14 research outputs found


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    The study aimed to compare the effectiveness of inclusive and segregative physical education classes for students of various medical groups, taking into account sociopsychological indicators and indicators of psychoemotional state. The study involved 1,414 schoolchildren aged 10–16 years (M=12.7, SD=1.6). Through the survey, pupils’ wellbeing, needs, motivations, and motor preferences at their leisure and physical education classes, level of situational and personal anxiety, degree of integration of the group, and motivation for success were ascertained. Data comparisons were made between schoolchildren who studied in segregated and inclusive ways of organizing physical education in schools. Attitudes towards schoolchildren’s physical education and leisure patterns make it possible to assert that an inclusive model is effective. Integrative physical education classes are less mentally traumatic, more convenient, and psychologically comfortable than segregative ones. The way physical education is organized does not affect the level of anxiety and the class’s degree of motivation in achieving success in schoolchildren’s activities. Positive changes in the integrative conditions in the mental state come with all schoolchildren, but they are most noticeable among schoolchildren with low functional reserve capabilities

    Improvement of strategic potential management system of the national transport and logistics systems

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    Improvement of strategic potential management system of the national transport and logistics systems / O. Ishchenko, N. Tubaltseva, I. Sirenko, M. Mikhailov, Y. Barabanova // Perspectives. – 2019. – No 2. – P. 102–111.Abstract: The paper defines that availability of well-developed transport and logistics infrastructure is one of the decisive dominants of transport and logistics system functioning at regional, national and international levels, which secures efficient supply, scientific-productive and social communications between economic entities. The features of management of national transport and logistics systems development programs are examined, namely maintenance and state support of competitiveness of the companies in the industry at international level; functioning of Ukrainian network in the system of international transport corridors according to generally adopted standards; European and Asian integration with Ukrainian transport systems; introduction of new principles of transportation organization and customs clearance of goods at Ukrainian state borders; securing of gradual transition to modern transport and customs standards in the sphere of transit traffic; promotion of transport infrastructure development; harmonization of legislative framework of transit traffic of goods. Based on the study of foreign experience as well as current and project documents and international commitments of Ukraine in the sphere of sustainable development, the major directions of public policy implementation in transport-logistics industry are systematized, including: directions of innovative development of transport and logistics technologies based on energy saving and environmental friendliness; development of efficient economic systems based on logistics and marketing principles; development of strategic planning; improvement of regulatory policy. The paper proves that transition of national transport-logistics systems to sustainable development model is the priority direction of strategic development and also the basic condition of realization of Ukraine’s EU integration aspirations. Conceptual foundations of sustainable development of transport systems are defined and economic, social and ecological principles of their functioning are systematized

    Використання кусково-кубічних функцій для побудови кривої типу Без’є гладкості C1

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    We have proposed and implemented a new method for constructing a spline curve of third degree, which possesses the properties of both a cubic spline and the Bezier curve. Similar to building the Bezier curves, control points are assigned, whose position affects the shape of the curve. In the proposed approach, the sections of the straight line that connect control points are tangent to the curve that is constructed. The location of touch points can be different, allowing the construction of different curves for one set of control points. A special feature of the proposed method is assigning, in abscissa of control points, some unknown spline values that are found from conditions for the continuity of the first derivatives of the curve at these points. Finding the coefficients of polynomials that make up the curve comes down to solving a system of linear equations with a three-diagonal matrix. The built curve is a piecewise-cubic function, continuous along with its first derivative throughout the entire interval. Conditions were found for any set of control points in the form of inequalities, which parameters of the curve must meet, at which the curve does exists and it is unique. These conditions follow from the requirement for a diagonal advantage of the matrix of the system for determining coefficients of the curve. A series of computational experiments were performed, which showed that the curve effectively inherits the shape assigned by control points. Similar to the Bezier curves, the proposed curve could be used in computer graphics systems and computer systems for technical design, specifically for the creation of fonts, drawings of parts, elements of transportation vehicles' bodies, etc.Исследуются кусочно-полиномиальные кривые третьей степени. Вводится последовательность точек, рассматриваемых как управляющие, а соединяющие их отрезки являются касательными к кривой. Построена система уравнений для вычисления коэффициентов кривой и найдены условия ее единственности. На примерах расчетов показано хорошие аппроксимационные свойства полученной кривой и проиллюстрирована возможность локального изменения ее формы в зависимости от параметровДосліджуються кусково-поліноміальні криві третього степеня. Вводиться послідовність точок, які розглядаються, як керуючі, а з’єднуючі їх відрізки є дотичними до кривої. Побудовано систему рівнянь для обчислення коефіцієнтів кривої та знайдено умови її єдиності. На прикладах розрахунків показано хороші апроксимаційні властивості одержаної кривої та проілюстрована можливість локальної зміни її форми в залежності від параметрі

    Strategic human capital management in the context of digitalization

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    Іrtyshcheva, I. Strategic human capital management in the context of digitalization / I. Irtyshcheva, A. Trushliakova, I. Sirenko // Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. – 2020. – Vol. 6 (5). – P. 178–183. – https://doi.org/10.30525/2256-0742/2020-6-5-178-183The purpose of the article is to improve the strategic management of human capital in the context of digitalization. In modern conditions, the development of human potential is closely linked with the spread of digital technologies, which are being implemented and rapidly evolving in all spheres of the economy and society. In this context, the effectiveness of the processes of adaptation and competitiveness of socio-economic systems in the long run depends on the development and implementation of the concept of human capital development which takes into account the impact of digitalization processes on the formation of human capital, as well as on the relevant qualitative characteristics that will best meet the needs of the national economy in the transition to a digital model of governance. Methodology. The article is based on international legal acts, laws and bylaws of Ukraine in this area of legal regulation of human capital in the context of digitalization. Both general scientific and special methodology were used for the research: methods of analysis and synthesis, method of description, method of induction, method of deduction. Results. It is proved that the state policy in the field of human capital development in Ukraine today does not meet the modern challenges associated with the rapid development and spread of digital technologies. The consequences of this are already growing disparities in the labor market, shortage of highly qualified specialists with digital competencies at the appropriate level, growing trends in emigration of intellectual capital and gene pool of the nation abroad, reduction of the "middle class" and intensification of social degradation. Solving these problems requires the development and implementation of a Unified State Strategy for Human Capital Development, which will stimulate its formation, development and effective use in the vector of transition to a new technological system, ensure economic growth and high living standards. To this end, the concept of strategic development of human capital in the context of digitalization is substantiated. It systematizes the goals, principles, strategies and tasks of the state to ensure effective processes of human potential formation and its transformation into human capital in the context of implementing the strategy of sustainable development of the national economy under the influence of digital technologies. Conclusions. The strategy of human capital development in the conditions of digital transformations is substantiated. It is a system of interrelated directions, actions and mechanisms aimed at implementing the concept of formation, motivation and use of human capital, which meets the needs of the economy and society and contributes to the competitive advantage and continuous human development in the long run

    Використання кусково-кубічних функцій для побудови кривої типу Без’є гладкості C1

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    We have proposed and implemented a new method for constructing a spline curve of third degree, which possesses the properties of both a cubic spline and the Bezier curve. Similar to building the Bezier curves, control points are assigned, whose position affects the shape of the curve. In the proposed approach, the sections of the straight line that connect control points are tangent to the curve that is constructed. The location of touch points can be different, allowing the construction of different curves for one set of control points. A special feature of the proposed method is assigning, in abscissa of control points, some unknown spline values that are found from conditions for the continuity of the first derivatives of the curve at these points. Finding the coefficients of polynomials that make up the curve comes down to solving a system of linear equations with a three-diagonal matrix. The built curve is a piecewise-cubic function, continuous along with its first derivative throughout the entire interval. Conditions were found for any set of control points in the form of inequalities, which parameters of the curve must meet, at which the curve does exists and it is unique. These conditions follow from the requirement for a diagonal advantage of the matrix of the system for determining coefficients of the curve. A series of computational experiments were performed, which showed that the curve effectively inherits the shape assigned by control points. Similar to the Bezier curves, the proposed curve could be used in computer graphics systems and computer systems for technical design, specifically for the creation of fonts, drawings of parts, elements of transportation vehicles' bodies, etc.Исследуются кусочно-полиномиальные кривые третьей степени. Вводится последовательность точек, рассматриваемых как управляющие, а соединяющие их отрезки являются касательными к кривой. Построена система уравнений для вычисления коэффициентов кривой и найдены условия ее единственности. На примерах расчетов показано хорошие аппроксимационные свойства полученной кривой и проиллюстрирована возможность локального изменения ее формы в зависимости от параметровДосліджуються кусково-поліноміальні криві третього степеня. Вводиться послідовність точок, які розглядаються, як керуючі, а з’єднуючі їх відрізки є дотичними до кривої. Побудовано систему рівнянь для обчислення коефіцієнтів кривої та знайдено умови її єдиності. На прикладах розрахунків показано хороші апроксимаційні властивості одержаної кривої та проілюстрована можливість локальної зміни її форми в залежності від параметрі

    Application of Piecewise­cubic Functions for Constructing a Bezier Type Curve of C1 Smoothness

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    We have proposed and implemented a new method for constructing a spline curve of third degree, which possesses the properties of both a cubic spline and the Bezier curve. Similar to building the Bezier curves, control points are assigned, whose position affects the shape of the curve. In the proposed approach, the sections of the straight line that connect control points are tangent to the curve that is constructed. The location of touch points can be different, allowing the construction of different curves for one set of control points. A special feature of the proposed method is assigning, in abscissa of control points, some unknown spline values that are found from conditions for the continuity of the first derivatives of the curve at these points. Finding the coefficients of polynomials that make up the curve comes down to solving a system of linear equations with a three-diagonal matrix. The built curve is a piecewise-cubic function, continuous along with its first derivative throughout the entire interval. Conditions were found for any set of control points in the form of inequalities, which parameters of the curve must meet, at which the curve does exists and it is unique. These conditions follow from the requirement for a diagonal advantage of the matrix of the system for determining coefficients of the curve. A series of computational experiments were performed, which showed that the curve effectively inherits the shape assigned by control points. Similar to the Bezier curves, the proposed curve could be used in computer graphics systems and computer systems for technical design, specifically for the creation of fonts, drawings of parts, elements of transportation vehicles' bodies, etc

    Development of socialization of the economy on the conditions of financing sports and health activities

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    The aim of the study is the impact of funding for sports and health activities on the development of socialization of the economy. Research methods used in writing the article: theoretical, correlation-regression, and statistical analysis. The results showed a particular impact between final consumer public health and GDP better, with an increase in such expenditures by UAH 1 million, GDP potential by UAH 0.0036 million. UAH The close relationship between GDP and the volume of services provided in the field of sports and health activities has been proved, with estimated GDP growth of UAH 1 million. UAH protection against the increase in services provided in the field of sports by 2.05 thousand UAH, which confirms the hypothesis of the dependence of the development of sports and cultural spheres on economic factors. It is substantiated that the very level of involvement of citizens in the field of sports and health activities is one of the health factors influencing the development of socialization of the economy

    Mechanisms to Manage the Regional Socio-Economic Development and Efficiency of the Decentralization Processes

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    The process of administrative and territorial reform in Ukraine urges most of the population to think about their future because the finalization of the reform stipulates that local governments are independent, and residents are responsible for their territories. To finish the process of administrative reform, it is necessary to efficiently use resources to achieve the ultimate decentralization objective. The paper aims to evaluate the efficiency of decentralization as an essential tool for the socio-economic development of regions. The efficiency of the reform implementation inUkrainian regions is suggested to be evaluated across the organizational-dministrative and budgetary components. The parameters of analysis of the reform implementation efficiency in the regions across the suggested components are systematized. The absence of a consistent relationship between the organizational-administrative and budgetary components is confirmed