710 research outputs found

    Overcoming the thermal regime for the electric-field driven Mott transition in V2O3

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    The complex interplay among electronic, magnetic and lattice degrees of freedom in Mott-Hubbard materials leads to different types of insulator-to-metal transitions (IMT) which can be triggered by temperature, pressure, light irradiation and electric field. However, several questions remain open concerning the quantum or thermal nature of electric field-driven transition process. Here, using intense terahertz pulses, we reveal the emergence of an instantaneous purely-electronic IMT in the Mott-Hubbard vanadium sequioxide (V2O3) prototype material. While fast electronics allow thermal-driven transition involving Joule heating, which takes place after tens of picoseconds, terahertz electric field is able to induce a sub-picosecond electronic switching. We provide a comprehensive study of the THz induced Mott transition, showing a crossover from a fast quantum dynamics to a slower thermal dissipative evolution for increasing temperature. Strong-field terahertz-driven electronic transition paves the way to ultrafast electronic switches and high-harmonic generation in correlated system

    Terahertz Spectroscopy of Novel Superconductors

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    Through the coupling of Synchrotron Radiation and Michelson interferometry, one may obtain in the terahertz (THz) range transmittance and reflectivity spectra with a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) up to 103. In this paper we review the application of this spectroscopic technique to novel superconductors with an increasing degree of complexity: the single-gap boron-doped diamond; the isotropic multiband V3Si, where superconductivity opens two gaps at the Fermi energy; the CaAlSi superconductor, isostructural to MgB2, with a single gap in the hexagonal ab plane and two gaps along the orthogonalcaxis

    Difficulties in Mid-Infrared selection of AGN in dwarf galaxies

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    While massive black holes (MBHs) are known to inhabit all massive galaxies, their ubiquitous presence in dwarf galaxies has not been confirmed yet, with only a limited number of sources detected so far. Recently, some studies proposed infrared emission as an alternative way to identify MBHs in dwarfs, based on a similar approach usually applied to quasars. In this study, by accurately combining optical and infrared data taking into account resolution effects and source overlapping, we investigate in detail the possible limitations of this approach with current ground-based facilities, finding a quite low (∼\sim0.4 per cent) fraction of active MBH in dwarfs that are luminous in mid-infrared, consistent with several previous results. Our results suggest that the infrared selection is strongly affected by several limitations that make the identification of MBHs in dwarf galaxies currently prohibitive, especially because of the very poor resolution compared to optical surveys, and the likely contamination by nearby sources, although we find a few good candidates worth further follow-ups. Optical, X-ray and radio observations, therefore, still represent the most secure way to search for MBH in dwarfs.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication on MNRA

    Chemical post-processing of magneto-hydrodynamical simulations of star-forming regions: robustness and pitfalls

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    A common approach to model complex chemistry in numerical simulations is via post-processing of existing magneto-hydrodynamic simulations, relying on computing the evolution of chemistry over the dynamic history of a subset of particles from within the raw simulation. Here, we validate such a technique, assessing its ability to recover the abundances of chemical species, using the chemistry package KROME. We also assess, for the first time, the importance of the main free input parameters, by means of a direct comparison with a self-consistent state-of-the-art simulation in which chemistry was directly coupled to hydrodynamics. We have found that the post-processing is highly reliable, with an accuracy at the percent level, even when the most relaxed input parameters are employed. In particular, our results show that the number of particles used does not affect significantly the average properties, although it suppresses the appearance of possibly important spatial features. On the other hand, the choice of the integration time-step plays a crucial role. Longer integration time-steps can produce large errors, as the post-processing solution will be forced towards chemical equilibrium, a condition that does not always necessarily apply. When the interpolation-based reconstruction of chemical properties is performed, the errors further increase up to a factor of ∼2\sim2. Concluding, our results suggest that this technique is extremely useful when exploring the relative quantitative effect of different chemical parameters and/or networks, without the need of re-running simulations multiple times, but some care should be taken in the choice of particles sub-sample and integration time-step.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    Selection rules for the orbital angular momentum of optically-produced THz radiation

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    In this work we theoretically study the transduction ofthe Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM)lfor infraredpump lasers into the THz domain. In the case of opti-cal rectification, the transduction of OAM occurs onlythrough a spin-orbit interaction, with the selection ruleon the OAMl=0valid for any kind of polarizationof the pump, which means that there is no transfer ofOAM along the propagation axis. In the difference fre-quency generation the selection rule for the difference∆lbetween the OAM of the pump fields with linear orcircular polarization isl=∆l, whereaslranges from∆l−2to∆l+2in both the cases of radial and azimuthalpolarization. Moreover, for THz generation in the lat-ter case, high diffraction obtained with tightly focusedpumps yieldsltending to∆l±2, whileltends to zeroin the opposite case of large pump beam

    Infrared evidence of a Slater metal-insulator transition in NaOsO3

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    The magnetically driven metal-insulator transition (MIT) was predicted by Slater in the fifties. Here a long-range antiferromagnetic (AF) order can open up a gap at the Brillouin electronic band boundary regardless of the Coulomb repulsion magnitude. However, while many low-dimensional organic conductors display evidence for an AF driven MIT, in three-dimensional (3D) systems the Slater MIT still remains elusive. We employ terahertz and infrared spectroscopy to investigate the MIT in the NaOsO3 3D antiferromagnet. From the optical conductivity analysis we find evidence for a continuous opening of the energy gap, whose temperature dependence can be well described in terms of a second order phase transition. The comparison between the experimental Drude spectral weight and the one calculated through Local Density Approximation (LDA) shows that electronic correlations play a limited role in the MIT. All the experimental evidence demonstrates that NaOsO3 is the first known 3D Slater insulator.Comment: 4 figure

    Intensity and phase retrieval of IR laser pulse by THz-based measurement and THz waveform modulation

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    Abstract THz radiation is of great interest for a variety of applications. Simultaneously with the demonstration of high-intensity THz sources the idea to use this radiation for particle acceleration started to be investigated. THz accelerating gradients up to GV/m have been demonstrated in laboratory. THz radiation can be generated through the optical rectification process induced in non-linear crystals by a pump laser. The temporal shape of the pump laser and in general its characteristics are important aspects to be known in order to produce THz radiation via optical rectification in a controlled way. Here we present a technique that can be used to retrieve the temporal profile characteristics (envelope and phase) of the pump laser, starting from the detection of the THz waveform/spectrum and the knowledge of the physical/optical properties of the crystal used to produce it. This work also shows that the THz field can be shaped by properly acting on the pump laser phase. The possibility to opportunely shape the THz field is of great importance for many applications. Therefore this work paves the way to the possibility to coherently and dynamically control the THz field shape

    Maximally informed Bayesian modelling of disc galaxies

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    Dissecting the underlying structure of galaxies is of main importance in the framework of galaxy formation and evolution theories. While a classical bulge + disc decomposition of disc galaxies is usually taken as granted, this is only rarely solidly founded upon the full exploitation of the richness of data arising from spectroscopic studies with integral field units. In this work, we describe a fully Bayesian estimation method of the global structure of disc galaxies which makes use of the wealth of photometric, kinematic, and mass-to-light ratio data, and that can be seen as a first step towards a machine-learning approach, certainly needed when dealing with larger samples of galaxies. Ours is a novel, hybrid line of action in tackling the problem of galactic parameter estimation, neither purely photometric nor orbit-based. Being rooted on a nested sampler, our code, which is available publicly as an online repository,1 allows for a statistical assessment of the need for multiple components in the dissecting process. As a first case-study the GPU-optimized code is applied to the S0 galaxy NGC-7683, finding that in this galaxy a pseudo-bulge, possibly the remnant of a bar-like structure, does exist in the centre of the system. These results are then tested against the publicly available, orbit-based code DYNAMITE, finding substantial agreement
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