79 research outputs found

    In-Sacco Degradability of Various Legume-Tree Leaves from Limestone and Non-Limestone Areas in Malang

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    ABSTRACT: This research alined to determine the dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM) and crude protein (CP) degradation in sacco of various legume tree leaves from limestone and non - limestone areas in Malang. Five samples of legume tree leaves namely leucacna, calliandra, giiriciciia, sesbania and erytheina were incubated at 0,4,8.12,16,24, and 48 hours in the rumen of three fistulated fat-tail sheep (t28,4 kg live weight, the pH of the rumen fluid 6,8 and N113 3,43 niM), Those fistulatcd animals were fed the ammoniated rice straw freely (CP 11,7%, DM intake 633,1 g) and susu PAP concentrate (CP 18,3% , DM intake 26)1,0 g). The formula that has been used to calculate the DM, OM and CI\u27 degradability at the timc "t" is expressed asap = a + b (I - cc() for t_0, the similar modified formula has been used this experiment expressed that(a\u27 + b\u27) = the potential degradability of the feed, a\u27 constant = the feeds that loss during washingb\u27 constant (a+b) a\u27c\u27 constant the degradation rate. The result of this experiment showed that the locational factor gave a bigly significant (

    Pengaruh amoniasi pith dengan urea terhadap nilai pakan dan pertambahan berat badan sapi peranakan ongole=Effect of Urea Ammoniation of Pith on Nutritive Value and Daily Weight Gain of Ongole Cattle

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    ABSTRACT This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of urea ammoniation of pith on nutritive value, dry matter consumption and its effect on daily weight gain of Ongole cattle. The level of urea were use on: 0% (TO295 (TO4% (T2)6% (Ta) on dry matter basis with 40% moisture content and 2 weeks of duration- The experiment was carried out on two studies. The first experiment was to determine the nutrient analysis of urea treated pith on proximate analysis, fibre analysis, in vitro dry matter digestibility (1VDMD) and in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD). The second experiment was to study the dry matter intake (DM)ofpith and feeding trial of pith as a part of forages source. DMI was taken on 15 milks and its was devided on 5 treatments of ammoniation treated pith 0% of urea (T& 2% of urea (Ti), 4% of urea (T2), 6% of urea (Ta) and sugar cane tops wafer (T4). Feeding trials was taken with 30 of Ongole cattles, which were devided into 5 treatments: feeding with ammonia treated pith with 0% of urea (PO, 2% of urea aid, 4% of urea (Pa), 6% (Pa) and sugar cane tops water (P4). Pith was give as a half of forage needed. Concentrate was give as 1.5 % of body weight of cattle The crude protein of fresh samples and dry samples indicated significant difference for each treatment (p key words: urea ammoniation-pith-nutritive valu

    High Glucose, But Not Testosterone, Increases Platelet Aggregation Mediated by Endothelial Cells

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    Endothelial cells inhibit platelet aggregation by releasing thromboregulators, such as prostacyclin and nitric oxide. Male subject is a traditional risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Platelet hyperreactivity has been frequently found in patient with diabetes mellitus. To examine whether testosterone and high glucose modify platelet aggregation through endothelial cells, we did an in vitro study using endothelial cells culture from human umbilical vein (HUVEC). Treatments were performed in HUVEC sub culture as either normoglucose (5.6 mM) or high glucose (22.4 mM) medium, with or without testosterone (0, 1, 10, 100 nM), for 24 hours. HUVEC were trypsinized, resuspended, and then incubated with platelet rich plasma from healthy male donors with ratio 1:104 for 3 minutes. Platelet aggregation measured by turbidimetry methode. This study showed that testosterone did not significantly influence platelet aggregation through endothelial cells in normoglucose (p = 0.144) or high glucose (p = 0.916) medium. There was no main effect of testosterone (p = 0.73) as well as no interaction between testosterone and glucose (p = 0.69), but there was a main effect of glucose (p = 0.004), to platelet aggregation through endothelial cells. In conclusion, high glucose, but not testosterone, inhibits platelet aggregation mediated by endothelial cells

    Literasi Keuangan, Sikap Keuangan dan Perilaku Keuangan dan Kinerja UMKM

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    This study aims to examine the effect of financial literacy variables, financial attitudes, and financial behavior on the performance of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Palembang city. The respondents who were involved were 115 MSMEs. The data were collected using an online questionnaire, namely google form. This research uses the validity test to test the research instrument, the reliability of the research questionnaire, and test the classical assumptions to fulfill the research regression model which is the Best Linear Unbiased Estimator. They were analyzed using Multiple regression models and research hypothesis testing was also done. The Financial literacy of MSMEs owner is moderate, while their financial attitudes and behavior are relatively good. The findings show that financial attitudes have a positive effect on the performance of MSMEs. Another finding shows that financial literacy and financial behavior have no effect on the performance of MSMEs. MSMEs owners need to develop good financial attitudes in managing their businesses so that the achievement of business performance is more optimal

    Effect of Administration of Lignocellulose-Degrading Fungi Isolated from Herbivore’s Gastrointestinal Tract for Fiber Degradation

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    Isolation and selection of lignocellulose-degrading fungi from compartment of herbivore’s gastrointestinal tract were predicted found fungi that have superiority to degrade lignin, xylan, and cellulose. Lignocellulose-degrading fungi were isolated from compartment of buffalo’s and horse’s gastrointestinal tract and  also elephant dung with malt extract agar, using cellulose, xylan, and tannic acid as selective substrate. Morphological and biochemical test had been done to get superior isolates. This study showed that lignocellulose-degrading fungi could be found in all sample of buffalo’s and horse’s gastrointestinal tract and also elephant dung. The highest number of lignin, xylan and cellulose-degrading isolates respectively were found from buffalo’s cecum (5 isolates), buffalo’s colon (19 isolates), and buffalo’s colon (326 isolates). The highest isolates activity of lignolytic, xylanolytic, and cellulolytic respectively were reached from horse’s cecum (2.38), horse's cecum (6.67), and buffalo’s colon (5.60). Meanwhile the highest enzymes activities were reached from horse’s cecum (0.166 Unit/g protein), horse’s cecum (5.037 Unit/g protein) and buffalo’s colon (2.488 Unit/g protein). From this study could be concluded that lignocellulose-degrading fungi could be found from all compartment of herbivore’s gastrointestinal tract. Based on quantitative and qualitative selection, lignolytic from horse’s cecum, xylanolytic from horse’s cecum and cellulolytic from buffalo’s colon were superior isolates and predicted as Aspergillus sp genus. Administratiton of Aspergilillus sp inoculum into rumen fluid medium elevated significantly dry matter, organic matter,  crude fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber digestibility as 4.55%; 4.45%; 6.69%; 11.65% and 8.23% respectively. (Animal Production 12(1): 21-28 (2010)Key Words : lignocellulose-degrading fungi, herbivore’s gastrointestinal tract, fiber degradation

    Desain Eksperimen Untuk Mengoptimalkan Proses Pengecoran Saluran Keluar Teko

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    The most frequently found defect in the casting process of making teapots out flue is that the outlet is too narrow or even blocked at the end of the casting process. There are many factors influence that defect. This defect condition can be represented as the thickness of the casting product. In this paper, the significant factors that influence the thickness of the out flue resulted from the casting process will be analyzed and further got their optimum conditions. Design experiments methods will be implemented here, especially the factorial design method to determine the significant factors along with their optimum conditions. Also, the response surface method will be applied to obtain the approximation model for the thickness of the out flue as a function of the factors found earlier so that the most optimal result can be obtained under a design optimization method. It is concluded from the experiments results and analysis that the significant factors for the thickness of out flue are pouring temperature, sprue radius and holding time. The optimum conditions of those factors are 475°C, 29.6 mm and 8 seconds respectively with 2.54 mm thickness

    Sintesis protein mikrobia sapi perah peranakan friesian holstein yang diberi pakan basal rumput raja, jerami jagung dan jerami padi dengan suplementasi konsentrat protein tinggi=Rumen microbial protein synthesis ofHolste

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    ABSTRACT Fifteen Dairy cattle of Holstein Crossbred heifer were used for estimating rumen microbial protein synthesis. The cattle fed by a single diet of King Grass (KG), Corn Stover (CS) or rice straw (RS) ad libitum as basal diet that was supplemented by a high protein concentrate. Microbial protein synthesis were estimated from derivatives concentration. Data obtained: microbial protein synthesis (MPS) were analyzed using analyses of variance, in split plot and completely randomized design. The means differences were analyzed by DMRT. The result of this research showed that purin derivatives concentration of cattle fed on KG, CS, and RS were 75.0767.72 and 61.88 mmol/day, respectively. The production of microbial protein synthesis values were respectively 55.79,49.43 and 44.35 gN/day and it was significantly different among diet (PO.01). The Duncan test showed that KG\u27s diet was the highest followed by CS\u27s diet and RS\u27s was the lowest. Keywords: Dairy cattle, high protein concentrate, rumen microbial protein synthesis

    Effect of Administration of Lignocellulose-Degrading Fungi Isolated From Herbivore's Gastrointestinal Tract for Fiber Degradation

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    Isolation and selection of lignocellulose-degrading fungi from compartment of herbivore's gastrointestinal tract were predicted found fungi that have superiority to degrade lignin, xylan, and cellulose. Lignocellulose-degrading fungi were isolated from compartment of buffalo's and horse's gastrointestinal tract and also elephant dung with malt extract agar, using cellulose, xylan, and tannic acid as selective substrate. Morphological and biochemical test had been done to get superior isolates. This study showed that lignocellulose-degrading fungi could be found in all sample of buffalo's and horse's gastrointestinal tract and also elephant dung. The highest number of lignin, xylan and cellulose-degrading isolates respectively were found from buffalo's cecum (5 isolates), buffalo's colon (19 isolates), and buffalo's colon (326 isolates). The highest isolates activity of lignolytic, xylanolytic, and cellulolytic respectively were reached from horse's cecum (2.38), horse's cecum (6.67), and buffalo's colon (5.60). Meanwhile the highest enzymes activities were reached from horse's cecum (0.166 Unit/g protein), horse's cecum (5.037 Unit/g protein) and buffalo's colon (2.488 Unit/g protein). From this study could be concluded that lignocellulose-degrading fungi could be found from all compartment of herbivore's gastrointestinal tract. Based on quantitative and qualitative selection, lignolytic from horse's cecum, xylanolytic from horse's cecum and cellulolytic from buffalo's colon were superior isolates and predicted as Aspergillus sp genus. Administratiton of Aspergilillus sp inoculum into rumen fluid medium elevated significantly dry matter, organic matter, crude fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber digestibility as 4.55%; 4.45%; 6.69%; 11.65% and 8.23% respectively. (Animal Production 12(1): 21-28 (2010


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian dilakukan untuk menghetahui pengaruh suplementasi minyak biji kapok (MBK) sebagai sumber asam lemak tak jenuh ganda (ALTJG) terproteksi terhadap utilitas pakan serta dampaknya pada produktivitas ternak domba lokal jawa ekor kurus (JEK). Sebagai bahan percobaan, digunakan 24 ekor domba lokal JEK jantan yang terbagi dalam 8 kelompok perlakuan, masing-masing terdiri atas 3 ekor sebagai ulangan. Melalui penelitian yang menggunakan 2 faktor perlakuan ini, dikaji pengaruh suplementasi MBK terproteksi dalam kombinasinya dengan konsentrat (K), dalam hal ini adalah bekatul (Bkt) terhadap performans ternak domba yang mendapat pakan basal berupa RL. Faktor 1 terdiri atas 2 perlakuan, yakni S1 (suplementasi MBK dengan aras 10% dan proteksi dengan aras 75%) dan S0 (tanpa suplementasi MBK). Faktor 2 berupa 4 aras pemberian konsentrat, masing-masing 0% (K0), 15% (K1), 30% (K2) dan 45% (K3) dari jumlah konsumsi bahan kering (BK) pakan. Variabel yang diukur meliputi konsumsi dan kecernaan ransum serta performans ternak domba. Data yang terkumpul diolah dengan analisis varians dalam rancangan acak lengkap (RAL), dilanjutkan uji beda nilai tengah dengan uji jarak dari Duncan. Rata-rata pertambahan bobot badan harian (PBBH) domba yang mendapat Bkt lebih tinggi (P < 0,05) daripada yang hanya mndapat RL saja (54 g pada S0K0, vs 62; 82 dan 89 g pada S0K1, S0K2 dan S0K3). Suplementasi MBK tanpa Bkt (S1K0) menghasilkan PBBH lebih tinggi (P<0,05) daripada S0K0 (60 vs 54 g). Nilai PBBH tertinggi dicapai pada S1K2, yakni 99 g dengan persentase karkas dan nisbah daging/tulang (NDT) 40,12% dan 3,60. Peningkatan Bkt lebih lanjut (S1K3) menghasilkan PBBH cenderung lebih rendah, yakni 95 g dengan persentase karkas dan NDT 40,27% dan 3,56. Suplementasi MBK terproteksi dalam kombinasinya dengan Bkt meningkatkan konsumsi BK, PBBH, persentase karkas dan NDT. Kata kunci : Minyak biji kap[ok, proteksi, bekatul, rumput lapangan, suplementasi, kecernaan, rumen, asam lemak tak jenuh ganda, performans ternak domba lokal Jawa Ekor Kuru

    Pra seminar penelitian Sriwijaya

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    Penerbitan ini merupakan hasil Pra Seminar Penelitian Sriwijaya yang telah berlangsung di Jakarta pada tanggal 7 dan 8 Desember 1978. Pra Seminar ini diselenggarakan untuk mempersiapkan bahan yang akan diajukan dalam "SPAF A (Seameo Project in Archaeology and Fine Arts) Workshop on Sriwijaya" yang akan diselenggarakan di Jakarta pada bulan Maret 1979. Pendapat-pendapat selama Pra Seminar Penelitian Sriwi1aya ini akan dituangkan dalam kertas kerja delegasi Indonesia dalam forum tersebut
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