76 research outputs found

    Adrian strikes back with style and humour

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    More than half of Adrian’s diary entries (by Sue Townsend, 1982, 1984, 1988, 1991, 1993 and 1999) encompass two decades of the protagonist’s maturing process and existence, in a working class setting. These cover different periods of the British History and sociopolitical events: from Margaret Thatcher’s takeover to Tony Blair’s government. Indeed, Adrian finds it difficult to conform to a way of life which he holds up as trivial. Besides, “Englishness” has acquired, in his unexpected conservative stance, a multicultural dimension for much of Adrian’s disenchantment. Therefore, he is fiercely committed to preserve the all-British standards, evidenced in his behaviour and discursive practices, by means of a witty dialogue, irony, hyperbole, and parody. The aim of this paper is to bring to the fore some of the protagonist’s sociocultural references and stylistic choices which challenge readers with humorously “unusual and unexpected events to the ‘maps of meaning’ (Hall et al., 1978: 54-55), that already form the basis of their cultural knowledge” of everyday language. Readers identify strings of continuity, on the one hand, and of rupture between the scheming of the old empires and the new goals of global capitalism, on the other. Perhaps Townsend’s premise against life’s “alogical” course of events led her to create a fictional character for whom humour may be suggestive of “a certain ideal image of the world” (Critchley 2002: 87-90).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intercultural exchanges in a foreign language dimension in retrospect: a corpus analysis of respondents' perceptions

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    This paper aims at reassessing some evidence on EFL learners’/undergraduates’ perceptions on intercultural exchanges in/between a foreign language (FL) and mother tongue (L1), grounded on an empirical research undertaken in Madeira (1998-1999). This involved a representative number of 12th form Humanities students (secondary school) and first- and second-year undergraduates taking English (Joint Honours) then. The process of interpretation of respondents’ output borrows from a cross-disciplinary framework (Traugott and Pratt 1980, Woods et al. 1996) in a postmodern paradigm of applied research to which Foucault (1972), Bakhtin ([1935] 1990) and Barthes (1975) have left their contribution, while resorting to corpus analysis (Biber et al. 1998, Sinclair 2004). The analysis of some core lexemes, like text, knowledge, and meaning, and other collocations were singled out which have allowed for the identification of recurrent patterns (for example, “informative texts”, “descriptive texts” and “cultural texts”) and the meaning potential associated with them. Among the issues under scrutiny, there will be a focus on both language/culture interface underpinning FL teaching/learning standards, and informants’ affective identification with a foreign language/culture reinforced by the so-called representative cultural artefacts (Byram 1988: 41). In the discussion about the dialogic encounter of mother tongue/foreign languages, issues of culture, identity, discursive communities and practices will come to the fore.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Textworlds in interplay: the rhetoric of film induced tourism

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    A Discourse-Based View in Interdisciplinary Approaches to Fictional Text Analysis

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    As patterns of communication change in a globalized society, literacy in foreign languages, especially English, becomes an issue of ever growing relevance to all those involved in the educational system, not to mention those who are to learn all their life long. As such, the goal of this article is to discuss how EFLit (English as a Foreign Literature) students can gain in both linguistic competence and critical awareness thereof, should their teachers/lecturers abide to a discourse-based view on (literary) language and approach the selected texts by following a pedagogical stylistics orientation also drawing eclectically on pragmatics and other areas of knowledge within the broader domain of applied linguistics. Here under focus will be a discussion of the topics on which literary and linguistic studies show greatest potential for (theoretical) convergence and, above all, combined applications in lecture setting. Crucially, it will be argued that a pedagogical stylistics approach to EFLit teaching/learning both develops students’ linguistic competence and raises their awareness as to the meaning making potential of language in use in the texts at hand as well as in their larger historical and sociocultural settings. This will be illustrated by highlighting some textual features within a short extract of Fred D’Aguiar’s The Longest Memory (1995) and the linguistic competence that its comprehension would demand from students

    Living in between a house and a home: Where’s the comfort zone anyway? Dislocated identities in Morrison’s The Bluest Eye and Cisneros’ The House on Mango Street

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    Este artículo propone una reflexión sobre representaciones literarias del hogar en contraste con las colocaciones existentes en los medios, en el ámbito psicológico y sociológico (hogar vs zona de confort). La elección de dos textos poscoloniales, uno de Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye (1970), y otro de Sandra Cisneros, The House on Mango Street (1984), proporciona el punto de partida para el análisis de experiencias sociales y culturales cambiantes, centrando la atención en la búsqueda de identidad de los personajes en un marco multicultural y multilingüe como es Estados Unidos. El artículo ofrece una breve aproximación teórica (Anderson 1991) para después centrarse en un estudio de corpus que permite cartografiar estas transformaciones y desplazamientos (Baker 2006), recurriendo al mismo tiempo a un detallado análisis de los contextos en los que aparecen las palabras clave hogar y casa, junto con sus patrones de colocación, en los textos estudiados (del nivel oracional al textual, siguiendo a Biber et al. 1998; Sinclair 2004, entre otros). Este análisis pretende finalmente revelar el modo en el que las escritoras emplean las estructuras lingüísticas y, más importante aún, qué significa sentirse en casa cuando los personajes nunca se han sentido bienvenidos, o la lucha interna / externa de los personajes por desarrollar un sentido de pertenencia en entornos perturbados.This paper aims to provide a reflection on literary representations of home alternatively to current collocations in the media, in the psychological and sociological realm (home vs comfort zone). The selection of two postcolonial texts, one by Morrison, The Bluest Eye (1970), and another by Cisneros, The House on Mango Street (1984), provides ways-in to discuss changing social and cultural experiences with a focus on characters’ search for identity in a multicultural and multilingual setting, as is the one in the United States. The study will depart from a brief theoretical survey (Anderson 1991) to a corpus-based approach which maps such shifts and changes (Baker 2006) while resorting to a close analysis of contexts of occurrence of the keywords home and house, along with their patterns of collocation, in the texts under scope (from the sentence to the textual levels, following Biber et al. 1998; Sinclair 2004, among other). The analysis is meant to unveil ways in which writers make use of linguistic structures and most importantly what it means to be at home when characters never felt welcome there, or characters’ inner / outer struggle to develop a sense of belonging in disrupted settings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conflicting voices in literary discourse - A corpus analysis of you and one

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    UID/ELT/00657/2013This paper discusses the possibilities of a corpus analysis applied to literary study and interpretation. It is thus its goal to present some findings related to the disambiguation of some pronominal references, i.e. you and one, as they occur in speech and thought presentation in prose fiction, across periods in the 20th century. The texts selected are two of Virginia Woolf's novels (early and late modernist period) and one by Hugo Hamilton (in the postmodern era). The analysis benefits from a multi-layered interpretive framework drawing on discou rse analysis, corpus-based approaches and literary study, particularly in that it unpacks ways in which writers make use of linguistic structures. These involve readers in a dialogic interpretation of the text's "polyphony" and "heteroglossia", either conveying the generic pronoun reference or the protagonist's inner voice.publishersversionpublishe

    O Serviço Social nas Autarquias e a sua Importância para o Desenvolvimento Social Local

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    Aprofundar o conhecimento do Serviço Social e reflectir sobre a prática profissional do Assistente Social e a criação de políticas sociais com vista ao desenvolvimento social local, nomeadamente, na Câmara Municipal da Batalha, constituíram o objectivo de estudo. A descentralização do Poder Central para o Poder Local, assente na proximidade ao cidadão, mantém-se em discussão na agenda política e ganha maior relevo na conjuntura actual, com a reforma do Poder Local. Contudo, até ao momento, as transferências no âmbito da Acção Social mantêm-se bastante genéricas e sem regulamentação. Por essa razão, o Poder Local intervém na área social sem que essas competências estejam delineadas pela tutela e muitas vezes sem o devido financiamento, deixando aos Executivos Municipais a decisão sobre a criação de políticas sociais. Neste sentido, com o intuito de assegurarem os interesses das suas populações, as Câmaras Municipais implementam medidas sociais de âmbito local, que se revelam mais ou menos intensas, consoante o importância que lhes é dada por cada Executivo, que define as áreas de intervenção prioritárias e quais os recursos disponíveis para investir no domínio social. O Serviço Social revela ser um importante recurso das autarquias na criação das políticas sociais locais, na medida em que o Assistente Social, ao conhecer o território e intervir mais próximo dos cidadãos, pode propor programas de desenvolvimento local, adequados aos interesses da população. No caso particular da Câmara Municipal da Batalha, reflectiu-se sobre a prática da Assistente Social e evocaram-se as políticas sociais por esta planeadas e desenvolvidas, revelando o seu contributo para o desenvolvimento social do concelho. Atestou-se, em género de conclusão, que, apesar do Assistente Social ter um papel cada vez mais preponderante na execução das políticas de desenvolvimento local, a sua prática profissional tem limitações por não ser capaz, por si só, de resolver problemas sociais de génese estrutural, influenciados pela conjuntura nacional e internacional

    Where’s the comfort zone anyway? Dislocated Identities in Morrison’s The Bluest Eye and Cisnero’s The House of Mango Street

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    UIDB/00657/2020 UIDP/00657/2020Este artículo propone una reflexión sobre representaciones literarias del hogar en contraste con las colocaciones existentes en los medios, en el ámbito psicológico y sociológico (hogar vs zona de confort). La elección de dos textos poscoloniales, uno de Toni Morrison, The Bluest Eye (1970), y otro de Sandra Cisneros, The House on Mango Street (1984), proporciona el punto de partida para el análisis de experiencias sociales y culturales cambiantes, centrando la atención en la búsqueda de identidad de los personajes en un marco multicultural y multilingüe como es Estados Unidos. El artículo ofrece una breve aproximación teórica (Anderson 1991) para después centrarse en un estudio de corpus que permite cartografiar estas transformaciones y desplazamientos (Baker 2006), recurriendo al mismo tiempo a un detallado análisis de los contextos en los que aparecen las palabras clave hogar y casa, junto con sus patrones de colocación, en los textos estudiados (del nivel oracional al textual, siguiendo a Biber et al. 1998; Sinclair 2004, entre otros). Este análisis pretende finalmente revelar el modo en el que las escritoras emplean las estructuras lingüísticas y, más importante aún, qué significa sentirse en casa cuando los personajes nunca se han sentido bienvenidos, o la lucha interna / externa de los personajes por desarrollar un sentido de pertenencia en entornos perturbados. This paper aims to provide a reflection on literary representations of home alternatively to current collocations in the media, in the psychological and sociological realm (home vs comfort zone). The selection of two postcolonial texts, one by Morrison, The Bluest Eye (1970), and another by Cisneros, The House on Mango Street (1984), provides ways-in to discuss changing social and cultural experiences with a focus on characters’ search for identity in a multicultural and multilingual setting, as is the one in the United States. The study will depart from a brief theoretical survey (Anderson 1991) to a corpus-based approach which maps such shifts and changes (Baker 2006) while resorting to a close analysis of contexts of occurrence of the keywords home and house, along with their patterns of collocation, in the texts under scope (from the sentence to the textual levels, following Biber et al. 1998; Sinclair 2004, among other). The analysis is meant to unveil ways in which writers make use of linguistic structures and most importantly what it means to be at home when characters never felt welcome there, or characters’ inner / outer struggle to develop a sense of belonging in disrupted settings.publishersversionpublishe

    O Teatro e a Prisão

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    A presente dissertação visa a obtenção do grau de mestre em Serviço Social pelo Instituto Superior Miguel Torga. Intitulado o Teatro e a Prisão, o presente estudo centra-se numa abordagem exploratória da importância do teatro em meio prisional, no qual procurámos compreender e explicar quais os benefícios da actividade teatral para os reclusos que nela participam. Isto para verificarmos se as actividades socioculturais como o teatro, desenvolvidas no Estabelecimento Prisional de Coimbra, podem contribuir para a não-dessocialização dos reclusos. Nesta investigação foi fundamental recorrer à percepção dos actoresreclusos, pelo que realizámos entrevistas a alguns elementos que constituíam o grupo de teatro, que posteriormente foram tratadas através do método de análise de conteúdo. O teatro apresenta-se constituído como pelouro de actuação dos técnicos superiores de reeducação, encontrando-se deste modo já institucionalizado na prisão de Coimbra. Ao analisá-lo, foi possível concluir que este contribui para uma melhoria das relações pelo que poderá simultaneamente contribuir para a diminuição de distúrbios e tumultos que afectam o clima prisional e também para a não-dessocialização dos reclusos, por outro lado podemos encarar o teatro como promotor da autonomia e auto-afirmação do indivíduo. Os próprios actores percepcionaram e valorizaram os aspectos benéficos decorrentes da actividade teatral, dentro dos quais sinalizaram: o contributo para o reformular do seu quotidiano, uma melhoria ao nível da linguagem e das relações interpessoais, mudança no auto-conceito e auto-estima, e possibilidade de diminuição de estigmas através do contacto com pessoas vindas da sociedade exterior. É possível destacar o teatro e a cultura como elemento constitutivo da reeducação social dos reclusos, vertente do tratamento penitenciário que começa a dar os seus passos e que deve ser valorizada e enfatizada, dado que nesta matéria vão havendo experiências mas há ainda um vasto campo a explorar