49 research outputs found

    Detection Of Haplosporidium-nelsoni (Haplosporidia, Haplosporidiidae) In Oysters By PCR Amplification

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    Haplosporidium nelsoni is a protistan pathogen of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica, and has contributed to the decline of the oyster population in the Chesapeake Bay. From comparison of the sequence data of the 16S-like rDNA of H. nelsoni with those of Minchinia teredinis and other related organisms, 2 oligonucleotides which were specific to H. nelsoni and suitable for use as PCR primers were identified. These primers amplified a 564 base pair fragment of the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene of H. nelsoni, but did not amplify genomic oyster DNA or the SSU rRNA genes of the haplosporidians Haplosporidium costale, Haplosporidium louisiana, or M. teredinis. The PCR primers were able to detect the H. nelsoni SSU rDNA from 50 ng of infected oyster genomic DNA or from 10 fg of cloned H. nelsoni SSU rDNA. The ability of the PCR primers to diagnose H. nelsoni-infected oysters was compared to the established techniques of hemolymph settlement analysis in Farley chambers and histological examination from a sample of 20 oysters. Hemolymph settlement analysis detected infection in 10 oysters and histology revealed infections in 11 oysters. PCR amplification of DNA from hemolymph initially detected infections in 15 oysters and reamplification of the PCR products detected an additional 4 infections. PCR amplification is a more sensitive diagnostic assay for H. nelsoni than traditional techniques

    Phylogenomics of Reichenowia parasitica, an Alphaproteobacterial Endosymbiont of the Freshwater Leech Placobdella parasitica

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    Although several commensal alphaproteobacteria form close relationships with plant hosts where they aid in (e.g.,) nitrogen fixation and nodulation, only a few inhabit animal hosts. Among these, Reichenowia picta, R. ornata and R. parasitica, are currently the only known mutualistic, alphaproteobacterial endosymbionts to inhabit leeches. These bacteria are harbored in the epithelial cells of the mycetomal structures of their freshwater leech hosts, Placobdella spp., and these structures have no other obvious function than housing bacterial symbionts. However, the function of the bacterial symbionts has remained unclear. Here, we focused both on exploring the genomic makeup of R. parasitica and on performing a robust phylogenetic analysis, based on more data than previous hypotheses, to test its position among related bacteria. We sequenced a combined pool of host and symbiont DNA from 36 pairs of mycetomes and performed an in silico separation of the different DNA pools through subtractive scaffolding. The bacterial contigs were compared to 50 annotated bacterial genomes and the genome of the freshwater leech Helobdella robusta using a BLASTn protocol. Further, amino acid sequences inferred from the contigs were used as queries against the 50 bacterial genomes to establish orthology. A total of 358 orthologous genes were used for the phylogenetic analyses. In part, results suggest that R. parasitica possesses genes coding for proteins related to nitrogen fixation, iron/vitamin B translocation and plasmid survival. Our results also indicate that R. parasitica interacts with its host in part by transmembrane signaling and that several of its genes show orthology across Rhizobiaceae. The phylogenetic analyses support the nesting of R. parasitica within the Rhizobiaceae, as sister to a group containing Agrobacterium and Rhizobium species

    Increased Expression of Musashi-1 Evidences Mesenchymal Repair in Maxillary Sinus Floor Elevation

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    This study aimed to analyze the expression of Musashi-1 (MSI1) in maxillary native bone and grafted bone after maxillary sinus floor elevation. To do so, fifty-seven bone biopsies from 45 participants were studied. Eighteen samples were collected from native bone while 39 were obtained 6 months after maxillary sinus grafting procedures. Musashi-1 was analyzed by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. MSI1 was detected in osteoblasts and osteocytes in 97.4% (38/39) of grafted areas. In native bone, MSI1 was detected in only 66.6% (12/18) of the biopsies, mainly in osteocytes. Detection of MSI1 was significantly higher in osteoprogenitor mesenchymal cells of grafted biopsies (p < 0.001) but minor in smooth muscle and endothelial cells; no expression was detected in adipocytes. The mesenchymal cells of the non-mineralized tissue of native bone showed very low nuclear expression of MSI1, in comparison to fusiform cells in grafted areas (0.28(0.13) vs. 2.10(0.14), respectively; p < 0.001). Additionally, the detection of MSI1 mRNA was significantly higher in biopsies from grafted areas than those from native bone (1.00(0.51) vs. 60.34(35.2), respectively; p = 0.029). Thus, our results regardig the significantly higher detection of Musashi-1 in grafted sites than in native bone reflects its importance in the remodeling/repair events that occur after maxillary sinus floor elevation in humans.This investigation was partially supported by Research Groups #CTS-138 and #CTS-1028 (Junta de Andalucía, Spain). MPM was supported by the Andalucía Talent Hub Program from the Andalusian Knowledge Agency (co-funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program, Marie SkƂodowska-Curie actions (COFUND – Grant Agreement n° 291780) and the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment of the Junta de Andalucía)

    Cellular therapies for treating pain associated with spinal cord injury

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    Spinal cord injury leads to immense disability and loss of quality of life in human with no satisfactory clinical cure. Cell-based or cell-related therapies have emerged as promising therapeutic potentials both in regeneration of spinal cord and mitigation of neuropathic pain due to spinal cord injury. This article reviews the various options and their latest developments with an update on their therapeutic potentials and clinical trialing

    Tramtrack Is Genetically Upstream of Genes Controlling Tracheal Tube Size in Drosophila

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    The Drosophila transcription factor Tramtrack (Ttk) is involved in a wide range of developmental decisions, ranging from early embryonic patterning to differentiation processes in organogenesis. Given the wide spectrum of functions and pleiotropic effects that hinder a comprehensive characterisation, many of the tissue specific functions of this transcription factor are only poorly understood. We recently discovered multiple roles of Ttk in the development of the tracheal system on the morphogenetic level. Here, we sought to identify some of the underlying genetic components that are responsible for the tracheal phenotypes of Ttk mutants. We therefore profiled gene expression changes after Ttk loss- and gain-of-function in whole embryos and cell populations enriched for tracheal cells. The analysis of the transcriptomes revealed widespread changes in gene expression. Interestingly, one of the most prominent gene classes that showed significant opposing responses to loss- and gain-of-function was annotated with functions in chitin metabolism, along with additional genes that are linked to cellular responses, which are impaired in ttk mutants. The expression changes of these genes were validated by quantitative real-time PCR and further functional analysis of these candidate genes and other genes also expected to control tracheal tube size revealed at least a partial explanation of Ttk's role in tube size regulation. The computational analysis of our tissue-specific gene expression data highlighted the sensitivity of the approach and revealed an interesting set of novel putatively tracheal genes

    Why are anopheline mosquitoes not present in the Seychelles?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Species of anopheline mosquitoes are largely distributed over emerged lands around the world and, within the tropics, few areas are without these insects, which are vectors of malaria parasites. Among the exceptions is the Seychelles archipelago in the western Indian Ocean. However, in the Aldabra island group, located in the extreme western portion of the archipelago, <it>Anopheles gambiae s.l. </it>was introduced, leading to massive proliferation and then elimination, with the most recent autochthonous malaria cases recorded in 1931.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In order to re-examine the absence of anopheline mosquitoes in the Seychelles, an entomological field survey was conducted in December 2008 at 17 sites on four granitic islands, including Mahé and Praslin, and ten sites on coralline atolls in the extreme west, including Aldabra.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No evidence of larval or adult anophelines was found at the surveyed sites, which supports their absence in the Seychelles.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In the granitic islands of the Seychelles, the climate is favourable for anophelines. However, these islands are protected by their remoteness and prevailing seasonal winds. In addition, stagnant freshwater, required in anopheline larval development, is relatively uncommon on the granitic islands because of the steep slopes. In the southwestern atolls (Aldabra and Providence-Farquhar groups), the presence of a long dry season of up to nine months and the total absence of permanent natural freshwater prevents the breeding of anophelines and their successful colonization. The Seychelles does not have any native land mammals and like in other parts of the world (Antarctica, Iceland, New Caledonia, Central Pacific islands) their absence is associated with the lack of anophelines. This suggests an obligatory relationship for anophelines to feed on terrestrial mammals, without alternative for blood-feeding sources, such as bats, birds and reptiles.</p

    Biogeography of Amazonian fishes: deconstructing river basins as biogeographic units

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    The roles of vicariance and isolation by distance in shaping biotic diversification across an ancient archipelago: evidence from a Seychelles caecilian amphibian

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    © 2020 The Authors. Published by BMC. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12862-020-01673-wBackground Island systems offer excellent opportunities for studying the evolutionary histories of species by virtue of their restricted size and easily identifiable barriers to gene flow. However, most studies investigating evolutionary patterns and processes shaping biotic diversification have focused on more recent (emergent) rather than ancient oceanic archipelagos. Here, we focus on the granitic islands of the Seychelles, which are unusual among island systems because they have been isolated for a long time and are home to a monophyletic radiation of caecilian amphibians that has been separated from its extant sister lineage for ca. 65–62 Ma. We selected the most widespread Seychelles caecilian species, Hypogeophis rostratus, to investigate intraspecific morphological and genetic (mitochondrial and nuclear) variation across the archipelago (782 samples from nine islands) to identify patterns and test processes that shaped their evolutionary history within the Seychelles. Results Overall a signal of strong geographic structuring with distinct northern- and southern-island clusters were identified across all datasets. We suggest that these distinct groups have been isolated for ca. 1.26 Ma years without subsequent migration between them. Populations from the somewhat geographically isolated island of FrĂ©gate showed contrasting relationships to other islands based on genetic and morphological data, clustering alternatively with northern-island (genetic) and southern-island (morphological) populations. Conclusions Although variation in H. rostratus across the Seychelles is explained more by isolation-by-distance than by adaptation, the genetic-morphological incongruence for affinities of FrĂ©gate H. rostratus might be caused by local adaptation over-riding the signal from their vicariant history. Our findings highlight the need of integrative approaches to investigate fine-scale geographic structuring to uncover underlying diversity and to better understand evolutionary processes on ancient, continental islands.Funding for this research was provided by two grants from the National Science Foundation (BSR 88–17453, BSR 90–24505) [funding for fieldwork and lab work], two grants from the National Geographic Society (Grants 1977: 1633, 1743) [funding for fieldwork], three grants from the University of Michigan Office of the Vice President for Research, and a Research Partnership Award from the University of Michigan to RAN [morphology work]; a joint NHM-UCL IMPACT studentship [to fund STM’s PhD, lab work and fieldwork], Mohamed Bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund [funding for fieldwork] and Systematics Research Fund [funding for fieldwork] to STM; an Institutional Development Award (IDeA) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Grant #P20GM103408 to LL [funding for lab work]; a NERC/BBSRC SynTax grant [funding for fieldwork and collaboration], and Darwin Initiative (grant 19–002) [funding for fieldwork, lab work and capacity building] with partners Bristol University, Islands Conservation Society, Seychelles Islands Foundation, Seychelles Ministry of Environment, Seychelles National Parks Authority, Seychelles Natural History Museum, University of Kent, Zoological Society of London to MW, DJG, JJD. The funding bodies played no role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript.Published onlin

    Akap200 suppresses the effects of Dv-cbl expression in the Drosophila eye

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    The Drosophila melanogaster orthologue of the c-Cbl proto-oncogene acts to downregulate signalling from receptor tyrosine kinases by enhancing endocytosis of activated receptors. Expression of an analogue of the C-terminally truncated v-Cbl oncogene, Dv-cbl, in the developing Drosophila eye conversely leads to excess signalling and disruption to the well-ordered adult compound eye. Co-expression of activated Ras with Dv-cbl leads to a severe disruption of eye development. We have used a transposon-based inducible expression system to screen for molecules that can suppress the Dv-cbl phenotype and have identified an allele that upregulates the A-kinase anchoring protein, Akap200. Overexpression of Akap200 not only suppresses the phenotype caused by Dv-cbl expression, but also the severe disruption to eye development caused by the combined expression of Dv-cbl and activated Ras. Akap200 is also endogenously expressed in the developing Drosophila eye at a level that modulates the effects of excessive signalling caused by expression of Dv-cbl

    Rbf Regulates Drosophila Spermatogenesis via Control of Somatic Stem and Progenitor Cell Fate in the Larval Testis

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    The Drosophila testis has been fundamental to understanding how stem cells interact with their endogenous microenvironment, or niche, to control organ growth in vivo. Here, we report the identification of two independent alleles for the highly conserved tumor suppressor gene, Retinoblastoma-family protein (Rbf), in a screen for testis phenotypes in X chromosome third-instar lethal alleles. Rbf mutant alleles exhibit overproliferation of spermatogonial cells, which is phenocopied by the molecularly characterized Rbf11 null allele. We demonstrate that Rbf promotes cell-cycle exit and differentiation of the somatic and germline stem cells of the testes. Intriguingly, depletion of Rbf specifically in the germline does not disrupt stem cell differentiation, rather Rbf loss of function in the somatic lineage drives overproliferation and differentiation defects in both lineages. Together our observations suggest that Rbf in the somatic lineage controls germline stem cell renewal and differentiation non-autonomously via essential roles in the microenvironment of the germline lineage