1,416 research outputs found

    Dynamical polarizability of graphene beyond the Dirac cone approximation

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    We compute the dynamical polarizability of graphene beyond the usual Dirac cone approximation, integrating over the full Brillouin zone. We find deviations at ℏω=2t\hbar\omega=2t (tt the hopping parameter) which amount to a logarithmic singularity due to the van Hove singularity and derive an approximate analytical expression. Also at low energies, we find deviations from the results obtained from the Dirac cone approximation which manifest themselves in a peak spitting at arbitrary direction of the incoming wave vector \q. Consequences for the plasmon spectrum are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Pulse Shape Discrimination for the CONUS Experiment in the sub-keV Regime

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    The CONUS experiment operates four p-type High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detectors with a total mass of 4 kg to measure Coherent Elastic neutrino Nucleus Scattering (CE_NS) in the fully coherent regime. It is located in close vicinity (17 m) to the reactor core of the nuclear power plant in Brokdorf, Germany. Next to a high neutrino flux and a sub-keV detector energy threshold, a low background is crucial to measure CE_NS with a high sensitivity. A new Data AcQuisition (DAQ) system for the ongoing RUN-5 allows the recording of the pulse shapes for the individual events. The Pulse Shape Discrimination (PSD) method, optimized and further developed in this work, aims to discriminate background events that originate from the outer, semi-active volume of the HPGe diodes. It is based on a rise time ( ) study of each single event. Accounting for the electronic response of the DAQ and preamplifier and by modeling the influence of the noise, trustworthy physical pulses from a function generator are used to calibrate the PSD-cut in the Region Of Interest (ROI) for CENS (sub-keV range). Based on a plausible definition of figures of merit the signal efficiencies are optimized to achieve the best sensitivity for CENS when applying the PSD-cut. With efficiencies between 94 and 97 %, an average background reduction in all four detectors of about 15 % is achieved within the ROI

    First Order Superfluid to Bose Metal Transition in Systems with Resonant Pairing

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    Systems showing resonant superfluidity, driven by an exchange coupling of strength gg between uncorrelated pairs of itinerant fermions and tightly bound ones, undergo a first order phase transition as gg increases beyond some critical value gcg_c. The superfluid phase for g≤gcg \leq g_c is characterized by a gap in the fermionic single particle spectrum and an acoustic sound-wave like collective mode of the bosonic resonating fermion pairs inside this gap. For g>gcg>g_c this state gives way to a phase uncorrelated bosonic liquid with a q2q^2 spectrum.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Kohn-Luttinger Superconductivity in Twisted Bilayer Graphene

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    We show that the recently observed superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) can be explained as a consequence of the Kohn-Luttinger (KL) instability which leads to an effective attraction between electrons with originally repulsive interaction. Usually, the KL instability takes place at extremely low energy scales, but in TBG, a doubling and subsequent strong coupling of the van Hove singularities (vHS) in the electronic spectrum occurs as the magic angle is approached, leading to extended saddle points in the highest valence band (VB) with almost perfect nesting between states belonging to different valleys. The highly anisotropic screening induces an effective attraction in a pp-wave channel with odd parity under the exchange of the two disjoined patches of the Fermi line. We also predict the appearance of a spin-density wave (SDW) instability, adjacent to the superconducting phase, and the opening of a gap in the electronic spectrum from the condensation of spins with wave vector corresponding to the nesting vector close to the vHS.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figure

    Space Act Agreement Maker (SAAM) With Electronic Routing System (ERouter) Developed

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    Members of the Commercial Technology Office at the NASA Glenn Research Center have developed an exciting new tool that greatly reduces the lead time in creating and routing Space Act Agreements. The Space Act Agreement Maker (SAAM) is an e-government Web-based system that automates the initial drafting of Space Act Agreements by technical and program personnel. SAAM also is used for editing and will be used later for maintaining electronic copies of all Space Act Agreements. During the initial drafting, the software prompts NASA personnel proposing an agreement to answer questions regarding the agreement. On the basis of the answers, the software selects from a matrix of NASA standard clauses to produce a first draft of the agreement. The draft agreement and information submitted by the NASA personnel are electronically routed to Glenn s Commercial Technology Office for review and, where necessary, editing. The final version of the agreement, along with any supporting documentation, is then routed for electronic concurrence/approval to the necessary internal review participants using the electronic routing system (e-router). SAAM was developed cooperatively by Glenn s Commercial Technology Office and Glenn s Office of Chief Counsel. Currently, SAAM is being evaluated by the NASA Headquarters General Counsel Office for use at all NASA centers. This system allows for the effective processing of Space Act Agreements for NASA s internal and external customers. Document control is maintained by a database. With SAAM s electronic routing, review times can be reduced significantly, allowing Glenn to more rapidly establish partnerships with industry. Prior to the creation of SAAM, it took several hours to draft a Space Act Agreement. With SAAM in place, the document can be written in about 30 min. Using the e-router also saves time in determining where the agreement is in the routing process. The document can be tracked easily, and delays can be avoided. Important research with industry partners can commence quickly after preliminary discussions have been held. The development of these products is in line with the expanding e-government initiative that is part of the Presidential Management Agenda. By using this product, NASA researchers can secure greater support from industry and academia partners. The Space Act Agreement Maker has been very well received at NASA Headquarters and at some of the other NASA centers as well. We anticipate that the NASA Ames Research Center will have the system in place very soon, and that some of the other centers will use SAAM in the near future. The General Counsel s office at NASA Headquarters has encouraged the Glenn team to develop a similar system for processing patent licenses. Find out more about Glenn's Technology Transfer & Partnership Office http://technology.grc.nasa.gov/

    Faster Methods for Contracting Infinite 2D Tensor Networks

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    We revisit the corner transfer matrix renormalization group (CTMRG) method of Nishino and Okunishi for contracting two-dimensional (2D) tensor networks and demonstrate that its performance can be substantially improved by determining the tensors using an eigenvalue solver as opposed to the power method used in CTMRG. We also generalize the variational uniform matrix product state (VUMPS) ansatz for diagonalizing 1D quantum Hamiltonians to the case of 2D transfer matrices and discuss similarities with the corner methods. These two new algorithms will be crucial to improving the performance of variational infinite projected entangled pair state (PEPS) methods.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, V. Zauner-Stauber previously also published under the name V. Zaune

    Topological nature of spinons and holons: Elementary excitations from matrix product states with conserved symmetries

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    We develop variational matrix product state (MPS) methods with symmetries to determine dispersion relations of one dimensional quantum lattices as a function of momentum and preset quantum number. We test our methods on the XXZ spin chain, the Hubbard model and a non-integrable extended Hubbard model, and determine the excitation spectra with a precision similar to the one of the ground state. The formulation in terms of quantum numbers makes the topological nature of spinons and holons very explicit. In addition, the method also enables an easy and efficient direct calculation of the necessary magnetic field or chemical potential required for a certain ground state magnetization or particle density.Comment: 13 pages, 4 pages appendix, 8 figure

    Dynamic Light Scattering Developed to Look Through the Eye's Window Into the Body

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    Microgravity researcher Dr. Rafat R. Ansari, from the NASA Glenn Research Center, has found that the eye operates much like a camera and is the "window to the body." The eye contains transparent tissue through which light passes, providing us a view of what's going on inside. These transparent tissues represent nearly every tissue type that exists throughout the body. With the correlations and comparisons of these tissues done at Glenn, we hope to improve doctors' ability to diagnose diseases at much earlier stages. The medical community will be able to look noninvasively and quantitatively into a patient's eyes to detect disease before symptoms appear. Since the eye is easily accessed by light, the optical technologies created at Glenn can be used to evaluate its structure and physiology in health, aging, and disease
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