accounting framework, by developing more refined methodological techniques for electricity end use and transport exergy efficiencies. Second, to test this more consistent and granular approach, these advances are applied to the US and UK for 1960 to 2010. The results reveal divergent aggregate exergy efficiencies: US efficiency remains stable at around 11%, while UK efficiency rises from 9% to 15%. The US efficiency stagnation is due to "efficiency dilution", where structural shifts to lower efficiency consumption (e.g., air-conditioning) outweigh device-level efficiency gains. The results demonstrate this is an important area of research, with consequent implications for national energy efficiency policies

    Modelling quality assurance. A study into the need of guidelines

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    Mathematical models play an important role in support of the preparation of policies and decision-making in health and environment. A major objective for the near future is to pay more attention to modelling quality assurance (MODQUA). Within the framework of the research project MODQUA the need of guidelines to the process of development and application of models has been investigated. This study revealed four main topics, which ask for the formulation of specific quality control criteria. Firstly, a software quality assurance plan is required. Secondly, the ease of use of the software package needs to be guaranteed. The administrative quality control of model calculations including input scenarios is another important item. Undoubtedly, the quality of the mathematical model itself is a key factor and makes the availability of methods, such as validation tools, for a systematic model analysis indispensable. It is recommended to start a pilot-study aimed at the integration and elaboration of criteria for these topics in practice.RIV

    [Guidelines for the quality of information systems. Report of the third phase of the project RIKWIN.]

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThe purpose of RIKWIN is to provide guidelines for the quality of information systems. The third phase of this project comprised the activity of implementing the guidelines in a laboratory. The laboratory for Toxicology (TOX) was selected as a trial laboratory. The project chosen was a small automated system for log-function measurement on small animals. Implementing the guidelines in this laboratory showed that the RIKWIN report is written to be useful for people with knowledge concerning structured building and structured upkeep of information systems. In practice this knowledge is not always available. However, RIKWIN was not designed to replace good education in information technology. The RIKWIN report proved to be useful as a checklist. It can help to show the existing quality of a system. SOP's often fail just in this aspect, they may provide a good way to use a system, but they fail to provide evidence of quality to outside observers. Many regulations proved to exist, but were simply not (yet) written down. The laboratory thought that the RIKWIN report was less useful than it might have been: * The system was developed by personnel that was not explicitly educated in information technology. * The division in aspects and objects is not logical. There is no distinction between aspects that are directly related to the system (specifications etc.) and aspects that are 'indirectly' (security etc.) related to the system.RIV

    Guidelines for the Quality of Information

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarThe computer system used to process research data determines at least part of the reliability and quality of the data. For this reason, and also because guidelines like GCP, GLP, GMP and STERLAB are rather vague on computer systems, the Quality Assurance Unit and the Informatics Service Centre of the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection took the initiative to create guidelines for computer systems. These guidelines support the laboratories of the institute to improve and maintain the quality of their computer systems. The project focussed on the quality of existing systems. The reasons are time restictions (a number of laboratories have to get certified in 1992), and the fact that there are more systems in existance than will be created this year. An information system consists of several parts. We call these parts "objects". Each object can be judged on several aspects. Because some aspects are relevant to more than one object, we built a matrix for the combination of objects and aspects. This matrix shows what we feel is essential for the quality of an information system. For a number of these combinations a guideline was created. This guideline consists of several diffrent pats: - a requirement - an explanation - how to evaluate compliance to the requirement. The guidelines are advisory. It is the laboratory that decides whether or not compliance is relevant for their system. A guideline can be ignored, but such a decision should be argumented and documented. With these guidelines we know what should be attained. The next part of the project will focus on how compliance to these guidelines can be achieved. Several software quality assurance systems exist. Furthermore, several laboratory quality systems exist. Unfortunately these systems are not easily applicable to our current sitiuation.RIV

    [Guidelines for quality of information systems. Report for phase 2 of the RIKWIN project.]

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    Abstract niet beschikbaarAutomated systems act more and more upon the quality of data collected and processed in laboratory studies. Related problems are often very specific. But quality assurance standards for laboratories include little guidance in the area of automated systems. For this reason, the National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection initiated the development of internal guidelines and possible measures. Its purpose is to support laboratories of the institute to improve and maintain the quality of automated systems. This report is a modified version of the first phase report of the RIKWIN project. The most important modifications are the addition of a number of possible measures to each guideline and the updating of the contents of the five chapters. Two areas had priority in this project. First, attention was payed to the integrity of the raw data. Second, we choosed for existing systems, without paying special attention to the important area of developing new systems. In this report, an information system consists of several parts. We call this parts objects. Each object can be assessed on several aspects. Some aspects are relevant to more than one object, so we built a matrix for the combination of objects and aspects. This matrix shows what we feel as essential for the quality of an information system. For every relevant object-aspect combination, a guideline is developed, indicating what should be done to assure quality. Applicable measures were added to eacht guideline, in order to explain how compliance can be achieved. We distinguish between preventive, detective and corrective measures. It is up to the laboratory to decide whether combinations are relevant or not in relation to the tasks of the laboratory. It is very important to support these decisions with good argumentation. Several standards for quality assurance in laboratories exist. The amount of guidance of this standards with respect to information systems differs. It is not simple to apply the guidelines and measures in the area of information systems. This report can assist laboratories of the institute in this complex area.RIV

    Het vervangen van korte autoritten door fietsritten : Een eerste schatting van de gezondheidsbaten in Nederland

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    In opdracht van het ministerie van VROM is onderzocht hoe de mogelijke gezondheidsbaten van het vervangen van korte autoritten door fietsritten geschat kunnen worden. Hiervoor zijn bestaande methoden voor Health Impact Assessment gebruikt en is bekeken of de benodigde data, modellen en instrumenten aanwezig en van voldoende kwaliteit zijn. In de studie worden niet alleen de klassieke milieufactoren als geluid en luchtverontreiniging meegenomen, maar ook verkeersveiligheid en bewegen. Toepassing laat zien dat de ziektelast door lichamelijke inactiviteit na 1 jaar met maximaal 1,3% wordt gereduceerd als volwassenen meer fietsen. Zoals verwacht, zijn de gezondheidsbaten ten gevolge van een afname van de niveaus door geluid van wegverkeer en verkeersgerelateerde luchtverontreiniging relatief klein; verder bleek het vervangen van korte autoritten door fietsritten alleen voordelig te zijn voor jonge mannen. Gezien het grote aantal aannames en onzekerheden, moeten de resultaten worden gezien als een eerste inschatting van wat mogelijk kan worden verwacht van interventies die ervoor zorgen dat mensen de fiets nemen in plaats van de auto. Deze voorbeeldstudie is een vervolg op eerdere studies waarin de effecten van snelheidsreductie en de aanleg van een nieuwe snelweg werden geevalueerd. Uit de studie blijkt dat de betrouwbaarheid van de berekeningen kan worden verbeterd wanneer er betere informatie is over de verdeling van verkeersgerelateerde luchtvervuiling en geluid over de populatie. Ook is het belangrijk om de gemodelleerde vermindering van verkeersgeluid en luchtvervuiling en de gedragsveranderingen te valideren door middel van metingen.As commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment, we assessed the possible health benefits of the substitution of short-distance car trips with short-distance cycling trips. To this end we used existing methods for Health Impact Assessment and evaluated the availability and quality of data, models and tools that were needed. In our assessment not only the classic environmental pollutants noise and air pollution were taken into account, but also the effects on road safety and physical activity. Application shows that the disease burden related to physical activity reduces at a maximum of 1.3% after one year. As expected, the health benefits due to reduction in road traffic noise levels and traffic-related air pollution are relatively small. Furthermore, it appears that an exchange of short-distance car trips by cycling is only beneficial for young male drivers. Since a lot of information was unavailable and/or unknown and because a lot of choices and assumptions were made, the results have to be seen as a first estimate of what can be expected of interventions that cause an exchange between short-distance car trips with cycling. This study is a follow-up on earlier exemplary assessments of transport interventions. The reliability of our assessment can be improved if we can obtain better information on population exposure distributions of noise and air pollution; it is also important to validate the modelled decrease in traffic noise, air pollution and changes in behaviour by means of measurements.VRO