145 research outputs found

    'The History of Technology and the History of New Zealand'

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    The article discusses the history of technology as established in New Zealand, which has been very general. A detailed history of the development of industrial technology in New Zealand is highlighted

    'The History of Technology and the History of New Zealand'

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    The article discusses the history of technology as established in New Zealand, which has been very general. A detailed history of the development of industrial technology in New Zealand is highlighted

    John A. Lee, 1891–1982

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    John A. Lee stood squarely at the intersection between literature and politics, although it is clear that he owed his strongest allegiance to the latter. For Lee, literature was the most efficient means by which he could connect with a broad cross-section of the New Zealand public and press his social vision to both the working-classes and the middle-class supporters of the Labour party who were demanding a less radical version of the welfare state than he entertained. A producer of voluminous quantities of prose, and a noted orator, Lee came to intellectual maturity between 1914 and 1945, when New Zealand culture was confronted with the harsh realities of global conflict and political unrest, and although it would be inaccurate to suggest that he gained mastery over either of his chosen fields, he remains one of the most important literary and political figures of early twentieth-century New Zealand

    Have LEGO Products Become More Violent?

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    Although television, computer games and the Internet play an important role in the lives of children they still also play with physical toys, such as dolls, cars and LEGO bricks. The LEGO company has become the world's largest toy manufacturer. Our study investigates if the LEGO company's products have become more violent over time. First, we analyzed the frequency of weapon bricks in LEGO sets. Their use has significantly increased. Second, we empirically investigated the perceived violence in the LEGO product catalogs from the years 1978-2014. Our results show that the violence of the depicted products has increased significantly over time. The LEGO Company's products are not as innocent as they used to be

    The place of models and modelling in Digital Humanities: some reflections from a Research Software Engineering perspective

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    Il presente contributo illustra una posizione sul ruolo dei modelli e della modellizzazione nel contesto del Research Software Engineering (RSE) nelle Digital Humanities (DH). La nostra ipotesi è che all'interno del contesto nel quale opera il King’s Digital Lab, influenzato da fattori storici e di gestione manageriale, la produzione di modelli è di fatto il contributo essenziale dell'RSE all'epistemologia di DH. Tuttavia, riteniamo che quando considerate da una prospettiva di RSE olistica, che include - pur non essendo ad essa limitata – la modellizzazione empirica e predittiva, queste attività di modellizzazione non siano state studiate in modo abbastanza sistematico da supportare a pieno questa posizione. Il nostro contributo può soltanto indicare qualche idea e abbozzare un approccio che meriterebbero ricerche più approfonditeThis paper1 offers a position on the role of models and modelling in the context of Research Software Engineering (RSE) in Digital Humanities (DH). Our hypothesis is that within the context that King’s Digital Lab operates, shaped by historical and management factors, the production of models is arguably the core contribution of RSE to the epistemology of DH. However, we argue that, when analysed from a holistic RSE perspective, encompassing but not limited to empirical and predictive modelling, these modelling activities have not been studied systematically enough to support such a claim in straight-forward ways. Our contribution can only gesture at some ideas and sketch a framework that would need further research

    Promoting Diversity and Inclusivity in DH in Ireland and the UK. Fourth Discussion Paper of the UK-Ireland DH Network

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    The UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Network is an AHRC/IRC-funded project to undertake research and consultation towards the implementation of a permanent Digital Humanities association for the UK and Ireland. This is the fourth discussion paper produced by the Network, in consultation with the wider Digital Humanities community in the two countries and beyond. It summarises the findings of the fourth workshop organised by the Network, and offers recommendations based on these findings

    Capacity Enhancement in Digital Humanities in the United Kingdom and Ireland: Training and Beyond

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    This first discussion paper, produced by the UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Network in consultation with the wider Digital Humanities (DH) community in the two countries and beyond, summarises the findings of a) the first workshop organised by the network and b) the post-workshop survey and offers recommendations based on these findings
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