22 research outputs found

    Determining Factors of Deposit Level of Islamic Bank in Indonesia

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    One Way to maintain the stability of banking industry is by applying the deposit insurance scheme. The application of the deposit insurance scheme has an impact by increasing the level of bank deposits. The objectives of the research are to identify the factors affecting the level of deposits of Islamic banks in Indonesia and managerial implications regarding to the functions of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS). The technique used is the panel data regression with fixed effect model using the data from the 11 Islamic banks for the period of 2011 -2015. The results show that the factors affecting the level of deposits of the Islamic banks in Indonesia significantly and positively include the size of banks and their non-performing financing (NPF); however, they influence the capital negatively. Based on these results, LPS is required to build or sharpen the surveillance systems as part of its early detection by doing the mapping based on the size and to monitor the bank capital structure and bank finance portfolio structure.DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v9i2.515


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    Hiperlipidemia adalah suatu keadaan yang ditandai dengan peningkatan kadar kolesterol total, kadar LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein), kadar trigliserida dan penurunan kadar HDL (High Density Lipoprotein). Hiperlipidemia merupakan salah satu faktor terbesar yang berperan dalam insidensi penyakit kardiovaskular. Flavonoid dalam seledri organik memiliki efek penurunan kolesterol, peningkatan kadar HDL, dan juga antihipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rerata kadar HDL setelah diberikan ekstrak seledri organik. Penelitian true experimental dengan desain penelitian post test controlled only group design menggunakan 25 tikus putih (Rattus novergicus L.)galur Sprague dawley yang dibagi dalam 5 kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif (K-) diberikan pakan standar, kontrol positif (+) diberikan pakan standar dan kuning telur puyuh, kuning telur puyuh dan dosis ekstrak seledri organik dengan dosis masing-masing 25 mg/ 200gBB, 50 mg/ 200gBB dan 100mg/ 200gBB selama 28 hari. Peningkatan dosis ekstrak seledri organik yang diberikan pada tikus putih  diikuti dengan peningkatan kadar HDL tikus tersebut. Ekstrak seledri organik dengan dosis 25, 50 dan 100 mg/ 200 gBB menunjukkan rerata kadar HDL sebesar 22,6 mg/dl, 25 mg/dl dan 33,8 mg/ dl. Terdapat pengaruh pemberian ekstrak seledri (Apium graveolens L.) organik terhadap rerata HDL tikus putih (Rattus novergicus L.) yang diberi pakan tinggi lemak

    Implementasi Pembiasaan Pendidikan Islam dalam Membentuk Karakter Religius Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    The era of globalization brings much impact on the lives of everyone from children, youth, adults and the elderly. Between positive and negative impacts, of course there are many negatives if we do not respond wisely. The role of character education in life is very important, especially religious education. With a strong religious education is also created a good human character. Based on the results of observation on elementary school students, there is a very poor problem related to their character. Character degradation is found in children of primary school age where they are easily affected by the negative influence of the development of the era. The purpose of this study is to describe the results of implementation of Islamic education in shaping the religious character of elementary school students. The method used in this research is action research. The subjects of this research are 5th grade students of SDN Tambakromo 2 of Ngawi Regency with a number of 25 people. The results of the study showed a significant change from the original 85% of children with character values below the average then after the action dropped to 13% of children who are still difficult to change their character. Of the 87% of respondents felt the habituation of Islamic education in life brought many changes in their religious character. Habits made include: carrying out morning exercises, memorizing letters in the Koran, praying in congregation, saying greetings, and saying politely. In monitoring all the habits, used diary daily activities

    Development of Science’s e-Module Based on Qur’an Integration-interconnection and Spiritual Intelligence (QISI) for Solar System Learning

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    This study aims to develop a valid, practical, and effective science e-module based on QISI used in the learning process of the solar system. The research method used in this research is Research & Development (R&D) with the ADDIE development model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). This research was conducted at SMP IT Luqmanul Hakim Aceh with a sample of 31 seventh-grade students. Sampling using a purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the validity test obtained a percentage of 87.40% with very valid criteria. In addition, the results of the practicality test by the science teachers obtained a percentage of 86.88% with very practical criteria, then the results of the practicality test by students obtained a percentage of 80.78% with practical criteria. Science e-module is effectively used in learning, with the result of obtaining an N-gain value of 0.62. So, it can be concluded that the science e-module based on QISI has been successfully developed which is very valid, practical, and effectively used in solar system learnin

    On-design operation and performance characteristic of custom engine

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the design point performance of a custom engine via GasTurb software. In this study, a turbojet engine model is simulated without afterburners and limited to design point (DP) simulation at a speed of 15,000 rpm. The input parameters such as pressure ratio (PR) for the main components, the mechanical and burner efficiency, and isotropic PR for compressor and turbine have been identified for a custom engine as a design point. The results compared at different levels of the condition using GasTurb-13 and GSP-11 software. It was found that each software was able to provide similar results at various conditions tested. There are small differences in the values for the fuel flow and specific fuel consumption. Also, the same results were obtained at the baseline point. Furthermore, the heating value has a primary effect on specific fuel consumption. It was also found that the optimal thrust value was at 34.2 kN, and the best value for optimal specific fuel consumption was 20.9 g/kN.s. The main factors affecting biofuel properties are calorific value and viscosity. When the calorific value of the fuel is reduced, the thrust FN and specific fuel consumption increase. For example, Methanol and Ethanol recorded the highest amount of fuel consumption, which is 54.72 g/KN.s and 47.56 g/(KN.s), respectively. This is because they have the highest mass fuel flow ( 1.79 kg/s for Methanol, and 1.54 kg/s for Ethanol) than other types of fuel, while the mass fuel flow for green diesel (0.78 kg/s) was lower than other fuels, so its specific fuel consumption (22.11 g/(KN.s) was lesser than other fuels

    Complete preparation for toefl

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    Buku ini memberi fokus kepada masing-masing bagian dari TOEFL untuk PBT,ITP, dan EPT dan sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan nilai TOEFL yang tinggi,untuk beasiswa,belajar atau sekolah luar negeri,Meneruskan kespesialis bagi dokter,mengikuti progam lemhanas,atau menyelsaikan program S1,S2,S3.buku ini berbeda dengan buku TOEFL lainnya karena memberi penjelasan terperinci satu persatu dari listening,Grammar,Reading,dan vocabulary sebelum mengerjakan 4 paket soal TOEFL terbaruviii,129 hlm; 23,4 x 15,4 c

    The best english grammar for toefl

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    Toefl adalah ujian bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk mengetes kemampuan seseorang dalam bahasa inggris, baik untuk sekolah atau bekerja didalam dan diluar negeri. toefl diujikan jika seseorang ingin belajar dinegara-negara seperti amerika, kanada, dan negara-negara lainnya diasia dan eropa. jika seseorang ingin mendapatkan beasiswa, tentunya diperlukan nilai toefl yang tinggi. ada tiga jenis bahan yang diujikan pada toefl; listening, structure, dan reading. nilai toefl yang baik adalah diatas 500. buku ini dilengkapi lebih dari 2000 soal toefl dan 10 test toefl terbaru. untuk mempermudah pemahaman, buku ini juga dilengkapi mp3.v, 372 hlm, 23,5 x 15,3 c

    the Best English Grammar for TOEFL

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    Investasi saham syariah melalui sistem screening saham tinjauan Az-Zari'ah

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    INDONESIA: Investasi merupakan sarana menanam modal dari investor kepada sebuah perusahaan., Namun tidak semua perusahaan bisa dijadikan tempat untuk berinvestasi. Oleh karena itu pemerintah membuat sistem Screening saham untuk menyaring perusahaan yang bisa dijadikan tempat berinvestasi khususnya untuk umat Islam, dan perusahaan tersebut akan masuk kedalam Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia (ISSI. Namun sistem Screening tersebut menimbulkan permasalahan kepada investor yang telah menanam modalnya ketika perusahaan yang awalnya masuk kedalam ISSI lalu dikeluarkan karena tidak memenui syarat dalam Screening, dan meimbulkan pertanyaan bagaiamana status hukum berinvestasi pada perusahaan tersebut. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Investasi Saham Syariah Melalui Sistem Screening Saham Tinjauan Az Zariah. Yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana mekanisme penerbitan efek syariah melalui sistem screening saham dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hukum berinvestasi pada saham syaria.h melalui sitem screening tinjauan Az-Zariah. Jika suatu perusahaan telah keluar dari ISSI apakah berinvestasi terhadap perusahaan tersebut wajib dihentikan atau tidak. Penelitian ini tergolong dalam jenis penelitian normatif atau penelitian kepustakaan. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis yuridis kualititatif, yaitu berupa interpretasi mendalam tentang bahan-bahan hukum sebagaimana lazimnya penelitian hukum normatif, selanjutnya analisis tersebut akan dihubungkan dengan permasalahan dalam penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan suatu penelitian objektif guna menjawab permasalahan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa berinvestasi terhadap perusahaan yang telah keluar dari ISSI karena tidak memenuhi syarat Screening ada yang diperbolehkan ada yang dilarang tergantung apa yang melatarbelakangi perusahaan tersebut dikeluarkan. Jika perusahaan tersebut dikeluarkan karena rasio hutang atau pendapatan non-halal lebih dari ditentukan maka harus dilihat dulu apakah perusahaan tersebut berpotensi masuk kembali ke ISSI, jika berpotensi maka hukumnya bisa diperbolehkan, namun jika perusahaan tersebut merubah bisnisnya dari semula bisnis yang halal kemudian menjadi bisnis yang haram maka berinvesatsi pada perusahaan tersebut dilarang dan investor wajib menghentikan investasinya terhadap perusahaan tersebut. ENGLISH: Investment is a means of investment from investors to companies. However, not all companies can be used as a place to invest. Therefore, the government makes a stock screening system to filter the companies that can be used as a place to invest, especially for The Muslims, and the companies incorporate to the Indonesian Sharia Stock Index (ISSI). Yet, the filtering system creates problems with investors who have invested their capital when the company that was originally included in ISSI was later excluded because it did not meet the screening requirements, and that raises questions about how the legal status of investment in the company is. This study discusses Sharia Stock Investment through the Stock Screening System Review of Az Zariah.This study aims to find out how the mechanism of Islamic securities issuance through a stock screening system and to find out how the law of investing in sharia shares through the Az-Zariah review screening system.If a company has left ISSI, whether to invest in that company must be stopped or not. This research belongs to the type of normative research or library research. The approach in this study uses a qualitative juridical analysis method, which is in the form of in-depth interpretation of legal materials as is usual normative legal research, then the analysis will be linked to the problems in this study to produce an objective study to answer the problems in this study. The results of this study indicate that investing in companies that have left the ISSI because they do not meet the Screening requirements are allowed to be banned depending on what is behind the company issued. If the company is issued because the ratio of debt or non-halal income is more than which is determined then it must be seen whether the company has the potential to re-enter the ISSI, if it is potential then the law can be allowed, but if the company changes its business from halal business then becomes a business illegitimate, investing in the company is prohibited and investors must stop their investment in the compan