2,896 research outputs found

    Hoe, Ban Seng — Enduring Hardship: The Chinese Laundry in Canada

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    NATO in Transition: the Future of the Atlantic Alliance

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    Bringing Anti-Racism into Historical Explanation: The Victoria Chinese Students’ Strike of 1922-3 Revisited

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    Anti-racist theory draws attention to the socially constructed and contested nature of racial categories. This paper applies anti-racist theory to a case study of the 1922-3 Chinese students' strike in Victoria, British Columbia, and argues that school segregation was less about which schools students would attend and more about whether racialized Chinese people were part of, or could be part of, the imagined community of Canada as nation. Racialized discourse not only fixed “the Chinese” as outsiders to the imagined community, it also enacted colonialism by naturalizing the Anglo-European occupation of the territory of British Columbia. But there was also a significant group of Canadian-born Chinese in Victoria who had used provincially controlled schools to assimilate to dominant values and gain sufficient cultural capital to directly challenge racialized binaries. This group claimed “Canadianness” in their own right and staunchly resisted segregation. The intervention of Anglo-European anti-racists in the dispute further underlines the socially constructed and contested nature of racial categories. Finally, the more powerful fixing of Chinese as alien in Canada through the 1923 Chinese Immigration Act helps to explain the manner in which the students' strike came to close at the beginning of the 1923-4 school year.La thĂ©orie antiraciste nous amĂšne Ă  nous interroger sur la construction sociale et sur la nature contestĂ©e des catĂ©gories raciales. Le prĂ©sent article applique cette thĂ©orie antiraciste Ă  l'Ă©tude de la grĂšve des Ă©tudiants chinois, qui se dĂ©roula en 1922-1923, Ă  Victoria, en Colombie-Britannique ; l'auteur dĂ©montre que la sĂ©grĂ©gation scolaire Ă©tait moins une question de rĂ©partition d’étudiants qu'une question nationale : les Chinois, en tant que groupe discriminĂ©, pouvaient-ils ou pourraient-ils faire partie du Canada tel qu’on le concevait comme nation ? Non seulement le discours racial marginalisait-il les Chinois Ă  l'extĂ©rieur de cet idĂ©al national, mais approuvait-il aussi le colonialisme en endossant l'occupation anglo-europĂ©enne du territoire de la Colombie- Britannique. Par ailleurs, il existait Ă  Victoria un groupe important de Chinois nĂ©s au Canada, qui Ă©taient passĂ©s par les Ă©coles dirigĂ©es par le gouvernement provincial, et qui avaient assimilĂ© les valeurs dominantes. Ce groupe avait acquis suffisamment d'assurance culturelle pour contester ouvertement les polarisations raciales. Il affirmait sa « canadianité » Ă  sa façon et s'opposait vigoureusement Ă  la discrimination. L’intervention des antiracistes anglo-europĂ©ens dans la querelle contribue davantage Ă  montrer que les catĂ©gories raciales Ă©taient des constructions sociales contestĂ©es. Finalement, la Loi de l'immigration chinoise de 1923, qui frappe durement d'ostracisme les Chinois au Canada, explique la maniĂšre dont s'est conclue la grĂšve des Ă©tudiants au dĂ©but de l'annĂ©e scolaire 1923-1924

    Assessing Internal Hurricane Damage To Standing Pine Poletimber

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    Two test methods were used to assess type, location, and degree of internal stem damage to standing pine poletimber (5.0-8.9 in. diameter at breast height, DBH) caused by Hurricane Hugo. A total of sixty trees [15 from each of the four Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA) damage classes] were taken from three sites in the Francis Marion National Forest. Internal damage was expected in the form of ring shake and compression failure. Five stem sections (A through E) were taken from each tree at different heights. From each section, specimens were cut from four quadrants (Tension, Compression, Left, and Right) relative to the wind direction during the storm for toughness and tension perpendicular to the grain testing. A total of 2,147 toughness specimens were tested. A total of 273 specimens were tested in tension perpendicular to the grain. The dependent variables analyzed were toughness, tension strength, and specific gravity with FIA damage class as the whole plot factor.Although there was an increasing trend in toughness from Damage Class 1 through 4, analysis of variance showed damage class not to be a significant effect on toughness. Stem section and quadrant were found to be significant on toughness. Much of the variation in toughness due to stem section may be attributed to the effects of juvenile wood differences with tree height. Also a high occurrence of reaction wood in Quadrant C (side of the tree away from the wind) would contribute to lower toughness strength. Similarly, specific gravity (SG) values showed an overall increase from Damage Class 1 through 4. Specific gravity of Damage Classes 1 and 4 was found to be significantly different. Statistical analysis showed no apparent relationship between damage class and tension strength perpendicular to the grain.The lack of evidence for internal damage is relatively unimportant compared to the evidence of change in the wood properties from the formation of reaction wood. In leaning stems (FIA Damage Classes 2, 3, 4), reaction wood should continue to form. In straight trees, reaction wood formed in the two growth seasons following the storm, but it is unclear whether it will continue to form. The results lead to the conclusion that stands with leaning stems should be harvested and replanted

    High-Temperature Structures, Adhesives, and Advanced Thermal Protection Materials for Next-Generation Aeroshell Design

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    The next generation of planetary exploration vehicles will rely heavily on robust aero-assist technologies, especially those that include aerocapture. This paper provides an overview of an ongoing development program, led by NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) and aimed at introducing high-temperature structures, adhesives, and advanced thermal protection system (TPS) materials into the aeroshell design process. The purpose of this work is to demonstrate TPS materials that can withstand the higher heating rates of NASA's next generation planetary missions, and to validate high-temperature structures and adhesives that can reduce required TPS thickness and total aeroshell mass, thus allowing for larger science payloads. The effort described consists of parallel work in several advanced aeroshell technology areas. The areas of work include high-temperature adhesives, high-temperature composite materials, advanced ablator (TPS) materials, sub-scale demonstration test articles, and aeroshell modeling and analysis. The status of screening test results for a broad selection of available higher-temperature adhesives is presented. It appears that at least one (and perhaps a few) adhesives have working temperatures ranging from 315-400 C (600-750 F), and are suitable for TPS-to-structure bondline temperatures that are significantly above the traditional allowable of 250 C (482 F). The status of mechanical testing of advanced high-temperature composite materials is also summarized. To date, these tests indicate the potential for good material performance at temperatures of at least 600 F. Application of these materials and adhesives to aeroshell systems that incorporate advanced TPS materials may reduce aeroshell TPS mass by 15% - 30%. A brief outline is given of work scheduled for completion in 2006 that will include fabrication and testing of large panels and subscale aeroshell test articles at the Solar-Tower Test Facility located at Kirtland AFB and operated by Sandia National Laboratories. These tests are designed to validate aeroshell manufacturability using advanced material systems, and to demonstrate the maintenance of bondline integrity at realistically high temperatures and heating rates. Finally, a status is given of ongoing aeroshell modeling and analysis efforts which will be used to correlate with experimental testing, and to provide a reliable means of extrapolating to performance under actual flight conditions. The modeling and analysis effort includes a parallel series of experimental tests to determine TSP thermal expansion and other mechanical properties which are required for input to the analysis models

    Tooth Decay in Alcohol Abusers Compared to Alcohol and Drug Abusers

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    Alcohol and drug abuse are detrimental to general and oral health. Though we know the effects of these harmful habits on oral mucosa, their independent and combined effect on the dental caries experience is unknown and worthy of investigation. We compared 363 “alcohol only” abusers to 300 “alcohol and drug” abusers to test the hypothesis that various components of their dental caries experience are significantly different due to plausible sociobiological explanations. After controlling for the potential confounders, we observe that the “alcohol and drug” group had a 38% higher risk of having decayed teeth compared to the “alcohol only” group (P < .05). As expected, those who belonged to a higher social class (OR = 1.98; 95%  CI = 1.43–2.75) and drank wine (OR = 1.85; 95%  CI = 1.16–2.96) had a higher risk of having more filled teeth. We conclude that the risk of tooth decay among “alcohol only” abusers is significantly lower compared to “alcohol and drug” abusers

    Introduction: Historical thinking, historical consciousness

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    In September, 2014, the University of Ottawa Education Research Unit, Making History / Faire l’histoire, hosted Canadian History at the Crossroads, a SSHRC-funded symposium in collaboration with the Canadian Museum of History in Gatineau, Québec. The symposium brought together multiple stakeholders, historians, history and museum educators, classroom teachers—including Governor General’s award winners as well as teacher education and graduate students—to stimulate further public dialogue on pedagogies of history and the politics of remembrance. Building on some of the symposium’s original contributions as well as other submissions, this Canadian Journal of Education Special Capsule advances current debates in history education, historical thinking, and historical consciousness, and forges new directions for collective understandings of the past, by connecting with everyday lived experiences in the present. The contributions range from discussions of how young people themselves understand their past to the link- ages between forms of remembering and conceptions of the nation itself.

    The Refractive Index of Curved Spacetime II: QED, Penrose Limits and Black Holes

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    This work considers the way that quantum loop effects modify the propagation of light in curved space. The calculation of the refractive index for scalar QED is reviewed and then extended for the first time to QED with spinor particles in the loop. It is shown how, in both cases, the low frequency phase velocity can be greater than c, as found originally by Drummond and Hathrell, but causality is respected in the sense that retarded Green functions vanish outside the lightcone. A "phenomenology" of the refractive index is then presented for black holes, FRW universes and gravitational waves. In some cases, some of the polarization states propagate with a refractive index having a negative imaginary part indicating a potential breakdown of the optical theorem in curved space and possible instabilities.Comment: 62 pages, 14 figures, some signs corrected in formulae and graph

    Graviton Propagation and Vacuum Polarization in Curved Space

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    The effects of vacuum polarization arising from loops of massive scalar particles on graviton propagation in curved space are considered. Physically, they are due to curvature induced tidal forces acting on the cloud of virtual scalar particles surrounding the graviton. The effects are tractable in a WKB and large mass limit and the results can be written as an effective refractive index for the graviton modes with both a real and imaginary part. The imaginary part of the refractive index is a curvature induced contribution to the wavefunction renormalization of the graviton in real affine time and can have the effect of dressing or un-dressing the graviton. The real part of the refractive index increases logarithmically at high frequency as long as the null energy condition is satisfied by the background.Comment: 21 pages, typos correcte

    Decreased natural and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic activities in intravenous drug abusers

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    Peripheral blood lymphocytes from 14 adult male patients admitted to the hospital with complications of intravenous drug abuse (IDA) were examined for natural killer (NK) and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxic (ADCC) activities, lectin-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, and interferon (IFN)- and interleukin 2 (IL-2)-induced NK activity. Serum was also assayed for circulating interferon levels and soluble factor(s) capable of suppressing the cytotoxic potential of allogeneic lymphocytes from healthy donors. IDA patients demonstrated significantly decreased levels of NK and ADCC activities compared to age- and sex-matched healthy controls. The lectin, phytohemagglutinin, could significantly enhance the cytotoxicity of IDA lymphocytes: however, activity was not completely restored to normal levels. IDA sera demonstrated a significant inhibitory effect on the NK and ADCC activities of normal allogeneic lymphocytes, and these sera contained negligible levels of circulating IFN. Although the NK activity of IDA lymphocytes could not be restored completely to normal levels by either IFN-[alpha] or IL-2 the percentage enhancement of cytotoxicity was remarkably higher in IDA patients with significantly reduced NK activity than that observed using PBL from patients with near normal NK activity. The ability of IFN or IL-2 to enhance the decreased cytotoxicity of PBL from drug abusers suggests a novel therapeutic approach to the management of the complications of IDA.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/26335/1/0000422.pd
