770 research outputs found

    A global desert : plague, rural knowledge, and epidemiological reasoning in the Brazilian backlands (1939–1965)

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    Funding: The funder for this chapter is Wellcome Trust (grant ID 217988/Z/19/Z) for the project “The Global War Against the Rat and the Epistemic Emergence of Zoonosis”.The backlands are a semi-arid region of Brazil, where plague became endemic from the 1930s. The chapter follows the construction of opposing explanations for plague endemicity in this region by the Chilean doctor Atilio Macchiavello in 1939–1940 and the Argentinian doctor José Maria de la Barrera in 1957–1958. To Macchiavello, the endemicity was tied to the rat–flea complex, whereas to de la Barrera, wild rodents were the real reservoir of plague from which rats became infected. The chapter argues that both experts considered that the backlands’ semi-arid characteristics explained plague endemicity, as the recurrent droughts forced contact between humans, rats, and wild rodents. Moreover, it argues that these epidemiological explanations were constructed only thanks to interactions between the foreign experts with Brazilian doctors and with backlands rural communities. By showing the backlands and their rural communities as central to produce rural disease knowledge, the chapter defuses a pervasive perception seeing this region as backward and isolated from Brazil and the rest of the world, a position that gained force after the publication of Euclides da Cunha’s 1902 book Rebellion in the Backlands

    Between deserts and jungles : the emergence and circulation of sylvatic plague (1920-1950)

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    Research leading to this article was funded by the Wellcome Trust [grant ID 217988/Z/19/Z] for the project “The Global War Against the Rat and the Epistemic Emergence of Zoonosis.”I trace the development of the concept of sylvatic plague – the first sylvatic disease – examining its invention by Ricardo Jorge to describe a global phenomenon of plague reservoirs among wild rodents, and its circulation. The concept implied a space where plague was enzootic, and relied on a division between inhabited and uninhabited spaces and between domestic rats and wild rodents. Some of the characteristics of this space varied, but it always referred to places imagined as empty of humans and rats. In 1927, it designated ambiguously deserts, in 1935, uninhabited regions in general, and in Brazil, it referred to the jungle. O artigo retraça o desenvolvimento do conceito de peste selvática, a primeira doença selvática, da utilização por Ricardo Jorge para descrever um fenômeno global de reservatórios de peste entre roedores selvagens, até sua circulação nos anos 1930 e 40. O conceito inventou um espaço onde a peste se mantinha enzoótica, dividindo entre lugares habitados e inabitados, e roedores domésticos e selvagens. Algumas características desse espaço mudaram com o tempo, mas sempre mantendo a ideia de lugares imaginados como vazios de humanos e ratos. Em 1927, o conceito designava ambiguamente desertos, em 1935, regiōes desabitadas em geral, e no Brasil, ele se referia à selva.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Introduction : the scales, subjects and politics of rural disease knowledge

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    Funding: Research leading to this chapter was funded by the Wellcome Trust [grant ID 217988/Z/ 19/ Z] for the project “The Global War Against the Rat and the Epistemic Emergence of Zoonosis”.The introduction to this book provides a heuristic periodization of the development of rural disease knowledge over the past 150 years. A first phase, situated between the 1880s and the 1920s, saw rural areas around the world – including Europe – become central to discovering pathogens, crafting scientific concepts, and testing top-down medical and hygienic interventions. A second phase, between the 1920s and the 1960s, was characterized by the discovery that certain diseases had a special ecology in rural spaces or in wild areas close to rural places, justifying sanitary actions to reinforce the borders between rural, urban, and wild spaces. Finally, a third phase emerged from the 1970s onwards. In this period, rural areas in Africa and Asia have been imagined as laying at the edge of natural viral reservoirs, where from new pathogens can spill over and eventually strike urban metropoles across the globe. This framing places rural areas at the fore of global health anxieties and pandemic preparedness techniques and policies. From this heuristic periodization, the introduction discusses the rural as a vital space for the encounter between experts and so-called non-experts. Discussing the importance of local and Indigenous knowledge, as well as the local-global dynamics of rural disease knowledge, the Introduction stresses that the rural has not simply been an object of medical research or public health intervention, but also a place where new knowledge has emerged, became negotiated, and assumed global proportions and consequences

    A oferta de crédito brasileira : uma análise do período de 2003 a 2010

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Economia, 2019

    Emerging infectious diseases and disease emergence : critical, ontological and epistemological approaches

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    Funding: Research leading to this article was funded by the Wellcome Trust [grant ID 217988/Z/19/Z] for the project “The Global War Against the Rat and the Epistemic Emergence of Zoonosis.” For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright license to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission.This paper provides an introduction to the history of the concept of “emerging infectious diseases” (EID) and reflects on how humanities and social science scholars have interacted with it. It starts with a chronological outline of the coinage of the concept in the early 1990s in the wake of the shocks provoked by Ebola and HIV/AIDS, which disrupted the idea that the West was transitioning from a period of infectious diseases to one of chronic diseases. We argue that humanities and social science scholars in disciplines such as history, anthropology, STS, and literature studies have critically explored the concept, showing how entrenched it was in the perceptions of the US and Europe about threats posed by the rest of the globe. Moreover, we explore how scholars in the humanities have used the EID concept to comment on contemporary realities and mobilized it to create dialogues with scientists, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Subsequently, we explore how the growing contemporary interest in EID has pushed historians to research the ontological and epistemological factors that enabled the “emergence” of diseases long before the invention of the EID concept, such as plague, Chagas disease, and sleeping sickness, as well as the factors that transformed these and other emerging diseases into pandemics. We conclude by outlining a few neglected factors in the EID literature that could be addressed: the circulation and reception of the concept outside of the West, the examination of EID as a problem for wild animals and not just for humans, and global histories of disease emergence as an epistemological and social process.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Microestruturas e mecanismos de deformação ao longo da zona de cisalhamento Patos

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Leonardo Evangelista LagoeiroCoorientadora: Profa. Dra. Paola Ferreira BarbosaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Terra, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geologia. Defesa : Curitiba, 20/12/2021Inclui referênciasResumo: Estudos microestruturais e texturais em milonitos quartzo-feldspáticos são fundamentais para compreender como a deformação é localizada na crosta intermediária. Contudo, estudos de tais naturezas em zonas de cisalhamento brasileiras são escassos. Dentre estas estruturas, se destaca o lineamento Patos, uma zona de cisalhamento com mais de 600 km de extensão de que deformou o embasamento paleoprotoerozóico da Província Borborema sob diferentes condições de temperatura. De modo a compreender os processos no estado sólido responsáveis por localizar e acomodar a deformação ao longo do Lineamento Patos, e o consequentemente enfraquecimento crustal promovido pelo seu desenvolvimento, milonitos quartzo-feldspáticos foram investigados por meio de microscopia óptica, microscópio eletrônico de varredura e principalmente por meio da técnica de difração de elétrons retroespalhados (EBSD). Os resultados obtidos indicam uma deformação extremamente heterogênea, caracterizada pela acomodação da deformação em zonas cada vez mais estreitas conforme a temperatura decresce durante o soerguimento das rochas afetadas pelo lineamento. Em condições de altas temperaturas (>700°C), após uma deformação predominantemente no estado magmático, camadas ricas em biotita tornam-se os domínios reológicos mais fracos, com a deformação sendo principalmente acomodada nestas camadas por meio da fluência de deslocações nos feldspatos, que registram a ativação do sistema (010)[100], e no quartzo, que registra a ativação dos sistemas Prisma- e Prisma-[c]. Sob condições de temperaturas intermediárias (550-480°C), a deformação foi principalmente acomodada pela fluência de deslocações no quartzo e no plagioclásio, e de modo restrito no feldspato potássico. O quartzo apresenta microestruturas que indicam recristalização durante a transição de migração por borda de grão para rotação de subgrão. Os principais sistemas de deslizamento ativos foram (010)[100], (010)[001] e possivelmente (011)[100] no plagioclásio, (010)[100] no feldspato potássico, e prisma- no quartzo. Recristalização do plagioclásio e mimerquitização do feldspato potássico seguido pela sua precipitação ao longo de sombras de pressão promoveram a redução do tamanho dos grãos e a formação de agregados poliminerálicos de granulação fina, que deformaram por meio de deslizamento de borda de grão assistido por fluência de deslocações ou por fluido, com a possível ativação dos sistemas (011)[1-11], (010)[100], (10-1)[111] e (1-1-1)[110], deste modo promovendo mais enfraquecimento nas rochas deformadas. Sob condições de baixas temperaturas ( e romboédrico- de modo subordinado. A expressão desta deformação nos milonitos de media a alta temperatura ao norte da borda sul ocorre na forma de delgadas zonas de cisalhamentos localizadas ao longo de descontinuidades estruturais como contato entre camadas e fraturas transgranulares. Além disso, foi sugerido que os sistemas (100)[010] no feldspato potássico e (021)[1-12] no plagioclásio reportados em trabalhos prévios podem ser fruto de interpretações errôneas.Abstract: Microstructural and textural Studies of quartzo-feldspathic mylonites are essential to understand how the strain is localized and accommodated in the midcrust. However, such studies in Brazilian shear zones are few. One of these structures is the Patos Lineament, a ~600 km long shear zone that deformed the paleoproterozoic basement of Borborema Province under different temperature conditions. In order to comprehend the solid-state processes responsible for strain localization and accommodation in the Patos shear zone, and the consequent crustal weakening promoted by its development, quartzo-feldspathic mylonites were investigated by means of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and electron backscattering diffraction technique (EBSD). The results obtained from this study point out a heterogeneous deformation characterized by the accommodation of deformation in increasingly thinner high strain zones under decreasing temperatures during uplifting. At high-temperature deformation conditions (>700°C), after magmatic-state deformation, biotite-rich layers turn into the rheologically weaker domains which accommodated strain via dislocation creep, with the activation of (010)[100] in feldspar and prism- and prism-[c] in quartz. Under mediumtemperature conditions (550-480°C), deformation was mainly accommodated by dislocation creep in the quartz and plagioclase, and in a restricted way in the Kfeldspar. The quartz display microstructures that indicate recrystallization during the transition from Grain boundary migration to subgrain rotation. The main active slip system were (010)[100], (010)[001] and possibly (011)[100] in the plagioclase, (010)[100] in the K-feldspar, and prism- in the quartz. Recrystallization of plagioclase and myrmekitization of k-feldspar followed by the precipitation by solution in strain shadows promoted grain-size reduction and formation of the fine-grained polymineralic aggregates which deformed by dislocation-accommodated or fluidassisted grain boundary sliding, with the activation of the easy slip systems (011)[1- 11], (010)[100], (10-1)[111] and (1-1-1)[110], thus favouring further strain weakening of rocks. Under low-temperature conditions ( and minor rhomb- slip systems. The low-temperature deformation in the medium- to high-temperature mylonites located at the northern block of the Patos shear zone is expressed by small-scale shear zones localized along structural discontinuities like layer contacts and transgranular fractures. Furthermore, was suggested that the slip systems (100)[010] in K-feldspar and (021)[1-12] in plagioclase reported in previous studies may be products of misinterpretation

    Análise da abordagem para consumo conspícuo da marca Rolex

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    Orientador: Prof. José Felipe Araujo de AlmeidaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Ciências EconômicasInclui referênciasResumo : Este trabalho busca demonstrar de maneira empírica o padrão de consumo de ostentação baseado na vertente institucionalista com foco na teoria da classe ociosa de Thortstain Veblen, a fim de demonstrar o padrão de consumo conspícuo com base na empresa Rolex S/A, e como ocorre este processo observando elementos históricos de como ela conseguiu status de ostentação conspícua de bens. O estudo visa mostrar a perspectiva institucionalista sobre a ideia de estilo de vida atribuído ao luxo, o que contrasta com o preço ao consumidor e a possibilidade de adquirir bens de consumo Rolex, considerando a perspectiva de comportamento individual

    Major cellular and molecular processes and clinical outcomes in bone regeneration for successful dental implantation: a systematic review

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    Introduction: In the context of bone regeneration, bone defects still represent a major challenge in oral and maxillofacial clinical and surgical treatment. The biomimetic design of biomaterials by simulating the natural structure and composition of bone tissue has gradually become a point of research interest due to its advantages of simplicity and efficiency. Objective: It was to carry out a systematic review on cellular and molecular processes, as well as to present the main clinical approaches of bone regeneration for dental implants. Methods: The present study followed a systematic review model, following the rules of systematic review – PRISMA. The search strategy was performed in the PubMed, Cochrane Library, Web of Science and Scopus, and Google Scholar databases. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results: A total of 142 articles were found. A total of 84 articles were fully evaluated and 33 were included in this study. Literary findings have shown that the lack of bone in the alveolar ridges has been a major problem in functional aesthetic recovery in patients who have suffered dentoalveolar trauma. The osteoinduction process is influenced by several factors, requiring the presence of inducers, which include β-glycerolphosphate, ascorbic acid, and dexamethasone. Mesenchymal stem cells acquire the morphology and components of osteoblastic membranes and begin to express alkaline phosphatase to deposit extracellular matrix rich in calcium and certain proteins, such as osteopontin and osteocalcin. The Bio Oss® (Geistlich) biomaterial, because it is biodegradable, biocompatible, non-toxic, and has low immunogenicity and bio stimulators, can act in the regeneration of bone tissue. Application of FRP and implant placement provides stable clinical results for severely atrophic maxilla 2-4 mm. Bovine xenograft alone and in combination with liquid FRP are both successful in achieving bone augmentation around implants and produce a small change in marginal bone level and a high implant survival rate after loading. Conclusion: Through the results of the present study, it was evidenced that the success of the dental implant is directly related to successful osseointegration

    Estudo Comparativo de Tecnologias de Desenvolvimento front-end paraWeb

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    There are several JavaScript technologies intended to assist in theconstruction of web systems user interfaces. Choose the most suitablefor a new project can be a difficult task. Three of these technologieshave gained prominence: Angular, Vue and React. All focusedon the front-end development of web applications. In order to facilitatethe process of decision making about which technology is themost suitable in a new project, this work establishes a comparativestudy of the three most used JavaScript technologies currently andto highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Thiswork adopted performance, size and support for different browsersto carry out an experimental comparative study. An applicationwas developed as a use case and replicated in each of the technologies,in order to analyze the development process and the resultsunder the same set of tests. A software to perform the tests in anautomated way was implemented to collect the performance resultsusing the Google Chrome browser. It was possible to identify whichtechnology is most suitable in each test scenario. For example, theAngular framework performed better in 8 out of 10 scenarios evaluated,despite having a longer startup time and build size of theapplication compared to React and Vue. It is estimated that Angularloads more information in the initialization process to make thestate of the application “more prepared” for user interaction

    Easy Melody: Uma plataforma para aprendizado e produ??o musical

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    A m?sica ? uma das principais formas de express?o humana, ela tem existido e acompanhado a humanidade ao longo da sua hist?ria, contudo, apesar de t?o presente na vida cotidiana, poucas s?o as pessoas que de fato sabem tocar um instrumento e compreendem as ideias e os princ?pios por tr?s da teoria musical, devido ?s dificuldades de assimila??o dos conceitos te?ricos e a sua aplica??o em contextos pr?ticos. Pensando nisso, foram levantados requisitos com o objetivo de desenvolver uma plataforma que apresentasse uma interface l?dica voltada para a aprendizagem e a experimenta??o dos conceitos musicais sem exigir habilidades motoras ou conhecimentos te?ricos profundos. Este documento apresenta as etapas do processo de desenvolvimento desta aplica??o, que contou com o apoio do produtor e professor de m?sica Cau? Beltrame e foi constru?da atrav?s do m?todo ?gil Scrum em conjunto com pr?ticas da Engenharia de Software e de conhecimentos na ?rea de desenvolvimento de sistemas voltados para Web. A partir de tudo isso foi elaborada uma plataforma que permite que os seus usu?rios construam faixas musicais com melodia, harmonia e ritmo, sem exigir os conhecimentos te?ricos anteriormente mencionados e que ainda apresenta funcionalidades extras como um pequeno gerador de melodia e a exporta??o das m?sicas em MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface), um formato amplamente usada na ind?stria de produ??o musical para registrar e armazenar m?sicas. Diante dos resultados obtidos e do feedback do cliente, este trabalho pode ser classificado como tendo sido conclu?do com sucesso por ter atingido todos os objetivos inicialmente propostos