37 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor Keberhasilan SDM Startup yang Ada di YOGYAKARTA

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    Kemajuan teknologi yang semakin pesat menyebabkan banyak startup baru muncul, banyak yang berhasil tetapi tidak sedikit yang gagal dan harus gulung tikar, berdasarkan survey dari majalah forbes 90% startup didunia gagal mengembangkan startupnya, banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi kesuksesan startup salah satunya adalah SDM, tetapi masih sedikit pelaku startup yang peduli tentang faktor SDM, oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi kesuksesan SDM startup dengan cara melakukan observasi langsung dan wawancara kepada beberapa startup yang telah berhasil mengembangkan startupnya. Hasilnya diusulkan model kesuksesan startup berdasarkan studi kasus yang dilakukan kepada empat satrtup yang ada di Yogyakarta

    A Subtitling Analysis Of Verbs And Verb Phrases In The Magic Of Belle Isle Movie

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    The research paper studies about subtitling variations of verbs and verb phrases in movie The Magic of Belle Isle. The study aims at identifying the subtitling variations of verbs and verb phrases and describing the readability of subtitling of verbs and verb phrases in The Magic of Belle Isle movie. The research paper is a descriptive qualitative research. The data are sentences containing verbs and verb phrases found in the data source which is the subtitling variations. The data sources are from The Magic of Belle Isle movie and its subtitling and the informants. The data are collected from both manuscripts by using documentation. The researcher applies comparison in analyzing the data of the study, then open questionnair and review the raters. The results of the research show that: from 562 data of subtitling variations of verbs and verb phrases; 267 data or 47,51% verb is translated into verb, 9 data or 1,6% verb into verb phrase, 6 data or 1,07% verb into noun, 2 data or 0,35% verb into adjective, 2 data or 0,35% verb into adverb, 24 data or 4,27% verb is not translated. Therefore, there are 102 data or 18,15% verb phrase is translated into verb phrase containing VP1, VP2, VP3, VP4, VP5, VP6, VP7, VP8, VP9 into VPa, VPb, VPc, VPd. 2 data or 0,35% verb phrase into noun phrase, 3 data or 0,53% verb phrase into adjective phrase, 123 data or 21,9% verb phrase into verb, 3 data or 0,53% verb phrase into noun, 3 data or 0,53% verb phrase into adjective, 3 data or 0,53% verb phrase into adverb, 8 data or 1,43% verb phrase into interjection, 5 data or 0,9% verb phrase is not translated. Moreover, the readability of subtitling is divided into two, namely; high readability level and medium readability level. In the research paper, from 562 data there are 95,19% data belong to high readability level and 4,81% data belong to medium readability level. From these percentages, it can be concluded that the subtitling variations of verbs and verb phrases in The Magic of Belle Isle movie is readabl

    The Extent of Contribution of Coso Report in Improving the Internal Control at the Industrial Companies at Amman Stock Exchange

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    This study aimed to identify the extent to which the application of principles of the report coso (Ybaih control, risk analysis, and control activities, information and communication, and monitoring) in the case of its application in Jordan - the improvement of the internal control in industrial companies listed Jordanian in Amman Financial Market, for a sample of (55) industrial company publicly listed in the Amman Stock Exchange in 2014, and to achieve the objectives of the study were designed model of the questionnaire contained the five areas and distributed to internal auditors in industrial companies. The results showed that companies that industrial corporations agree and dramatically that if the obligation to apply the principles of self coso the internal control system will improve dramatically and will be the provision of waste in production and reduce production costs , which helps in strengthening the competitive position of the company, and that the commitment to industrial companies in Jordan, the principle of the internal control environment contained within the standard coso internal control works to improve the internal control system which , as the results showed that the commitment of industrial companies in Jordan to the principle of risk assessment, internal control , and the principle activities of internal controls contained within the standard coso internal control are working to improve the system of internal control where . Keywords: Coso report, internal auditors, internal contro

    Factors Affecting the Level of Voluntary Accounting Disclosure on Annual Financial Statements: "Applied Study on Jordanian Industrial Shareholding Companies"

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    This study aimed to assess the level of voluntary disclosure in the industry sector for the Jordanian companies, and test several factors like: VT, Lev, EPS, Div, company’s age, ROE, DPS, CFFO and Company’s size represented by total assets, on the level of voluntary disclosure. To achieve this study the researcher developed a list of indicators of voluntary disclosure consisted of (30) items that applied to a sample of (56) Jordanian public shareholding industry companies which are listed on the Amman Stock Exchange in 2013. Results showed that industrial companies disclose the voluntary accounting information with a level (46%), which is a low percentage that varies among the companies, and the paper and cardboard sector is among the most disclosing industrial sectors voluntarily, for the required information for the investors and the users of financial lists. While the printing and packaging sector, is among the least disclosing industrial sectors. Results showed also that ROE is among the most effective influences on the level of voluntary disclosure , and that the level of exchange ,leverage, EPS, DPS have negative effects on the level of voluntary disclosure, and positive effects of the VT on the level of voluntary accounting disclosure. Keywords: voluntary disclosure, VT, Leverage, EPS, DPS, ROE, Industry Sector

    Chromosomal aberrations in males occupationally exposed to chemical pollutants in the gaza strip-palestine

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    Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes from Palestinian males exposed to various chemical pollutants during their daily work. Subjects and Methods: The study population consisted of 32 males (mean age 35.5 years) distributed as: 14 farmers, 3 plumbers, 5 taxi drivers, 6 paint factory workers, and 4 gas station workers, exposed to pollutants like pesticide, petrol derivatives etc. The control group consisted of 10 healthy Palestinian individuals of the same age and gender, but not exposed directly to pollutants in their jobs. Chromosomes were prepared from peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures using standard methods. The evaluation of chromosomal aberrations was performed following the IPCS (International Program Chemical Safety) guidelines for the monitoring of genotoxicity effects of carcinogens in humans. Results: A significantly higher incidence (2.14%, p< 0.05) of chromosomal aberrations (chromatid breaks, iso-chromatid breaks, chromatid deletions, and acentric fragments) were detected in lymphocyte of the study population. Interestingly, no chromosomal damage at all was recorded in the control group lymphocyte. Conclusion: These results suggest that occupational exposure to chemical pollutants is the cause of the chromosomal aberrations observed in the study population, which could be related to exposure time, since chromosomal aberrations were more frequent in workers exposed for longer times. The increased chromosomal damage detected in the study population can be attributed to the complex mixture of genotoxic compounds to which


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah kebijakan pembiayaan al-mudhrabah pada Bank Muamalat Cabang Pontianak sudah terlaksana dengan baik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dimana peneliti berusaha memecahkan masalah berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang ada pada kebijakan pembiayaan al-mudharabah di Bank Muamalat Cabang Pontianak. Hasil penelitian diperoleh antara lain peraturan pembiayaan al-mudharabah, sistem dan prosedur pembiayaan al-mudharabah dan peningkatan pembiayaan al-mudharabah pada Bank Muamalat Cabang Pontianak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dijelaskan, peneliti mengambil kesimpulan bahwa kebijakan pembiayaan al-mudharabah telah dijalakan dengan sesuai peraturan yang ada dan sistem dan prosedur telah terlaksana dengan baik sehingga pembiayaan al-mudharabah meningkat dari tahun ketahun. Kata Kunci: Analisis, kebijakan pembiayaan, almudharabah Abstract: This research aims to determine whether Al-mudharabah financing policy on Bank Muamalat branch Pontianak already performing well. The research method used is descriptive method qualitative which researchers are trying to solve the problem based on the facts that existed at Al-Mudharabah financing policy in Muamalat Bank branch Pontianak. Result were obtained among others Al-Mudharabah financing regulations, system and procedures of financing Al-Mudharabah, and the increase in financing Al-Mudrabah Muamalat Bank branch Pontianak. Based on the research that has been described, researchers concluded that of financing policy has been implemented in accordance with existing regulation and system and procedures have been performing well so Al-Mudharabah financing increased from year to year. Keywords: Analysis, Financing policy, Al-Mudharaba

    Membongkar Makna Keagamaan dalam Estetika Dekorasi: Gereja Katedral Santo Petrus di Bandung

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    This article aims to explore the symbolism contained in St Peter's Cathedral, a historic church in the city of Bandung. Designed by architect Ir. C. P. Wolf Schoemakre and blessed by Mgr Luypen, the construction of St Peter's Cathedral shows a variation of the generally gothic European architectural style, while still incorporating symbolic elements of the Catholic religion in its architectural structure. These symbols not only have a decorative function, but also contain religious values that show the spiritual majesty reflected in the architectural form of St Peter's Cathedral. To uncover the religious meanings contained, the researcher used field observation methods and rigorous interviews. This research concludes that every religious symbol in St Peter's Cathedral has a religious dimension that calls for sacred respect by its adherents. In this ever-evolving era, deep meaning is often lost in the attention to mere appearance, resulting in insensitivity to the values embedded in symbols. Hence, an in-depth examination of the richness of meaning in these symbols becomes indispensable. As such, this article offers a fundamental and in-depth analysis of the symbolism of St Peter's Cathedral, exploring the depth of spiritual meaning embedded in each of its architectural details.AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mendalami simbolisme yang terkandung dalam Gereja Katedral Santo Petrus, sebuah gereja bersejarah di kota Bandung. Dirancang oleh arsitek Ir. C. P. Wolf Schoemakre dan diberkati oleh Mgr. Luypen, konstruksi Gereja Katedral St. Peter memperlihatkan variasi dari gaya arsitektur Eropa yang umumnya gotik, sementara tetap memadukan elemen-elemen simbolis agama Katolik dalam struktur arsitekturnya. Simbol-simbol ini tidak hanya memiliki fungsi dekoratif, tetapi juga mengandung muatan nilai religius yang menunjukkan keagungan spiritual yang tercermin dalam rupa arsitektur Gereja Katedral Santo Petrus. Untuk membuka makna religius yang terkandung, peneliti menggunakan metode observasi lapangan dan wawancara yang teliti. Penelitian ini berkesimpulan bahwa setiap lambang keagamaan di Katedral St. Peter memiliki dimensi religius yang memanggil untuk dihormati secara sakral oleh para penganutnya. Dalam era yang terus berkembang ini, makna mendalam seringkali terhempas oleh perhatian pada penampilan belaka, mengakibatkan ketidakpekaan akan nilai-nilai yang tertanam dalam simbol-simbol. Oleh karena itu, sebuah telaah mendalam mengenai kekayaan makna dalam simbol-simbol tersebut menjadi sangat diperlukan. Dengan demikian, artikel ini menawarkan analisis yang mendasar serta mendalam terhadap simbolisme Gereja Katedral Santo Petrus, menggali kedalaman makna spiritual yang tersemat dalam setiap detil arsitekturnya

    Kehadiran Mamalia pada Sesapan (Salt lick) di Hutan Lindung Taratak, Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat

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    The study of mammals visitation on salt licks in protected forest of Taratak, SoutheraCoast of West Sumatra was conducted from June to September 2005 (in total 6840hours.camera). Three camera traps were deployed separately on three salt lick areas.Nine species of mammals were recorded during the study. Tapirus indicus was thespecies most often photographed (13.5%), followed by Presbytis melalophos (11.3%) andSus scrofa (9.8%). This study also records the activity of human on salt licks areas. Thenumbers of visitation of mammals on three salt licks area differed, both in the numberof species and the number of individual. The differences of mammal visitation on saltlicks were not affected by size, altitude, and distances from village. The results alsoshowed that there was time segregation when entering the salt licks area, both interrestrial mammals and primates