88 research outputs found

    Review of the scientific monograph PEER ACCEPTANCE IN INCLUSIVE EDUCATION

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    The monograph, titled Peer acceptance in inclusive education by authors Milja Vujačić and Rajka Đević, is aimed at considering important issues concerning the implementation of inclusive education and represents a valuable scientific contribution in this field. In this publication, the authors focus on one of the key aspects of inclusive education, which is related to the provision, encouragement and improvement of social relationships among students in regular elementary school classes. Although inclusive education represents an important research field in the professional and scientific literature, scientific papers aimed at a more comprehensive overview of the inclusive education implementation quality and opportunities for improving the position of students with developmental difficulties in regular elementary schools are needed. Bearing in mind the importance of the selected topic, as well as the fact that the authors have made significant progress in the study of social acceptance compared to previous research in Serbia, the monograph and the research presented in it contribute to a more comprehensive overview of the social acceptance of students in the context of inclusive education.Review of the scientific monograph PEER ACCEPTANCE IN INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Milja Vujačić & Rajka Đević (2022). Belgrade: Institute for Educational Research, 205 pagesBook: Vujačić, Milja, Đević, Rajka, "Vršnjačka prihvaćenost u inkluzivnom obrazovanju" (2022), [https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_ipir_859

    Mogućnost upotrebe kozjeg mesa u proizvodnji tradicionalnog sudžuka

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    Two variants of sucuk were made: one of beef meat and beef tail fat and another of goat meat and goat tail fat with meat/fat ratio of 75/25 and the same ingredients. After filling, the sausages were hung to dry in a traditional smoking house (without the possibility to control the temperature or humidity). Weight loss, pH, non-protein nitrogen content, basic chemical composition, instrumental colour measurement and sensory evaluation were done for both variants. Both variants had an almost identical weight loss (36.98 beef sucuk and 36.25 goat sucuk). Changes in pH value and non-protein nitrogen content had the same tendency and end values did not differ. The basic chemical composition at the end of production indicates that both variants were of very good quality. L*and b*values did not differ, but there was a significant difference in a*value (11.72 beef and 14.15 goat). In terms of appearance, texture and taste, assessors gave poorer grades to goat sucuk, but these grades do not indicate that the product is unacceptable (they were more than 5). It is possible to replace goat tail fat with beef fat to appease the specific flavour of the product and to make it more acceptable to consumers who may not be used to such flavour.U Srbiji, sudžuk se tradicionalno proizvodi u planinskom delu, uglavnom u malim pogonima ili domaćinstvima, u jesenjem i zimskom periodu, kada to klimatski uslovi (temperatura i relativna vlažnost) dozvoljavaju. U ovom ogledu napravljene su dve varijante sudžuka: prva od goveđeg mesa i masnog tkiva sa repa goveda i druga od kozjeg mesa i masnog tkiva sa repa koza. Kod obe grupe kobasica je odnos meso/masno tkivo bio 75/25 i korišćeni su isti začini i aditivi. Nakon punjenja, kobasice su sušene u tradicionalnoj pušnici. Kod obe varijante kobasica određen je: gubitak mase tokom sušenja, pH, neproteinski azot, osnovni hemijski sastav i izvršeno je instrumentalno merenje boje i senzorska ocena. Obe grupe kobasice su imale skoro identičan gubitak mase tokom sušenja (36,98 kod goveđeg i 36,25 kod kozjeg sudžuka). Promene pH vrednosti i neproteinskog azota tokom zrenja su imale istu tendenciju i njihove krajnje vrednosti se nisu značajno razlikovale. Na osnovu podataka za osnovni hemijski sastav na kraju procesa proizvodnje, zaključeno je da su obe grupe kobasica bile veoma dobrog kvaliteta. L*i b* vrednosti se nisu značajno razlikovale, dok je statistički značajna razlika između grupa utvrđena za vrednost a*(11,72 kod goveđih i 14,15 kod kozjih kobasica). U pogledu senzornih karakteristika: spoljnog izgleda, teksture i ukusa, kozji sudžuk je ocenjen nešto slabije, međutim, takav proizvod je i dalje bio veoma prihvatljiv (sve ocene su bile iznad 5). Jedan od načina da se smanji specifična aroma sudžuka napravljenog od kozjeg mesa, što bi ga učinilo prihvatlivijim za širu grupu potrošača, jeste zamena kozjeg loja sa goveđim

    Gastronomic manifestations as a factor of improvement of Serbia's tourism offer

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    Under the influence of globalization and mass settlement of cities and urban areas, nostalgia for traditional and rural is increasingly felt. All this supports the development of manifestation and gastronomic tourism and the promotion of autochthonous products and traditions. Serbia is a country where a large number of national minorities lives, each of which has an impact on the gastronomy of the some area. The combination of all the cuisines and the diversity of tradition made Serbian dishes unique. There are a large number of events in the tourism offer of Serbia, which themes are gastronomic products. Manifestations, as a kind of promotion of a particular area, are becoming more and more popular. The paper analyses gastronomic manifestations as an important segment of Serbia's tourism offer. The methods applied in the paper are the method of correlation and comparative analysis. The results of the research indicate a positive interdependence between the number of manifestations and tourist traffic during the year, while the existence of an interdependence between the number of manifestations and tourist traffic in the regions was not recorded.Publishe

    Digitalne generacije - nove sposobnosti?

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    Era digitalne tehnologije donosi jednu potpuno novu kulturu življenja. Digitalne tehnologije su zašle u sve „pore“ društva i ljudskog bivstvovanja. Stoga ne čudi što su se mnogi autori iz različitih oblasti zainte- resovali za tragove koje digitalne tehnologije ostavljaju na kognitivno funkcionisanje jedinki. Iz želje za razumevanjem drugačijeg konteksta proizašlo je shvatanje da individue koje su odrastale u doba interneta imaju kvalitativno drugačije karakteristike od njihovih prethodnika. Međutim, obrazovni sistem je naročito „pogodilo“ pitanje diskrepancije između načina na koji nove generacije uče i načina na koji starije generacije poučavaju. Uzimajući u obzir tu dilemu i saznanja do kojih su brojni autori došli, obrazovni sistem mora proći kroz transformaciju koju mu nameću drugačije potrebe učenika nove generacije i savremeno doba digitalnih tehnologija

    Horseradish peroxidase C1A wild type gene and its variants expressed in Pichia pastoris KM71H strain

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    Enzyme immobilization enables maintenance of enzyme activity and structural stability even in adverse conditions 1. Structural changes in enzymes that can occur due to the action of organic solvents, inhibitors or increased temperature can be prevented by immobilization of the enzymes in metal–organic frameworks (MOFs). It is reported that several enzymes, such as cytochrome c and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) have been successfully incorporated into MOFs 2. The aim of this work is to produce wild type horseradish peroxidase, isoform C1A, and several mutants specially designed to increase the activity and stability of HRP while immobilized within selected MOFs. Wild type and its variants were produced in metalotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris KM71H strain, their activity and basic kinetic parameters were determined and compared prior imobilization

    Gastronomic manifestations as a factor of improvement of Serbia's tourism offer

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    Under the influence of globalization and mass settlement of cities and urban areas, nostalgia for traditional and rural is increasingly felt. All this supports the development of manifestation and gastronomic tourism and the promotion of autochthonous products and traditions. Serbia is a country where a large number of national minorities lives, each of which has an impact on the gastronomy of the some area. The combination of all the cuisines and the diversity of tradition made Serbian dishes unique. There are a large number of events in the tourism offer of Serbia, which themes are gastronomic products. Manifestations, as a kind of promotion of a particular area, are becoming more and more popular. The paper analyses gastronomic manifestations as an important segment of Serbia's tourism offer. The methods applied in the paper are the method of correlation and comparative analysis. The results of the research indicate a positive interdependence between the number of manifestations and tourist traffic during the year, while the existence of an interdependence between the number of manifestations and tourist traffic in the regions was not recorded

    Horseradish peroxidase C1A wild type gene and its variants expressed in Pichia pastoris KM71H strain

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    Enzyme immobilization enables maintenance of enzyme activity and structural stability even in adverse conditions 1. Structural changes in enzymes that can occur due to the action of organic solvents, inhibitors or increased temperature can be prevented by immobilization of the enzymes in metal–organic frameworks (MOFs). It is reported that several enzymes, such as cytochrome c and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) have been successfully incorporated into MOFs 2. The aim of this work is to produce wild type horseradish peroxidase, isoform C1A, and several mutants specially designed to increase the activity and stability of HRP while immobilized within selected MOFs. Wild type and its variants were produced in metalotrophic yeast, Pichia pastoris KM71H strain, their activity and basic kinetic parameters were determined and compared prior imobilization.Book of Abstract

    The application of sociometric techniques in research on peer relations in inclusive education

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    The application of sociometric techniques is commonplace in research on social relations between students included in a model of inclusive education and their peers. Since the acceptance of children with developmental disabilities is a crucial prerequisite to a more equitable education, this paper aims to explore the advantages and shortcomings of the application of sociometric techniques, which are most commonly associated with the positivist paradigm in the study of contemporary pedagogical concepts such as inclusion.Book of Proceedings: The 29th International Scientific Conference “Educational Research and School Practice“ Towards a More Equitable Education: From Research to Change,1. December, 202

    La inuencia de la localización anatómica del lomo de cerdo sobre la calidad de los letes durante la descongelación rápida

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    The objectives of this research was to evaluate if the effects of very fast hot water thawing method on the meat quality attributes of pork tenderloin steaks are influenced by anatomical location of steaks within the tenderloin. Thawing was performed using a hot water bath at 39°C for 7 ± 0.5 min. Frozen steaks were cut approximately 2.5 cm thick with their thickness measured and accounted for individually for each steak after cutting. Starting from the tail end, steaks were identified as being from either the anterior (A), middle (M) or posterior (P) portions of the tenderloins. Minor but significant differences in thawing, cooking, and texture attributes of the steaks from various anatomical locations within the tenderloins were observed. When adjusted for SV, medium parts of tenderloin exhibited highest thaw drip loss. Cooking yield was influenced by steak location only when adjusted for SV ratio and increased from the anterior to the posterior end of the tenderloin. Location within tenderloin also influenced steak tenderness measurements. Steaks from medium parts of tenderloin had higher WBSF values compared to anterior and posterior parts of the steaks. Color changes in thawed steaks due to either thawing treatment or steak location were minimal and not detectable visually.Ciljevi su ovog istraživanja bili procijeniti utječe li metoda vrlo brzog odmrzavanja mesa vrućom vodom na kvalitetu odrezaka s obzirom na anatomski položaj svinjskog .lea. Odmrzavanje je provedeno uranjanjem u toplu vodu temperature od 39 °C, u trajanju od 7 ± 0,5 min. Smrznuti odresci rezani su na oko 2,5 cm debljine, a debljina je svakog pojedinog odreska izmjerena i određena nakon rezanja. Počevši od stražnjeg dijela svinjske polovice, određeno je pripadaju li odresci prednjem, središnjem ili stražnjem dijelu .lea. Uočene su manje ali značajne razlike značajki odmrzavanja, kuhanja i teksture odrezaka .lea različitog anatomskog položaja. Nakon prilagodbe za površinu-volumen, središnji dijelovi .lea pokazali su najveći gubitak mesnog soka prilikom odmrzavanja. Utvrđeno je da smještaj odreska utječe na korisne učinke kuhanja isključivo kada se u obzir uzmu omjer površina-volumen i povećanje od prednjeg do stražnjeg dijela .lea. Položaj unutar .lea utjecao je i na izmjerenu mekoću odreska. Odresci od središnjih dijelova .lea imali su veće vrijednosti WBSF u odnosu na odreske od prednjih i stražnjih dijelova. Promjene boje odmrznutih odrezaka uzrokovane bilo procesom odmrzavanja ili položaja samog odreska bile su zanemarive, odnosno nisu bile vidljive okom.Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es einzuschätzen, ob bei der Anwendung der Methode des schnellen Auftauens von Fleisch mit heißem Wasser die anatomische Lage des Schnitzels im Filet die Qualitätsindikatoren der Schweineschnitzel beein€usst. Das Auftauen bestand im Eintauchen in warmes Wasser mit einer Temperatur bis zu 39 °C in Dauer von 7 ± 0,5 Minuten. Die eingefrorenen Schnitzel wurden in circa 2,5 cm dicke Scheiben geschnitten; die Stärke eines jeden einzelnen Schnitzels wurde nach dem Schneiden gemessen und festgelegt. Beginnend vom hinteren Teil des Schweins wurde bestimmt, ob die Schnitzel dem vorderen (engl. anterior, A), mittleren (engl. middle, M) oder dem hinteren (engl. posterior, P) Filetteil angehören. Es wurden geringe, aber signikante Unterschiede bei den Auftau-, ubereitungs- und Texturmerkmalen der Filetschnitzel in Abhängigkeit von ihrer anatomischen Lage festgestellt. Nach der Anpassung für das Ober€äche-zu-Volumen-Verhältnis wurde bei den mittleren Filetteilen der größte Verlust an Fleischsaft beim Auftauen beobachtet. Es wurde festgestellt, dass sich die Position des Schnitzels auf die positiven Auswirkungen der Zubereitung nur dann auswirkt, wenn das Ober€äche-zu-Volumen-Verhäl- tnis und die Steigerung vom vorderen zum hinteren Teil des Filets berücksichtigt werden. Die Lage innerhalb des Filets wirkte sich auch auf die gemessene Zartheit des Schnitzels aus. Die Schnitzel aus mittleren Teilen wiesen höhere WBSF-Werte im Vergleich zu Schnitzeln aus vorderen und hinteren Teilen auf. Die farblichen Veränderungen der aufgetauten Schnitzel, bedingt entweder durch den Auftauprozess oder durch die Lage des Schnitzels selbst, waren unbedeutend, beziehungsweise mit dem bloßen Auge nicht sichtbar.Gli obiettivi di questa ricerca consistono nel valutare l’incidenza della posizione anatomica delle fettine di letto sugli indicatori della qualitŕ delle fettine di suino sottoposte a processo di scongelamento molto rapido con acqua calda. Lo scongelamento avviene immergendo la carne in acqua calda a 39 °C per una durata di 7 ± 0,5 min. Le fettine congelate hanno uno spessore di circa 2,5 cm. Lo spessore di ogni singola fettina viene misurato e stabilito dopo il taglio. Partendo dalla parte posteriore del maiale, va stabilito se le fettine appartengono alla parte anteriore (in inglese anterior, A), mediana (in inglese middle, M) o posteriore (in inglese posterior, P) del letto. Sono state evidenziate alcune minori ma signicative di%erenze nelle caratteristiche di scongelamento, cottura e consistenza delle fettine di letto di di%erente posizione anatomica. Dopo l’adattamento di supercie e volume, le parti mediane del letto, sottoposte allo congelamento, hanno fatto registrare la maggior perdita di succhi. Č stato accertato che la posizione anatomica della fettina incide sugli e%etti utili della cottura esclusivamente quando vengono presi in considerazione il rapporto supercie-volume e l’aumento dalla parte anteriore a quella posteriore del letto. La posizione mediana ha anche in€uito sulla morbidezza della fettina di letto. Le fettine della parte mediana del letto hanno fatto registrare, infatti, valori di WBSF piů alti rispetto alle fettine delle parti anteriore e posteriore. Le variazioni cromatichedelle fettine scongelate, causate sia dal processo di scongelamento, sia dalla posizione della stessa fettina, non sono signicative, ossia non sono visibili a occhio nudo.Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron evaluar si la localización anatómica del lomo de cerdo in€uye sobre los indicadores de calidad de lete de cerdo durante el método de la descongelación rápida. La descongelación fue hecha sumergiendo las muestras en el agua caliente de 39 °C, durante 7 ± 0,5 minutos. Los letes congelados fueron cortados a 2,5 cm y cada espesor de lete fue medido y denido despues de cortar. Fue determinado si los letes pertenecen a la parte delantera (ingl. anterior, A), a la parte central (ingl. middle, M) o a la parte posterior (ingl. posterior, P) del lete, empezando por la parte posterior del cerdo. Fueron notadas pequeńas pocas pero signicantes diferencias entre las características de la descongelación, cocción y las texturas de los letes de las localizaciónes anatómicas diferentes. Después del ajuste a la supercie y al bolumen, los partes centrales del lete mostraron la mayor pérdida del juego de carne durante la descongelación. Fue determinado que la localización del lomo in€uye sobre los efectos beneciosos de la cocción únicamente cuando se toma en cuenta la proporción de la supercie y del volumen y el incremento desde la parte anterior hasta la parte posterior del lete. La localización dentro del lete in€uyó también sobre la medida blandura del lete. Los letes hechos de la parte central tuvieron los valores de WBSF más altos en comparación con los letes hechos de las partes delanteras y posteriores. Los cambios en color de los letes descongelados causados por el proceso de la descongelación o por la misma localizacíon fueron irrelevantes, es decir, no eran visibles por el ojo

    Variranje osobina tovljenika pod uticajem različitih faktora

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the sire breed, sire within sire breed, genotype of fatteners, gender of fatteners, gender within sire breed, season of birth of fatteners and mass of warm carcass side on the following traits: back fat thickness - middle of the back (DSL), back fat thickness - lower back (DSK), meat yield of carcass sides (JUSKG) and percentage/share of meat in carcass sides (JUSPRO). The research was conducted in the experimental slaughterhouse and laboratory of the Institute for Animal Husbandry, Belgrade-Zemun, and included females and castrated male animals. Sires of fatteners were pure breeds: Swedish Landrace (SL, n = 10), Large White (LW, n = 3) and Pietrain (P, n = 3), while the offspring belonged to the following genotypes: pure breed - Swedish Landrace (SL, n=252), and crosses of Large White x Swedish Landrace (LW x SL) (n=170), Pietrain x Swedish Landrace (P x SL) (n=13), [Pietrain x (Large White x Swedish Landrace)] P x (LW x SL) (n=35), [Swedish Landrace x (Large White x Swedish Landrace)] SL x (LW x SL) (n=33) and [Large White x (Large White x Swedish Landrace)] LW x (LW x SL) (n=33). The study included total 536 offspring of which 276 are male castrated and 260 female animals. In the winter 24 piglets were born, in the spring 95, in the summer 148 and autumn 269 piglets. It was established that the sire within sire breed Pietrain (S:P) does not affect the variation of the studied traits of fattening pigs (P>0.05); sire within sire breed Swedish Landrace (S:SL) does not affect the varying of the trait JUSPRO (P>0.05); season of birth within the Model 1 does not affect the traits yield and share of meat (P>0.05); the offspring gender within genotype (Gender : Genotype) does not affect the variation of fat thickness at the centre of the back (P>0.05). All other factors (sire breed, sire within the sire breed - Large White, gender and genotype of fattening pigs, gender within sire breed, the mass of warm carcass side, and also birth season of fattening pigs in the Model 2) included in the models showed statistically significant impact on the variability of traits of fattening pigs (P lt 0.05; P lt 0.01 and P lt 0.001).Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi uticaj rase oca, oca unutar rase oca, genotipa tovljenika, pola tovljenika, pola unutar rase oca, sezone rođenja tovljenika i mase tople polutke na sledeće osobine tovljenika: debljina slanine na sredini leđa (DSL), debljina slanine na krstima (DSK), prinos mesa u polutkama (JUSKG) i udeo mesa u polutkama (JUSPRO). Istraživanje je obavljeno u eksperimentalnoj klanici i laboratoriji Instituta za stočarstvo, Zemun-Beograd, kojim su obuhvaćena ženska grla i muška kastrirana grla. Očevi tovljenika pripadaju čistim rasama: švedski landras (Sl, n=10), veliki jorkšir (VJ, n=3) i pijetren (P, n=3), dok potomci pripadaju sledećim genotipovima: od čistih rasa zastupljen je švedski landras (ŠL), a od meleza javljaju se veliki jorkšir x švedski landras (VJxSL), pijetren x švedski landras (PxSL), [pijetren x(veliki jorkšir x švedski landras)] Px(VJxSL), [švedski landras x(veliki jorkšir x švedski landras)] SLx(VJxSL) i [veliki jorkšir x(veliki jorkšir x švedski landras)] VJx(VJxSL). Utvrđeno je da otac unutar rase oca pijetren (O:P) ne utiče na variranje ispitivanih osobina tovljenika (P>0,05); otac unutar rase oca švedski landras (O:ŠL) ne utiče na variranje osobine JUSPRO (P>0,05); sezona rođenja tovljenika ne utiče u okviru Modela 1 na osobine prinos i udeo mesa (P>0,05); pol potomaka unutar genotipa (Pol:Genotip) ne utiče na variranje debljine slanine na sredini leđa (P>0,05). Svi ostali faktori uključeni u modele su pokazali statistički značajan uticaj na variranje osobina tovljenika (P lt 0,05; P lt 0,01 i P lt 0,001)