85 research outputs found


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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Economia.A crise financeira do subprime americano iniciada em 2007 globalizou-se afetando toda a economia mundial. A falta de crédito, a queda dos investimentos e a perda da atividade econômica, sentidas inicialmente nos Estados Unidos, comprometeram a economia de todas as nações desenvolvidas e, consequentemente, abalaram a dos demais países. A evolução dessa crise financeira, que pôs em questionamento a hegemonia dos Estados Unidos e da União Europeia como condutores dos avanços políticos e estimuladores do crescimento econômico, abriu os olhos para um consolidado grupo de países emergentes com economias em forte crescimento e grandes mercados internos que, aproando para novos rumos, soube melhor driblar a crise e, assim, sentir menos o impacto das incertezas econômicas e políticas, e cujo desempenho gerou credibilidades como impulsionadores de um novo desenvolvimento. A análise econômica dos países que compõe esse grupo, denominado BRICS, Brasil, Rússia, China e Índia, e, posteriormente, África do Sul, demonstra o quanto eles vêm se destacando no cenário mundial, tanto econômica como politicamente

    Intelligent learning objects: an agent aproach to create interoperable learning objects

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    Reusing learning material is very important to design learning environments for real-life learning. The reusability of learning objects results from the product of three main features: modularity, discoverability and interoperability. We proposed learning objects built based on agent architectures, called Intelligent Learning Objects (ILO). This paper discusses how the ILO approach can be used to improve the interoperability among learning objects, learning menagement systems (LMS) and pedagogical agents.Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Improving interoperability among learning objects using FIPA agent communication framework

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    The reusability of learning material is based on three main features: modularity, discoverability and interoperability. Several researchers on Intelligent Learning Environments have proposed the use of architectures based on agent societies. Learning systems based on Multi-Agent architectures support the development of more interactive and adaptable systems and the Learning Objects approach gives reusability. We proposed an approach where learning objects are built based on agent architectures. This paper discusses how the Intelligent Learning Objects approach can be used to improve the interoperability between learning objects and pedagogical agents.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - AgentsRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Intelligent learning objects: an agent aproach to create interoperable learning objects

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    Reusing learning material is very important to design learning environments for real-life learning. The reusability of learning objects results from the product of three main features: modularity, discoverability and interoperability. We proposed learning objects built based on agent architectures, called Intelligent Learning Objects (ILO). This paper discusses how the ILO approach can be used to improve the interoperability among learning objects, learning menagement systems (LMS) and pedagogical agents.Education for the 21 st century - impact of ICT and Digital Resources ConferenceRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI


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    A proposta deste trabalho é desenvolver um personagem pedagógico animado, que é uma excelente alternativa para aumentar a comunicação e a interatividade em ambientes de ensino, prendendo a atenção e motivando o aluno. Os agentes animados são capazes de guiar estudantes em ações. Desta maneira os estudantes podem aprender de um modo mais eficiente. Considerando que eles podem contribuir com melhorias no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, este projeto busca a implementação dos mesmos no papel de um assistente integrado a um conhecido ambiente: o TelEduc

    Modelagem de Objetos Inteligentes de Aprendizagem utilizando a metodologia MaSE

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    O presente trabalho apresenta a modelagem de um Sistema Multiagente para Objetos Inteligentes de Aprendizagem utilizando a metodologia para Engenharia de Sistemas Multiagentes, denominada MaSE (Multiagent System Engineering). Estametodologia permite descrever desde uma especificação inicial do sistema até a sua implementação através da interligação entre seus diagramas

    Improving interoperability among learning objects using FIPA agent communication framework

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    The reusability of learning material is based on three main features: modularity, discoverability and interoperability. Several researchers on Intelligent Learning Environments have proposed the use of architectures based on agent societies. Learning systems based on Multi-Agent architectures support the development of more interactive and adaptable systems and the Learning Objects approach gives reusability. We proposed an approach where learning objects are built based on agent architectures. This paper discusses how the Intelligent Learning Objects approach can be used to improve the interoperability between learning objects and pedagogical agents.Applications in Artificial Intelligence - AgentsRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Webduc: Uma proposta de ferramenta de avaliação formativa no ambiente TelEduc

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    Este artigo descreve as características e funcionalidades de uma ferramenta paraavaliação formativa integrada ao ambiente de ensino a distância TelEduc, a qual foi desenvolvidacom o objetivo de auxiliar os formadores no processo de geração automática de exercícios e naaplicação dos mesmos aos alunos inscritos nos cursos, como uma forma de propiciar a estes umaauto-avaliação de seu rendimento e aprendizado. Sendo utilizado para a implementação dessaferramenta a linguagem PHP associada ao gerenciador de banco de dados MySQL e tendo-serealizado um estudo sobre os métodos de avaliação mais adequados ao ambiente em questão

    Perception Policies for Intelligent Virtual Agents

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    Agents deployed to dynamic environments, such as virtual and augmented reality,  need specific mechanisms to capture relevant features from the environment. These mechanisms enable agents to avoid process some useless information and act quickly. The primary goal of this work is to investigate the perception policies of an agent situated in a virtual environment. Perception policies allow giving more priority to sensors perceiving the changes occurring in the environment. Based on the proposed model, each sensor follows a strategy that can change its priority in the overall system. We developed two policies to change the sensors prioritization. The performance evaluation of the proposed model consists of comparing both approaches in a highly dynamic environment

    Model of Recommendation System for for Indexing and Retrieving the Learning Object based on Multiagent System

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    This paper proposes a multiagent system application model for indexing, retrieving and recommendation learning objects stored in different and heterogeneous repositories. The objects within these repositories are described by filled fields using different metadata standards. The searching mechanism covers several different learning object repositories and the same object can be described in these repositories by the use of different types of fields. Aiming to improve accuracy and coverage in terms of recovering a learning object and improve the signification of the results we propose an information retrieval model based on the multiagent system approach and an ontological model to describe the knowledge domain covered.Keywords: AI in education, multi-agent systems, learning objects, recommendation systems.