110 research outputs found


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    Leveduras do filoplano são susceptíveis a uma grande variedade de variaçõesambientais, tais como poluição do ar urbano e industrial. Pesquisas de qualidade do arusando leveduras foliares como bioindicadores são pouco realizados no Brasil. Aoutilizar o método da queda de esporos, populações de leveduras foliares forampesquisadas a partir da filosfera de Tabebuia sp., espécie de árvores de grandepropagação em ambientes urbanos do Brasil. Dois locais da cidade de Campina Grande-PB foram selecionados, representando alto nível de poluição (Centro da cidade) e ar deboa qualidade (viveiro de plantas da UEPB), folhas das árvores foram coletadas noinverno e no verão de 2012 e 2013. Os resultados demonstraram contagens mais baixasde leveduras foliares para a área urbana indicando que estas leveduras são sensíveis aospoluentes do ar, especificamente para dióxido enxofre. A maioria das leveduras isoladaspertencia à espécie Sporobolomyces roseus, uma espécie basidiomiceto. Outrasleveduras balistosporos, colônias das quais eram tipicamente brancas, foram raramenteisolada pelo método utilizado (<5%). Os resultados podem ter validade para outras áreastropicais onde os estudos devem ser abordados ao prático uso de leveduras foliarescomo bioindicadores para monitoramento da qualidade do ar

    Intestinal intussusception associated with cloacal protusion in Trachemys scripta elegans

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    Background: Gastrointestinal dysfunction in reptiles is a common condition seen in animal medicine, and is often caused by inappropriate husbandry. The purpose of this report is to describe the case of a surgical procedure for enterectomy of the small intestines, performed as treatment for an intussusception with cloacal protrusion that occurred in a red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) kept as a pet. Case: A 20-year-old red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) was taken into medical care after the owner’s observation of a cloacal protrusion that had started 72 h previously. During physical examination the protrusion was noted as an intestinal segment of approximately 5 cm, which was not reducible. Complementary examinations, including radiography and hematological profiling, were performed and revealed no significant findings; therefore, it was decided that an exploratory celiotomy would be conducted. The patient was referred to the surgical unit for the procedure and underwent surgical anesthesia. After appropriate antisepsis of the surgical area, a plastron osteotomy was performed using a previously sterilized oscillatory saw at a 45º angulation. The celomatic membrane was subsequently incised to enable both cavity and intestinal inspection allowing observation of the intussusception in the small intestine of the animal with the intussuscept segment protruding through the cloaca. The intussusception was undone, and an enterectomy was performed to remove the unviable intestine, using intestinal resection and subsequent anastomosis with simple interrupted sutures using 4-0 nylon, followed by intestinal reposition in the cavity. The celomatic membrane was closed using continuous suture with 4-0 nylon. The plastron fragment was then repositioned with the aid of eight cerclage fixations using 2-0 stainless steel wire. It was subsequently covered in self-polymerizing resin acrylic in order to promote impermeability and to protect the surgical wound. During the recovery period, supportive treatment and analgesia and antibiotic therapy were performed. The patient’s first defecation was observed five days after the procedure, and gastrointestinal tract functions returned to normal after four weeks. In six weeks, the patient was discharged. Discussion: In this case, exploratory celiotomy was performed due to the extension of the necrotic areas of the protruded mucosa. Plastron osteotomy is generally indicated because of the possibility of wide organ exposure. During the long healing period of reptiles, a surgical wound can be a gateway for pathogens that lead to postoperative surgical complications. As such, the use of acrylic resin in the present case was to create a protective barrier that would offer more resistance and impermeability. End-to-end enterectomy, in this instance, proved to be an efficient treatment for the small intestines cloacal protrusion, just as it was for the intussusception that preceded it. The probable cause of this case of intussusception was not well defined, and reptiles kept as pets have several diseases that can affect the gastrointestinal tract. The environment temperature also strongly influences gastrointestinal tract functions, which can lead to motility decline and imbalance of the intestinal flora, followed by the production of gases and toxins by microorganisms responsible for dysfunctions. Inadequate temperature management was the suspected main cause of intussusception in this case, as the patient was kept without access to sunlight or a heating source. In conclusion, the enterectomy with subsequent anastomosis that we performed was successful in the treatment of cloacal protruded intussusception of the small intestines in this red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans)

    Rangelia vitalii infection in a dog from São Paulo city, Brazil: case report

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    Canine rangeliosis is an extravascular hemolytic disease caused by the protozoan Rangelia vitalii, which is transmitted by ticks of the species Amblyomma aureolatum. Te most common clinical signs are apathy, hyperthermia and spontaneous bleeding. Anemia and thrombocytopenia are the most common hematological fndings. Tis work reports a clinical case of canine Rangeliosis treated at a private veterinary hospital, in São Paulo city in 2017. A dog was treated at a veterinary hospital in the north of São Paulo, with progressive weight loss, apathy and tail injury. Anemia and thrombocytopenia were observed on the hemogram. Rangelia vitalii DNA was detected in animal blood by real-time PCR (qPCR). In addition to the supportive treatment, doxycycline and subcutaneous imidocarb applications were used. Te sample collected afer treatment with the antibiotic continued to present protozoal DNA. Te disease should be considered as a diferential diagnosis and there is a great need for further studies about the therapy used.A rangeliose canina é uma doença hemolítica extravascular causada pelo protozoário Rangelia vitalii, o qual é transmitido por carrapatos da espécie Amblyomma aureolatum. Os sinais clínicos mais comuns são apatia, hipertermia e sangramentos espontâneos. Os achados hematológicos mais comuns são anemia e trombocitopenia. Este trabalho teve como objetivo relatar um caso clínico de Rangeliose canina tratada em um hospital veterinário particular, na cidade de São Paulo no ano de 2017. Um cão foi atendido em um hospital veterinário da zona norte de São Paulo, com emagrecimento progressivo, apatia e lesão na cauda. No hemograma foram observadas anemia e trombocitopenia. Através da PCR em tempo real (qPCR) do sangue do animal constatou-se a presença de DNA de Rangelia vitalii. Além do tratamento de suporte, utilizou-se doxiciclina e aplicações subcutâneas de imidocarb. A amostra coletada após o tratamento com o antibiótico continuou apresentando DNA do protozoário. A enfermidade deve ser considerada como diagnóstico diferencial e há uma grande necessidade de maiores estudos acerca da terapia utilizada

    Autopsy in a neonatal intensive care unit : pathological and clinical agreement

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    To evaluate neonatal autopsy rates at a tertiary hospital in southern Brazil ascertain the level of agreement between premortem and postmortem diagnosis. Methods The authors reviewed all neonatal autopsies performed over a 10-year period and described the percentage of neonates who died and underwent autopsy. The authors tested for agreement between autopsy findings and the cause of death as defined by the neonatologist. Agreement between clinical diagnosis and autopsy findings was classified using the modified Goldman criteria. Additional findings at autopsy were grouped by organ system. Linear regression and multiple comparisons were used for statistical analyses. Results During the study period, 382 neonates died at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Consent to perform an autopsy was obtained for 73 (19.1%). The complete agreement between autopsy findings and the neonatologist's premortem diagnosis was found in 48 patients (65.8%). Additional findings were obtained at autopsy in 25 cases (34.2%). In 5 cases (6.9%), the autopsy findings contributed to subsequent genetic counseling. Seven autopsies (9.6%) revealed a diagnosis that would have changed patient management if established premortem. The autopsy rate increased by an average of 1.87% each year. Conclusion Despite a high level of agreement between clinical diagnosis and pathological findings, autopsies provided relevant data regarding the cause of death, providing additional clinical information to neonatologists and allowing genetic counseling of family members

    Associação entre a dor cervical e no ombro em relação ao estresse emocional em universitários dos cursos de saúde – FCE / Association between neck and shoulder pain in relation to emotional stress in university students of health courses - FCE

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    O estresse é um estado causado por estímulos que provocam excitação física e emocional, que ao perturbarem o equilíbrio do organismo podem gerar dores musculares na região cervical e dos ombros. A rotina acadêmica em geral é muito estressante principalmente por conta das atividades exigidas no decorrer do período letivo como provas, trabalhos, projetos, seminários, etc. Este estudo investigou as dores relacionadas ao estresse emocional e muscular na região cervical e dos ombros em estudantes dos cursos de saúde da Universidade de Brasília da Faculdade de Ceilândia. Trata-se de um estudo observacional e longitudinal, onde participaram 75 estudantes com idades entre 18 e 25 anos, no qual foram acompanhados e avaliados no início e no final do período letivo, onde supostamente os níveis de estresse estarão mais elevados. Foram utilizados os questionários semi-estruturados, o Inventário de Sintomas de Stress para Adultos de Lipp – ISSL para avaliação dos sintomas de estresse e o Diagrama de Dor Corlett e Manenica para avaliar as dores na região cervical e dos ombros. A análise estatística foi realizada através do Wilcoxon Test para comparar as variáveis de estresse na fase inicial e final do semestre. Os resultados mostraram diferenças significativas entre a amostra no início e no final do período letivo (p < 0.05) e que os estudantes em sua maioria apresentam sintomas de estresse prolongado com risco de desenvolvimento a graves problemas em sua saúde, além de frequentes dores na região cervical. O estresse excessivo causado pela intensa rotina acadêmica pode ser um fator decisivo no surgimento de dores na região cervical, comprometendo as condições de saúde física e mental dos futuros profissionais da área da saúde. Há a necessidade de propor novas alternativas no sentido de prevenção e diminuir o nível de estresse dos estudantes na sua rotina acadêmica, melhorando a sua qualidade de vida e modificando o ambiente da universidade mais saudável

    Império das competências: nada de novo no projeto do capital para a chamada educação do século XXI. A busca do antídoto para o seu próprio veneno?

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    El texto se centra en el papel del Intituto Ayrton Senna (IAS) en las políticas de formación del professorado y la introducción de habilidades socioemocionales como la creatividad y el pensamiento crítico. El análisis se basa en el materialismo histórico-dialéctico; busca ubicar al IAS como ejecutor de las políticas de la OCDE y del Foro Económico Mundial para a llamada escuela del siglo XXI adequada a las innovaciones de la revolución 4.0 y la automatización del trabajo. El texto cuestiona el significado de estas competências en la escuela, concluyendo que contribuyen al intento de control subjetivo, técnico y político del trabajador en tempos de aumento de la composición orgânica del capital.  O texto toma por objeto de análise o papel do Instituto Ayrton Senna (IAS) junto às políticas para a formação de professores e a introdução de competências socioemocionais como criatividade e pensamento crítico. Fundamenta-se no materialismo histórico-dialético, buscando localizar o IAS como executor de políticas da OCDE e do Fórum Econômico Mundial para a chamada escola do século XXI e sua adequação às inovações da revolução 4.0 e a automação do trabalho. Questiona o significado dessas competências na escola, concluindo que estas contribuem para a tentativa de controle subjetivo, técnico e político do trabalhador em tempos de aumento da composição orgânica do capital. &nbsp


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    Grassy-wood steppe formation is characterized as a fire-dependent ecosystem, however the fire regime in these areas has changed over the years. The study aimed to recover the fire history of Vila Velha State Park - PR, which houses one of the main remnants of countryside vegetation in the state, in order to assist the fire management activities in the park. Through Landsat images, there were demarcated scars resulting from the fire passage from 1997 to 2018. Subsequently, frequency maps were generated, time since last fire and fire return interval. It was observed that 56% of the park area already burned at least once in the analyzed period, nine times the maximum frequency occurred. Approximately 23.5% of the burned area has exceeded a time of 10 years since the last burn, with 22 years the maximum period observed. The predominant fire return range in the park was the “mixed range”. The southwest zone of the park was the most frequently attained, while the eastern zone concentrated areas with prolonged periods since the last fire occurrence, for which is recommended priority in the next fire management actions


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    Grassy-wood steppe formation is characterized as a fire-dependent ecosystem, however the fire regime in these areas has changed over the years. The study aimed to recover the fire history of Vila Velha State Park - PR, which houses one of the main remnants of countryside vegetation in the state, in order to assist the fire management activities in the park. Through Landsat images, there were demarcated scars resulting from the fire passage from 1997 to 2018. Subsequently, frequency maps were generated, time since last fire and fire return interval. It was observed that 56% of the park area already burned at least once in the analyzed period, nine times the maximum frequency occurred. Approximately 23.5% of the burned area has exceeded a time of 10 years since the last burn, with 22 years the maximum period observed. The predominant fire return range in the park was the “mixed range”. The southwest zone of the park was the most frequently attained, while the eastern zone concentrated areas with prolonged periods since the last fire occurrence, for which is recommended priority in the next fire management actions

    Escabiose felina no gato errante – Relato de caso / Feline scabies on wandering cat - Case Report

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    A sarna notoédrica é uma dermatose crostosa, descamativa e pruriginosa que acomete gatos causada pelo ácaro Notoedres cati. Por se tratar de uma zoonose o tratamento correto deve ser realizado com urgência. A terapia convencional é baseada no uso de medicamentos da classe das avermectinas. O presente relato descreve um caso de sarna notoédrica diagnosticada por raspado cutâneo em um gato errante na cidade de São Paulo. O animal apresentava lesões de pele na cabeça e regiões cervical dorsal e ventral. O tratamento foi realizado com 3 aplicações tópicas de selamectina (Revolution®) com intervalo de 30 dias entre as aplicações. Foi observada a cura completa, confirmada através de raspados cutâneos negativos. Esse resultado sugere a eficácia da Selamectina contra os ácaros Notoedres cati, apesar do tempo de duração do tratamento