109 research outputs found

    Protein synthesis in etioplasts and developing chloroplasts

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    1. The aim of this work was to study the etioplasts and developing chloroplasts.The conclusions reached are interpreted in tire context of plastid autonomy and biogenesis. 2. I have shown that isolated etioplasts and developing chloroplasts use added ATP as an energy source for amino acid incorporation into protein.Developing chloroplasts isolated from leaves after a minimum of 3 hours greening in continuous white light can also use light as an energy source for protein synthesis. 3. The relationship between ATP and light as an energy source for in vitroplastid protein synthesis has been studied in plastids isolated during greening. 4. The characteristics of amino acid incorporation in rapidly isolated etioplast preparations exclude the possibility that incorporation occurs on cytoplasmic ribosomes, in whole cells,nucleior bacteria and are consistent with the known characteristics of in vitroplastid protein ssynthesis. 5. It has been shown that less than3% of the amino acid incorporation into protein in etiolate suspensions is associated with mitochondria which contaminate the preparations. 6. The conditions for optimum in corporation of amino acids into protein were order to facilitate the identification of the polypeptides synthesized. 7. The products of in vitro protein synthesis were analysed by electrophoretic separation on SDS urea polyacrylamidegels.Il 8. Using ATP as the energy source and either L-(35S) methionine, L-(3H) leucine or L-(3H) phenylalanine, as the protein precursor it has been shown that etioplasts synthesize seven major polypeptides. 9. These polypeptides electrophorese coincidentally with the products of protein synthesis in isolated chloroplasts. 10. As in chloroplasts of these polypeptides is present in a 150, 000g etioplast supernatant fraction.This product has been identified as the large subunit of Fraction I protein. Identity was established by comparing the tryptic and chymotryptic peptide map of the in vitro etioplast product labelled with L-(35 S) methionine with the tryptic and chymotryplic peptide map of authentic large subunit of Fraction I protein labelled withL-(35S) methionine in vivo. 11. The same gel pattern of seven polypeptidesis seen when plastids isolated from greening leaves are incubated with either added ATP or light as the energy source.The products of in vitro protein synthesis in developing chloroplasts also co-electrophorese with those synthesized in isolated chloroplasts. 12. The rates of synthesis of particular polypeptides are different in plastids isolated at different stages of the etioplast to chloroplast transition. 13. The results support the idea that plastid ribosomes synthesize only a small number of proteins and that the number and molecular weight of these proteins does not alter during the formation of chloroplasts from etioplasts. 14. The results are discussed in the context of plastid autonomy and biogenesis.The use of the plastid as a developmental system for studying the controls exerted upon the synthesis of particular polypeptides during differentiation is considered. Possible areas of research which might be undertaken as a result of the work described are outlined

    Virus taxonomy: the database of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV)

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    The International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) is charged with the task of developing, refining, and maintaining a universal virus taxonomy. This task encompasses the classification of virus species and higher-level taxa according to the genetic and biological properties of their members; naming virus taxa; maintaining a database detailing the currently approved taxonomy; and providing the database, supporting proposals, and other virus-related information from an open-access, public web site. The ICTV web site (http://ictv.global) provides access to the current taxonomy database in online and downloadable formats, and maintains a complete history of virus taxa back to the first release in 1971. The ICTV has also published the ICTV Report on Virus Taxonomy starting in 1971. This Report provides a comprehensive description of all virus taxa covering virus structure, genome structure, biology and phylogenetics. The ninth ICTV report, published in 2012, is available as an open-access online publication from the ICTV web site. The current, 10th report (http://ictv.global/report/), is being published online, and is replacing the previous hard-copy edition with a completely open access, continuously updated publication. No other database or resource exists that provides such a comprehensive, fully annotated compendium of information on virus taxa and taxonomy

    Amino acid changes in the spike protein of feline coronavirus correlate with systemic spread of virus from the intestine and not with feline infectious peritonitis

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    Recent evidence suggests that a mutation in the spike protein gene of feline coronavirus (FCoV), which results in an amino acid change from methionine to leucine at position 1058, may be associated with feline infectious peritonitis (FIP). Tissue and faecal samples collected post mortem from cats diagnosed with or without FIP were subjected to RNA extraction and quantitative reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) to detect FCoV RNA. In cats with FIP, 95% of tissue, and 81% of faecal samples were PCR-positive, as opposed to 22% of tissue, and 60% of faecal samples in cats without FIP. Relative FCoV copy numbers were significantly higher in the cats with FIP, both in tissues (P < 0.001) and faeces (P = 0.02). PCR-positive samples underwent pyrosequencing encompassing position 1058 of the FCoV spike protein. This identified a methionine codon at position 1058, consistent with the shedding of an enteric form of FCoV, in 77% of the faecal samples from cats with FIP, and in 100% of the samples from cats without FIP. In contrast, 91% of the tissue samples from cats with FIP and 89% from cats without FIP had a leucine codon at position 1058, consistent with a systemic form of FCoV. These results suggest that the methionine to leucine substitution at position 1058 in the FCoV spike protein is indicative of systemic spread of FCoV from the intestine, rather than a virus with the potential to cause FIP

    Functional and Genetic Analysis of Coronavirus Replicase-Transcriptase Proteins

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    The coronavirus replicase-transcriptase complex is an assembly of viral and cellular proteins that mediate the synthesis of genome and subgenome-sized mRNAs in the virus-infected cell. Here, we report a genetic and functional analysis of 19 temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of Murine hepatitis virus MHV-A59 that are unable to synthesize viral RNA when the infection is initiated and maintained at the non-permissive temperature. Both classical and biochemical complementation analysis leads us to predict that the majority of MHV-A59 ORF1a replicase gene products (non-structural proteins nsp1–nsp11) form a single complementation group (cistron1) while the replicase gene products encoded in ORF1b (non-structural proteins nsp12–nsp16) are able to function in trans and comprise at least three, and possibly five, further complementation groups (cistrons II–VI). Also, we have identified mutations in the non-structural proteins nsp 4, nsp5, nsp10, nsp12, nsp14, and nsp16 that are responsible for the ts phenotype of eight MHV-A59 mutants, which allows us to conclude that these proteins are essential for the assembly of a functional replicase-transcriptase complex. Finally, our analysis of viral RNA synthesis in ts mutant virus-infected cells allows us to discriminate three phenotypes with regard to the inability of specific mutants to synthesize viral RNA at the non-permissive temperature. Mutant LA ts6 appeared to be defective in continuing negative-strand synthesis, mutant Alb ts16 appeared to form negative strands but these were not utilized for positive-strand RNA synthesis, and mutant Alb ts22 was defective in the elongation of both positive- and negative-strand RNA. On the basis of these results, we propose a model that describes a pathway for viral RNA synthesis in MHV-A59-infected cells. Further biochemical analysis of these mutants should allow us to identify intermediates in this pathway and elucidate the precise function(s) of the viral replicase proteins involved

    Genotyping coronaviruses associated with feline infectious peritonitis

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    Feline coronavirus (FCoV) infections are endemic among cats worldwide. The majority of infections are asymptomatic or result in only mild enteric disease. However, approximately 5 % of cases develop feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), a systemic disease that is a frequent cause of death in young cats. In this study, we report the complete coding genome sequences of six FCoVs: three from faecal samples from healthy cats and three from tissue lesion samples from cats with confirmed FIP. The six samples were obtained over a period of 8 weeks at a single-site cat rescue and rehoming centre in the UK. We found amino acid differences located at 44 positions across an alignment of the six virus translatomes and, at 21 of these positions, the differences fully or partially discriminated between the genomes derived from the faecal samples and the genomes derived from the tissue lesion samples. In this study, two amino acid differences fully discriminated the two classes of genomes: these were both located in the S2 domain of the virus surface glycoprotein gene. We also identified deletions in the 3c protein ORF of genomes from two of the FIP samples. Our results support previous studies that implicate S protein mutations in the pathogenesis of FIP

    High-Resolution Analysis of Coronavirus Gene Expression by RNA Sequencing and Ribosome Profiling.

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    Members of the family Coronaviridae have the largest genomes of all RNA viruses, typically in the region of 30 kilobases. Several coronaviruses, such as Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (MERS-CoV), are of medical importance, with high mortality rates and, in the case of SARS-CoV, significant pandemic potential. Other coronaviruses, such as Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus and Avian coronavirus, are important livestock pathogens. Ribosome profiling is a technique which exploits the capacity of the translating ribosome to protect around 30 nucleotides of mRNA from ribonuclease digestion. Ribosome-protected mRNA fragments are purified, subjected to deep sequencing and mapped back to the transcriptome to give a global "snap-shot" of translation. Parallel RNA sequencing allows normalization by transcript abundance. Here we apply ribosome profiling to cells infected with Murine coronavirus, mouse hepatitis virus, strain A59 (MHV-A59), a model coronavirus in the same genus as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. The data obtained allowed us to study the kinetics of virus transcription and translation with exquisite precision. We studied the timecourse of positive and negative-sense genomic and subgenomic viral RNA production and the relative translation efficiencies of the different virus ORFs. Virus mRNAs were not found to be translated more efficiently than host mRNAs; rather, virus translation dominates host translation at later time points due to high levels of virus transcripts. Triplet phasing of the profiling data allowed precise determination of translated reading frames and revealed several translated short open reading frames upstream of, or embedded within, known virus protein-coding regions. Ribosome pause sites were identified in the virus replicase polyprotein pp1a ORF and investigated experimentally. Contrary to expectations, ribosomes were not found to pause at the ribosomal frameshift site. To our knowledge this is the first application of ribosome profiling to an RNA virus.NI was supported by a Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship (Wellcome Trust, 092334/Z/10/Z). Work in the AEF lab was funded by grants from the Wellcome Trust (088789 and 106207), the U.K. Biotechnology and Biological Research Council (BBSRC) (BB/J007072/1 and BB/J015652/1), and the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No [646891]). Work in the IB laboratory was supported by the Medical Research Council (MRC) (MR/M011747/1) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) (BB/L000334/1).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from PLOS via http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.ppat.100547

    Type I feline coronavirus spike glycoprotein fails to recognize aminopeptidase N as a functional receptor on feline cell lines

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    There are two types of feline coronaviruses that can be distinguished by serology and sequence analysis. Type I viruses, which are prevalent in the field but are difficult to isolate and propagate in cell culture, and type II viruses, which are less prevalent but replicate well in cell culture. An important determinant of coronavirus infection, in vivo and in cell culture, is the interaction of the virus surface glycoprotein with a cellular receptor. It is generally accepted that feline aminopeptidase N can act as a receptor for the attachment and entry of type II strains, and it has been proposed that the same molecule acts as a receptor for type I viruses. However, the experimental data are inconclusive. The aim of the studies reported here was to provide evidence for or against the involvement of feline aminopeptidase N as a receptor for type I feline coronaviruses. Our approach was to produce retroviral pseudotypes that bear the type I or type II feline coronavirus surface glycoprotein and to screen a range of feline cell lines for the expression of a functional receptor for attachment and entry. Our results show that type I feline coronavirus surface glycoprotein fails to recognize feline aminopeptidase N as a functional receptor on three continuous feline cell lines. This suggests that feline aminopeptidase N is not a receptor for type I feline coronaviruses. Our results also indicate that it should be possible to use retroviral pseudotypes to identify and characterize the cellular receptor for type I feline coronaviruses

    Ratification vote on taxonomic proposals to the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (2016)

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    This article lists the changes to virus taxonomy approved and ratified by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) in April 2016. Changes to virus taxonomy (the Universal Scheme of Virus Classification of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses [ICTV]) now take place annually and are the result of a multi-stage process. In accordance with the ICTV Statutes (http://​www.​ictvonline.​org/​statutes.​asp), proposals submitted to the ICTV Executive Committee (EC) undergo a review process that involves input from the ICTV Study Groups (SGs) and Subcommittees (SCs), other interested virologists, and the EC. After final approval by the EC, proposals are then presented for ratification to the full ICTV membership by publication on an ICTV web site (http://​www.​ictvonline.​org/​) followed by an electronic vote. The latest set of proposals approved by the EC was made available on the ICTV website by January 2016 (https://​talk.​ictvonline.​org/​files/​proposals/​). A list of these proposals was then emailed on 28 March 2016 to the 148 members of ICTV, namely the EC Members, Life Members, ICTV Subcommittee Members (including the SG chairs) and ICTV National Representatives. Members were then requested to vote on whether to ratify the taxonomic proposals (voting closed on 29 April 2016)

    Manipulation of the unfolded protein response: A pharmacological strategy against coronavirus infection.

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    Coronavirus infection induces the unfolded protein response (UPR), a cellular signalling pathway composed of three branches, triggered by unfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) due to high ER load. We have used RNA sequencing and ribosome profiling to investigate holistically the transcriptional and translational response to cellular infection by murine hepatitis virus (MHV), often used as a model for the Betacoronavirus genus to which the recently emerged SARS-CoV-2 also belongs. We found the UPR to be amongst the most significantly up-regulated pathways in response to MHV infection. To confirm and extend these observations, we show experimentally the induction of all three branches of the UPR in both MHV- and SARS-CoV-2-infected cells. Over-expression of the SARS-CoV-2 ORF8 or S proteins alone is itself sufficient to induce the UPR. Remarkably, pharmacological inhibition of the UPR greatly reduced the replication of both MHV and SARS-CoV-2, revealing the importance of this pathway for successful coronavirus replication. This was particularly striking when both IRE1α and ATF6 branches of the UPR were inhibited, reducing SARS-CoV-2 virion release (~1,000-fold). Together, these data highlight the UPR as a promising antiviral target to combat coronavirus infection
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