1,181 research outputs found

    Gender dalam Perspektif Islam

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    Gender is one of the fenomenal opinion that talks a lot in the world. There are many options to understand about Gender but it will difficult to combine the form of definition because some people think that the differtent between the men and the women is seen by the sex attribute. Gender is the diffeternt between the men and the women that should be understood based on the construct of society in value and act. Gender in the Islamic perspective in seeing the different between the men and the women when they can be the same to live their life by the same opportunity in their duties on domestic as well as in the public. Most important thing is understand that al-Quran an Hadis can give the explanation about the misogynic paradigm in women roles

    Sub-ballistic behavior in quantum systems with L\'evy noise

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    We investigate the quantum walk and the quantum kicked rotor in resonance subjected to noise with a L\'evy waiting time distribution. We find that both systems have a sub-ballistic wave function spreading as shown by a power-law tail of the standard deviation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui hubungan motivasi kerja dengan kualitas kerja pegawai di Unit kerja Pusat Penelitian Informatika LIPI Bandung, 2) mengetahui hubungan motivasi kerja dengan kuantitas kerja pegawai di Unit kerja Pusat Penelitian Informatika LIPI Bandung, 3) mengetahui hubungan motivasi kerja dengan penggunaan waku kerja pegawai di Unit kerja Pusat Penelitian Informatika LIPI Bandung, 4) mengetahui hubungan motivasi kerja dengan kerja sama pegawai di Unit kerja Pusat Penelitian Informatika LIPI Bandung. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah pegawai Unit Kerja Pusat penelitian Informatika LIPI Bandung. Variabel bebas dalam penelitian ini adalah motivasi kerja sedangkan variabel terikat dalam penelitian ini adalah kinerja pegawai. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan ialah deskriptif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode korelasional dan jumlah sampel 31 responden. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik korelasi Rank Spearman dengan alat bantu software komputer SPSS 17.0. Hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini sebagai berikut: 1) motivasi kerja dengan kinerja pegawai pada indikator kualitas memiliki hubungan yang positif dan signifikan dan berada pada kategori sedang, 2) motivasi kerja dengan kinerja pegawai pada indikator kuantitas memiliki hubungan yang positif dan signifikan dan berada pada kategori sedang., 3) motivasi kerja dengan kinerja pegawai pada indikator penggunaan waktu kerja memiliki hubungan yang positif dan signifikan dan berada pada kategori sedang, dan 4) motivasi kerja dengan kinerja pegawai pada indikator kerja sama memiliki hubungan yang positif dan signifikan dan berada pada ketagori kuat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini direkomendasikan sebagai dasar untuk dilakukannya penelitian lain mengenai motivasi kerja dengan kinerja pegawai pada indikator dan objek yang berbeda. Kata Kunci : Motivasi Kerja, Kinerja Pegawai The study was purposed for: 1) determine the relationship work motivation and work quality of employees in the Work Unit Informatics Research Center LIPI Bandung, 2) determine the relationship work motivation and work quantity of employees in the Work Unit Informatics Research Center LIPI Bandung, 3) determine the relationship work motivation and the use of working time employees in the Work Unit Informatics Research Center LIPI Bandung, 4) determine the relationship work motivation and coperation of employees in the Work Unit Informatics Research Center LIPI Bandung. Objects in this study were employees in the Work Unit Informatics Research Center LIPI Bandung. The independent variable is the motivation to work while the dependent variable in this study is the performance of employees. Type of research is descriptive. The method use in this study is the correlation method and number of samples of 31 respondents. Data analysis techniques used in this study is the Speraman Rank Correlation Technique with computer software tools SPSS 17.0. The findings in this study as follows: 1) work motivation with officer performance on quality indicators have a positive and significant relationship and in middle category, 2) work motivation with officer performance on quantity indicators have a positive and significant relationship and in middle category, 3) work motivation with officer performance on the use of working time indicators have a positive and significant relationship and in middle category, and 4) work motivation with officer performance on cooperation indicators have a positive and significant relationship and in strong category. Based on the the result of this study recommended as a basis for other studies done on work motivation and employee performance indicators and different object. Keywords : Work Motivation, Employee Performanc

    Affective adaptation = effective transformation? Shifting the politics of climate change adaptation and transformation from the status quo

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    Alarming rates of environmental change have catalyzed scholars to call for fundamental transformations in social-political and economic relations. Yet cautionary tales about how power and politics are constitutive of these efforts fill the literature. We show how a relational framing of adaptation and transformation demands a political, cross-scalar, and socionatural analysis to probe the affects and effects of climate change and better grasp how transformative change unfolds. We bring affect theory into conversation with the literature on adaptation politics, socio-environmental transformations, subjectivity, and our empirical work to frame our analysis around three under investigated aspects of transformation: (i) the uncertain and unpredictable relations that constitute socionatures; (ii) other ways of knowing; and (iii) the affective and emotional relations that form a basis for action. Affective adaptation represents a different ontological take on transformation by reframing the socionatural, normative and ethical aspects as relational, uncertain, and performative. This directs analytical attention to processes rather than outcomes. The emphasis on the encounter between bodies in affect theory points to the need for experiential and embodied ways of knowing climate to effect transformative change. Effective transformation requires recognizing uncertainty and unpredictability as part of transformative processes. This is not because all outcomes are acceptable, but rather because uncertainty and unpredictability are elements which help generate affects (action) and emotional commitment to shared human and more than human relations in action, projects, and policies. This article is categorized under: Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change > Values-Based Approach to Vulnerability and Adaptatio

    Cyclist support systems for future automated traffic: A review

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    Interpreting the subtleness and complexity of vulnerable road user (VRU) behaviour is still a significant challenge for automated vehicles (AVs). Solutions for facilitating safe and acceptable interactions in future automated traffic include equipping AVs and VRUs with human-machine interfaces (HMl.s), such as awareness and notification systems, and connecting road users to a network of A Vs and infrastructure. The research on these solutions, however, primarily focuses on pedestrians. There is no overview ofthe type of systems or solutions supporting cyclists in future automated traffic. The objective ofthe present study is to synthesise current literature and provide an overview ofthe state-ofthe-art support systems available to cyclists. The aim is to identify, classify, and count the types of communicative technologies, systems, and devices capable of supporting the safety of cyclists in automated traffic. The overall goal is to understand A V-cyclist interaction better, pinpoint knowledge gaps in current literature, and develop strategies for optimising safe and pleasant cycling in future traffic environments with AVs