180 research outputs found

    Locally implicit time integration strategies in a discontinuous Galerkin method for Maxwell's equations

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    International audienceAn attractive feature of discontinuous Galerkin (DG) spatial discretization is the possibility of using locally refined space grids to handle geometrical details. However, locally refined meshes lead to severe stability constraints on explicit integration methods to numerically solve a time-dependent partial differential equation. If the region of refinement is small relative to the computational domain, the time step size restriction can be overcome by blending an implicit and an explicit scheme where only the solution variables living at fine elements are treated implicitly. The downside of this approach is having to solve a linear system per time step. But due to the assumed small region of refinement relative to the computational domain, the overhead will also be small while the solution can be advanced in time with step sizes determined by the coarse elements. In this paper, we present two locally implicit time integration methods for solving the time-domain Maxwell equations spatially discretized with a DG method. Numerical experiments for two-dimensional problems illustrate the theory and the usefulness of the implicit-explicit approaches in presence of local refinements

    Temporal convergence analysis of a locally implicit discontinuous galerkin time domain method for electromagnetic wave propagation in dispersive media

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    International audienceThis paper is concerned with the approximation of the time domain Maxwell's equations in a dispersive propagation media by a Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain (DGTD) method. The Debye model is used to describe the dispersive behaviour of the media. We adapt the locally implicit time integration method from [1] and derive a convergence analysis to prove that the locally implicit DGTD method for Maxwell's equations in dispersive media retains its second-order convergence

    An implicit hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method for the 3D time-domain Maxwell equations

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    International audienceWe present a time-implicit hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method for numerically solving the system of three-dimensional (3D) time-domain Maxwell equations. This method can be seen as a fully implicit variant of classical so-called DGTD (Discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain) methods that have been extensively studied during the last 10 years for the simulation of time-domain electromagnetic wave propagation. The proposed method has been implemented for dealing with general 3D problems discretized using unstructured tetrahedral meshes. We provide numerical results aiming at assessing its numerical convergence properties by considering a model problem on one hand, and its performance when applied to more realistic problems. We also include some performance comparisons with a centered flux time-implicit DGTD method

    Locally implicit discontinuous Galerkin time domain method for electromagnetic wave propagation in dispersive media applied to numerical dosimetry in biological tissues

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    International audienceWe are concerned here with the numerical simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation in biological media. Because of their water content, these media are dispersive i.e. their electromagnetic material characteristics depend of the frequency. In the time-domain, this translates in a time dependency of these parameters that can be taken into account through and additional (auxiliary) differential equation for, e.g, the electric polarization, which is coupled to the system of Maxwell's equations. From the application point of view, the problems at hand most often involve irregularly shaped structures corresponding to biological tissues. Modeling realistically the interfaces between tissues is particularly important if one is interested in evaluating accurately the impact of field discontinuities at these interfaces. In this paper, we propose and study a locally implicit discon-tinuous Galerkin time-domain method formulated on an unstructured tetrahedral mesh for solving the resulting system of differential equations in the case of Debye-type media. Three-dimensional numerical simulations are presented concerning the exposure of head tissues to a localized source radiation. 1. Introduction. This article is concerned with the numerical simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation in dispersive media. These are materials in which either or both of the electromagnetic material parameters ε and µ are functions of frequency. Note that the conductivity σ may also be a function of frequency, but its effect can be rolled into the complex permittivity. In reality, all materials have frequency-dependent ε and µ, but many materials can be approximated as frequency-independent over a frequency band of interest, simplifying their analysis and simulation. Here, we will focus on the much more common case of frequency-dependent permittivity. A lot of practical electromagnetic wave propagation problems involve such propagation media, such as those involving the interaction of an electromagnetic wave with biological tissues. The numerical modeling of the propagation of electromagnetic waves through human tissues is at the heart of many biomedical applications such as the microwave imaging of cancer tumors or the treatment of the latter by hy-perthermia. For example, microwave imaging for breast cancer detection is expected to be safe for the patient and has the potential to detect very small cancerous tumors in the breast [3, 14, 24]. Beside, the definition of microwave-based hyperthermia as an immunotherapy strategy for cancer can also be cited [2, 11]. The electroporation technique can also be an application, which consists of applying nanopulses to the tissues, enabling only intracellular membranes to be affected, and then opening the route to therapeutic strategies such as electrochemotherapy or gene transfer [21, 30, 25, 26, 28]. Because for all these biomedical applications experimental modeling is almost impossible , computer simulation is the approach of choice for understanding the underlyin

    A hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for solving nonlocal optical response models

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    We propose Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) methods for solving the frequency-domain Maxwell's equations coupled to the Nonlocal Hydrodynamic Drude (NHD) and Generalized Nonlocal Optical Response (GNOR) models, which are employed to describe the optical properties of nano-plasmonic scatterers and waveguides. Brief derivations for both the NHD model and the GNOR model are presented. The formulations of the HDG method are given, in which we introduce two hybrid variables living only on the skeleton of the mesh. The local field solutions are expressed in terms of the hybrid variables in each element. Two conservativity conditions are globally enforced to make the problem solvable and to guarantee the continuity of the tangential component of the electric field and the normal component of the current density. Numerical results show that the proposed HDG methods converge at optimal rate. We benchmark our implementation and demonstrate that the HDG method has the potential to solve complex nanophotonic problems.Comment: 21 pages, 8figure

    Simulation of near-field plasmonic interactions with a local approximation order discontinuous Galerkin time-domain method

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    International audienceDuring the last ten years, the discontinuous Galerkin time-domain (DGTD) method has progressively emerged as a viable alternative to well established finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) and finite-element time-domain (FETD) methods for the numerical simulation of electromagnetic wave propagation problems in the time-domain. The method is now actively studied for various application contexts including those requiring to model light/matter interactions on the nanoscale. In this paper we further demonstrate the capabilities of the method for the simulation of near-field plasmonic interactions by considering more particularly the possibility of combining the use of a locally refined conforming tetrahedral mesh with a local adaptation of the approximation order

    Schéma volume fini pour les équations de Maxwell 1D couplées aux conditions GSTC

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    We propose a Finite Volume Time-Domain scheme for the numerical treatment of Generalized Sheet Transition Conditions (GSTC) modeling metasurfaces in the one-dimensional case.On propose un schéma volume fini en domaine temporel pour le traitement numérique des conditions de transfert généralisées modélisant la discontinuité du champ électromagnétique traversant une métasurface dans le cas 1D

    An implicit hybridized discontinuous Galerkin method for the 3D time-domain Maxwell equations

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    We present a time-implicit hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method for numerically solving the system of three-dimensional (3D) time-domain Maxwell equations. This method can be seen as a fully implicit variant of classical so-called DGTD (Discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain) methods that have been extensively studied during the last 10 years for the simulation of time-domain electromagnetic wave propagation. The proposed method has been implemented for dealing with general 3D problems discretized using unstructured tetrahedral meshes. We provide numerical results aiming at assessing its numerical convergence properties by considering a model problem on one hand, and its performance when applied to more realistic problems. We also include some performance comparisons with a centered flux time-implicit DGTD method

    A DGTD method for the numerical modeling of the interaction of light with nanometer scale metallic structures taking into account non-local dispersion effects

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    The interaction of light with metallic nanostructures is of increasing interest for various fields of research. When metallic structures have sub-wavelength sizes and the illuminating frequencies are in the regime of metal's plasma frequency, electron interaction with the exciting fields have to be taken into account. Due to these interactions, plasmonic surface waves can be excited and cause extreme local field enhancements (e.g. surface plasmon polariton electromagnetic waves). Exploiting such field enhancements in applications of interest requires a detailed knowledge about the occurring fields which can generally not be obtained analytically. For the latter mentioned reason, numerical tools as well as a deeper understanding of the underlying physics, are absolutely necessary. For the numerical modeling of light/structure interaction on the nanoscale, the choice of an appropriate material model is a crucial point. Approaches that are adopted in a first instance are based on local (i.e. with no interaction between electrons) dispersive models e.g. Drude or Drude-Lorentz models. From the mathematical point of view, when a time-domain modeling is considered, these models lead to an additional system of ordinary differential equation which is coupled to Maxwell's equations. When it comes to very small structures in a regime of 2~nm to 25~nm, non-local effects due to electron collisions have to be taken into account. Non-locality leads to additional, in general non-linear, system of partial differential equations and is significantly more difficult to treat, though. Nevertheless, dealing with a linear non-local dispersion model is already a setting that opens the route to numerous practical applications of plasmonics. In this work, we present a Discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain (DGTD) method able to solve the system of Maxwell equations coupled to a linearized non-local dispersion model relevant to plasmonics. While the method is presented in the general 3d case, numerical results are given for 2d simulation settings only