391 research outputs found

    Das Land am Ende der Welt und seine Schriftsteller : Autoren loten die Grenzen des Sagbaren aus: Die Erneuerung des Gedächtnisses aus dem Gedächtnis der Erneuerung

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    Argentinien gedenkt 2010 der zweihundertjährigen Unabhängigkeit, und es ist nach Mexiko 1992 und Brasilien 1994 das dritte lateinamerikanische Gastland der Frankfurter Buchmesse. Auf beiden Seiten des Atlantiks steigen die Zahlen der Buchpublikationen und der Übersetzungen. Grund genug, um im jährlich wiederkehrenden Termingeschäft des Markts Ausschau zu halten nach der die Jubelfeiern und Bestsellerlisten überdauernden Literatur. Auch in einer Phase der beschleunigten globalen Kommerzialisierung existiert sie noch

    Transkulturelle Literaturen in einer globalisierten Welt : ehemalige Kolonialsprachen im Wandel ; afrikanische Identitätsfindung jenseits des "geheimnisvollen Anderen"

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    Die afrikanische Literatur existiert genau so wenig wie die europäische, zu vielfältig und vielschichtig sind die beteiligten Gesellschaften, Sprachen, Kulturen und Nationen. Afrika als einheitlicher Kulturraum wurde historisch von Europa erfunden: als Inspirationsquelle zivilisationsmüder Avantgarde-Bewegungen und als Projektionsfläche europäischer Phantasien und Exotismen. Tatsächlich sind auf dem Boden wirtschaftlicher Ausbeutung, religiöser Missionierung und politischer Allmachtsvorstellungen überall in Afrika höchst unterschiedliche postkoloniale Kulturen und Literaturen entstanden, die "afrikanische Identität" permanent überdenken und auf neue Weise zum Ausdruck bringen. Die Konturen dieser afrikanischen Vielfalt werden vor dem Hintergrund der Einbindung und Vernetzung der afrikanischen Literatur in der globalisierten Welt besonders deutlich

    Trauma colectivo y (post)memoria audiovisual en América Latina del Siglo XXI. Introducción

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    The audiovisual representations of collective traumas in Latin America that have emerged in the 21th century are formed as cultural means of memory. As such they play a guiding role, both in terms of diffusion and as well as specific forms and images with which they have provided the traumas as products of dictatorships, violence and losses at a collective level. The introduction to this dossier outlines some general reflections about the relationship between collective trauma and audiovisual memory and then leads to the analysis of different articulations and representations of specific traumas, such as the Chilean and Argentine dictatorships, the armed conflict in Peru, systematic repression In Guatemala and a loss of another type that is articulated in audiovisual productions in Brazil.Las representaciones audiovisuales de los traumas colectivos en América Latina surgidas en el siglo XXI se establecieron como medios de la memoria cultural. Como tales son doblemente fundamentales: en cuanto a la difusión como a las formas y las imágenes específicas con los que han provisto los traumas como productos de dictaduras, violencias y pérdidas a nivel colectivo. La introducción a este dossier esboza algunas reflexiones generales acerca de la relación entre trauma colectivo y memoria audiovisual para luego dar lugar al análisis de diferentes articulaciones y representaciones de traumas concretos, como las dictaduras chilena y argentina, el conflicto armado en Perú, la represión sistemática en Guatemala y una pérdida de otro tipo que se articula en producciones audiovisuales en Brasil

    Physician-Specific Symptoms of Burnout Compared to a Non-Physicians Group

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    Physician burnout is a systemic problem in health care due to its high prevalence and its negative impact on professional functioning and individual well-being. While unique aspects of the physician role contributing to the development burnout have been investigated recently, it is currently unclear whether burnout manifests differently in physicians compared to the non-physician working population. We conducted an individual symptom analysis of burnout symptoms comparing a large sample of physicians with a non-physician group. In this cross-sectional online study, burnout was assessed with the Maslach Burnout Inventory—General Survey. We matched physicians with non-physicians regarding their age, gender, educational level, occupational status, and total burnout level using a “nearest neighbour matching” procedure. We then conducted a series of between-groups comparisons. Data of 3846 (51.0% women) participants including 641 physicians and 3205 non-physicians were analysed. The most pronounced difference was that physicians were more satisfied with their work performance (medium effect size (r = 0.343). Our findings indicate minor yet significant differences in burnout phenomenology between physicians and non-physicians. This demonstrates unique aspects of physician burnout and implies that such differences should be considered in occupational research among physicians, particularly when developing burnout prevention programs for physicians

    Delirium screening in an acute care setting with a machine learning classifier based on routinely collected nursing data: A model development study

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    Delirium screening in acute care settings is a resource intensive process with frequent deviations from screening protocols. A predictive model relying only on daily collected nursing data for delirium screening could expand the populations covered by such screening programs. Here, we present the results of the development and validation of a series of machine-learning based delirium prediction models. For this purpose, we used data of all patients 18 years or older which were hospitalized for more than a day between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2018, at a single tertiary teaching hospital in Zurich, Switzerland. A total of 48,840 patients met inclusion criteria. 18,873 (38.6%) were excluded due to missing data. Mean age (SD) of the included 29,967 patients was 71.1 (12.2) years and 12,231 (40.8%) were women. Delirium was assessed with the Delirium Observation Scale (DOS) with a total score of 3 or greater indicating that a patient is at risk for delirium. Additional measures included structured data collected for nursing process planning and demographic characteristics. The performance of the machine learning models was assessed using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). The training set consisted of 21,147 patients (mean age 71.1 (12.1) years; 8,630 (40.8%) women|) including 233,024 observations with 16,167 (6.9%) positive DOS screens. The test set comprised 8,820 patients (median age 71.1 (12.4) years; 3,601 (40.8%) women) with 91,026 observations with 5,445 (6.0%) positive DOS screens. Overall, the gradient boosting machine model performed best with an AUC of 0.933 (95% CI, 0.929 - 0.936). In conclusion, machine learning models based only on structured nursing data can reliably predict patients at risk for delirium in an acute care setting. Prediction models, using existing data collection processes, could reduce the resources required for delirium screening procedures in clinical practice