50 research outputs found
Performance Description Of Counselor Family Planning In The Implementation Family Planning Program In Demak District
Abstract.One of the problems in the management of family planning programs is still high unmet need. Unmet need isthe pair of fertile age who need family planning service are not met. The impact of these conditions it will be too close distance pregnancies (10 years). Total of 53 respondents to approach the formal leaders, 36 respondents collection data and mapping, 55respondents to approach informal leader, 53 respondents development of the agreement. Total of 55 respondents stabilization agreement, 34 respondents givecounseling, information and education, 48 respondents formed a grouppioneers, 57 respondents planning services . Total of 64 respondents provide information and coaching participants and38 respondents do recording, reporting and evaluation. Conclusion:for BAPERMAS in Demak District increase the number of counselor family planning,hold training for recording and reporting the latest format, continuity guidance from Ka.UPT, develop creativity counseling and proportional divison of duties
This research have a purpose to test the effect of Audit Quality, opinion shopping, debt default, company growth and company financial condition to going concern audit opinion acceptance. The sample which used in this research is Manufacture Company which registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange use of 2006-2008. The sample was taken with purposive sampling method and the result 53 companies were match and fulfill the sample criteria. Hypotheses testing was done whit logistic regression test tool from SPSS application program. The research result show that audit quality does not effect to the possibility of going concern audit opinion acceptance, opinion shopping does not effect to the possibility of going concern audit opinion acceptance, debt default have effect to the possibility of going concern audit opinion acceptance, company growth does not effect to the possibility of going concern audit opinion acceptance, and company financial condition have effect to the possibility of going concern audit opinion acceptance
Performance Description of Counselor Family Planning in the Implementation Family Planning Program in Demak District
.One of the problems in the management of family planning programs is still high unmet need. Unmet need isthe pair of fertile age who need family planning service are not met. The impact of these conditions it will be too close distance pregnancies (10 years). Total of 53 respondents to approach the formal leaders, 36 respondents collection data and mapping, 55respondents to approach informal leader, 53 respondents development of the agreement. Total of 55 respondents stabilization agreement, 34 respondents givecounseling, information and education, 48 respondents formed a grouppioneers, 57 respondents planning services . Total of 64 respondents provide information and coaching participants and38 respondents do recording, reporting and evaluation. Conclusion:for BAPERMAS in Demak District increase the number of counselor family planning,hold training for recording and reporting the latest format, continuity guidance from Ka.UPT, develop creativity counseling and proportional divison of duties
Analisis Keberlanjutan Usaha Untuk Penerapan Audit Operasional (Studi Kasus di PT. Anugrah Mitra Jaya)
Pengaruh era globalisasi yang memaksa agar indutri manufaktur agar bisa tetap berjalan sejajar sama kompotitor dalam dunia usaha yang dijalankannya perusahaan berupsaya menerapkan bermacam-macam peraturan dan strategi demi bisa berlomba-lomba. PT. Anugrah Mitra Jaya yang digunakan sebagai obyek penelitian merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak pada bidang alat kesehatan. Metode penelitian yang digonakan adalah metofe fenomenologi yang merupakan salah satu jenis metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketidak efisienan jam kerja disebabkan karna bukan adanya durasi jam operasional yang ditetapkan sehingga terjadi kendala pada bagian fakturis. Juga bukan adanya bakup data bagi file terpaut tanda terima barang didalam perusahaan akibat bentuk penyimpan file yang sedang mudah berbentuk hardcopi bisa mencetuskan masalah kehancuran dan kemusnahan, maka perlu adanya diinput didalam program agar tidak terjadi selisih barang ketika dikeluarkan
Analisis Keberlanjutan Usaha Untuk Penerapan Audit Operasional (Studi Kasus di PT. Anugrah Mitra Jaya)
Pengaruh era globalisasi yang memaksa agar indutri manufaktur agar bisa tetap berjalan sejajar sama kompotitor dalam dunia usaha yang dijalankannya perusahaan berupsaya menerapkan bermacam-macam peraturan dan strategi demi bisa berlomba-lomba. PT. Anugrah Mitra Jaya yang digunakan sebagai obyek penelitian merupakan perusahaan manufaktur yang bergerak pada bidang alat kesehatan. Metode penelitian yang digonakan adalah metofe fenomenologi yang merupakan salah satu jenis metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketidak efisienan jam kerja disebabkan karna bukan adanya durasi jam operasional yang ditetapkan sehingga terjadi kendala pada bagian fakturis. Juga bukan adanya bakup data bagi file terpaut tanda terima barang didalam perusahaan akibat bentuk penyimpan file yang sedang mudah berbentuk hardcopi bisa mencetuskan masalah kehancuran dan kemusnahan, maka perlu adanya diinput didalam program agar tidak terjadi selisih barang ketika dikeluarkan
This study aims to examine the potential for financial distress in food and beverage sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). By using the Springate (S-score) method to see how big the potential for financial distress that occurred before bankruptcy in the 2017-2020 period in food and beverage companies was. The method used in this study is a quantitative method with an associative approach. The data used in this research is secondary data and the data is collected through observation and literature study. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling technique by obtaining samples during 2017-2020. The data analysis methodology used is data analysis technique, classical assumption test, normality test, multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing and coefficient of determination test (R2).
Simultaneous test (F-count) obtained F-count value of 77.457 > F table 2.50. This value can be concluded that the ratio of working capital to total assets, the ratio of earnings before interest and taxes, the ratio of earnings before taxes to current debt and the ratio of sales to total assets have a significant effect on financial distress simultaneously. The coefficient of determination (R2) can be seen that the value of the determinant coefficient is 0.907, this shows that the dependent variable (financial distress) can simultaneously be explained by the dependent variable (that the ratio of working capital to total assets, the ratio of earnings before interest and taxes to total assets, the ratio profit before tax to current liabilities, ratio of sales to total assets) of 82.2%. During the observations, it was shown that the research data of 18 food and beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange were still in a state of financial distress
Side Effects Experience on Behavior of Pregnant Women Consuming Iron Tablets
 Background: Anemia was a disease that attracts worldwide concern and was a very big problem, especially in developing countries. The factor that caused high iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women was the low compliance of pregnant women in consuming iron tablets. Side effects in the form of nausea were the reason pregnant women did not comply with Iron tablets. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the side effects experience and the behavior of pregnant women in consuming Iron tablets. This type of research was quantitative with analytic survey and using a cross sectional approach.Methods: This type of research was quantitative with analytic survey and using a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were pregnant women in the second and third trimesters in the working area of the Puskesmas Tempuran, Magelang Regency based on the February-March 2019 cohort, totaling 177 pregnant women with a sample of 123 pregnant women, calculated using the Slovin formula. The sampling technique used Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Data analysis used Kendall tau test.Results: The results showed that most of the pregnant women who consumed Iron tablets had side effects experience caused by the behavior of pregnant women in consuming Iron tablets, mostly in the low category.Conclusion: There was a relationship between the side effects experience and the behavior of pregnant women in consuming Iron tablets. It was recommended that pregnant women consume Iron tablets regularly in accordance with the recommendations of health workers so that they can prevent anemia
This research have a purpose to test the effect of Audit Quality, opinion shopping, debt default, company growth and company financial condition to going concern audit opinion acceptance. The sample which used in this research is Manufacture Company which registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange use of 2006-2008. The sample was taken with purposive sampling method and the result 53 companies were match and fulfill the sample criteria. Hypotheses testing was done whit logistic regression test tool from SPSS application program. The research result show that audit quality does not effect to the possibility of going concern audit opinion acceptance, opinion shopping does not effect to the possibility of going concern audit opinion acceptance, debt default have effect to the possibility of going concern audit opinion acceptance, company growth does not effect to the possibility of going concern audit opinion acceptance, and company financial condition have effect to the possibility of going concern audit opinion acceptance.</p
Perbandingan Daya Antibakteri Perasan Rimpang Temu Kunci (Boesenbergia Pandurata Roxb.) Dengan Bawang Putih (Allium Sativum, L.) Terhadap Staphylococcus Aureus Secara In Vitro
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui daya antibakteri perasan rimpang temu kunci terhadap Staphylococcus aureus secara in vitro dan membandingkannya dengan perasan bawang putih. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji kepekaan metode dilusi dengan tiga kali ulangan. Bahan obat yang digunakan yaitu perasan rimpang temu kunci dan perasan bawang putih masing - masing dibuat dengan berbagai konsentrasi yaitu 0%; 0,3906%; 0,7813%; 1,5625%; 3,125%; 6,25%; 12,5%; 25%; 50%; 100% dan satu kontrol aquades. Inokulat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuman standar American Type Culture' Collection Staphylococcus aureus 25923 dan disesuaikan dengan standar Mc. Farland I. Peubah yang diamati adalah konsentrasi terendah yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan (Minimal Inhibitory Concentration) dan membunuh kuman Staphylococcus aureus (Minimal Bactericidal Concentration). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penentuan MIC pada kedua macam bahan obat tidak diperoleh hasil karena terdapat kandungan yang tidak dapat larut dalam air menyebabkan larutan menjadi keruh sehingga tidak dapat diamati. Penentuan MBC menunjukkan bahwa perasan rimpang temu kunci mempunyai MBC 3,125%, sedangkan perasan bawang putih mempunyai MBC 12,5%. Penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa perasan temu kunci mempunyai daya bunuh lebih besar daripada bawang putih terhadap Staphylococcus aureus secara in vitr
Analisis Faktor- Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana (PKB) dalam Upaya Penurunan Prevalensi Unmet Need di Kabupaten Demak Tahun 2015
Universitas Diponegoro
Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Program Studi Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat
Konsentrasi Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak
Siti Istiana
Analisis Faktor- Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana (PKB) dalam Upaya Penurunan Prevalensi Unmet Need di Kabupaten Demak Tahun 2015
xvi + 96 halaman + 22 tabel + 6 lampiran
Salah satu masalah dalam pengelolaan program KB yaitu masih tingginya angka unmet need. Unmet need yaitu pasangan usia subur (PUS) yang kebutuhan akan pelayanan KB yang tidak terpenuhi. Dampak dari kondisi tersebut terjadi jarak kehamilan yang dekat (<2 tahun) dan upaya pengguguran kandungan yang merupakan salah satu penyebab tidak langsung AKI. Tahun 2014 dari total PUS sebanyak 278.732 yang masuk golongan unmet need sebesar 22.627 atau 8,12%. Disisi lain BAPERMAS sudah melakukan sosialisasi dengan memberdayakan PKB tetapi hasil belum maksimal. Maka dari itu penelitian ini bertujuan meneliti faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja PKB.
Metode penelitian ini adalah studi kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Responden adalah PKB sejumlah 65 orang yang bertugas di Kecamatan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data secara univariat, analisi bivariat (tabulasi silang dan uji chi square), analisis multivariat dengan analisis regresi logistik.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik responden (umur yaitu 29-51 tahun, memiliki rata-rata 4 desa binaan, sebagian besar sudah memenuhi kualifikasi pendidikan tinggi (DIII/DIV/SI/S2) dan masa kerja >10 tahun). Variabel yang berhubungan adalah variabel beban kerja (p=0,022), variabel kompensasi (p=0,009), variabel kepemimpinan (p=0,001) dan variabel motivasi (p=0,032). Secara multivariat, variabel penelitian yang tidak berpengaruh adalah variabel beban kerja (p=0,303), variabel kompensasi (p=0,303), variabel motivasi (p=0,204) dan variabel kepemimpinan (p= 0,051).
Saran agar BAPERMAS menambah jumlah PKB, perlu adanya pelatihan dan pencatatan dengan format terbaru, bimbingan dari Ka.UPT KB secara berkelanjutan, mengembangkan kreativitas penyuluhan dan pembagian tugas secara proporsional.
Kata kunci : Kinerja, Unmet Need, Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana (PKB)
Kepustakaan : 62 (1984-2014)
Diponegoro University
Faculty of Public Health
Master’s Study Program in Public Health
Majoring in Maternal and Child Health
Siti Istiana
Analysis of Factors Influencing Performance of Family Planning Extension Workers in Decreasing Prevalence of Unmet Need in District of Demak in 2015
xvi + 96 pages + 22 tables + 6 appendices
One of the problems in managing a family planning program is a high rate of unmet need. Unmet need is couples of childbearing age who do not get a family planning service appropriately. This problem causes spacing pregnancies less than 2 years and abortion as an indirect cause of Infant Mortality Rate. In 2014, of the total couples of childbearing age (278,732 couples), as many as 22,627 (8.12%) were included as an unmet need group. Meanwhile, BAPERMAS had conducted socialisation by empowering family planning extension workers (FPEW) but it was not optimal. The aim of this study was to analyse factors influencing performance of FPEW.
This was a quantitative study using a cross sectional approach. Respondents were 65 FPEW working at a subdistrict. Data collection used a questionnaire. Data were analysed using methods of univariate, bivariate (Cross tabulation and Chi-Square test), and multivariate (Logistic Regression test).
The results of this research showed that respondents’ characteristics (aged 29-51 years old, had average four guided villages, graduated from higher education (DIII/DIV/SI/S2), had working period >10 years). Variables of workload (p=0.022), compensation (p=0.009), leadership (p=0.001), and motivation (p=0,032) significantly related to the performance of FPEW. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that variables of workload (p=0.303), compensation (p=0.303), motivation (p=0.204), and leadership (p= 0.051) did not influenced the performance of FPEW.
BAPERMAS needs to add number of FPEW and to conduct training and recording using a new format. Head of Technical Implementation Unit of Family Planning needs to supervise regularly, to improve creativity in conveying information, and to share jobs proportionally.
Keywords : Performance, Unmet Need, Family Planning Extension Workers
Bibliography: 62 (1984-2014