315 research outputs found

    Macrohabitat Composition Surrounding Successful and Depredated Northern Bobwhite Nests

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    Relationships among macrohabitat and depredation of northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) nests are poorly understood. Yet, macrohabitat composition may influence the nest predator community and, therefore, the vulnerability of northern bobwhite nests to depredation. We determined if macrohabitat composition surrounding bobwhite nests influenced nest placement, nest success, and which predators were responsible for depredating nests. We characterized macrohabitats at 2 scales, 8 and 16 ha, by surrounding both bobwhite nests, and an equal number of random locations, with a circular buffer. Random points were placed within the area used by bobwhites on our study area. We then determined the acreage of each macrohabitat category within each circular buffer to determine the macrohabitat composition. Macrohabitat categories included hardwood forested drains, upland pine forests burned in March of the same calendar year, upland pine forests burned in March of the previous calendar year, and fields. We documented nest predators using infrared video cameras placed at the nest site. We monitored 104 bobwhite nests on Tall Timbers Research Station (TTRS) during 1999 and 2000. Size of the circular buffer around nests did not qualitatively affect results. Area (ha) of upland pine forests and fields were similar at depredated nests, hatched nests, and random locations. However, there was an average of 81% and 56% more area of hardwood drain in the circular buffers associated with random locations than at successful and depredated nests, respectively. Area of upland pine forests and fields were similar for nests depredated by raccoon (Procyon lotor), armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) and snake (Elaphus spp.). However, there was an average of 6.1 and 3.3 times more area of hardwood drain surrounding nests that were depredated by snakes relative to nests depredated by raccoons and armadillos, respectively. While our sample sizes were low, bobwhites exhibited a tendency to place nests in landscapes with less hardwood drain than were generally available on the study area. Macrohabitat surrounding nests influenced the type of nest predator to depredate nests. To minimize depredation of bobwhite nests by snakes, we suggest nesting cover should be developed away from drain edges

    Effect of Niacin Monotherapy on High Density Lipoprotein Composition and Function

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    BACKGROUND: Niacin has modest but overall favorable effects on plasma lipids by increasing high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) and lowering triglycerides. Clinical trials, however, evaluating niacin therapy for prevention of cardiovascular outcomes have returned mixed results. Recent evidence suggests that the HDL proteome may be a better indicator of HDL\u27s cardioprotective function than HDL-C. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of niacin monotherapy on HDL protein composition and function. METHODS: A 20-week investigational study was performed with 11 participants receiving extended-release niacin (target dose = 2 g/day) for 16-weeks followed by a 4-week washout period. HDL was isolated from participants at weeks: 0, 16, and 20. The HDL proteome was analyzed at each time point by mass spectrometry and relative protein quantification was performed by label-free precursor ion intensity measurement. RESULTS: In this cohort, niacin therapy had typical effects on routine clinical lipids (HDL-C + 16%, q \u3c 0.01; LDL-C - 20%, q \u3c 0.01; and triglyceride - 15%, q = 0.1). HDL proteomics revealed significant effects of niacin on 5 proteins: serum amyloid A (SAA), angiotensinogen (AGT), apolipoprotein A-II (APOA2), clusterin (CLUS), and apolipoprotein L1 (APOL1). SAA was the most prominently affected protein, increasing 3-fold in response to niacin (q = 0.008). Cholesterol efflux capacity was not significantly affected by niacin compared to baseline, however, stopping niacin resulted in a 9% increase in efflux (q \u3c 0.05). Niacin did not impact HDL\u27s ability to influence endothelial function. CONCLUSION: Extended-release niacin therapy, in the absence of other lipid-modifying medications, can increase HDL-associated SAA, an acute phase protein associated with HDL dysfunction

    Swine ANP32A supports avian influenza virus polymerase

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    Avian influenza viruses occasionally infect and adapt to mammals, including humans. Swine are often described as 'mixing vessels', being susceptible to both avian and human origin viruses, which allows the emergence of novel reassortants, such as the precursor to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. ANP32 proteins are host factors that act as influenza virus polymerase cofactors. In this study we describe how swine ANP32A, uniquely among the mammalian ANP32 proteins tested, supports activity of avian origin influenza virus polymerases, and avian influenza virus replication. We further show that after the swine-origin influenza virus emerged in humans and caused the 2009 pandemic it evolved polymerase gene mutations that enabled it to more efficiently use human ANP32 proteins. We map the enhanced pro-viral activity of swine ANP32A to a pair of amino acids, 106 and 156, in the leucine-rich repeat and central domains and show these mutations enhance binding to influenza virus trimeric polymerase. These findings help elucidate the molecular basis for the 'mixing vessel' trait of swine and further our understanding of the evolution and ecology of viruses in this host.Importance Avian influenza viruses can jump from wild birds and poultry into mammalian species such as humans or swine, but only continue to transmit if they accumulate mammalian adapting mutations. Pigs appear uniquely susceptible to both avian and human strains of influenza and are often described as virus 'mixing vessels'. In this study, we describe how a host factor responsible for regulating virus replication, ANP32A, is different between swine and humans. Swine ANP32A allows a greater range of influenza viruses, specifically those from birds, to replicate. It does this through binding the virus polymerase more tightly than the human version of the protein. This work helps to explain the unique properties of swine as 'mixing vessels'

    An influenza A virus can evolve to use human ANP32E through altering polymerase dimerization

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    Human ANP32A and ANP32B are essential but redundant host factors for influenza virus genome replication. While most influenza viruses cannot replicate in edited human cells lacking both ANP32A and ANP32B, some strains exhibit limited growth. Here, we experimentally evolve such an influenza A virus in these edited cells and unexpectedly, after 2 passages, we observe robust viral growth. We find two mutations in different subunits of the influenza polymerase that enable the mutant virus to use a novel host factor, ANP32E, an alternative family member, which is unable to support the wild type polymerase. Both mutations reside in the symmetric dimer interface between two polymerase complexes and reduce polymerase dimerization. These mutations have previously been identified as adapting influenza viruses to mice. Indeed, the evolved virus gains the ability to use suboptimal mouse ANP32 proteins and becomes more virulent in mice. We identify further mutations in the symmetric dimer interface which we predict allow influenza to adapt to use suboptimal ANP32 proteins through a similar mechanism. Overall, our results suggest a balance between asymmetric and symmetric dimers of influenza virus polymerase that is influenced by the interaction between polymerase and ANP32 host proteins

    InSAR-Based Mapping to Support Decision-Making after an Earthquake

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    It has long been recognized that earthquakes change the stress in the upper crust around the fault rupture and can influence the behaviour of neighbouring faults and volcanoes. Rapid estimates of these stress changes can provide the authorities managing the post-disaster situation with valuable data to identify and monitor potential threads and to update the estimates of seismic and volcanic hazard in a region. Here we propose a methodology to evaluate the potential influence of an earthquake on nearby faults and volcanoes and create easy-to-understand maps for decision-making support after large earthquakes. We apply this methodology to the Mw 7.8, 2016 Ecuador earthquake. Using Sentinel-1 Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and continuous GPS data, we measure the coseismic ground deformation and estimate the distribution of slip over the fault rupture. We also build an alternative source model using the Global Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT) solution. Then we use these models to evaluate changes of static stress on the surrounding faults and volcanoes and produce maps of potentially activated faults and volcanoes. We found, in general, good agreement between our maps and the seismic and volcanic events that occurred after the Pedernales earthquake. We discuss the potential and limitations of the methodology.This work is supported by the European Commission, Directorate-General Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) under the SAFETY (Sentinel for Geohazards regional monitoring and forecasting) project (ECHO/SUB/2015/718679/Prev02) and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under INTERGEOSIMA (CGL2013-47412) and ACTIVESTEP (CGL2017-83931-C3), QUAKESTEP (1-P) + 3GEO(2-P) + GEOACTIVA (3-P) projects

    Ganzheitliche Untersuchungsmethoden zur Erfassung und PrĂŒfung der QualitĂ€t ökologischer Lebensmittel: Stand der Entwicklung und Validierung

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    In dem wachsenden Markt ökologischer Lebensmittel werden Methoden zur produktorientierten QualitĂ€tserfassung gefordert. Dabei geht es u.a. um die Unterscheidung von Produkten aus unterschiedlichen Anbauverfahren. Die Ziele des Projektes waren daher: 1. ausgewĂ€hlte ganzheitliche Methoden gemĂ€ĂŸ ISO 17025 zu validieren, d.h. Laborprozesse festzulegen, sowie EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen und Verfahrensmerkmale zu bestimmen, 2. zu testen, ob diese Verfahren eine Differenzierung von definierten Proben statistisch abgesichert zeigen können. . Diese Ziele konnten erreicht werden. Es wurde bestĂ€tigt, dass einige der Methoden auf Grundlage dokumentierter Prozeduren Lebensmittel aus definierten Anbauversuchen (u.a. aus dem DOK-Versuch am FIBL/CH) reproduzierbar unterscheiden können. Die Koordination und die Validierung der Kupferchlorid-Kristallisation sowie die Messung der Polyphenole lag bei der UniversitĂ€t Kassel, FG Ökologische LebensmittelqualitĂ€t und ErnĂ€hrungskultur. Die KWALIS GmbH, Dipperz, validierte die Fluoreszenz-Anregungsspektroskopie und die Bestimmung des Physiologischen AminosĂ€urestatus, die EQC GmbH, Weidenbach die elektrochemischen Messungen. Dr. Kromidas, SaarbrĂŒcken ĂŒbernahm die Beratung der Validierungsprozeduren. . An Blindproben wurde untersucht, ob die Verfahren fĂŒr Weizen- und Möhrenproben aus definierten Anbau- und Sortenversuchen geeignet sind (Fragestellung der Validierung). Die Proben wurden von unabhĂ€ngiger Stelle (OEL-FAL, Trenthorst) codiert. Die Proben wurden gleichzeitig an alle Partner versandt; dadurch konnten die Methoden auch untereinander verglichen werden. Die Methoden Kupferchlorid-Kristallisation, Fluoreszenz-Anregungsspektroskopie und Physiologischer AminosĂ€urestatus sind fĂŒr die Fragestellung geeignet. Mit allen drei Methoden konnten die Proben differenziert und gruppiert werden. DarĂŒber hinaus konnten mit der Fluoreszenz-Anregungsspektroskopie und ĂŒber den physiologischen AminosĂ€urestatus die Proben auch den Anbauweisen richtig zugeordnet werden. Allerdings ist damit noch keine Aussage ĂŒber die FĂ€higkeit dieser Verfahren möglich, generell Proben aus ökologischer und konventioneller Herkunft zu unterscheiden. DafĂŒr sind weitere Untersuchungen sowohl an Proben definierter Herkunft als auch an Marktproben notwendig

    InSAR-Based Mapping to Support Decision-Making after an Earthquake

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    It has long been recognized that earthquakes change the stress in the upper crust around the fault rupture and can influence the behaviour of neighbouring faults and volcanoes. Rapid estimates of these stress changes can provide the authorities managing the post-disaster situation with valuable data to identify and monitor potential threads and to update the estimates of seismic and volcanic hazard in a region. Here we propose a methodology to evaluate the potential influence of an earthquake on nearby faults and volcanoes and create easy-to-understand maps for decision-making support after large earthquakes. We apply this methodology to the Mw 7.8, 2016 Ecuador earthquake. Using Sentinel-1 Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and continuous GPS data, we measure the coseismic ground deformation and estimate the distribution of slip over the fault rupture. We also build an alternative source model using the Global Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT) solution. Then we use these models to evaluate changes of static stress on the surrounding faults and volcanoes and produce maps of potentially activated faults and volcanoes. We found, in general, good agreement between our maps and the seismic and volcanic events that occurred after the Pedernales earthquake. We discuss the potential and limitations of the methodology

    GPS constraints on deformation in northern Central America from 1999 to 2017, Part 1 – Time-dependent modelling of large regional earthquakes and their post-seismic effects

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    We use continuous and campaign measurements from 215 GPS sites in northern Central America and southern Mexico to estimate coseismic and afterslip solutions for the 2009 Mw = 7.3 Swan Islands fault strike-slip earthquake and the 2012 Mw = 7.3 El Salvador and Mw = 7.4 Guatemala thrust-faulting earthquakes on the Middle America trench. Our simultaneous, time-dependent inversion of more than 350 000 daily GPS site positions gives the first jointly consistent estimates of the coseismic slips for all three earthquakes, their combined time-dependent post-seismic effects and secular station velocities corrected for both the coseismic and post-seismic deformation. Our geodetic slip solutions for all three earthquakes agree with previous estimates that were derived via static coseismic-offset modelling. Our time-dependent model, which attributes all transient post-seismic deformation to earthquake afterslip, fits nearly all of the continuous GPS site position time-series within their severalmillimetre position noise. Afterslip moments for the three earthquakes range from 35 to 140 per cent of the geodetic coseismic moments, with the largest afterslip estimated for the 2012 El Salvador earthquake along the weakly coupled El Salvador trench segment. Forward modelling of viscoelastic deformation triggered by all three earthquakes for a range of assumed mantle and lower crustal viscosities suggests that it accounts for under 20 per cent of the observed post-seismic deformation and possibly under 10 per cent

    Effect of the chemokine receptor CXCR7 on proliferation of carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo

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    The chemokine CXCL12/SDF-1 and its receptor CXCR4 have been implicated in invasion, survival and proliferation of carcinoma cells. Recently, CXCR7 was identified as a second receptor for CXCL12. We observed that CXCL12 promoted proliferation of CT26 colon and KEP1 mammary carcinoma cells, and this was blocked when CXCR7 was downregulated by ‘intrakines' or RNAi, but not by CXCR4 inhibitors. The K1R mutant of CXCL12, which acts as a CXCR4 antagonist, also promoted proliferation through CXCR7 and is therefore a selective CXCR7 agonist. The effect of CXCR7 was not due to reduced apoptosis, and CXCR7 mediated chemotaxis of the carcinoma cells towards CXCL12. These results differ from those in a previous report on other carcinoma cells. We conclude that CXCL12 can be a potent growth factor for carcinoma cells by acting on CXCR7. Nevertheless, we observed no effect of complete and stable CXCR7 suppression on the growth of s.c. tumours or lung metastases of KEP1 and CT26 cells. A CXCR7 inhibitor has been reported to reduce growth of other tumours. Our results indicate that this inhibitor may not be applicable to therapy of all carcinomas

    Fibrocytes are associated with vascular and parenchymal remodelling in patients with obliterative bronchiolitis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of the present study was to explore the occurrence of fibrocytes in tissue and to investigate whether the appearance of fibrocytes may be linked to structural changes of the parenchyme and vasculature in the lungs of patients with obliterative bronchiolitis (OB) following lung or bone marrow transplantation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Identification of parenchyme, vasculature, and fibrocytes was done by histological methods in lung tissue from bone marrow or lung-transplanted patients with obliterative bronchiolitis, and from controls.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The transplanted patients had significantly higher amounts of tissue in the alveolar parenchyme (46.5 ± 17.6%) than the controls (21.7 ± 7.6%) (p < 0.05). The patients also had significantly increased numbers of fibrocytes identified by CXCR4/prolyl4-hydroxylase, CD45R0/prolyl4-hydroxylase, and CD34/prolyl4-hydroxylase compared to the controls (p < 0.01). There was a correlation between the number of fibrocytes and the area of alveolar parenchyma; CXCR4/prolyl 4-hydroxylase (p < 0.01), CD45R0/prolyl 4-hydroxylase (p < 0.05) and CD34/prolyl 4-hydroxylase (p < 0.05). In the pulmonary vessels, there was an increase in the endothelial layer in patients (0.31 ± 0.13%) relative to the controls (0.037 ± 0.02%) (p < 0.01). There was a significant correlation between the number of fibrocytes and the total area of the endothelial layer CXCR4/prolyl 4-hydroxylase (p < 0.001), CD45R0/prolyl 4-hydroxylase (p < 0.001) and CD34/prolyl 4-hydroxylase (p < 0.01). The percent areas of the lumen of the vessels were significant (p < 0.001) enlarged in the patient with OB compared to the controls. There was also a correlation between total area of the lumen and number of fibrocytes, CXCR4/prolyl 4-hydroxylase (p < 0.01), CD45R0/prolyl 4-hydroxylase (p < 0.001) and CD34/prolyl 4-hydroxylase (p < 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicate that fibrocytes are associated with pathological remodelling processes in patients with OB and that tissue fibrocytes might be a useful biomarker in these processes.</p
