6,335 research outputs found

    Monitoramento do Comportamento do Rio Paraguai no Pantanal Sul- Mato-Grossense 2007/2008.

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    A fim de melhor elucidar o comportamento do rio Paraguai no ano hidrológico 2007/2008 (outubro de 2007 a setembro de 2008), foi avaliada a variação da altura de sua lâmina d`água pela régua de Ladário (MS) em comparação às variações médias de 1900-2007, a partir da base de dados fornecidas pela Marinha.bitstream/CPAP-2009-09/56842/1/COT72.pd

    Fertilizaçao de liberação lenta no crescimento de mudas de paricá em viveiro.

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    A utilização da fertilização de liberação lenta (FLL) pode contribuir para a obtenção de mudas de melhor qualidade, diante de um setor habituado à utilização de fertilizantes comerciais. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar doses de FLL no crescimento de mudas de paricá e a comparar o custo na produção do uso de adubo convencional em relação ao custo com FLL. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com seis tratamentos em quatro repetições de 40 plantas, sendo um controle e os demais com adição de diferentes doses de FLL por m³ de substrato utilizado para a produção de mudas. Decorridos 81 dias da semeadura, foram analisadas as variáveis altura total, diâmetro do colo, biomassa fresca da parte aérea, biomassa seca da parte aérea, biomassa seca da raiz, biomassa seca total e dose de máxima eficiência técnica. As mudas de paricá responderam positivamente ao uso do FLL, apresentando melhores padrões nos parâmetros de interesse em doses variando de 8,65 a 12,07 kg m-3 em relação ao controle sem FLL. Os custos de aquisição foram superiores quando comparados à adubação convencional, sendo necessária uma analise econômica e silvicultural para inferir sobre a viabilidade do seu uso na produção e implantação de plantios

    Poliembrionia e potencial de obtenção de híbridos em citros.

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    A ocorrência de poliembrionia, elevada heterozigosidade e longo período pré-reprodutivo são os principais obstáculos à geração de variedades híbridas de citros. Este trabalho baseou-se em cruzamentos entre diversas variedades, verificando-se que as hibridações envolvendo a tangerineira 'Sunki da Flórida' como parental feminino possibilitaram a geração de maiores quantidades de híbridos, dando-se o contrário em relação àquelas em que os parentais femininos foram as tangerineiras 'Sunki Tropical', 'Sunki Maravilha', 'Cleópatra' e 'Dancy' e os limoeiros 'Rugoso da Flórida' e 'Cravo Santa Cruz'. Confrontando essas observações com as relativas ao grau de poliembrionia dos parentais femininos utilizados, constatou-se, de um modo geral, uma relação inversa entre o grau de poliembrionia e o número de híbridos gerados.pdf 192

    Parâmetros genéticos para características de carcaça e eficiência alimentar em bovinos da raça Guzerá.

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    Objetivou-se estimar os parâmetros genéticos para características de eficiência alimentar, consumo alimentar residual, consumo de matéria seca e de carcaça, área de olho de lombo, espessura de gordura subcutânea, espessura de gordura subcutânea na garupa (EGP8), em bovinos da raça Guzerá, bem como verificar as associações entre tais características de importância econômica.Evento online

    Hadron beam test of a scintillating fibre tracker system for elastic scattering and luminosity measurement in ATLAS

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    A scintillating fibre tracker is proposed to measure elastic proton scattering at very small angles in the ATLAS experiment at CERN. The tracker will be located in so-called Roman Pot units at a distance of 240 m on each side of the ATLAS interaction point. An initial validation of the design choices was achieved in a beam test at DESY in a relatively low energy electron beam and using slow off-the-shelf electronics. Here we report on the results from a second beam test experiment carried out at CERN, where new detector prototypes were tested in a high energy hadron beam, using the first version of the custom designed front-end electronics. The results show an adequate tracking performance under conditions which are similar to the situation at the LHC. In addition, the alignment method using so-called overlap detectors was studied and shown to have the expected precision.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to Journal of Instrumentation (JINST

    Correlation between residual feed intake and daily water intake in confined nellore bulls.

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    Identifying efficient animals is an alternative to reduce food costs and natural resources used in farming. The objective of this study was to identify the correlation between Residual Feed intake (RFI) and Daily Water Consumption (DWC) in Nellore cattle. The work was realized at Núcleo Regional of Embrapa Cerrados, in June, 2017. Were used 44 bulls, aged between 18 and 21 months and initial weight of 455 kg. The diet was given twice daily, with corn silage: concentrate of 60:40. Feed intake was obtained in the feeders of Intergado System. Daily water consumption was measured by water drinked in electronic drinking fountains coupled to the automatic scales (Intergado System TM) plus water from feed. The RFI was calculated by means of the difference between the observed dry matter intake (DMIobs) and the expected dry matter intake (DMIexp) based on live weight (LW) and average daily gain (ADG). The descriptive statistics, comparison of means by Tukey test at 5% probability and Pearson correlations for the study traits were performed using software R (version 3.3.2). Groups of high, low and mean RFI were formed with one Standar Desviation of the mean RFI. The water consumption averaged 38.9 L / day, with a standard deviation of 6.1 L / d, and a minimum value of 30.0 and a maximum of 62.2 L / day. The RFI had zero and standard deviation of 1.01 kg / d, with a minimum value of -2.38 and a maximum of 2.7. The correlation between RFI and DWC was .24, being considered of low magnitude. It was not observed differences between RFI groups, with means of 37.0, 38.8 and 42.3 L / d, respectively, to Low, Medium and High RFI Groups. We concluded that water intake was not correlated with RFI in Nellore bulls confined in the early dry season of Brazil

    Characterization of wheat genotypes for drought tolerance and water use efficiency.

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    ABSTRACT: The selection of wheat genotypes according to their drought tolerance is essential to off-season cultivation. The objective of this work was to characterize wheat genotypes through yield and components, morphological characteristics under water stress, and irrigated water use efficiency in the Cerrado region in Brazil. Genotypes were planted during the winters of 2016 and 2017 since there is no precipitation during this season and water levels can be measured. They were then submitted to four water regimes: WR1, WR2, WR3, and WR4, representing 100 %, 83 %, 50 %, and 30 % of evapotranspiration replacement. The following variables were evaluated: peduncle length (PL), number of ears m?2 (NE m?2), hectoliter weight (HW), thousand grain weight (TGW), drought resistance index (DRI), irrigated water use efficiency (IWUE) and yield. Most variables showed correlation with yield and can be a useful tool for breeding programs. PL and HW were best correlated with yield. BRS 264 (irrigated biotype) was productive in treatments receiving the greatest number of irrigation treatments. Given that WR1 registered the highest water level, it was not expected that the rainfed biotype (BR18) would show a higher yield than an irrigated biotype (BRS254). BRS404 (rainfed biotype) was the most productive under moderate stress treatment (WR3). Aliança (rainfed biotype) showed a higher yield under severe stress. Rainfed biotypes presented a higher DRI than the irrigated ones. These genotypes can be used as a reference in breeding programs under each water regime in which their performance was outstanding. None of the variables studied contributed to the selection of the most efficient wheat genotypes in the IWU


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    Melhoramento genético da videira